62 is here, Radio links below
Volume 1466 -
Glow Weed(thanks
to Nuvee)
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Christmas weekend Dec 25-26, 2004 .....................................................Marc
Perkel on Mike Malloy on AAR Wed,
Dec 29th
"It is Christmas time, and what would Christmas be
without the usual platoon of annoying
pettifoggers rising annually to strip Christmas
of any Christian content...Some Americans
get angry at parents who want to ban carols
because they tremble that their kids might feel
"different" and "uncomfortable" should they,
God forbid, hear Christian music sung at their school.
I feel pity. What kind of fragile religious
identity have they bequeathed their children that it should
be threatened by exposure to carols?"
--Charles Krauthammer, Attribution
He makes a good point - for the anti-religious crowd.
What kind of fragile idiot can't take a trip to the courthouse without
having the 10 Commandments
posted on the wall to reassure him that others feel the way he does about
his religious superstition?
What kind of fragile but can't send his kid to a school to learn science
and math unless they open
science and math class with a prayer celebrating the crazy superstitions
of 2,000 years of ignorance?
Powell Advised
Bush to Add More Troops
The general gave some battlefield advice to the drunken deserter?
Click Here
Powell told The Monkey and his Blair Poodle last
month that there were too few
troops in Iraq, according to people familiar with
official records of the meeting.
Powell made his assertion during one in a series
of intense discussions on Iraq between
Bush and Blair this fall. Those sessions, which
have largely been kept secret, indicate that
there was a tough debate behind closed doors as
Bush reexamined his handling of Iraq in
the wake of his stolen reelection victory. Less
than three weeks after the meeting, the Pentagon
said that it would boost the U.S. military presence
in Iraq by 12,000 troops, to 150,000.
"What does a
darkie know about war strategery?"
The Senate's
looming nuclear winter
Click Here
This president wants total approval of his every
wish. One small problem: That's not the way the
Founding Fathers designed things. They had these
funny notions about three separate but equal
branches of government, free and open debate, and
the value of checks and balances to ward off
overreaching for power by those in the majority.
They built an entire system of government to
counteract the abuse that inevitably goes with
Yet that is precisely what the plan to do away
with judicial filibusters is: an out-and-out power grab
by the president and his congressional accomplices.
It's an underhanded scheme to kneecap the
Constitution and take away the only weapon vanquished
Democrats are left with to defend against
Bush's "ten-gallon-hat" juggernaut.
It would be impossible to overstate the importance
of this battle.
It is nothing less than a fight for the soul of
our democracy -- for what kind of country we want to live in.
I agree.
This is just a further power grab by the most crooked and demented president
is history.
He's a blood-thirsty little boy who wants what he wants - and the Democrats
are afraid of him.
He's changing America in His Image and nobody seems to care or notice.
Why won't the Democrats fight back?
"When it looks bleak, when one worries how it's going
to come out, when one reads
and hears the naysayers and doubters who say
it can't be done and that we're in a
quagmire here, the fact is there have always
been people throughout every conflict
in the history of the world who said it couldn't
be done."
Rumsfeld, reminding the troops what the Brits said about holding onto their
American colony
what the Germans
said about trying to take England and Russia at the same time, and what
General Westmoreland
said about our "certain victory" in Vietnam. Attribution
entertains the troops in Iraq
Was Jay Leno too scared to go?
Click Here
Although they couldn't be home for the holidays,
Marines in Iraq received a timely Christmas gift
when David Letterman performed a Christmas Eve
edition of "The Late Show with David Letterman" here.
"How about a nice hand for Jay Leno, ladies and gentlemen," joked
Dave about his former friend.
The biggest highlights for many of the male servicemembers
- Ilana, the Late Show Grinder Girl,
and Anna, the Hula Hoop Girl - received cheers
and applause as they performed their unique acts.
Subject: Monday's debate
Bart, I am a longtime subscriber but you got hammered.
It's my opinion we'd have to have a debate before I could
lose it.
The way I understood things, BBH said,
a draft is better than a volunteer
army (He's too old to be drafted)
the military is 69% GOP, which makes
it 100% GOP
he wants our military to be much smaller
he wants things to be like they used
to be
Hard to see how I could lose that debate,
but I appreciate you sharing your opinion.
Click Here to
see Bart lose this debate
Used by permission - please visit http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/
"Some of these guys out here, Sarah, they are just
kids. If you saw them walking down the street,
you would think they belong in the arcade at
a movie theater, hanging out with their friends,
getting in trouble, doing stuff kids do - not
putting their lives on the line, every second of every day."
--Second Lt. Leonard Cowherd,
22, in his last letter home to his wife before he died Attribution
Subject: Bush's Spending Cuts
Won't Include Star Wars
Having spent 15 years in high energy physics research,
I have watched
the Star Wars welfare for defense contractors program
with an informed eye.
Thermo nuclear hell will not come from an enemy
It will be unleashed from a shipping container
that will be sent by folks recruited
by Bush and Osama with a label that reads : "To
: Walmart Distribution Center 0032".
to Revive Failed Judicial Nominations
Democrats seen as even more eager to cave than
Click Here
Bush intends to renominate to federal judgeships
20 candidates who failed to win
Senate approval during his first term, the White
House said Thursday. The nominees
include some of the president's most contentious
choices for the federal courts.
Propelled by a wider GOP majority in the Senate,
the president appears ready to use
his second term to try to move the federal courts
to the right on such issues as forced religion,
criminalizing abortion, destroying gay rights,
ruining the environment for tremendous financial
gain and the raping of any program that involves
consumer protection from giant corporations.
Subject: war crimes
The worst of it, now that we know that Bush ordered
the torture via an Executive Order,
is that Bush's lying about the torture left the
servicemen and women out to hang alone.
Not that they should have obeyed an illegal order,
even when it comes from the Commander in Chief,
but how much of a coward do you have to be to let
other people take the heat for you,
and condemn these same people yourself when it
becomes public?
Lynn F
The fascists can't grab the idea that the Geneva Conventions protect our guys,
But as always, the winners get to decide the fate of the losers.
What would Japan have done to Truman and Eisenhower if we lost World
War II?
Rethinking Abortion
Who cares about a woman's Constitutional rights?
Click Here
Democrats are locked in an internal struggle
over whether to redefine its position
on a woman's right to choose to appeal to a broader
array of Diebold voters.
The fight is between Howard Dean, who supports
abortion rights, and Tim Roemer,
(pronounced 'reemer') an
abortion foe who argues that the party cannot rebound from
its Diebold problem unless it disregards women's
rights the way the GOP does.
Roemer is running with the encouragement Nancy
Pelosi and Harry Reid of Nevada.
If Roemer becomes Democratic chairman in the Feb.
10 vote, the Democrats would
have two anti-abortion advocates at its helm. Reid
opposes abortion.
If the Democrats throw away women's rights, it'll
be a lot easier for me to leave them
and a lot easier for the BartCop Party to take
over and run against Jeb in 2008.
I had no idea Harry Reid, our new Democratic leader
in the Senate, hatesd women.
How did he get that job? And how did
they manage to hide Reid's misogyny?
More surrender from the democrats.
More retreats is all we have to look forward
to from now on?
"This is a tough situation here in Iraq. It's dangerous.
People are being wounded. People are being killed.
The great sweep of human history is for freedom
and you are on the right side of that."
--Donald Rumsfeld,
to the force that invaded Iraq to steal their oil, Attribution
Subject: I got Chinaco Anejo
for Christmas!
Following your advice I asked Santa for it for
it's the smoothest, best tasting tequila I've ever
had....and that's saying something.
Thanks Bart. I'd share it if you were here!
Note: If you're 21, you can get Chinaco
Anejo Here
We've got the best books by the best authors.
Subject: BCR Show 62 feedback
The 'evil' doctor in the haunted hotel you talked
about wasn't alone in his endeavors.
"Doctor" John Brinkley (http://pw2.netcom.com/~mikalm/brinkley.htm)
was transplanting goat glands
on men in what they quaintly called 'rejuvenation'. His
work was very popular with the Hollywood crowd of the era.
He started out in Kansas, where he also dabbled
in politics & got into the radio business (he started KFKB -
'Kansas First, Kansas Best'). Eventually
he was run out, and re-located in Del Rio, Texas, where he continued
with the goat gland surgery & radio.
Eventually, he was run out of Texas, too, but
still held a medical license in Arkansas, so he set up a practice
in Little Rock where he had more legal troubles
- including the post office, the fcc & the ama.
His radio station in Del Rio was XERA - 500,000
clear channel watts - and home to a shitload of wingnuts.
It's also was where Wolfman Jack got his start.
And speaking of quacks, Wilshire Boulevard is
also named for one - Gaylord Wilshire.
He sold electric belts that were supposed to 'pep'
you up, among other things. OTOH, he was a proud liberal.
'Dr.' Brinkley is a popular topic in broadcasting
history research papers.
Anyway, gotta go wrap some stuff & bake some
Merry Christmas
Marty, thanks for that.
If you get a chance to stay at The
Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, do it.
And take that ghost tour - it was fun and creepy - until the hotel started
talking back :)
This is the picture they use on
their "There-are-no-ghosts" website
...but when you arrive at the hotel, it looks like this.
The castle in Young Frankenstein wishes it could be this creepy.
South Texas
Gets Rare White Christmas
Click Here
Mother Nature delivered a bone-chilling Christmas
to much of the nation Saturday,
and record snow shut down highways two days earlier
in the central states.
South Texas awoke to 13 inches of snow, shattering
records for the region.
The deep freeze brought Victoria, Texas, its first
white Christmas in 86 years.
"It's totally snowed over," Tawnya Evans, a serious
braintrust from the National
Weather Service in Corpus Christi, said Saturday. "It's
unusual to see that here."
"A bunch of people are excited because it's a white Christmas."
I have two nephews in Houston. One is 10 years
old, the other is 13.
They've never seen snow before.
Subject: saying "Merry Christmas"
Hey Bart,
I am Jewish and, while I don't particularly take
offense at someone saying Merry Christmas
across the board to everyone, I think it is insensitive. How
about a "Happy Holidays"?
There's nothing insensitive about "Merry Christmas."
I assume you take the day off? Why can't
you celebrate that with us?
I do not consider myself a "wacko-liberal", but
I know what it is like to grow up in a "Christian culture".
ha ha
Me, too.
I was held prisoner by those crazy people for
12 years,
but as hard as they tried, they could never break
Although it really is a Judeo-Christian culture,
most Christians don't seem to see it that way.
Yes, they DO forget that Christ was Jewish.
Ah, but Christ rejected the Jewish faith and started
his own.
Sorry, just trying to cause trouble...
In December, as a child growing up in the 60's
and 70's all the school concerts and performances
were solely Christmas songs, both religious and
secular, and it can feel exclusionary and a bit oppressive.
I gotta ask: Why reject Santa, Rudolph and
While the schools these days do teach about all
different holidays and celebrations, I think having respect
for people with different belief systems is still
an issue.
But having to sit thru a bank of songs is a lot
different than a quick "Merry Christmas."
This is how it felt as a Jew, one can only imagine
what it must feel like for people of other faiths.
Or people who reject the superstition of an Invisible
Cloud Being.
Wishing you and Mrs. Bart a very happy holiday
season and a great 2005!
Keep Hammering.
"I hope and pray that every family member of those
have died so bravely knows how deeply I feel
their loss."
-- Donald Rumsfeld, (R-Liar) who sent
those men to die to make money Attribution
Iraq Plan
'03: Troops Home by Christmas '04
by Robert Parry as seen on consortiumnews.com
Click Here
This story is too good and too important for an
Even if you always read just the excerpts
and never read the whole column, read this one
and you'll suddenly know more than most of the
elected or appointed slugs in Washington DC.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is
the most important site on the www.
"We want Bush because with him the American troops
stay in Iraq and that way we will be
able to develop."
-- Comment
made by a militant who was part of the group that held
a French
journalist captive for four months in Iraq, Attribution
It's too bad John Kerry didn't make ending Bush's senseless war a campaign
Just our luck that Kerry said he would've done "exactly" what Bush did.
How does Kerry sleep at night, knowing hundreds or thousands of
men will die for no reason
because he couldn't be f-ing bothered to actually campaign during his campaign
to be president.
Hey John, you have plenty of time now - why aren't you out windsurfing now?
Ask not...
...what George W. Bush can do for America.
Ask what America's Treasury and military can do for the Bush Family Evil
Subject: whatever is a 'crazy
fill me in, my brain isn't processing this
give me an example please.
Barbara in Key West
Barbara, you can't think of any crazy left people?
How about the "artist" who puts the crucifix in urine and opens the
door for slimeballs
like Rush, O'Reilly and Hannity to say "All liberals
want to pee on Jesus Christ?"
How about the HIV positives who slice into their backs, soak the blood
up with
a paper towel and then run the dripping towel clothesline-style over the
audience? (If that happened)
How about that guy the other night who seemed to say "All
soldiers are evil?"
How about the guys who spike trees so the lumber people are killed doing
their jobs,
or the handjobs who torched the CA Humvee dealership to protest CAFE standards?
How about the liberal judge who frees a guy with 8 violent felonies
and he kills again?
Subject: hammerin'
Keep swinging, bart and have a great holiday!!
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BCR 60 double
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BCR 62 double
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Subject: Your hero Wesley Clark
Your man Clark (wonderful person/former Reep)
didn't win anything but he would have saved us from Bush????
You are such a dreamer or you're hitting the tequilla
a bit too much.
Move on Bart. We need you for the current
Your still paying subscriber cuz you're funny,
I can't help but wonder what it would have been like if we didn't run
a quitter.
Why do Iowa and New Hampshire get to pick our president every four years?
That's insane.
"It seems like such a confused system. Maybe if enough
people's votes
had counted, the election might have turned
out differently."
--William Shambora, who was given
a provisional ballot for the wrong precinct,
a fact
he did not learn until after the election when his vote was discarded, Attribution
I just poured a shot of Casa Nobles Extra Aged
It has an extra-smooth, buttery taste.
I bought this bottle over the internet when I worked at the car lot,
over two years ago, proving that great tequila is NOT expensive.
Bush's U.S.
soldier body count in Iraq
1306, 1321,
1324, Bush military victims so far
Bush and his friends are getting rich off
this war...
That bothers me.
It would bother the GOP if they had hearts.
Subject: Father Mushroom
on Koreshmas
St. Bartholomew, Seasons greedings.
I must disagree with you, and it hurts me to do
But the writer has a point--"Happy Christmas" has
a civilized, English ring to it.
And to take it a step further, it became a term
known in America when John Lennon
put it into his anti-war Christmas song.
So every time you say, "Happy Christmas, you're
envoking the spirit of John Lennon
--a brilliant musician, artist, and spokesman for
peace. And Lennon was no wimp, either.
He's thrown and taken punches, unlike some of our
bed-wetting, draft-dodging leaders in Washington.
So I think all libs should start using "Happy
Christmas" as a salutation and a quasi-religious
"Fuck You" to conservative Kristian phonies. Do
it for John.
I wish you peace, new subscribers, and much premium
Fr. Mushroom,
Vatican City
Calls for Compassion on Christmas
"Peace on Earth,
Click Here
Invader Monkey Bush on Saturday urged Americans
to help the neediest among them by
volunteering to care for the sick, the elderly
and the poor in a Christmas day call for compassion.
Yes, the brainless dork who has killed over 100,000
civilians in Iraq, said, ""Many of our fellow
Americans still suffer from the effects of illness
or poverty, others fight cruel addictions, or cope with
division in their families, or grieve the loss
of a loved one," probably caused by his senseless and greedy
oil snatch, in his weekly radio address.
And over the radio waves, Bush assured U.S. troops
dying in Iraq for no reason that they are in the
thoughts and prayers of their fellow Americans
before urging reporters to "watch this drive."
Subject: comments
the military makes our local cops look like boyscouts.
check out www.rupertcops.com
rude dog
Call the
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VCR Alert
Tonight, Sunday, Comedy Central is running
the best 5 Jon Stewart episodes of the past year.
Starts at 9pm (est/pst).
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BCR Show # 62
Click Here to listen to
Part 1 of Show 62
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1 of Show 62
44 minutes on the last ever riff on Scott Peterson
and the typhoon swallowing your children
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Part 2 of Show 62
Click Here to download Part
2 of Show 62
32 minutes of a true
ghost story and a soldier's rant that didn't quite work
Click Here to listen to
Part 3 of Show 62
Click Here to download Part
3 of Show 62
31 minutes of letters to the editor, the evil
of big money and McCain the bastard
Click Here to listen to
Part 4 of Show 62
Click Here to download Part
4 of Show 62
40 minutes of Zell the Prick, Mary Beth Cahill,
Stern vs Oprah, and some Eddie Izzard
Here for the radio archives
Manson of Garbage,
Shrl, call The BartPhone,
just to say "Hi!"
Plus, leave an e-mail address and I'll make you a BartCop Member - for
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That would be really cool, and we'll catch you in Vegas at The Joint on
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