Subject: Take
the Pledge
In observance of the appointment of George W. Bush to the Presidency
of the United States
-- I, a member the loyal opposition, pledge my support through the
following resolution:
1. I will recognize the legitimacy of the 43rd President and
extend him the authority and powers of his
2. I will disregard shady allegations concerning his past.
3. I will not concern myself with his private life.
4. I will not disparage members of his family.
5. I will not engage in petty quibbling about the perquisites
of his office.
6. I will acknowledge that all travel to foreign countries is
necessary to conducting international affairs.
7. I will not label him as a criminal, murderer, rapist, traitor
other slanderous accusation without proof
of it being true.
8. I will not speculate about the size or shape of his penis.
9. I will be skeptical of people trying to exploit past associations
for financial gain.
10. I will ignore media that devote the majority of their efforts
to wholly-biased criticism of the President.
11. I will fully recognize him as Commander-In-Chief and support
him vigorously in
whatever military actions he might
deem necessary to protect the interests of the U.S.
12. I will not stand outside his church to hector him.
I pledge all these things in equal
measure to the respect and courtesies
extended to the departing President
by his political opposition.
-- Chango --