"He wants to talk with those who support
his agenda.
For critics of Bush's approach, there are a
lot of other venues to express opposition."
--White House spokesman
Trent Duffy acknowledging that if Bush
more than one opinion he has trouble making up his mind. Attribution
Says Saddam Capture Story is Fiction
Ex-Sgt. Nadim Abou Rabeh, of Lebanese descent
said "I was among the 20-man unit, including eight
of Arab descent, who searched for Saddam for three
days in the area of Dour near Tikrit, and we found
him in a modest home in a small village and not
in a hole as announced," Abou Rabeh said.
"We captured him after fierce resistance during
which a Marine of Sudanese origin was killed," he said.
He said Saddam himself fired at them with
a gun from the window of a room on the second floor.
Then they shouted at him in Arabic: "You have to
surrender. ... There is no point in resisting."
"Later on, a military production team fabricated
the film of Saddam's capture in a hole, which was
in fact a deserted well," Abou Rabeh said.
Of course, the press won't even look at
this because it might prove what a phoney Bush is.
The rich American press will do anything to
cover for Bush - he gives them our Social Security money.
Ritter Says Bush Plans June Attack On Iran
Hasn't Scott Ritter been right every time so far?
Click Here
Scott Ritter dropped two shocking bombshells
in a talk delivered to the packed houser. The ex-Marine
turned UNSCOM weapons inspector said that Bush
has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005,
and claimed the U.S. manipulated the results of
the recent Jan. 30 elections in Iraq.
Ritter said that Bush has received and signed
off on orders for an aerial attack on Iran. Its purported goal is
the destruction of Iran's alleged program
to develop nuclear weapons, but Ritter said neoconservatives in the
administration also expected that the attack would
set in motion a chain of events leading to regime change in
the oil-rich nation of 70 million -- a possibility
Ritter regards with the greatest skepticism.
Ritter also said that the Jan. 30 elections,
which Bush has called "a turning point in the history of Iraq, a milestone
in the advance of freedom," were not so free after
all. Ritter said that U.S. authorities in Iraq had manipulated the
results in order to reduce the percentage of the
vote received by the United Iraqi Alliance from 56% to 48%. .
Subject: Bart --
Brian Williams is so totally and constantly
obsequious to the BFEE that he's just too embarrasing to watch.
It's painful to see a supposedly grown man sticking
his rear end up on national TV, just for Mr. Chimp's approval.
Salem, Oregon
If you ever wonder if Williams is honest or a sellout whore,
just listen to Rush praise the guy for 30 minutes at a time.
"Many of you have known and trusted me over
the years.
I promise you this, I'll never take that trust
for granted"
Schieffer, Bush's new puppet at CBS Whore News, whose brother
accepted an ambassadorship from the Giggling Bloodwort. But, of course,
will call them as he sees them, fair and balanced Attribution
Subject: Bart's Straw Man
Is Lame
Dude, always be careful when you poke at a bear from behind.
Once again you bring up a "Straw Man" argument
regarding torture.
You wrote:
> Mort, that makes no sense,
> If the people who are trying to stop the Hydrogen
bomb from going off in Manhattan realize they
> could be tortured, they'll refuse to interrogate and
we'll lose the 10,000,000 innocent lives for sure.
> Something tells me you don't play a lot of poker...
This is called a straw man argument, which
is totally lame.
Thanks you for explaining the art of debate
to me.
Most people being tortured don't know SHIT
about anything!
First, that's got nothing to do with the
lines you just quoted.
Second, as I've said 1,000 times, we're NOT talking
about "most people."
Why can't people understand that "on
the rarest of occasions" means "on the
rarest of occasions"
Did I say we should torture everyone Bush
doesn't care for?
They are the VICTIMS of Bush's Bullshit,
they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
You continue to promote this idea that we're going
to stop some terrible nuke with torture.
Right. That ain't happening! They're torturing
innocent people Bart.
That's why your "reasoning" is so lame...because
you are "justifying" what the Nazi's did ...and if we become
the new Nazi's, then many folks might want to actually
nuke us, which is what we're trying to prevent.
Best Regards,
Rob, you're probably a nice Democrat who's just in the middle
of screwing up, but if you walk
into my house
and tell me I don't know what I'm talking, you need to be dead sure of your facts.
One slap on one face doesn't equal 26 million people being murdered
by the Nazis.
Please don't suggest that it does.
I'll bet you could win the debate you're having with whoever you're
having it with,
but you and I are talking about different things.
From now until
the end of March,
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your order.
Order 1 get 1 free,
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"Meet the
Parents" Actress Dies
Click Here
Nicole DeHuff, Teri Polo's sister in Meet
the Parents, has died of causes related to pneumonia. She was 30.
She died Feb. 16 in Hollywood, four days
after she reportedly checked into an LA hospital, was misdiagnosed
sent home with orders to take Tylenol. When
her condition worsened, she returned to the hospital and was prescribed
antibiotics for bronchitis and again sent home.
Two days later, paramedics were called to her home after she collapsed,
gasping for breath. By the time she reached the
hospital, she was unconscious and passed away soon after.
She is survived by Palitz, her husband of
four years
And what will he get for having his life
destroyed by a doctor's negligence?
Under the Bush plan, he'll get a pat on the head
and a check for about 1/100th of his wife's earning potential.
Subject: Show 70
Show 70 is a hoot.
The bit about the guns and the ephedrine
was great.
I quit reading stuff like that long ago
because it is so stupid it makes me mad too.
Gee, I should have started a radio show to rant
about it.
Thanks for doing what you do.
Keep swinging the hammer.
takes a pillage
Click Here
After a while those questions at the back
of your mind start bubbling up to the point where you start
addressing them to others - usually just at the
point where you think you might know the answer.
The question I've had for the last several months
has been this one:
Where are Bush and his corporate cronies
planning to live once they finish asset-stripping the United States?
When I talk about how they are asset-stripping
us, I'm not just talking about things like the bankruptcy bill
and other more obvious policies that isolate the
United States (such as alienating the UN and forcing Europe
to take a containment position toward America),
I'm also looking at the way they've been moving both military
and industrial intelligence to other nations, chiefly
China. Out-sourcing means more than just giving your job to
some guy in China; it means that while the Chinese
are learning to do your job, Americans are not.
is ...Bankruptcy
Saturday morning I was up at the crack of dawn, (7:30) and surfing
thru the TV channels.
I came across "This is Elvis", so I watched for a few minutes.
After the obligatory weeping asnd gnashing of teeth, they started
over with the beginning.
They showed the tiny shacks in Tupelo where Elvis grew up, while he did
a voiceover
explaining how, in the early years of his life, he grew up with less money
than a Democrat.
Elvis explained that his daddy was a sharecropper, which means
he was a farmer who had
to share his earnings with the owner of the land. Elvis said Daddy wasn't
always around - that
once he did a stretch in prison for writing a bad check to buy some food
for them to eat.
Damn, no wonder he had gold-plated everything after striking it rich.
But it reminded me of the Illegal Thug who's busy raping America.
This new bankruptcy law (which gets a lot of time in BCR #70)
is a damn scary thing.
Have you ever wondered why most of TV is
cop shows, medical shows and lawyer shows?
It's because cops, doctors and lawyers can be involved
in extremely heavy drama.
If your job is accounting or making ice cream or
laying carpet - there's not much drama.
But if you're a cop responding to a domestic
disturbance, you vould have heavy drama.
If you're a doctor getting a "Code Blue," you've
got somebody's life in your hands and if
you're a lawyer, the judge will tell you to stand
just before announcing the fate of your client.
Under this new bankruptcy law, there's going to be plenty of
As always, there's nobody on the entire Internet who will speak
for the Criminal Monkey,
so I haven't heard anybody answer some simple questions about this new
bankruptcy law,
but we're going to have heavy drama thousands of times each day in our
new Amerikkka.
Iraqis Wait for Change
Six weeks after, people who risked their lives to vote wonder why
they did.
Click Here
With Iraqis increasingly concerned about
a security vacuum, the man who is expected to become
the next prime minister on Saturday defended the
winning blocs, which have not formed a government
nearly six weeks after millions of people risked
their lives to vote.
Ibrahim Jafari, the winner of Bush's
sham elections said it could take two more weeks to close a deal.
"It's not a simple experiment," Jafari said, trying to
explain the delay in forming a government.
"It's hard work - everybody knows that."
"I am not only frustrated, I am ready to burst
with anger. We put our souls in the · palms of our hands
and went to the ballot centers. You remember the
threats there were that they would kill people who voted.
If they cannot form a government, then I think
they are not qualified to manage the country's affairs.
This vacuum of power increases the number of terrorist
acts, it opens the way for the terrorists," said
shopkeeper Mohammed Saddoun, apparently the only
Iraqi who didn't fall for the Monkey Shuffle.
Subject: David Brock's
All this cover up involving the fake journalist
reminded me of something I read in the book
Blinded by the Right, by David Brock, page
241, referring to a meeting with Armstrong Williams:
"I had interviewed Williams at his Dupont Circle
office and on the telephone several times, and we had kept in touch
since the books publication, (The Real Anita
Hill, by David Brock) though we hadn't spoken at length since I had
come out as gay in the Washington Post eight months
before. Williams invited me to discuss Strange Justice over
dinner at a Tex-Mex place on the hill, then asked
me back to his apartment for a drink."
"Sitting on an overstuffed sofa not far from me,
Williams had something besides Strange Justice on his mind.
As he began to pepper me with graphic questions
about whether I was dominant or submissive in bed, I shuffled
uncomfortably in my seat, looked away, and tried
to change the subject. Williams, who is unmarried, countered
with increasingly lewd banter until I quickly brought
the conversation to a close, thanked him for his time and got up
and walked out...........Was he coming on to me?"*
(Footnote on this page)
*"Some years later, Williams was sued for sexual
harassment by his producer and former trainer, who charged
that Williams repeatedly kissed him on the mouth
and grabbed his buttocks and genitals on business trips.
The suit was settled out of court."
Is there something here that needs more
This may be another Jeff Gannon story.
Subject: torture
Goddamnit, torture is never, ever ok.
VTC, I agree with you - 99 percent.
The "never" part moves away from logic and I worry when that happens.
Pledges to Fight Bush on Alaska Oil
Kerry pledges to fight? Is this a "fool me twice" situation?
Click Here
Kerry pledged Thursday to lead the fight
against President Bush's proposal to drill for oil in Alaska,
sounding a call to arms for environmentalists to
combat the administration's energy policies.
"The only mandate this administration has is for
unity, to find common ground," Kerry told The Chronicle.
"The American people did not vote to drill in ANWR."
Kerry characterized the president's plan
for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a "phony, absolutely
fraudulent offering," which vastly overstates the
potential to reduce gas prices or the nation's reliance on
foreign oil. He called it the "ideological linchpin" to
a broader, more reckless environmental policy.
"They need to be called out on it, and I intend
to do it," Kerry promised - again.
Subject: Notes on Bartcop
Radio Show #70 - Not a Flaming Nazi Gasbag
Show 70 is an excellent hammer.
I think you're right about the oil
I disagree with your rant about basketball.
Kobe Bryant is a hypocrite.
The baseball question is: 'Do the
fans really want steroids stopped?'
Do they want the balls to stop flying out of the
I liked your comments about whore Russert.
I know about Paul Harvey being 'the toothless
horse molester.'
But what is this about the Savage Weiner having
sex with the dead?
Weiner went to a Wax Museum in London and had sex with a mannikin.
This picture is from his website, it's not a photoshop. .
If wax sex was all I could get, I damn sure wouldn't post the pictures
Thanks for the feedback.
Great Wall of Ice
It's Vegas with ice instead of sand
the structures are made out of ice
Click Here
The temperature in Harbin reaches forty
below zero, both Fahrenheit and Centigrade, and stays below
freezing nearly half the year. The city is
actually further north than notoriously cold Vladivostok, Russia,
just 300 miles away. So what does one do
here every winter? Hold an outdoor festival, of course!
The residents of Harbin celebrate the cold with
an annual festival of ice sculptures.
All they need is Texas Hold "em, free, fine tequila and Playmate-looking
Click Here to
read the FAQ
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increase your hits!
rally against U.S. in Lebanon
Click Here
More than 300,000 pro-Syrian protesters
rallied in Lebanon on Sunday chanting "Death to America"
and "Death to Israel", and denouncing U.S.- UN
resolutions, it was reported.
Some of the protesters were holding banners
pledging loyalty to Syria and its president, Bashar Al Assad,
and saying that the UN Resolution was as assault
on Lebanese sovereignty.
"Syria remains in our hearts and our spirits," one
banner said. Other banners proclaimed in English "Shut
up Bush,"
"Bush, we don't need your democracy" and "Bush, nobody
likes a giggling murderer."
Subject: your greatness
Bart, I just finished Show 70 and I'm still
laughing out loud.
That was the funniest two hours I ever spent on
the internet.
I'll bet if you would just give the masses
a little sample of your greatness
they would stand in line for hours for the opportunity
to subscribe because
your radio show is the greatest thing I've ever
heard - ever.
Did I mention BCR # 70 was great?
So many people should subscribe that you
should be rich.
Eman Ekaf
Eman, please, ...you're embarrassing me.
But here's that sample you suggested.
Click Here to
hear a very low-fi sample
of BCR 70
Click Here to
get 70, 69 and 68 delivered on six Hi-Fi
CDs (Punch in $24)
Click Here to subscribe and
listen to all 70
 
(Must be 18)
Rob Mandalay Bay Casino
Click Here
The men targeted a coin cage near the House
of Blues. They were wearing nylon masks, and one of them
jumped the cage counter to get the cash out. The
robbers were confronted by security as they tried to escape.
"When they were challenged by security one of them fired
a starter pistol into the air," said Las Vegas News 3.
No one was hurt. That shot was not fired
on the casino floor. The robbers stole an undisclosed amount of cash
and escaped in a small gold colored car. Their
mutilated bodies are expected to be found in the desert next week.
Things girls need to know about a boy's privates
These scientific facts help you choose abstinence, by
Pickles Bush
Click Here
When a boy's private goes inside of a girl,
there is a serious risk of it breaking off and
causing excruciating pain while it travels throughout
your body like a giant trichinosis worm.
Entertainment Page
Opens Branch Office in Milwaukee
Click Here
A gunman opened fire Saturday at a church
service being held near Milwaukee,
killing seven people before taking his own life,
authorities said.
The suspect had a handgun and, like they
all are, was affiliated with a church,
that had been meeting at the hotel every Saturday
morning for four or five years.
Wayne Lapierre, Head Goose at the NRA said, "This
is what keeps America free."
"Whether you call it "a crisis" or not, some
group data out there that says the American people don't like
the word "crisis" associated with it. So
what! It is what it is. Leadership is telling people
the truth."
--Rush, explaining why Bush
is a failed leader - because he refuses to use the word "crisis" Attribution
Manson: Shirley temper
Redheads don't have tempers - do they?
Click Here
She's wearing a black, fur-lined leather
jacket and tiny cut-off jeans over black leggings
and bright pink pop socks. On 38-year-old
Shirley, the effect is fabulous.
This is a woman who expressed a wish for
the Spice Girls to be "tarred and feathered" and who
remarked that Jennifer Lopez had a beautiful face
but she wanted to "punch it nevertheless".
"It's true that I have a big mouth," she admits. "It
gets me into a lot of trouble and at times I wish
I could curb myself a little more. But I can't
change the way I am. I have strong opinions and
I just leap in. What I don't get is why people
find me scary."
I do.
Have you read any of Shirley's old interviews?
You have to tease a wildcat for a year to make it that aggressive.
We've got lefty books by lefty authors.
The Simpson
Body Count
Click Here
Below is a list of celebrities who had the misfortune
of running afoul of the Simpson gang.
The list is incomplete, however; celebrities are
continuing to meet their maker on a regular basis,
while the Simpsons have managed to rack up a body
count that would be the envy of the Soprano crime family.
And yet the dark side of the Simpson family, friends,
and associates remains mostly unexamined.
Until now.
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Bev Harris
- paid speaker?
Click Here
Harsh words for Bev if you click that link.
I knew she was crazy when she wrote that Ol' Bart had filed some lawsuit
to help Der Monkey
and then she turned around and filed that help-Monkey lawsuit her own very
damn self!!
Poor woman - her poker hand is one spade shy of a flush.
Bush's U.S.
soldier body count in Iraq
1511, 1513,
1516 dead soldiers under Bush
Three more families
destroyed since Friday.
How many more, America?
Spears' marriage on the rocks?
. .
got married twice last year?"
Click Here
In Touch Weekly claims Kevin Federline,
26, has been socialising on a regular basis
without his 23-year-old wife, who he wed in September
after a whirlwind romance.
Life and Style Weekly claims Federline's
behaviour has prompted Spears to re-consider
starting a family. "It has occurred to Britney
that Kevin isn't a great help in cleaning up after the dogs
(Bit Bit, Lacy Loo and Lucky). And he might not be too
eager to be on midnight diaper patrol either."
Subject: I'm just a Monkey
My scribes ain't worthy of your Monkey Mail bullshit?
Goddamn it, I sit here and make up these great
diatribes and rants, full of
thoughful things and great musings, and you're
too scared to print 'em.
Hell fire, I bought a goddamn used car from your
nasty ass,
the least you could do is print some of my crazed
(He's lying - that's what monkeys do.)
Hey, that dumb guy that said "Automatic pistols
are gas-operated"?
Tell 'im I said he was a f-in' idiot.
The .45 calibre Model 1911 that HST "alledgedly" killed
himself with, is a RECOIL-operated mechanism.
The gas does nothing but exit the end of the barrel
with the projectile.
I think he meant "gas operated" the way your car
is "explosion operated."
If you don't know, all firearms are "gas powered," but
the gas does not exit out the barrel.
If it did, that would mean the bullet went the
wrong way and your monkey ass would be dead.
How stupid can a gun owner be?
Now, if HST had really shot himself, there is
a possibility that the weapon failed to return to battery,
since a recoil operated automatic weapon mechanism
depends on the resistance of the human hand that
holds the weapon. In other words, if the human
hand were rendered incapable of providing the resistance
(as would happen if one were shot in the mouth,
destroying the cerebral cortex), then the weapon would not fully cycle.
I'm not sure I understand.
Could you get a web cam and demonstrate for us live, some night?
But, waddafuck do I know? I'm just another dumb
I know, and it's cruel that we get so much entertainment
from watching you try to think.
I'll bet you could make sense talking to Bush,
Your friend,
Leffler the Monkey
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