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Jan 20 Monkey
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Volume 1479 - Kremlin
on the Potomac
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Weekend Jan 15-16, 2005 Did
poker become legal in K-Drag? They don't
know. Mike
Malloy - 10 EST Weeknights on AAR
"Trying to assess the urgency of Social Security
Economist Brad Delong offers a helpful metaphor.
In comparison to the massive threat posed by
the deficits in the general fund,
currently standing at $7 trillion, the far-off
imbalance of Social Security is but
a slowly leaking tire on a car that has already
crashed into a tree.
What kind of driver, owning a car that has just
crashed into a tree says,
'The most important thing is to fix this slow
leak in the right rear tire?'
George W. Bush is such a driver." "
--tompaine.com, Attribution
Bush Says
Election Ratified Iraq Policy
"America loves a good war and my name
is Duke Wayne"
Click Here
"We had an accountability moment, and that's called
the 2004 elections," Bush said in an interview
with The Washington Whore Post that loves Bush
and is helping him with war propaganda.
"The American people listened to different assessments
made about what was taking place in Iraq,
and they looked at the two candidates, and chose
me," which means Karl Rove was right.
On more important matters, Bush defended his
decision to force the District of Columbia to spend
$12 million of its homeland security budget to
provide tighter security for his nasty-ass coronation.
He also warned that the ceremony could make the
city "an attractive target for terrorists."
you, America
Sometimes the fish in the barrel deserve to die
Click Here
DON'T FORGIVE my anger. All this needs to be
John Kerry fucked up. More important, America fucked
John F. Kerry, you're first.
In your befuddling concession speech, you actually
called for unity and healing. Sounds good, clown,
but can't you even imagine for a second that the
people who supported you so zealously for the past
five months might just see that insincere gesture
of good sportsmanship as a betrayal?
See, unlike you pols, we voters actually believe
in shit.
We believe that George W. Bush and his henchpeople
are a real threat to the survival of democracy.
We believe that they're killing people for profit.
And we believe that they don't have a goddamn clue
about forfending terrorism on US soil.
And you bought into it all because you're afraid.
And you're afraid because they scared you.
And it was all so unnecessary. You don't have to
be frightened. You can think for yourselves.
And some day, you might figure that out.
Meanwhile, you deserve what we all got thanks
to you, you bastards.
Subject: worried about America
It should be saving that $40 million that will
be spent on the ceremonies to swear in Bush, but we're not.
These people are totally out of touch with reality. I
will not view this insult to the people.
What is happening to us as a nation?
We are losing our minds.
We are being feed lies every day; that we are
helping Iraq as a nation, and that the planned elections
will solve most problems and bring about major
Now we are being told that Social Security needs
to be overhauled. This president; who has
made a mess out of everything; wants to destroy
a program that seniors and disabled Americans
depend on while he prepares to party with the rich.
We must take control of our media and our press
and most of all, our so-called politicians.
The media has let the American people down and
is in the process of becoming a propaganda machine for the rich.
I feel shame in being an American.
Can we take control of our country?
Or will we stand by and watch the rich internationalists
destroy it, for profit and power.
Charles LW
What of God
smoked cannabis?
speakers on - G-rated.
Fire the
Loser Consultants
Why do Democrats use loser campaign advisors?
Click Here
...the poster boy of Democratic social promotion,
Bob Shrum. Over his 30-year career,
Shrum has worked on the campaigns of seven losing
presidential candidates - from McGovern
to Kerrey - capping his record with a leading role
in the disaster that was the Gore campaign.
Yet, instead of abiding by the "seven strikes
and you're out" rule, Democrats have continued to
pay top dollar for his services (sums that are
supplemented by the percentage Shrum's firm,
gets for purchasing air time for commercials).
Although Shrum has never put anyone in the
White House, in the bizarro world of Democratic
politics, he's seen as a kingmaker - merely
hiring the media strategist gives a candidate such
instant credibility with big-ticket liberal funders
that Kerry and Edwards fought a fierce battle in
the primaries to lure Shrum to their camps.
Ultimately, Shrum chose Kerry, and extended his
perfect losing record.
"Fighting back
is wrong.
yourself is wrong.
Nobody likes
a fighter.
Please hire
me again."
Subject: Joe Biden
Did you guys not hear this guy after the
prison torture debacle?
I admit I haven't followed the guys whole career
or anything,
but he sure as hell said all the right things,
with right tone, at that time.
His words could have come directly from your
mouth, for crying out loud.
Why all the anti-joe rhetoric?
Laura, I try to avoid Bush rubberstamps when I catch the talk shows.
When Biden is on Meet the Press, he talks about Bush's greatness
and how much we need him.
...maybe he's just trying to impress Tim the Whore.
"America has never fought a war like this one -
where the enemy is nowhere and everywhere,
where civilians do the jobs once performed
by soldiers, and where middle-aged grandfathers die
alongside 19-year-old infantrymen. This is
the country's first outsourced war, where civilians
provide the twin military backbones of logistics
and supply. It is a war without a front, where
civilians share the risks and burdens of combat.
People are killed in the most prosaic of
circumstances - in their sleep, driving to
work, eating lunch."
Zucchino, Attribution
The Normalization
of Horror
by Ted Rall
Click Here
As Congress prepared to rubberstamp the nomination
of torture aficionado Alberto Gonzales as the
nation's chief prosecutor, the Washington Post
broke news that would have torn a saner nation apart.
The Bush Administration, the paper reported January
2, is no longer planning to keep hundreds of Muslim
prisoners currently rotting away in U.S. concentration
camps at Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib and Bagram
merely "indefinitely." The Defense Department and
CIA are now planning "a more permanent approach
for potentially lifetime detentions" for these
We're locking them up forever. Without due process.
Before gangsters like Alberto Gonzales seduced
us into abandoning our values, a person was considered
innocent before being proven guilty. Now we're
locking people away because "the government does not
have enough evidence to charge [them] in courts." And
everyone, including Democrats, is OK with this.
job is to please our war hero president!"
Subject: thanks for the laughs
Hey Bart,
Just a quick note and tip to say thanks for
the YEARS of entertainment.
You are the one of the first political pages I
started reading daily, around the same time
that I stopped paying attention to broadcast news.
If your average magazine on the stand costs
$5.00, I figure I'm still
way in the hole with you, but I think your tip
jar is an excellent way to even it up a bit.
Keep up the great work.
Dave in Cleveland
If you enjoy bartcop.com
if you want to make the pie higher
if you want to make the hammer hit harder,
but can't commit to a monthly subscription...
Click Here to
send a tip via PayPal.
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Subject: It's been going on
for years
*Google The Mockingird Project
I heard that this was investigated by congress
when 400 top journalists were put on the CIA payroll.
And that was 1975!!! You can imagine what
they are up to now.
You can get the actual story from What Really Happened
or google it.
"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call
girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month."
- CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham,
editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices
of journalists willing to peddle CIA
propaganda and cover stories.
"Katherine The Great," by Deborah
Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991) *
"Inaugurations are an important part of our history.
They're a ceremony of our history;
they're a ritual of our government. I think
it's important to have the inauguration every time.
It's also good for Washington's economy, for
people to come in from around the country,
for the hotels to be full, and the restaurants
to be full, and the caterers to be busy."
--Pickles Bush, endorsing her
husband's $50M re-crowning and America's steepest decline
to fill up
the restaurants and hotels for a few nights in Washington DC, Attribution
Subject: about RE and his "demoncrats"
What is it with these guys? 90% of the
right-wingers who write in to your page either:
A) Won't take the time to type out their thoughts
in a syntactically correct manner, so that they make any goddammed sense,
B) So help us all, they really do sort of think
like they write.
What is it with endlessly repeating this crazy-ass
line about Good Patriots vs. the evil, slovenly communistic liberals?
Is there not one among them who can reason for
Or at least repeat the party line in such a way
that Republicans don't sound like a gaggle of glue-huffing aphasics?
Repetition is their "logic."
They hear Rush or Savage say it, and they repeat
They can't reason or debate because they'd be off-script,
like The Monkey.
Tell us the truth, Bart: Are these guys
real? Or are you just taking "a harmless mega-dose of LSD and donkey
(in the words of Will Ferrel), and typing whatever
comes natural in the ensuing hours, then calling it Monkey Mail?
Sadly, I think we all know the truth...
Ryan, those letters are all real, but sometimes I edit for length
(they often write 2,000 words),
and correct their spelling and grammer
Air Force
proposal sought gay sex weapon
Their soldiers would turn too gay to fight
Click Here
The Pentagon briefly looked into making a weapon
that would render enemy troops
sexually attracted to one another, according to
an official document uncovered by a
watchdog group that monitors research into biological
and chemical weapons.
The six-year plan included development of several "non-lethal" chemical
including one aphrodisiac chemical that would be
designed to make enemy soldiers
sexually irresistible to each other. The resulting
widespread homosexual behavior,
would cause a "distasteful but completely non-lethal
blow" to morale, no pun intended.
Subject: Spencer Dryden
A sad loss for the music world.
A GREAT DVD came out a coupla months ago called "Fly
Jefferson Airplane" with lots of
interviews with all members including Spencer that
is HIGHLY recommended (some amazing
FULL music vids including the hottest version of "Ballad
of You & Me & Pooneil" I've ever heard.
Did you know the song "Lather" was written about
Grace Slick wrote it about him when he turned 30...as
I get older, the song gets a lot more intense...
Keep swingin' that hammer Bart...
Click to Order
We've got the right books by the right authors.
that don't Duel
"Albert Speer drew up a memo to Hitler pointing
out the significance of the loss of Silesia.
'The war is lost,' his report began, and he went on
in his cool and objective manner to explain why.
The Fuehrer glanced at Speer's report, read
the first sentence and then ordered it filed away in his safe.
He refused to see Speer alone, saying to Guderian:
'He always has something unpleasant to say to me.
I can't bear that.'"
--William L. Shirer, "The Rise
and Fall of the Third Reich" Attribution
"There is rising concern amongst senior officials
that President Bush does not grasp
the increasingly grim reality of the security
situation in Iraq because he refuses to
listen to that type of information. Our sources
say Bush actually says that he does
not want to hear "bad news." Our
sources conclude this "good news only" directive
comes from Bush himself; that is, it is not
a trap or cocoon thrown around him by
Rice, Cheney, and Rumsfeld."
--Ben Wikler, "Bush
Rejects Bad News", Attribution
Bush, lying to himself, could get us all killed.
Simpson ponders Orange Bowl boos
This isn't news, but this time, she's blaming Oklahoma
Click Here
Simpson again tried to spin--if not hoedown--her
way out of another national
embarrassment this week by giving MTV the reasons
why she was booed like crazy.
"There were no ear monitors when we went on
stage," Jessica's little sis told MTV.com.
"And trying to sing in a stadium where you can't hear
yourself is kinda hard," the 'singer' added.
"I was facing Oklahoma [which had a bigger crowd on
hand], and I was rooting for USC,
and they played a clip of it, so maybe it was that
those people didn't like me," she postulated.
"...maybe they were booing at the halftime show because
the whole thing sucked.
If they didn't like the performance, and that's
what it was about, then sorry to them."
"She should
admit when she's wrong..."
Subject: This war
"This war is Bushit" should become the new fad wear
and bumper sticker!
I have a bumper sticker from Bush 41 times that
proclaims "no more Bushit".
Maybe it's a good thing I saved it. It's
legal damnit!
So now I've really got something to worry about
in a sneek n peek intrusion?
I'm a retired grandmother and you youngsters better
get a clue - this war is Bushit!
Sara K
"Bush has more of a stand where you make a difference,
and you can better yourself...you make your own bed.
If you want to go to school, you can, unless
you're disabled or something.
If everyone went to school and tried to better
themselves, eventually welfare would take care of itself."
Jennings, Oklahoma Bush voter, Attribution
Mike the Monkey seems to think Dubya worked his way thru college,
or maybe, ha ha, got in on
a scholarship for good grades.
No Mike, Bush's Daddy wrote a check - that's how Bush tried to
better himself.
Subject: Bush-Cheney
So why is nobody stepping up and demanding accountability?
This was an outright lie told to us by the 'leaders
of our country'
and it seems as if nobody in the media cares.
The media aren't here to report news.
They are here to make more profit than they
made yesterday.
They make more profit slanting the news to help
They do what they want, when they want to.
And no matter how crooked, nobody questions
We occupied a country and soldiers died for a fucking
They must be held accountable.
Where is the logic in this?
job is to protect Bush - We love him!"
Bracelets Say, 'I didn't Vote 4 Him"
Click Here to
read the story
After spending 10 days in London with friends
who were outspoken about their disdain for
the Giggling Murderer, Berns Rothchild came home
wishing she had a way to disown the bastard.
"I sort of felt ashamed, and didn't really want to be
associated with being an American," said Rothchild.
Her mother had a suggestion: bracelets, inspired
by the Lance Armstrong Foundation's popular
"LIVESTRONG" bands, that would signal opposition to Bush.
Two women in Idaho had the same idea.
So did a woman in Kansas. The result? At least
three separate bracelet ventures targeting left-leaning
citizens who want to show their disgust for Bush's
Amerikkka gone mad and warring with the world.
Click Here to
buy the bracelets 10 for $20
Click Here to
buy "Disaster Monkey" and "Unfit for Office" products from Bart Mart
Subject: Paul
I agree with you 100%. I stopped watching Crossfire
after the election.
I read the transcripts if Carville is on. I can't
stomach Novak.
Begala lost me when he started calling Bush his
E-town, KY
Barb, when my good friend Michael Newdow was on Crossfire,
Begala joined Prince of Darkness
Bob Novak in an ugly ambush to deride and ridicule their guest for having
the gall to suggest that the
government should be free from federally-inforced religious insanity.
That's when Begala lost me.
That, and all the "Bush is a great guy" crap.
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"If Bush says it's needed, then okay. Sometimes
you have to do what
you don't necessarily want to do to secure
freedom. We might not have
had to fight World War II if someone had stood
up to Hitler."
Hejl, Crawford, Texas, ready to send her son to Iraq ro stp Saddam
who was on
the verge of taking over the whole world when Bush stopped him Attribution
Thank you, God, for giving me smart parents...
Bart knows
how to pick 'em
I was pulling for the St Louis Cardinals to wn the World
They never won a game.
I was pulling for the Oklahoma Sooners to win the college
football title.
They lost by 34 points.
I was pulling for the St. Louis Rams to win their playoff
game this weekend.
They lost by 30 points.
...and I was pulling for John Kerry to save America from the madness.
Bush's U.S.
soldier body count in Iraq
1357, 1360,
1363, dead soldiers under Bush
White House:
Iraq Weapons Search Is Over
Click Here
Bush's spokesman said the president
had "no regrets"about invading Iraq.
Bush got his $100M a day for 550 days
and he's stealing more every day.
What's to regret?
"We don't have institutions like the Claremont
Institute who can hire us on
as "fellows" - and launder Republican money
through it to pay us. We aren't
going to get our marching orders and talking
points through the coordinated
"left wing" media because there is no coordinated
left wing media. We are
out here on our own, and when or if we say
or do something controversial,
there is no institutional defense of us because
there is no institution."
--Digby, Atttribution
Call the
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: will
somebody confront this offensive rhetoric?
That the wing nuts are spreading the word about
Social Security reform by enlightening everyone
to the fact that black men die earlier than others
so therefore black folks should be all over their
Social Security reform scheme pisses me the hell
How dare that ass in the whitehouse and the
very gay congressman David Dreier stoop soo low?
lived with a gay man for 12 years,
that doesn't mean I'm gay."
The little chimpy bastard made absolutely no
sense when he attempted to spew this rhetoric today.
And I'd like someone to ask Mr Dreier if that same
reasoning holds true for gay men?
san francisco
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