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Volume 1453 -
Tomorrow Is Yesterday
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Friday-Saturday Dec 3-4, 2004 Mike
Malloy on AAR weeknights
"I've written columns for everybody. I've been
edited, criticized. But never have I gotten
a call Sunday night that the column is not
running Monday, ...and there's no discussion.
The editor explained to me publishers have
that right, but it's never happened to me.
This sort of came like a bolt from Olympus.
The spike of the column was almost like prior restraint.
'Don't criticize Bush,
or you column won't be run.'
If the publisher has the notion that he can
do this, well, we know where things stand."
-- Jim Goldsborough who quit over
this Union-Tribune'
Vet Goldsborough Quits After Column Is Spiked
"It's illegal
to criticize your Fearless Leader"
Pair of
Major Attacks in Baghdad Kill 30
Bush is right - this country is ready to govern
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Insurgents launched two major attacks against
a mosque and a police station in Baghdad,
killing 30 people, including at least 16 police
officers, the deadliest insurgent attacks in weeks.
Zarqawi's group claimed responsibility for the
attacks. The claim, which appeared on an Islamic Web site,
could not immediately be verified. "The destructive
effect that such operations has on the morale of the
enemy inside and on its countries and people abroad
is clear," the claim said.
I wonder if the networks will report this -
or would that make Fearles Leader look bad?
Subject: Your Tip Jar
I really appreciate your sight.
I am a graduate student in religious studies
who has been keeping an eye on the rise of
the evangelicals for a couple of years, and I see
you've been doing it for much longer...
i can't really afford to spend 100.00 but I
will be able to send something occasionally
now that you have a tip jar! Keep up
the good work...
I'm sure that the liberals everywhere will continue
to find out about you...
I'm telling all my friends...cheers!
to leave a tip
Sen Ralston
Purina Resigns suddenly as UN Ambassador
He had enough of the smirking and the lying
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John Danforth, the U.S. ambassador to the United
Nations, has resigned after six months in the job.
Danforth, a moderate in a maddog conservative administration,
had expressed frustration about not
being more of an independent actor and having to
check with Washington.
Danforth began serving at the United Nations
in early July, succeeding the evil John Negroponte,
who left New York to become Bush's point man in
the theft, rape and murder of once-rich Iraq.
Please click on our advertisers
Subject: Wal-Mart
Hey Bart ,
Have you heard the Chinese government is suing
Wal-Mart for the right to have unions there?
This about a year after King George and his
posse got rid of some overtime laws......
.........let me get this straight the Chinese are
moving forward in labor relations while the US moves backward?
At least those icky gays can't marry.
Keep swinging and a shot of Chinaco to
Chinese unions
China is Bush's best friend, ...after Osama and the Saudis.
"It's a very difficult decision for these jurors
to make. Even if they think that Scott Peterson
is guilty, via reasonable doubt, given the
nature of human relationships you never know
for sure exactly
what goes on, especially in a case that's all circumstantial.
There is no smoking
gun. There is no linking evidence.
So there has to be
lingering doubt. Which
means that every juror must be thinking, yes, he probably did
-- Dr. Robi Ludwig, a Nancy Grace "guarantee-er" ...changing
her tune? Attribution
No smoking gun?
Then how did he get convicted?
No linking evidence?
And they're asking for the death penalty?
Lingering doubt?
Sounds like a hung jury or an acquittal.
This "lady" sat there, night after night, giggling and joking with Nancy
Grace, Gloria Allred, and Kimberly
Guilfoyle Newsom about the guarantee that it was impossible for
anyone but Scott to have done this murder.
The four of them giggled about Scott Peterson's sex life like first-beer
schoolgirls all year. They road this case
into fat paychecks Olson/Coulter-style, and they did it by having tons
of fun with a bloodthirsty crowd cheering.
..and now they want to kill Scott Peterson on a "probably" with
no linking evidence?
jury convicts lesbian minister
Her 'crime' was violating church law by living
with her partner
Click Here
The Rev. Irene Elizabeth Stroud could be defrocked
as a result of the ruling,
which came on the second day of her church trial.
The same 13-member jury
was set to meet Thursday afternoon to decide her
Methodist law bars "self-avowed, practicing
homosexuals" from ministry.
The jury of the sinless Bush lovers voted 12-1
to find Stroud guilty.
How dare this woman react to the feelings God gave her?
If she's "God's mistake," why is the victim being punished for it?
Does God make mistakes?
Do Methodists worship a faulty God?
When does His trial start - or do we just convict the innocent victim?
Catholic clergy get (at least) one free shot at an altar boy's rectum,
but a Methodist ...living with a consenting adult? That's
going too far!
Sidebar: Think
how confusing it must be for a foreigner to meet an American.
They have to waste time with all that bullshit small talk to find out
if you're a Bush fan
who loves invading oil countries, tearing up treaties and beating up gays
- or a normal,
Democratic American who believes in civil rights and a less intrusive federal
Subject: chicken Democrats
Why isn't Kerry using his war chest to completely
fund the voting recount efforts around the country?
I knocked on doors election night because I
was afraid for the future of our society, not for Kerry's 2008 campaign.
He walked away from this fight, and should be ashamed of
John F
P.S: I sent him an email telling him this.
Think how different America would be
if our elected Democrats gave a damn...
win in Summit County, Ohio certified
Click Here
Kerry widened his lead in Summit County, capturing
an additional 3,681 votes
when provisional ballots and absentee votes were
Overall, Kerry captured 156,578 votes in Summit
County to Bush's 118,553.
The final totals have Kerry winning 95,338 to 92,211.
Refresh my memory - why did Kerry cave in so soon?
Subject: Why do people
keep talking about getting through these times
Do they not realize that these times are not
going to simply pass and then we will be all better;
like a bad cold or a boo-boo? It still,
apparently, has not dawned on people just how bad
these "dark times" really are and that it is about
to start affecting them in a way not seen in this
country in over a hundred years.
Denial is really an amazing thing, isn't it?
Dot, good point.
It's like people are thinking things will change like fall follows the
Nothing's going to change until the Democrats get the courage to demand
a paper voting trail
For now, they're content to follow Divine Bush.
"Any election in any country must reflect the will
the people and not that of any foreign government."
--The Giggler, speaking of a country
we invaded, with a straight face Attribution
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Subject: Canada on Bush
Canada is my new favorite country.
Their demonstrators signs had clarity and truth
in than all the US mainstream mustered in four years.
"Go home you braindead asshole."
Ah, the beauty in that simple thought.
Cheers and love to Canadians from your spiritual
brethern in San Francisco!
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Fuel Chemical Found in Organic Milk
Lettuce, bottled water also have traces
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The government has found traces of a rocket
fuel chemical in organic milk in Maryland,
green leaf lettuce grown in Arizona and bottled
spring water from Texas and California.
What's not clear is the significance of the data.
Sufficient amounts of perchlorate can affect
the thyroid, potentially causing delayed
development and other problems. But EPA official
Kevin Mayer called for calm, saying
in an interview Tuesday: "Alarm is not warranted.
That is clear. This is just as harmless as
breathing the air at Ground Zero after September
Remember: Trust
your government. They'd never lie to us.
Subject: Dollar Mixed After
Touching New Lows
The dollar is down like 40% since Bush.
Now do the math: what would $45 - $50
per barrel for oil be in Clinton Dollars?
Post Disappointing Nov. Sales
No faith in Bush's economy - so how'd he get
Click Here
The nation's retailers had a disappointing
start to the holiday season, reporting sluggish sales
for November as a much hoped-for surge in Thanksgiving
weekend business failed to materialize.
The downbeat reports came from across the sector,
including Wal-Mart, Limited Brands,
Federated Department Stores and Bombay Co.
Consumers have been forced to cut spending on
clothing and other non-necessities as gasoline
prices and grocery bills rise. They're also nervous
about jobs - with consumer confidence down
in November for a fourth consecutive month.
People voted for tax cuts for the super-rich
when they elected the Bush boy on Nov 2, at least that's
the story we get from Bush, Kerry and the major
media outlets. Bush is borrowing money from the
Chinese to give to the billionaires and you and
I have to pay that loan back. Voters said they wanted
more war and fewer jobs - anything - whatever it
takes - to stop those awful gays from being happy.
...at least that's the story we get from Bush,
Kerry and the major media outlets.
Marty's Entertainment
Al Franken:
by I-need-some-publicity David Whore-owitz
.. ....
Click Here
Sites like Public Eye, NameBase, MediaTransparnecy,
People for the American Way and the Southern Poverty
Law Center store up distortions like Franken's
and keep the witch-hunt going. This version of the McCarthy
blacklist could be Franken's source. Their métier
is spinning policy differences into questions of character and
basic human decency. Their side is the side of
reason and virtue, ours that of venality and sin. No matter.
My answer to Al Franken is this: I am going to
post your photograph on FrontPageMag.com, which is viewed
by a million visitors monthly. The photo will be
identified with these words: "Al Franken,: Racist."
The photo will be prominently posted until you
apologize to me publicly for this attack. When you have made
an apology, I will disclose my evidence for characterizing
you as a racist or withdraw the charge."
Check out this sick bastard.
"I'm going to make a no-proof claim and demand you
apologize for a crime not stated.
Once you apologize for the crime not
stated, I will then show you my evidence."
That's extra-stupid - even for a fucktard like Horowitz.
Saw it at evilgopbastards.com
Subject: Bush's tax cut
On Friday, Microsoft is paying a $3.00 a share
Gates has over a billion shares, that's over 3
billion in dividend income,
taxed at 15%, instead of 35% or whatever the top
income tax bracket used to be.
That's over 2 billion in lost revenue for the
Federal government,
and the tax cut was for the middle class?
....yeah and I've got a bridge to sell you.
Jim R
Jim, we can't forget previous Bush gifts to Bill Gates.
Over seven billions dollars...and who did Gates hire?
because he's too cheap to pay medical benefits.
Gates took our $9 billion and
added it to his empire - thanks to Bush.
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BBC hoaxed
on Dow Bhopal responsibility story
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The BBC has issued a retraction of an interview
aired on BBC World this morning, which showed
a bogus Dow Chemical spokesperson taking responsibility
for the Bhopal gas tragedy and promising
huge compensation to victims. The spokesperson,
supposedly from the company's Paris office, claimed
that Dow was finally accepting "full responsibility" for
the 1984 gas tragedy that took place at its subsidiary,
Union Carbide's plant in the Indian state of Bhopal.
"Today I am very, very happy to announce that today,
for the first time Dow is accepting full responsibility
for the Bhopal catastrophe this is a momentous
occasion," said the person, whom BBC World identified
in its report as Dow spokesperson Jude Finisterra.
They should've known this guy was bogus.
Dow Chemical is just like our Fearless Leader - incapable of making a mistake,
so any apology on their part
would have to be a hoax. The 15,000 people who have died from the world's
worst industrial disaster were
"brown people," so Dow feels they are under no obligation to compensate "those
people" for the loss of life.
Isn't it great to be the world's only superpower?
We can (an do) tell everyone to fuck off.
Lucky for India they don't have oil...
Subject: the military draft
My 19 year old son had a friend who just joined
the Army after the recruiter told him
he would go through basic, Special Ops training
and then he'd be training others in Special Ops.
My son told him to see "Farenheit 9/11" to get
the truth on how these recruiters work and his bud
said it doesn't really matter - the recruiter
told him that the first of the year the draft would be
reinstated and he'd be better off enlisting now. Can
they get away with telling these boys this?
Heather, I think I remember a recent story where a court ruled that
military recruiters are under
no obligation to tell the truth when
trying to persuade easily-fooled teenagers to sign up.
"American torture - this feels as strange as though
I'd suddenly become Chinese or found Castro in the refrigerator...
The first requirement here is that we look at
what we are doing -- and not blink, not use euphemisms. Despite the
Red Cross' polite language, this is not "tantamount
to torture." It's
torture. It is not "detainee abuse."
torture. If they were doing
it to you, you would know it was torture...In the name of Jesus Christ Almighty,
why are people representing our government,
paid by us, writing filth on the Korans of helpless prisoners?
Is this American? Is it Christian? What
are our moral values? Where are the clergymen on this? Speak out, speak up."
--Molly Ivins, "The
problem of American torture",
Molly, you can't expect the helpless, pitifull democrats to speak up
- they're too scared of Karl Rove.
Our best is is moderate Republicans - at least they know how to fight.
Subject: Stephen King
Did you see him on Jon Stewart?
Sidebar: The
Shining is Mrs Bart's fave movie of all time. She watches it like crazy.
Sometimes I'll run to the store for bread and when
I get home - there's Jack with the ax.
I was expecting an old man with bad knees and craggy joints who walks
just like me :)
I knew he was hurt in that accident a while back, but you couldn't tell
it from his Daily Show appearance.
He looked like a high school kid out there.
I also like his apparent swipe at Bush - he held up a Red Sox, "I'm
an idiot, too" sign
and he said something like, "I waved it at election
Go, Steve!

Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
"Fallujah is going to be right up there among the
most successful battles in Iraq.
It's where the rubber meets the road. That is where
our heroes did their best.''
Maj. Tom Davis, 45, of St. Cloud, Minn.
1244, 1252, 1255,
1263, dead heroes so far.
They got 8 since
The bad news?
Exxon-Mobile stock had not doubled yet from this war.
C'mon boys, can't you try a little harder?
"What has happened to Falluja is a horror beyond
anything imaginable...
We cannot ever call this city home again."
Kubaysi, "Falluja 'a horror' after U.S.-led
offensive" Attribution
Randi Rhodes said Thursday that she's heard that up to 2,500 bodies
lay in the streets of Fallujah.
Can you imagine what 2,500 rotting corpses looks and smells like?
I give a flying hot-damn.
I make $100M
a day from this quagmire,
and America
just said, 'Good job, George!' "
I need to talk to Keith at Apple, the dude who helped us with Tommy
Mack's computer.
The puter is acting like Linda Blair with PMS so we're hoping to hear from
you :)
Keith Urgent
"As for what's going on in Iraq right now, as always,
it's a mixed message."
--Tom Brokaw, farewell telecast,
whoring for Bush like a good toady Attribution
Hey Tom, if 2,500 rotting corpses in the streets is a "mixed message,"
what does bad news look like?
Subject: 'proud warrior' photo
What the hell is Rather blathering about? Miller
has battle fatigue.
He'd be in a comatose-like slumber if his world
wasn't filled with kill-or-be-killed.
How can we want to put our children, fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters, aunts
and uncles through this? What is wrong with us?
Amy R
Amy, we voted for more of
this, remember?
At least, that's what Bush, Kerry and the networks tell us.
This man doesn't look like a proud warrior, scanning
the horizon for danger -- he looks
like a man who is completely numb, with a vacant
look of despair on his face.
How is it that people view this man's face and
see something positive?
It is beyond belief!
Andrew, I think vacant and numb are the perfect words for that photo.
Bush has done that to thousands of our bravest soldiers - for reasons he
keeps changing.
St Jude's
Catching something fatal as a kid's gotta suck.
U2's 'Atomic
Bomb' blows away rivals
840,000 copies not too shabby for old guys
Click Here
Lenny has
prostate cancer
Full recovery is expected for wisecracking TV cop
Click Here
One of my all time favorite lines:
Someone asked, "Did the husband had a motive for
and Lenny replied, "He was married to her."
Black Texas
Woman About to Be Executed Wins Rare Reprieve
How is this possible? Was I wrong about him? Does Giggle
Monkey have a heart?
Oh, ...that's right - he's no longer the Texas governor anymore
Click Here
FDA Advisers
Vote Against Female Sex Drug
Viagra, our top selling drug - but wives can do without? Who
are they screwing?
Click Here
Calif. Diocese
Settles Clergy Abuse Cases
This settlement to be bigger than Boston's $85 million
Click Here
The O. C. diocese reached a settlement with 87
victims of clergy abuse.
A participant in the settlement negotiations told
The AP that the final sum
would exceed the record $85 million paid to 552
plaintiffs in Boston in 2003.
"I want to take this opportunity to again extend on
behalf of the Diocese of Orange
and myself a sincere apology, a request for forgiveness,
and a heartfelt hope for
reconciliation and healing," said Bishop Tod D.
Brown in a statement.
Brown said the settlement would "fairly compensate
the victims in a way that allows
our church to continue its ministry." the
child raping they've been doing for centuries.
Three thoughts:
552 Boston victims
split $85M, and the 87 O.C. victims are spiltting more than that?
Sounds like the Boston victims got screwed
again. Where is the justice?
Clinton semi-dallied
with an adult woman and they crucified him,
but these priests
can write a check have
their parish write a check and continue their crime spree against kids?
Too bad the networks, the special
prosecutors and the cable Nazis don't use the same zeal to
go after real criminals
that they used when they went after a man who semi-cheated on his wife.
Funny how the priests don't even have
to agree to stop their child rapes.
The bishops continue to protect raping priests and that,
my friends, is organized
The Subject is: bipartisanship
Click Here
It needed its own page
Subject: Who really gets
the oil
(gratuitous and inaccurate personal insult)
There is no BFEE and they and Halliburton don't
get a drop of oil.
ha ha
Tell me, in your parallel universe, did we invade
Halliburton is an oil field services company -
that's why they're in charge of laundry,
food distribution and long distance phone service
in Iraq, is that what you're saying?
Tell you what the fuck is going on.
Your buddies and the fucking UN have taken billions
of dollars of oil and given it to
Saddam Hussein, France, Germany, Russia, Kofi Annan,
Cujo Annan and the FOA (Friends Of Annan).
That's who got the oil. Why don't you talk
about that for a change? Tell the fucking truth for a change you bastard.
The allegation is that Annan's son got $150 thousand,
one time, in
the past.
This is absolutely outrageous to the right-wing "war
is great" Republicans.
Bush is stealing $100
million per day, right
now, and the right-wing
"war is great" Republicans are willing to overlook
that to chase after Annan's kid?
You are going to look like the dumb fuck you are
when it comes out the only ones profiting from the war are your friends.
I believe that to be a true statement.
When that "fact" is proven, that Bush and his
evil crime empire made no profit from the war that he started
for no reason that killed 1263 soldiers and 110,000
civilians in Iraq - I will look foolish on that day.
But today, and every day until that "fact" is proven,
everything I've said is 100 percent true.
Feel free to suck on that.
It will be embarrassing as hell for you when nothing
is found going to the Bushes.
That makes you either a (gratuitous
and inaccurate personal insult) or a (gratuitous
and inaccurate personal insult)
You are one of those.
I believe you just said the Carlyle Group and
Halliburton are
not involved in this war.
By any chance, are you a gambler, Ron?
You are a (gratuitous
and inaccurate personal insult) by the way.
Ron White
Ron, as long as you're happy that Bush is stealing
$100 million a day, I'm happy.
You can scream 100 million personal insults at me every day until the end
of time, but the facts remain.
Bush controls Iraq.
Iraq pumps 2 million
barrels a day
Oil sells for $45 a barrel.
Bush has an income of
$90 million a day.
Where is that money going,
You guys got your panties in a wad when Clinton had a girlfriend.
It was "the outrage of our lifetime."
But Bush stealing $90M a day and getting 1263 American soldiers
for reasons that continue to change day after day - that means nothing
to you?
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BCR Show #60
This Bart-produced show has, I think, no cursing at all.
That wasn't by design, I don't intend to curse or stay clean,
it just depends on the subject and my mood at recording time.
Oddly, #60 is
split in just two sections, but it's a full show.
Click Here to listen to
Part 1 of Show 60
Click Here to download Part
1 of Show 60
70 minutes of Randi, religion, Little Rock, SNL and Cazadores
Click Here to listen to
Part 2 of Show 60
Click Here to download Part
2 of Show 60
52 minutes on the Big Dig, a free trip 4 U,
Big Dog, Wanda & more
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fabulous Shirley Manson of Garbage
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