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Volume 1454 -
Balance of Terror
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Sunday-Monday Dec 5-6, 2004 Mike
Malloy on AAR weeknights
"The phrase should be a contradiction in terms.
If someone referred to Christian adulterers,
Christian drug addicts, Christian prostitutes,
Christian pimps, Christian gangsta rappers,
or Christian acid rockers, most Christians
would get an extremely perplexed look on their face.
But when Christians in the military continue
killing for the state, and Christians not in the military
call for more killing in the name of the state,
many Christians don't even raise an eyebrow.
--Laurence M. Vance, Attribution
goes off-message, lauds Kofi Annan
Powell vs. Norm Coleman (R-Bitch's son) - who
do we root for?
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Powell called Kofi Annan a "good" U.N. secretary-general
on Friday, after days in which
Bush and his hit squad chose not to defend him
against a U.S. senator's demand he resign.
"Didn't I fire
that meddlesome darkie?"
Subject: something for your
Tip Jar
Merry Christmas, bart.
You keep me sane,
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Putin Calls Bush Policy 'Dictatorial'
The "man with a good soul" cannot back Bush any longer
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Putin accused Bush of pursuing a dictatorial
foreign policy and said mounting violence could
derail progress toward bringing peace and democracy
to Iraq.
"Even if dictatorship is packaged in beautiful pseudo-democratic
phraseology, it will not be able
to solve systemic problems. It may even make them
worse. Iraq has turned into a major hotbed
of a terrorist threat, a firing ground and incubator
for militants," said Rootin' Tootin' Putin.
Why is Putin suddenly telling the truth?
Did the BFEE rescind his seat on Carlyle's
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Subject: the picture of the
soldier smoking
I heard an interview on NPR with the guy who
took that photo.
He said he'd received a lot of grief about it,
how it showed the arrogance of the Americans and whatnot.
He said that in reality they were in an extremely
dangerous situation, had been all morning, no one was sure
if they would live through the end of the day. They
found themselves with a brief respite from the fighting;
some might have looked at a picture of their kids
or a letter from home, this soldier got his small moment
of pleasure from a smoke, and the journalist happened
to catch a photo of it.
Shortly after, things got bad again, but I guess
they made it out.
"Canada is not against America. We're totally against
Bush. He's arrogant and ignorant.
We totally disdain his policies on the war
and his treatment of the U.N. Bush has an
imperialist attitude where he thinks he can
take over countries by bombing them.
He's courageous to come here because we can't
stand him."
--Fredric White, a Canadian, Attribution
GOP Seeks to Curtail Filibusters
The bastards are changing the rules
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Power-crazy Senate Republicans are trying to
do away with the filibuster.
Bill Frist, (R-Cat Killer), says "tyranny by
the minority" must end and he will do whatever it takes.
That includes what some call the "nuclear option" to
stop Democrats from using the filibuster to
block The Giggler's judicial nominees.
Frist wants to change Senate rules to make it
harder or impossible to filibuster judicial nominations.
It now takes 60 votes to end debate and bring a
nominee to a vote. Even with their new majority of 55,
it is unclear whether Republicans can reach 60
votes on the most contentious nominees.
Possibles:: The call it the "nuclear option" -
having Cheney declare filibusters unconstitutional.
A ruling of the chair can be upheld with a
simple majority vote.
I know the gelding Democrats don't care if Bush
takes total power, but with the GOP allow it?
Christ, is this the 9-11 it will take to wake up
the won't-come-to-work Democrats?
Is there nothing that can wake them
from their eight-year slumber?
"We do
as we're told by our master, Fearless Leader Dubya!"
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The Democrats are just one surrender after another.
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If we don't stop the Bush Bastard's crime spree - who will?
"Is This Heaven?"
... the view from Iowa
by Mike Palecek
Subject: e-mail from 9/29
You're turning off new voters!
You're turning off new voters and your old
Lay off the Democrats and especially Kerry!
I read your page everyday for years (1999-2003),
but now I go days or weeks without clinking
on your site.
Basically, you suck!
Harry S
Harry, basically, I think I should've pounded them harder.
Kerry never did wake the hell up - he slept thru the election,
and then he surrendered before they had a chance to count the votes.
...but I do appreciate the feedback.
Democracy in Ohio
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
George W. Bush's political allies appear to be
slow-rolling a requested recount in Ohio, leaving so little time
that even if widespread voting fraud is discovered,
the finding will come too late to derail Bush's second term.
Though balloting occurred on Nov. 2, more than
a month ago, Ohio's Republican Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell
still hasn't certified an official vote, a move
now expected on Monday, Dec. 6. Since Blackwell also has battled requests
from third-party candidates for an expedited recount,
a review of Ohio's vote now won't begin until Dec. 13, at the earliest,
according to Blackwell's office. [See Boston Globe,
Dec. 1, 2004]
But the Dec. 13 date is the same day the electors
of the Electoral College meet to formally select the President. So
even if
the recount uncovers enough fraud to reveal John
Kerry as the rightful winner in Ohio, it would be too late to change that outcome.
Meanwhile, as Ohio's official foot-dragging has
gone on, Bush's election-night lead has continued to shrink with the counting
of overseas and provisional ballots. The Associated
Press reported on Dec. 3 that its vote tally of Ohio's 88 counties showed
Kerry narrowing Bush's lead to 119,000 votes from
about 136,000 votes, leaving Bush with a 2 percent lead.
But Kerry also might stand to gain a substantial
number of votes from a recount that would examine ballots thrown out by
antiquated punch-card voting machines. They are used
mostly in poor areas, especially African-American neighborhoods
that are Democratic strongholds. Other voters,
believing that Ohio's electronic systems were susceptible to vote rigging,
have sought audits to check for tampering.
I wish Kerry hadn't surrendered so quickly.
I wish Kerry had chosen to stay and fight.
I wish our side had wanted to win this contest.
Subject: saddest story
I read recently that the pilot that flew Bush
down onto the aircraft carrier was KIA.
Not a peep on this from Bush, minimal from the
I think I read it on Buzzflash, but I've had anasthesia
since then, so no telling.
Can you confirm?
Holly in Albuquerque
Not at this time - anybody have a link for that story?
"But you've got to kill the terrorists before the
killing stops.
And I'm for the president to chase them all
over the world.
If it takes 10 years, blow them all away in
the name of the Lord."
--Jerry Falwell, America's moral conscience,
on Wolf the Whorer, Attribution
Isn't the president lucky to have spiritual advisor who will scream,
"Murder all the bastards," whenever
the president is faced with a decision?
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Subject: regarding Rev Stroud
(gay minister)
Bart, as much as I support Rev. Stroud, the United
Methodist Church acted within its purview.
Rev. Stroud knew that what she was doing was in
violation of canon law and she chose to do it anyway.
Now I would argue strenuously that canon law is
wrong (and it is a shame that six witnesses for
Rev. Stroud weren't allowed to speak to this issue),
but by her choice to be a Methodist minister
she subjected herself to the rules and discipline
of the denomination.
The good news is that her local church continues
to support her, and if she wants to continue
in the pastoral ministry there are other denominations
to which she could go.
I understand, but when Rosa Parks got on that bus in 1955, she subjected
herself to the rules
which said she had to go to the back and she ended up changing history
- or so the story goes.
I know nothing of Rev Stroud, but what if she's another Rosa parks?
Shame on thise close-minded idiots who freeze out "God's children" for
petty political reasons.
On their very best day, I, BartCop, am more Christlike than any of them
and I pity the fool who wants a piece of that in the live chat room.
Slaughters for Christ
Let us slayeth in His name, all praise to Jesus!
Click Here
"What is a Christian going to do when he faces God
at the Judgment and has to give an account of his actions?
Suppose he is asked a simple question: "Why did
you kill those people defending their homes in Iraq?"
And suppose he replied: "Because the U.S. government
told me to."
What do you suppose would be the Lord's reaction
to such a reply? But what else could a man say?
He could not say that the United States was under
He could not say that Iraq was a threat to the
United States.
He could not say that he was protecting his family.
He could not say that he was protecting his property.
He could not even legitimately say that he was
protecting himself, since he was in fact a trespasser
on someone else's property intending to do the
owner great bodily harm."
These are very simple questions that no Bush backer
can answer.
When you murder over 100,000 innocent civilians, shouldn't you have a reason?
Bernard Goetz killed 3-4, and we sent him to prison.
The Son of Sam killed less than a dozen, and he's in prison for life.
Ted Bundy killed how many, 25? ...and we executed him.
That al-Zaqaurwi dude killed a few hundred, and he has a $25M bounty on
his head.
Bush's partner Osama killed 3,000, and he's hunted worldwide (probably.)
...but George Bush kills 100,000 and wins re-election as "the morality
People of America - what happened to your sense of decency?
Navy Probes
New Iraq Prisoner Photos
But don't worry, it's just "a few bad apples" again
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The U.S. military has launched an investigation
into photographs that show Navy SEALs in Iraq sitting
on hooded and handcuffed detainees, and photos
of what appear to be bloodied prisoners, one with a gun to his head.
Some of the photos have date stamps suggesting
they were taken in May 2003, which could make them
the earliest evidence of possible abuse of prisoners
in Iraq. The far more brutal practices photographed
in Abu Ghraib prison occurred months later."
Marty's Entertainment
Al Franken:
Click Here
Subject: Scott Peterson
The thing is he probably did it but since he couldn't
prove his innocence...
...wait a sec, what country was this again????
I'm so old, I remember when the justice system said,
"It's better that 100 guilty men go free than one
innocent person be jailed."
Now it's, "He probably did it, let's execute
Subject: who cares about that
American public sure takes the bait of REAL scandal
once again in the Scott Peterson trial
publicized to coincide with the taking of Fallujah.
When will they ever learn to look away and notice
what the military is hiding from them?
Murders are tried and innocents are executed all
the time here and whenever a smoke screen
needs to be erected, the press is always willing
to comply. Shame on all of you debating this shit
while hundreds of civilians are being murdered
and their cities razed so you can drive your SUV's.
It's time for you to take notice of what is being
done in your name while you idle away your time
with domestic violence voyeurism.
Kim V
Kim, when the government wants to execute you without any proof,
will you be upset if I mention your case twice a week?
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Bush Downplays
Thompson's Food/Terror Worries
What does Thompson know? He's only Bush's Food Czar
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Bush played down on Saturday a stark warning
from his resigning health chief that the
nation's food supply is largely unprotected from
terror attack. He said that the government
is doing what it can to safeguard the public from
threats, but much work remains.
"We're a large country, with all kinds of avenues where
somebody could inflict harm," said Bush,
asked about the uppity Secretary's remarks. "We've
made a lot of progress in protecting our country,
and there's more work to be done, and this administration
is committed to doing it. Protecting our food
is hard work - everybody knows that. We're completely
safe and getting more safer."
Subject: Meta-monkey mail
Bart, you published:
> "But EPA official Kevin Mayer called for calm, saying in
an interview Tuesday:
> 'Alarm is not warranted. That is clear. This is just
as harmless as breathing the air at Ground Zero after 9/11.'"
I suspect that not all of your readers will realize
that you added the last sentence to what you
label as an "excerpt" from another media source,
since you give no warning when you do this.
And then your very next sentence refers to government
I'm reminded that when Rush Limbaugh is confronted
with his own false statements, he defends himself by
claiming to be a mere entertainer. I see no reason
to accord any more legitimacy to your similar claim of
humorous intent. Willful misquotation without notice
is just plain dishonest, and gives some honest red meat
to the right-wing media critics, not to mention
constituting grounds for a libel suit.
Dan K
Dan, I disagree.
I constantly
tell people not to use bartcop.com as
a research site.
Rush tells his sheep, "Don't
watch the news or the Sunday shows,
I'll watch them for you and tell you
what to think."
Rush constantly
refers to himself as a role model and a "legend."
I remind people I'm a tequila drinking Okie
with an IQ of 64.
Rush depends
on the stupidity of his listeners to make money.
That's why he constantly refers to "Saddam
and the 9/11 attacks."
Rush constantly feeds the perception
that he is "a way of life," and they buy that,
even tho he's thrice divorced and fighting to stay out of prison
due to his heroin problems.
You say, "Willful
misquotation without notice is just plain dishonest."
Look at the second word that appears
on this page every day.
Rush doesn't bill himself as a humorist,
he bills himself as God's gift to humanity
and he tells his sheep he's been proven
correct 98.3 percent of the time.
You also said, "...not
to mention constituting grounds for a libel suit."
ha ha
I'd sure like to see somebody try.
I've been trying to get sued for 118 months.
Also, every quote comes with attribution, so if you're not sure of the
you always have the option to double-check it - if you're the type who
clicks links.
If you're looking for lefties fighting back without
the humor, I suggest you check out:
Buzzflash, consortiumnews, talkingpointsmemo,
Atrois, apj.us, thedailyhowler, bushwatch,
onlinejournal, makethemaccountable, michaelmoore,
slate, salon, moveon, workingforchange,
alternet, democraticunderground, blackcommentator,
commondreams, and tons more...
To the best of my knowledge, every one of those
sites is run by TEAM of people.
I get lots of help from great people, but the Tequila
Treehouse is still a one-man operation.
Since I can't research or verify or investigate
or even plan a damn day in advance, I chose
the humor path which means I'm free to say whatever
I want. With a crazed killer like Bush
in charge of our country, we need all the humor
we can get.
...and if some "right-wing
media critics," have a complaint about bartcop.com,
I'll print their letters but I might not be as
nice to them as I was to you..
Maybe I should be flattered that you compare me
to the 280 million dollar man.
I, too, wonder how much money I could make if I
was a Bush-loving, truth-avoiding,
right-wing scumbag who would sell out his mother
for just a nickle, but we'll never know.
"I had a son in October. I haven't met him yet. I
was mostly wanting to get home for him.
All the wives knew first. This is hardest on
them, I think."
--Sgt. Eric Wing, 24, after Bush made 10,000
troops stay in Iraq several months longer than promised, Attribution
I wonder how many of those 10,000 will die because Bush lied?
Whatever that fiugure is, the military and their families will still
love Bush no matter what
because he's not Clinton, who never sent a man into battle who didn't
come home.
Subject: Methodist lesbian minister
It always amazes me when moralistic religious
zealots get on their self-righteous condemnation
of one transgression or another. They seem to have
no problem with rampart runaway piggish
consumerism, flooding the world with countless
tons of needless toxic poisons.
The simple act of driving a car, poisons the driver,
their children, their neighbors, the country and the world.
Look in any parking spot and you will see carcinogens,
and poisons left behind to be washed into the
environment with disastrous consequences for all
living creatures on the planet (not to mention what comes
out of the exhaust pipe.) The sanctimonious finger
pointing barkers of bigotry, so soaked up with superficial
and phony spiritual scum don't appear to have any
troubles, questions or the slightest pangs of conscience a
bout these types of sins.
But by golly, let two people of the same sex love
each other and do no harm to the Earth with their love,
then they are to be scorned, shunned, ridiculed,
attacked, tortured or killed, all in the name of some
(all merciful?and mythical ?) God.
These whores of hatred are so easily manipulated
by our corrupt power hungry politicians, democracy,
freedom, common sense, scientific reasoning hardly
stand a chance.
Bart keep on swinging that sledge!!
Marc W
Marc, the way I understand it, fighting the gay community was one of
God's top priorities, but He
forgot to include a reference to that in the Ten Commandments because He
makes a lot of mistakes.

Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
"Fallujah is going to be right up there among the
most successful battles in Iraq.
It's where the rubber meets the road. That is where
our heroes did their best.''
Maj. Tom Davis, 45, of St. Cloud, Minn.
1244, 1255, 1263,
1273, dead heroes so far.
They got 10 since
The bad news?
Chevron-Texaco stock had not yet doubled from this war.
C'mon boys, can't you try a little harder?
"Think of what's happened in Iraq. Twenty-five million
people have been liberated.
The schools are open with new textbooks, the
hospitals are open, the clinics are open,
the stock market's open, people are coming
back into the country."
--Donald Rumsfeld, to
Bill O'Reilly (R-Butt Vibrator), Attribution
Who do people complain about conditions in Iraq?
Rummy says it's f-ing Paradise over there, so why do people complain?
I need to talk to Keith at Apple, the dude who helped us with Tommy
Mack's computer.
The puter is acting like Linda Blair with PMS so we're hoping to hear
from you :)
Keith Urgent
"The Chinese are avoiding a recession and perhaps
a worldwide depression
by buying up excess dollars and thereby supporting
the value of the dollar.
The fate of the United States, and the fate
of the world, is in the hands of the Chinese.
The dollar has to fall; the question is how
far and how fast. The longer we wait,
the worse it will be."
--Paul Heise, "U.S. dollar dangles
in the dust", Attribution
I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty tired of Bush's good
puppy media explaining why
it's actually good that the dollar is going down faster than Ann Coulter
on USS Lincoln sailors.
Reminder: Bush
is borrowing money from his good friends the Chinese to give to the Clintons,
Barbara Streisand, Martin Sheen, Michael Moore, Alec baldwin and the other
super-rich in Hollywood.
Did you ever see the MASH episode when Winchester loaned money to someone,
maybe Klinger,
and Klinger had to do anything Winchester requested until the loan
was paid back. So Klinger
became his servant, fetching this and doing that, until the money was repaid
in full.
That's what we have here.
Bush is beholden to the Chinese.
He owes then.
They have favors coming to them - but that's none of our business,
Osama has changed the United States forever - Bush let him do that.
The Saudis have had the Bush family on a string for decades, and now the
are in a position to tell Bush what to do or they may decide to call in
their loans.
Wait - let me guess: This is all in God's Master Plan for Fearless
Leader Dubya?
St Jude's
Catching something fatal as a kid's gotta suck.
Sirhen Sirhan
wants Ambassador Hotel preserved
"Evidence in the walls can prove him innocent," scumbag's lawyer
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may ax Giambi for steroid use
I know Steinbrenner - he wouldn't accept a tainted World Series
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Woman Auctions
Father's Ghost on eBay
To the same loser who bought the $25K cheese sandwich?
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Police Raid
Michael Jackson's Neverland - again!
If they STILL have no evidence, why don't they give up?
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Our 11th Holy
one the Senate
Democrats obey religiously
Why I voted for Bush
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Praise Jesus! It is with a cheerful heart that
I tell you that the end of the world is right around the corner.
It may be a matter of weeks, not decades, before
the Lord's sandals touch down on what our wonderful
President calls "terror firma." Yes, as soon as
the Lord Jesus arrives on Earth He will start kicking human
trash out of His way, making a beeline to a handful
of folks He actually wants to join Him in Heaven while
sending everyone from Chinamen to Episcopalians
hurling straight towards the fiery volcanic vulva that marks
the entrance to Satan's abode.
Subject: Al Franken: racist
If you took some time to read Horowitz's Biography
you would find that the Man is no Racist,
an ex Communist who has done more to progress the
Black cause than most of us he is a known quantity.
Bartcop, you are just as shrill as anyone on the
Neil E
Neil, I didn't say Horowitz was a racist.
I said he was a fucktard, and I won't read a biography written by a fucktard.
He wants Franken to apologize for unmentioned crimes that have yet to
be listed.
You, too, have failed to apologize for the crimes I will accuse you of
in January 2005.
How can you live with yourself?
Subject: you want tips?
So now you want tips?
Here's one - SELL PORN.
At least that might save your dying little empire....
Have a nice weekend!
Shamus the friendly Stalker
Shamus, thanks for the suggestion.
There's a lot of money in that business, but I must say "no" to you
-- and I'll give you my reasons.
It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be friendly
very long if they knew my business
was selling porn instead of political humor, which they rule that as a
-- harmless vice. But porn is a dirty business.
...as far as my "dying little empire," my
tip jar made over nine dollars this weekend.
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BCR Show #60
This Bart-produced show has, I think, no cursing at all.
That wasn't by design, I don't intend to curse or stay clean,
it just depends on the subject and my mood at recording time.
Oddly, #60 is
split in just two sections, but it's a full show.
Click Here to listen to
Part 1 of Show 60
Click Here to download Part
1 of Show 60
70 minutes of Randi, religion, Little Rock, SNL and Cazadores
Click Here to listen to
Part 2 of Show 60
Click Here to download Part
2 of Show 60
52 minutes on the Big Dig, a free trip 4 U,
Big Dog, Wanda & more
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fabulous Shirley Manson of Garbage
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