61 is here, Radio links below
Volume 1463 -
And the Monkey shall lead
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Mon-Tuesday December 20-21, 2004 Mike
Malloy on AAR weeknights
"And we will continue to make it clear to both
Syria and Iran that
-- as will other nations in our coalition,
including our friend, the Italians,
that meddling in the internal affairs of Iraq
is not in their interest."
-- America's bloody madman, putting
the whole world on notice that nobody is safe. Attribution
60 killed,
120 wounded in Iraq car blasts
This country was stable before Bush "freed them" from stability
Click Here
The deadliest attacks in Iraq since July were
a bloody reminder that the Shiite heartland
in the south - and not just the Sunni regions of
central and northern Iraq - is vulnerable
to the mainly Sunni insurgents aiming to wreck
the country's key elections scheduled for Jan. 30.
Meanwhile, the head of the national electoral
commission appealed to security forces to
safeguard election officials after three were shot
to death in a brazen attack Sunday by
dozens of guerrillas operating openly in the heart
of Baghdad. The ambush was the latest
attack to target Iraqi officials working to organize
the vote..
Have you ever seen such a mess in all your life?
It's like every thug in the world has joined the
organized, anti-US union.
Plus, you know these guys have special plans for
January 30th.
...but, as usual, the networks will tell us
Bush is doing a great job,
so the people will buy it and wish they could vote
Bush in for a third term.
hesitant to push Rumsfeld out
As always, Democrats are fine with Rumsfeld and his 1305 deaths
Click Here
Sen. John Warner, the Armed Services Committee
chairman, said a change of
civilian leadership at the Pentagon now would be
too disruptive, given the scheduled
Jan. 30 elections in Iraq. "We should not at this
point in time entertain any idea of
changing those responsibilities," he told NBC's "Meet
the Press" on Sunday.
Sen. Richard Lugar, chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, added,
"We really can't go through that ordeal" now of finding
a successor. Rumsfeld
"should be held accountable, and he should stay in office," Lugar
Why is it that they only have to worry about
Republican criticism?
Why are no Democrats calling for Rumsfeld to resign?
"I needs my
Unka Donny..."
"I am not sure if Bush fully grasps economics.
Like he was asked today if he has
any plans to make the dollar stronger? And
he said we were thinking of making it two-ply."
--Jay Leno
Subject: Bill O'Reilly the
lying whore
You might want to point out that we listened
to 8 years of O'Reilly et. al., cursing out,
in no uncertain terms, and with little to no evidence,
your previous president, Bill "Big Dog" Clinton.
At the very least, we deserve this time to get
over that period of bullshit.
And besides, Bush is a dumb fuck.
Used by permission - please visit http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/
"Bush had his annual physical and Cheney had his
annual autopsy.
The doctor told Bush his health was A-okay
and Bush told him flat out
'Don't give me all the medical jargon. Give
it to me in terms I can understand.'"
--Jay Leno
Subject: TIME Magazine
How much of TIME's sales is foreign?
This could cause a huge decrease there -- I'd
likely decide never to read it for the next year.
Well... I guess I already have.
I suppose I mean there must be more people
like me outside of the U.S.
John A.
free, Heading Back to the War
Click Here
Earlier this year, as Sgt. Alexander Garcia's
plane took off for home after his tense year in Iraq,
he remembered watching the receding desert sand
and thinking, I will never see this place again.
"Never" lasted about 10 months for Sergeant Garcia,
who is now preparing to return.
"I figured that the Army was big enough that one unit
would not have to go back again before
this thing was over," said Sergeant Garcia, 20. "It's
my job and it's my country, and I don't have
any regrets. But I kind of feel like I did my part.
Just as I was readjusting to life back home,
just as I was starting to feel normal again, this
kind of throws me back into the waves."
I wonder if Garcia voted to end the war with
Kerry or fight forever with Bush?
the debates...
Why didn't Kerry demand an explanation for the bulge under Bush's
Was is a receiver so the Monkey could be fed information?
Probably not, because his answers were so damn stupid and childlike,
but still,
Kerry had a right to know if Bush was cheating and he decided not to
exercize that right.
I wonder why?
Chide Rumsfeld for Auto-Signed Sympathy Letters
As seen long, long ago on bartcop.com
Click Here
Rumsfeld acknowledged that he had not signed
the letters to family members of more than 1,000 U.S. troops
killed in action and in a statement said he would
now sign them in his own hand. "This issue of the secretary of
Defense not personally signing the letters is just
astounding to me and it does reflect how out of touch they are
and how dismissive they are," Sen. Chuck Hagel
(R-Diebold) said on CBS's "Bob the Whore."
"I have no confidence in Rumsfeld," Hagel added.
Hmmmmmmm, ...Hagel has no confidence in Rummy.
Luger and McCain have no confidence in Rummy.
...so does he get his Medal of Honor Tuesday
or Wednesday?
Click for More
"Sen. Daniel Webster, a former House speaker and
now the chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, said Wednesday he is exploring
the possibility of a citizens
initiative to repeal the 136-year-old wording
that separates church and state in Florida."
--S.V. Date, "Voters may be asked
to remove Florida's church-state ban, Attribution
These blood-thirsty, "Murder for Christ" crazies are changing our
Soon, you'll be required to sign a loyalty oath to George and Jesus.
Subject: fine tequila in Canada...
Bart, you wrote,
> If I thought I could get fine tequila in Canada....
There's the key, Bart. Become the Canadian distributor
for Chinaco....
Mark T
And give up all this bartcop.com tip jar money? :)
We've got the best books by the best authors
and they make great Christmas
Dean interview with peopleforchange.net
Click Here
PFC: What do you think Democrats can do to
restore faith in the system?
DEAN: I think we need to focus on election officials.
County Clerks, Secretaries of State in particular,
because the Republicans have been so partisan in
exercising their responsibility to help people vote,
they've in fact tried to suppress turnout instead
of encourage it. Secondly, we, I think we need to try to
get laws passed, by referendum if necessary, that
says that no voting machines in a particular state or
jurisdiction may be used unless they can be recounted
by hand. Oregon has such a statute because
Bill Bradbury (Oregon's Secretary of State) got
one passed in 2001. We should try to state by state
overhaul the election process both by referendum
and by electing where possible Democratic Secretaries
of State and County Clerks.
Subject: Bush the dumb fuck
Well, well. Someone finally said it in a public
I would have rather heard it from someone politically
important but as we all know too well,
the Dems are a bunch of pussies. I disagree with
Mr. Thoreau saying he is being un-patriotic.
This country was founded on dissent. We violently
overthrew the established government.
I've always thought that W has the mental agility
of a small soapdish.
That's the same as a dumb fuck, isn't it?
Dave, Cincinnati
Drudge is running this picture of America's biggest failure
as if he was another FDR and Churchill combined.
Drudge forgets FDR and Churchill won their wars.
"The U.S. needs to accept the fact that continued
military occupation
by the U.S. will only cause more casualties,
foster division in the country,
and keep reconstruction from advancing."
Leaver, who is asking too much, Attribution
This administration will send 10,000 soldiers to an early grave before
they admit Bush screwed up.
Guardsman killed Iraqi boy after sex
Click Here
A North Carolina National Guard member thought
to be the first U.S. soldier convicted
of murdering an Iraqi said he "snapped" and shot
the 17-year-old boy after they had consensual sex,
according to court-martial records released this
week. Pvt. Federico Daniel Merida, 21, pleaded guilty
during a court-martial in Iraq to shooting the
Iraqi national guard private, whose name the Army withheld.
"According to a recent study, frivolous litigation
has helped drive the total cost
of America's tort system to more than 230 billion
dollars a year. That's a lot of lawsuits.
The figure is more than twice the amount Americans
spent on automobiles in 2002."
bloody Monkey, Dec. 16, 2004, Attribution
Our president keeps lying to us.
Honest stats say less than two percent of the costs of litigation
comes from frivilous lawsuits.
Yet the Democrats will lay down again and
allow Bush to rewrite the laws that protect people.
Today's big corporations make so many hundreds of millions of dollars,
it's cheaper for them
to throw a few hundred thousand at the high-bar victims than fix the exploding
gas tanks.
The net result?
More families will burn to death in their cars and the big corps will
make millions more.
Subject: the coming draft
Thanks Canada for giving my draft age sons some
place to flee from a unjust war.
That article truly lifted my spirit thanks for
running it Bartcop!!!!!
Now if they reinstate the draft my sons and my
money go to Canada so they may live.
Roo, seriously, Bush is trying to keep Americans from escaping - like
Marty's Entertainment
...someone recently asked about bartcop.com running
I remember now:
We didn't start out wanting to run ads, we tried to buy ads.
This was 1998, maybe 1999, and nobody would f-ing talk to us.
I wanted to buy ad space and nobody would accept our money
so I said, "By Koresh, if my ads can't go to the mountain," ...how's
that phrase go?
WE never wanted to be in the ad busines, but back then nobody was, so
somebody had to
and we ended up helping some newbies get on the map, because where else
can you buy ads
seen by dozens for just $30 an ad?
We're not Salon, or Slate or Rolling Stone, with their $2000 minimums....
We're the Tequila Treehouse, with $30 ads for people just starting out.
When we started we had no path to follow, we just went forward.
Now, the ad money is one of the legs of the table.
How do sites that don't advertise survive?
Subject: Other TIME Men of
the Year
Hitler, Stalin, Khomeni.
One does not have to be a good man to win;
making a big, horendous mess will do.
But you're right, all big media are whores,
I'm so old, I remember exactly when TIME turned
whore on this.
In 1979 or 1980, TIME named Ayatollah Khomeni as
the person,
for better or worse, who affected the news the
most that year.
They had some cancellations so they changed their criteria, which
is OK,
but they claimed they kept the same criteria, which is an outright whore
In 2001, nobody could deny that Bush's partner Osama affected us most,
but whore TIME decided to name the Monkey that year to make more money.
Subject: here's a tip
Thanks for keeping me sane during this election
fraud and bogus "wartime" SNAFU.
Tim B
to leave a tip
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A Not
So Wonderful Life
What would the world be like if Rummy had never been born?
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Dick and Lynne run a bait, tackle and baton-twirling
shop in Casper, Wyo. You didn't exist,
so you never gave him those jobs in the Nixon and
Ford administrations, and he never ran for
Congress or worked for Bush 41 or anointed himself
43's vice president. W. chose Chuck Hagel
as his running mate. So without you and Dick there
to dominate him, he was guided by his dad
and Brent Scowcroft, who kept Condi in line. Colin
Powell was never cut off at the knees and
the U.N. and allies were never bullied. There was
never any crazy fever about Iraq or unilateralism
or "Old Europe." Here's Colin now, heading for
the Oval Office.
Subject: Yes,
I volunteer to argue the 'soldiers are bad' side of this debate
I'll debate you on this subject anytime, anywhere.
We've agreed on TONIGHT at 9 PM CST.
Click Here and
then click on "Another server" and then hit "continue"
Bush's American
soldier body count in Iraq
You go to war with the Commander-in-Chief who abandoned you.
1297, 1299, 1304,
1306, Bush military victims so far
They only killed 2 since
Men without legs,
women without hands,
ruined families,
all for oil greed...
Bush and his friends are getting super-rich off
this war...
That doesn't bother a single Republican voter?
Subject: Rude Rich and Republican
I feel EXACTLY the same
way as Mark. I NO LONGER love my country.
I detest repukes to the point that I think I
need some couseling! I never thought I would ever feel this way.
I will not watch any corporate news (ha) programs. I
will only read very few newspapers. I get my info
from the internet, for the most part. I want
to leave so badly.
But there are very FEW places left in the world
who would like to have former amerikans living in their country.
I hate the cold but I am considering Canada. They
seem to treat their citizen's with respect and they actually
COUNT the ballots when they have their elections! IMAGINE
THAT!!!! I have a son who in three short months
will be eighteen and draftable. I vow I will
NEVER ever let him be drafted.
I do not believe in this illegal war for oil
and I will not let him die in order to make bush and his croonies richer.
I feel like my country has let me down. I
don't feel warm and fuzzy any longer about living here. I detest looking
at the flag. So I have made up my mind as
soon as my mother passes I will be leaving. Why live in this hell hole
and pay taxes to a goverment who uses those very
taxes to wage a war aganist a country that has done nothing to us?
Money used to kill innocent people in my name.....! The
fucking bastards. What a disgrace.
And they have the nerve to say they are "christian" sure,
like hell they are. My parents can't afford their medicine.
My sister can't afford health insurance. This
is just shit. I'm sorry to use these words but I am just beside myself
with anger.
Thanks Bart for doing your part. But sometimes
I can't even read you and buzzflash because I get so upset.
Take care and thanks for trying.
It's time to go
as seen on smirkingchimp.com
Click Here
It's pretty clear that Rumsfeld, President
Bush, and everyone else involved thought the war in Iraq
would be over quickly and painlessly. Why else
would George W. Bush announce to the world on
May 1, 2003, that "major combat operations" in
Iraq had ended? When, in reality, the major combat
was about to begin, and it would be ugly.
As the months progressed - and as it became
clear that no weapons of mass destruction would be
found in Iraq - the Bush administration had to
come up with a new justification for our having attacked
a sovereign nation, and of course terrorism is
a good excuse.
I don't know if the Iraqi insurgents watch CNN,
or some other network, but it seems now that someone
was watching on July 2, 2003, when Bush told reporters,
of the Iraqi insurgents: "Anybody who wants to
harm American troops will be found and brought
to justice...there are some that feel like if they attack us
that we may decide to leave prematurely. They don't
understand what they are talking about if that is the case.
There are some who feel like the conditions are
such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring 'em on."
...and take your Monkey Trainer with you.
Subject: love it or leave it?
Dear Bart,
I know how Mark T.
I felt the same way about six years ago, and I
left. I haven't regretted my decision for a moment.
The other day, I was at the hairdressers' and one
of them asked if I'd ever go back to the US.
I replied, "Not a chance in hell." He nodded knowingly,
and turned back to his client, " I told you so."
In New Zealand, the question I am most often asked
is, "What in the world were they thinking?"
I have no goddamned idea, to tell the truth.
How so many, could be so dumb would defy even
P.T. Barnum's imagination. I reckon the "good Germans" who
left in '36 wondered the same thing .
I bet, that like me and many other ex-pats, they
wondered just what the hell it *would* take to get
their compatriots off their asses and into the
streets. I bet, that they, as I, prayed for a sign that
enough was finally enough, even whilst knowing
that such signs were not forthcoming.
It's sad to watch your home fall into fascism.
It hurts to not be able to help, but I have sons to consider,
and now a grandson. I cannot risk them for the "Homeland." People
ask if I still love America.
I love the places...the deserts, the mountains,
the rivers. I cannot say that I love the American people any more.
They have rejected everything I value, and embraced
everything I abhor. Those of you who stay and do not fight,
are just as bad as those who push this insane facist
agenda. If you accept it, you're part of it. If you live with it,
you're part of it. If you ignore it ...well you
know the rest. If you still love it, then goddamnit FIGHT for it!
While you still can.
Lovin' you Bart,
Auckland NZ
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BCR Show #61
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Part 1 of Show 61
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1 of Show 61
33 minutes on the diff between the GOP and Al Qaeda and GOP greed
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Part 2 of Show 61
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2 of Show 61
37 minutes of light, then heavy, then real heavy
and victim's impact statements
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Part 3 of Show 61
Click Here to download Part
3 of Show 61
33 minutes on the Supreme Court of Whores, and Dow's Bhopal comedy
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Part 4 of Show 61
Click Here to download Part
4 of Show 61
44 minutes of Tally, my first live NFL game
and the big "stuff" file
Here for the radio archives
"Oh my god. We're done. We're leaving
for NYC in a couple
of hours and we're all giddy with relief, excitment
and a great
sense of accomplishment. The record is
done and not only is
it done but it's pretty fucking stellar."
--Shirley Manson of Garbage, saying
the new CD is good
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