61 is here, Radio links below
61 is our best show yet. (All
praise to Tommy Mack)
That means 59-60-61 is
our best package ever - ordering details below.
Volume 1455 -
A Taste of Armageddon
Tuesday Dec 7, 2004 Sixty
three years of infamy Mike
Malloy on AAR weeknights
"Attack us, kill our citizens, and feel free to
both run and hide while we make a few macho noises,
but by and large let you get away as we waste
our time attacking people who had nothing to do with
your attack and recruiting more bodies for
your holy war against us. (If Bin Laden really did mean
to intervene on behalf of Bush with that videotape,
it's only fair. He sure owed him one big favor.)"
Alterman, on Musharraf saying the search for Osama has gone cold, Attribution
Erupts Near Baghdad U.S. Embassy
Bush said "Bring 'em on" and now they're here
Click Here
A heavy gunfight broke out Monday on a dangerous
street in central Baghdad within blocks
of the country's most fortified facilities, including
the U.S. Embassy and interim Iraqi government
headquarters. Five more American troops were killed
in the volatile Anbar province.
There you are, America - just what you voted
You told your waiter you wanted The Monkey with
a side of arrogance and the brain of a vegetable.
You asked for more Bush isanity and now you've
got 50 months to regret it.
"I wish I wouldn't
say stupid shit like that..."
Subject: something for your
Tip Jar
It may be cold up here in iceland, but at least
i'm not living in a red state...
Keep the humor going, screw those monkey bastards
and the spineless weenycrats,
BartCop is what every Democrat should aspire to
be...and when the revolution comes
i can say i read BartCop BEFORE it was the manefesto.
The revolution will not be televised, it will
be blogged!
What do you wear to a civil war? I say
Boonie cap!
Sgt Worf
to leave a tip
Fox to
Provide Godly Bush News to Clear Channel
Godly Bush news to be 24/7 on all American news outlets
Click Here
Clear Channel, the nation's fascist radio station
operator, has selected Fox News Radio
to provide news for most of its stations in deal
expected to nearly double Fox's radio presence.
"This deal positions Fox News to become a significant
player in the radio industry and is another
example of our commitment to the medium," said
Roger Ailes, Fox News chairman and former
Lying, nazi Whore TV producer who ran the "White
House dog" photo of Chelsea Clinton.
The fascist propaganda machine continues to
get bigger and bolder.
Once they outlaw Free Speech on the internet, Godly
Bush will be free from all criticism.
Subject: I got a subscription!
Wanted to drop you a line and let you know that
for xmas this year my family
has agreed we will no longer support the corporate
whores by buying their crap,
Instead we agreed to get each other either donations
or the like to organizations we like.
I asked for a Bartcop subscription.....and i got
There may not be a god, but looks like Santa is
still around.
...and by the way - my mom loves you!
casper in culver
Casper, Merry Koreshmas.
Your mother loves you very much, and she's really smart, too.
I think all mothers who love their kids should get them
a subscription to bartcop.com
Click to Subscribe
"A week in the states is enough to make anybody
feel a trifle fed up with God, or rather with
the relentless invocation of the deity by American
politicians, led by their president. Few modern
political careers are compatible with religious
principle. Government by atheists would relieve us
of the irksome moral conceit that impels George
Bush and Tony Blair to do deplorable things while
remaining convinced that slots are kept open
for them in heaven."
--Max Hastings, Attribution
The Final
Secret of Pearl Harbor
Did FDR really hope Japan would attack us?
Click Here
"This pathetic tragedy of blunders may be summed
up as follows: By January l, 1941, Roosevelt
had decided to go to war with Japan. But he had
solemnly pledged the people he would not take
their sons to foreign wars unless attacked. Hence
he dared not attack and so decided to provoke
the Japanese to do so. He kept all this a secret
from the Army and Navy. He felt the moment to
provoke the attack had come by November. He ended
negotiations abruptly November 26 by
handing the Japanese an ultimatum which he knew
they dared not comply with. Immediately
he knew his ruse would succeed, that the Japanese
looked upon relations as ended and were
preparing for the assault. He knew this from the
intercepted messages."
Was this written by a liberal-hater at FOX News
in 1945? This one of the nuttiest damn stories
I've ever read, and think how nutty a story it
must be for me to make that statement.
Was FDR so incredibly bad at chess/poker that'd he'd allow the Japanese
to decimate our
Pacific fleet hoping that would draw us into what would eventually become
World War II?
The writer constantly tells us exactly what FDR was thinking and why.
Unless he has psychic powers, that's damn hard to do.
For instance:
Roosevelt had decided to go to war with Japan.
How could he know?
If he had said, "FRD told friends he decided
to go to war," even that would be a rumor.
FDR decided to provoke the Japanese
More allegations dressed up as "facts."
an ultimatum which he knew they dared not comply
Oh please!
Are you FDR's psychiatrist?
How did you get access to FDR's never-expressed, most inner thoughts?
preparing for the assault.
Yeah, like the Japanese told us the when and the where and
the how.
An honest writer would've said, "preparing for
AN assault."
I guess this proves media whores were alive and well long before many
of us were born.
Subject: the man who inspires
real passion
I travel alot to other nations and this is the
general concensus of most of the people we meet from ALL countries.
They are suspicious of us until politics comes
up and they find out that most Americans can't stand that bloodthirsty,
thieving killer any more than they do. Once that's
out of the way, they warm up and we all relax.
It's just a crying shame that the asshole in
the White House is the face that foreign peoples apply to our entire nation
Don't you just feel like Nicholson sometimes in
One Flew Over the Cuckoos' Nest?
Keep Hammerin', Bart
Jimmy Bones
Jimmy, yes, but hold the pillow treatment.
If we can slap enough Democrats awake, we could come back like the Red
There was a cool story I meant to quote, but
then I lost it, so I'll take a stab at it.
Stephen King is a BIG Red Sox fan. As the Sox were
about to clinch the series with the
Yankess or the Cards (can't remember) they decided
to wake the grandkids so they could
witness this never-happened-before moment live
as it unfolded before their very eyes.
So one kid was standing there, groggy, looking
at the score and he said, "Is this real?"
That's how I feel watching the damn news on TV.
America just voted for more war, more terrorism, more death, more Taps
at Arlington,
less safety, higher taxes, fewer jobs, more foreclosures, more religious
insanity, less logic etc.
Is this real?
More Bang
for the Penny: Media's Hope
Trying to stay alive to fight the Bush bastards
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
While wealthy liberals have poured hundreds of
millions of dollars into Democratic Party
political ads and other short-term projects, they
have largely starved media outlets that offer
far more hope for America's political future -
and can deliver far more bang for the penny.
This tragedy of under-funded independent journalism
has been compounded by the contrary
strategy pursued by conservatives to invest billions
of dollars over the past quarter century to build
their own powerhouse media infrastructure. Conservatives
now have a vast media that rivals the
mainstream or corporate media, which increasingly
tilts to the right in a frantic bid to hold onto
conservative viewers and readers.
As conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts wrote
in a post-election column, "There was a time
when I could rant about the 'liberal media' with
the best of them. But in recent years, I have puzzled
over the precise location of the 'liberal media.'
"Not so long ago, I would have identified the liberal
media as the New York Times and Washington Post,
CNN and the three TV networks, and National Public
Radio. But both the Times and the Post fell for the
Bush administration's lies about WMD and supported
the U.S. invasion of Iraq. On balance, CNN,
the networks, and NPR have not made an issue of
the Bush administration's changing explanations for the invasion."
Subject: Ralston Purina
Fuck that "moderate" label.
He is a maddog son of a bitch of a preacher man,
who "prayed on his knees' with Clarence Tom-Ass
just enough to diddle the wimp demos into installing
that piece of shit onto the High Court.
The only question should be, who was blowing whom
in that bathroom prayer session?
Mike C
Mike, I hear you - but -
when the GOP asked him to ignore the facts and blame
Waco on Clinton, Ralston came back with the finding that Clinton was, "100
percent innocent."
Maybe Ralston turned further whore since then, but on that day,
he told the truth.
When a Republican tells the truth, it should always be noted.
"While we pour billions into failed missions in Iraq
and Afghanistan, our economy is now on the 'watch list'
of the IMF, our currency is downgraded to almost
'junk' status in world currency markets, our trade balance
is precarious, our health care ranks among
the lowest among industrialized nations, our food and medical
safety has been corrupted by pharmaceutical
companies and our elections are fraught with errors, and yet
the people in America, led by the media and
false advertising on all fronts and the continuous coverage of
Bush's speeches, have not awakened to realize
that Bush has turned the country upside down."
--Sam Hamod, PhD, Bush's
Upside Down World,
We've got the best books by the best authors
and they make great Christmas
Subject: money
I'm just wondering, how will more money equate
to more clout for bartcop.com?
What will you be able to do with the extra dinero?
If you make a convincing case, I'm sure more people
(including myself) will donate or sign up.
Hammer = high
Justin, great question, I wish I had the answer. Truth is,
a million dollars wouldn't automatically
do the trick, because there are hundreds of web sites backed by multi-billion-dollar
But one idea:
If we had a few thousand at our disposal, we could buy billboard space
in DC
(I assume) and ask some questions that nobody else is asking, such as:
"Remind me - why
did we invade Iraq?"
People might see that on their way to the Beltway and mention it at
the water cooler.
Does anyone know a Republican who's willing to answer that question?
Another idea:
The daily American soldier death count. People in DC want to ignore that
statistic, but they
might notice each day on their way to work that the number changed since
If every day they read, "They got 8 more since
yesterday," would that change any minds?
BTW, we looked into billboard space in DC and it was waaaay out of reach
Without a niagara of cash rolling in, we'd have to get lucky - maybe Bush
will someday
condemn bartcop.com and put us on the map - but time
is ticking for the Tequila Treehouse.
To be honest, I was really pissed off when I wrote that - without an
exit strategy.
If the GOP decides to throw away filibusters, I fear the Tutus will cave
in and vote with them
Media Hand Another Victory to Donovan McNabb
Click Here
As a young man I can remember watchin' a respected
sports journalist ask Doug Williams,
"how long have you been a black quarterback?"
It was a great moment, not just because it showed
how politically incorrect we were at the time,
but also 'cause it reflects just how little the
liberal media of the day affected the NFL.
Harry Reid
calls Slappy Thomas "embarrassment"
Democrat's new senate leader arrives with a
bang, then a whimper
Click Here
When asked to comment on Thomas as a possible
replacement for Rehnquist, Reid told
Russert: "I think that he has been an embarrassment
to the Supreme Court. "I think that his
opinions are poorly written. I just don't think
that he's done a good job as a Supreme Court justice."
Reid said that he could support Scalia, if
he were nominated.
"I cannot dispute the fact that this is one smart guy," Reid
said of Three Fingers Scalia.
"And I disagree with many of the results that he arrives
at, but his reasons for arriving at
those results are very hard to dispute." Reid
said Scalia has some ethics problems,
but he'll vote for any fascist that Bush nominates to avoid making Mr.
Rove angry..
Marty's Entertainment
U.S. Consulate
Attacked in Saudi Arabia
Thanks to Bush, we're hated around the world
Click Here
In a bold attack, Islamic militants threw explosives
at the gate of the heavily guarded U.S. consulate
in Jiddah on Monday, then forced their way into
the building and held civilians at gunpoint, prompting
a gunbattle. Eight people, including five local
staff, were killed in the three-hour assault.
It was the first major strike by militants inside
Saudi Arabia since May and seemed a clear sign that
the Saudi government's crackdown on al-Qaida linked
extremists has not yet entirely succeeded.
Gee, you mean there are still one or two religio-wackos
left who want to kill Americans?
Subject: reserve call up
If a 55 year old woman can be recalled to service
(60 Minutes, Dec. 5) why can't Bush be recalled?
Robert H
Robert, our boys deserve better.
They don't need a Mama's boy, bed-wetting, dry-drunk coward watching their
Hearing the Hammer of Truth
is more powerful than reading it.
Click Here to
get the latest BartCop Radio Shows
61 is our best show
and that means the 59-60-61 package
is our best ever,
and that's seven CDs delivered for
...and there's no Kerry bashing this issue.
BCR 59 triple
BCR 60 double
BCR 61 double
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send your review of Show
Blair Joins
Colin: Annan is a Reighteous Dude
Did Tony get a better offer than the Carlyle Group?
Click Here
British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web
sites) backed United Nations
(news - web sites) Secretary-General Kofi Annan
(news - web sites) on Monday
in the face of criticism over the U.N. oil-for-food
scandal in Iraq (news - web sites).
Sidebar: Is Reuters getting paid by the
unnecessary word?
If the reader has half a brain, and that's asking
a lot, that paragraph would read:
"Blair backs Kofi over food scandal in Iraq."
Aren't we done after that?
What are those other 31 words for?
Ignorant Bush voters who don't klnow who's who?
The fabulous and talented Tally of 's La
Femme Perspective
is looking for a literary agent or book publisher to get involved with
a project.
She is writing a children's book and needs to connect with some book people.
If you're one of those, or know one of those, contact her at bardgal@sbcglobal.net
Subject: BCR Show 60
I have been listening to part one of Show 60.
Good job, as usual.
When you talked about the funeral and the rosary,
you struck a chord with this cradle Catholic.
I didn't know that you have a brother that is a
priest. I admire that in any case.
Although I don't share your disbelief in the Catholic
Church, I am dismayed by the scandal going on now.
I am still trying to hang on to the church, I think
it as a whole transcends this dark period. I know you support
your brother, as I and I'm sure his parishioners
do. Being a priest now has to be a particularly difficult endeavor.
I also had to grin as I listened to you talk about
Little Rock and the "Cajun's Wharf" restaurant.
We ( me, wife and newborn son at the time) have
eaten there and taken out of town visitors there many times.
I was stationed there in the USAF in the early
80's . There is an airbase in Jacksonville, about 20 miles up the road.
God, does that bring back some memories (good).
Bart, thanks for the memories, and thanks for
the website and radio show. You help to keep me sane here
in Northern Kentucky...home of Mitch McConnell,
Elaine Chow, and Jim (R-senile asshole) Bunning.
Even Nick Clooney (George's dad) can't win here
in knuckledrag republicanville.
It is a pleasure to be a subscriber as long as
my job lasts
(Delta Airlines Pilot...just gave up 50% pay and
benefits cut to try and save my job...tyvm BFEE).
Keep hammerin', and when I lose my job, can I
come work for you?
Dude, maybe you can rotate flying Air Force One with Poker Queen when
I become president.
"People who go to Las Vegas, you've got to question
their fucking intellect.
Traveling hundreds and thousands of miles to
essentially give your money
to a large corporation is kind of fucking moronic.
That's what I'm always
getting here is these kind of fucking people
with very limited intellects."
-- George Carlin, PMS-ing onstage
at the MGM, Attribution
Subject: Let's go get those Bush
If you try any harder to convince us that the
Democratic party is worth any energy, you're going to explode.
How long will it take you to understand that the
Dems DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, or me, or any of the
ideologies the party once stood for? We live
in a fascist state run by a puppet government.
Can you please support our country by encouraging
us to join forces against the whole system?
Put your intelligent mind to something like how
we will replace the two-party system.
People like Michael Moore have totally sold out
and we cannot rely on them to "save" us from this disaster.
In fact, no ONE can save us. We need to do
it collectively, mutually, lovingly, and honestly.
Saying "Let's go get those Bush bastards" is a
divisive statement just like "you're either with us or against us".
Speak in
Tongues in 5 Days or Your Money Back!
Click Here
The DVD allows beginners to start out the easy,
backwoods Pentecostal way -- by copying
what the person in the next pew is yapping. Within
a day, you will learn to make up things that
even you can't understand while in a hot-footed
hillbilly trance. You'll get a hundred page handy
translation guide along with the DVD:
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
"Fallujah is going to be right up there among the
most successful battles in Iraq.
It's where the rubber meets the road. That is where
our heroes did their best.''
Maj. Tom Davis, 45, of St. Cloud, Minn.
1255, 1263, 1273,
1275, dead heroes so far.
They only got 2 since
What a relief.
The bad news?
Halliburton's stock has only
doubled from Bush's war.
Where are all those billions going?
Obviously Halliburton is making a handsome profit from this war.
I mean, who starts a war to lose money?
That'd be crazy.
From Yesterday...
> I read recently that the pilot that flew Bush down
onto the aircraft carrier was KIA.
> Can you confirm?
> Holly in Albuquerque
Holly, apparently it's true, and it's a hard story to track down. I
went thru a lot of
dead links before I found one that Karl Rove had yet ordered taken off
the internet.
You're right, Bush's good puppy press doesn't want this story out because
it reminds
people that one of Bush's photo op props died because of his foolish oil
One Who
Won't Be Returning
Click Here
I am writing this letter for one of the approximately
1,000 troops who will not be returning.
Lt. Commander Scott Zellem was such an excellent
pilot that he was chosen to fly Bush onto
the USS Lincoln, where the president gave his famous
speech declaring the end of combat in Iraq.
Lt. Commander Scott Zellem {was} laid to rest at
Arlington on Sept. 7 with full military honors.
In the old military movie the question is asked, "Where
do we get these wonderful men?"
That is an easy question to answer: our God.
"Bill Clinton is the quintessential American,
super-sized.... Dreaming big.
Flying sometimes too close to the sun. Falling
hard and coming back strong."
--Judy Woodruff, with Cokie gone,
the stupidest media whore, Attribution
Subject: providing
quality outrage
I've never tipped a website proprietor before,
but I think this country needs what you're providing.
I wish everybody was as pissed off as you.
to leave a tip
"You really have more power than you think to be
but too many people rely on external forces
to make them happy."
--Rush Limbaugh, thrice-divorced heroin
user, trying to avoid going to prison, Attribution
Subject: re: should you be nicer
to democrats?
So one of your readers wants you to "lay off the
Democrats," huh?
Tell Harry this...
The Republicans own or control most of the media.
The Republicans own or control the voting machine
The Republicans control the Senate, the House,
the Supreme and the White House.
The Republicans control districting.
The Republicans now control the rules and, as made
evident by Tom Delay, Bush, Ashcroft and Gonzalez,
intend on disregarding or tossing away any rules,
laws, treaties or parts of the Constitution they find inconvenient.
All this happened while our Democratic leadership
expected them to come to their senses and "play nice."
All this happened while the Democratic leadership
expected the mainstream media to do it's job. All this happened
while Bush's buddies, the Saudis, had the majority
of the 9/11 pilots who slaughtered thousands of our citizens,
and while prison guards, inspired by Bush's policies
as promoted by Alberto Gonzalez, raped children in front of
their mothers. How many of these issues did John
Kerry or the Democratic leadership use with any consistency
in the election of 2004? NOT ONE.
So we should be nicer to them? Not pound on them
as much?
With the Democratic leadership as it has been,
and is today, does your reader expect we will win in 2006 if
Democrats don't change course? Does he expect a
change of fortunes in 2008? Does he believe that the Republicans
will at any time give up this mighty machine they
have built and start behaving as civilized human beings who don't
believe in torturing prisoners, fixing elections,
throwing anyone in jail who wears a politically incorrect shirt to a
Republican event, or not target patriotic wives
who work fighting terrorism because their husbands tell the truth?
In 2004 we had all these issues and so much more
that Kerry let slip by like he had intentionally greased his hands with WD40.
Harry claims you are turning off new voters. I
think new voters are only getting one side of the story: Bush's side.
I lay the fault for that right on the Democratic
Party's doorstep. No, Bart, you're right. Until we make sure the Democratic
leadership insists that every vote is counted right,
that all their crimes are exposed on mainstream media and make these thugs
more afraid of us than we are of them, you need
to pound... HARDER.
Ken C
St Jude's
Catching something fatal as a kid's gotta suck.
Hamid Karzai
Sworn in As Bush's Afghan Puppet
Click Here
Hamid Karzai was sworn in Tuesday as Afghanistan's
first Bush puppet, calling for
sustained help from the international community
to bolster a young democracy that
still faces the twin threats of terrorism and drugs.
The puppet took the oath of office
in a solemn ceremony in a restored hall of the
war-damaged former royal palace as
his masters Rummy and Vice Oil gave him a standing
Hours before the ceremony, dozens of insurgents
armed with assault rifles and rockets
attacked an Afghan military base in Khost province,
sparking a firefight that left four
Afghan soldiers and at least six militants dead,
an Afghan commander said. In Khost,
insurgents opened fire on a U.S. patrol, which
returned fire and killed two of the assailants,
making this another success for America's wildly
popular military overlord, Godly Bush.
now a beautiful thing
Click Here
Ultra-premium Jose Cuervo Reserva de la
Familia ($94.59) is sublime if you want tequila to taste like cognac.
I prefer añejos that don't oak-and-age the
taste of agave away (they're also cheaper).
Tesoro de Don Felipe ($35.99) is
a favorite, with a swirl of citrus, wood and mint coming through its brassy
Drier Herradura ($41.99) has a hint
of buttered ginger beer and is usually another good value, though its price
has risen recently.
Subject: wholesales slaughters
for Christ
where is americans' decency??
christ. it's lost in the history books,
that's where it is.
americans, once a proud example of courage to
the oppressed people of the world
have sadly abandoned decency and reason for the
sweet oblivion of (no, not heroin, WORSE)
ignorance, apathy, and an empty and childish religionism.
most americans don't know anything, don't read
anything, don't DO anything.
'cept of course watch limitless quantities of brainless
corporate "entertainment" and fox "news."
they're a bunch of pathetically ignorant fucking
slaves who richly deserve the royal screwing
they asked for and that they're most definitely
keep giving these sheep the hell they richly deserve,
maybe they'll wake up before they're rounded up
turned into mutton chops to feed the top 5%.
i doubt it, but i refuse to abandon all hope.
monroe, ct
Subject: San Francisco Protesting
Let your demonstrating pals like Marc Perkelbutt
know that the next time they protest in San Francisco
we are ready for them in force. We are tired
of taking shit from these jerkoffs who protest my country
everytime it does some good like freeing people
in Iraq. We have been peaceful and quiet, but no longer.
The next protest by these SOBs we are heading
into San Francisco with bludgeons, brass knuckles,
baseball bats and tire irons. No holding
back any more. We are going to bust a lot of heads and break a lot of
We're going to crack their legs and crack their
arms and knock their skulls in. This is going to happen all over the
You Democrats and leftwing extremists no longer
can get away with your shit. We are coming after you with a vengeance.
Stop your protests against my country and it doesn't
happen. Protest and we bust heads. Your choice.
Tell your people to back off or we'll be slamming
their backs with baseball bats.
San Francisco
...and you wonder why we call you guys "fascist goons?"
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BCR Show #61
Click Here to listen to
Part 1 of Show 61
Click Here to download Part
1 of Show 61
33 minutes on the diff between the GOP and Al Qaeda and GOP greed
Click Here to listen to
Part 2 of Show 61
Click Here to download Part
2 of Show 61
37 minutes of light, then heavy, then real heavy
and victim's impact statements
Click Here to listen to
Part 3 of Show 61
Click Here to download Part
3 of Show 61
33 minutes on the Supreme Court of Whores, and Dow's Bhopal comedy
Click Here to listen to
Part 4 of Show 61
Click Here to download Part
4 of Show 61
44 minutes of Tally, my first live NFL game
and the big "stuff" file
Here for the radio archives
Manson of Garbage
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for
You can call the Bart-Phone at 918-748-1714
That would be really cool, and we'll catch you in Vegas at The Joint on
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