"An ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that
39% of adults approve of
the way Bush is handling Iraq and 53% think
the war with Iraq was not worth fighting."
Wake-up Call!, Attribution
But no matter how many soldiers and civilians
no matter how many billions are missing
at Halliburton,
no matter how many lies he tells about Social
the budget, the economic mess or the environment
people say they like the Monkey personally.
...at least that's what we hear from the
networks, the cable Nazis and talk radio
Cardinal Blasts 'Da Vinci Code' as 'Cheap Lies'
Click Here
A top Catholic cardinal has blasted "The Da Vinci
Code" as a "gross and absurd" distortion of history
and said Catholic bookstores should take the bestseller
off their shelves because it is full of "cheap lies."
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone became the highest ranking
Italian Churchman to speak out against the book,
an international blockbuster that has sold millions of
"(It) aims to discredit the Church and its history
through gross and absurd manipulations," Bertone,
the archbishop of the northern Italian city of
Genoa and a close friend of Pope John Paul.
"This seems like a throwback to the old anti-clerical
pamphlets of the 1800s," he said.
The Catholics seem to want a piece of everybody
except ther Giggling Mass Murderer
and the organized child rapists that have infiltrated
their ranks.
Maybe they should flame-back on writers
and Democrats and go after real evil?
And as far as that crack about "a throwback
to the 1800s,"
that sounds odd coming from a group that's just
now re-starting their exorcism classes.
Prices Soar Above $57 on Supply Fears Bush's
Why did BIG OIL give $60M to get Bush in the White House?
Click Here
Crude oil futures prices soared above $57
a barrel for the first time Thursday after OPEC's
pledge to increase output failed to assure traders
who were worried about tight supply.
Light, sweet crude for April delivery rose
78 cents to $57.24 a barrel on the New York
Mercantile Exchange by afternoon in Europe, after
reaching as high as $57.50. The previous
intraday high, set in October, was $55.67 a barrel.
Heating oil rose to $1.6145 a gallon.
Why are oil prices going up?
Because Bush has given them permission
to gouge America.
stock went from
The super-rich (and bartcop.com readers) knew this
was going to happen
so the super-rich invested millions
and doubled their money.
stock went from
The super-rich (and bartcop.com readers) knew this
was going to happen
so the super-rich invested millions
and doubled their money..
That's why
they gave Bush $60,000,000 to steal his way into the White House.
Subject: Cutting Medicare
I want to thank the Republicans in the Senate
who crossed party lines and voted with the Democrats
to stop Bush from cutting medical services for
the poor so that the super rich can keep their tax cuts.
Poor people who are sick need medical services
to stay alive and get well. I would hope that America
remains a country who still shows compassion for
poor sick people.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
assassinated to make way for U.S. air base
Click Here
According to high-level Lebanese intelligence
sources, both Christian and Muslim, the former Lebanese
Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated in a sophisticated
explosion-by-wire bombing authorized by
the Bush administration and Ariel Sharon's Likud government.
There are also strong indications that the
Hariri assassination was carried out by the same rogue
Syrian intelligence agents used in the 2002 car bombing
assassination of Lebanese Christian leader Elie Hobeika,
who was prepared to testify against Sharon in
a Brussels human rights court."
This can't be true because it's been well established that evil men
will not kill for money or power.
fate of DeLay Inc. looks grim
by Sid Blumenthal
Click Here
Three times last year DeLay was rebuked
by the House ethics committee. But DeLay has more to worry about.
Three of his closest aides in Texas are standing
trial for criminal campaign-finance violations involving funneling
$2.5 million in illegal corporate money from his
political action committee to Republican candidates for the state
Legislature. (Afterward, the Legislature redistricted
congressional seats to eliminate Democrats and consolidate
Republican control of the House.)
In response to the possibility that he may
face trial himself, DeLay tried to force the House to abolish a GOP
that requires leaders to step aside temporarily
if indicted. But members faced an uproar in their districts and DeLay
had to abandon his gambit. As the web of grand
juries and trials entangling his closest political associates spreads,
his self-protective tactics have become more frantic.
Last month, he purged those Republicans from the House ethics
committee who had any Hamlet-like hesitations about
suppressing further investigations into his activities.
Darkness Drops Again
Click Here
Neocon warlord Paul Wolfowitz will head
the World Bank;
The White House illegally puts out fake news reports,
and the Justice Department does nothing;
Another $81 billion of your money and mine is to
be poured onto the Iraqi sand;
The GOP majority in Congress is preparing
to trash 200 years of Senate tradition in order
to post a number of certifiably insane people to
the bench; Kevin Martin, a conservative
Christian activist for the GOP, will now chair
the FCC;
The Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve, one
of the most ecologically pristine areas remaining to us,
will be paved and drilled for its tiny amount of
And that was just yesterday.
Subject: New
Washington developments
Cabinet Member Is Slain
Gay Affairs Director Found Dead at Home
Click Here
An appointee of Mayor Anthony A. Williams
who headed the city's office of gay and lesbian
issues was found slain late yesterday in her Northeast
Washington home, police said,
stunning city officials, activists and friends.
Any relation to HST murder?
Johnny Law
JL, all I can say is if I was gay, I would not get
mixed up with people who would kill to keep their secret.
If a Democrat gets outed, they just get outed.
If a member of the BFEE gets outed, he loses everything - so murder
comes into play.
Remains Evasive
Why can't he give simple, straight answers?
Click Here
While McGwire acknowledged "there has been
a problem with steroid use in baseball,"
he responded to questions about his own involvement
by saying, "I'm not here to discuss the past,"
or, "I'm here to be positive about this subject."
McGwire's testimony, meantime, was noteworthy
for what it did not say. "Asking me or any other player
to answer questions about who took steroids in
front of television cameras," he said, "will not solve the problem.
My lawyers have advised me that I cannot answer
these questions without jeopardizing my friends, my family
and myself. I intend to follow their advice.""
He's trying to sound noble, but to me he just sounds caught.
He's admitted taking "Andro," which was/is legal, so why not go further?
I still say they're only talking about this because a black man
is about to take Ruth's title.
Mailbox at Casa de Bart?
Thanks to Jeff
Subject: Tiger Woo in
Taking a wee break from the golf course,
Tiger Woods drives his new Mercedes into an Irish gas station.
An attendant greets him in typical Irish manner,
unaware who the golf pro is.
"Top o' the mornin' to ya".
As Tiger gets out of the car, two tees fall
out of his pocket.
"So what are those things, laddie?" asks the attendant.
"They're called tees," replies Tiger.
"And what would ya be usin' em for, now?" inquires
the Irishman.
"Well, they're for resting my balls on when
I drive," replies Tiger.
"Aw, Jaysus, Mary an Joseph!" exclaims the
Irish attendant.
"Those fellas at Mercedes think of everything"!!
How Nancy Grace has poisoned American justice
only arrest the guilty,
why bother with a trial?"
Click Here
Christmas came early and often last year
for Nancy Grace. A jury in California found Scott Peterson guilty
then recommended that Peterson be sentenced to
death. Grace could hardly hide her satisfaction with the decisions.
"Today, for this moment, there is justice for Laci and
Conner. A jury has spoken, and if you listen to those jurors the
way I did today, you know that justice has been
"We all know he did it" makes
for good TV.
That means this female is on Court TV with
her Nancy Grace Guarantee that all arrested men did it.
Then she moves over to CNN with her Nancy
Grace Guarantee that all arrested men did it schtick.
Now she has her own all Nancy Grace Guarantee that
all arrested men did it show on Headline News..
It's not about fairness or accuracy or justice
- it's about making money for the whore networks.
"We all know he did it" makes
the whore networks more money, so they run with that.
Maybe Scott Peterson is guilty, I don't
know, but I wish the state's evidence was solid.
"He said he was going to play golf, but he went fishing,
instead. That's good enough for me!"
Maybe Michael Jackson is guilty, I don't
know, but I wish the state's evidence was solid.
"A boy with an ambitious mother makes a claim. That's
good enough for me!"
The good news?
States can save money on those unnecessary
trials because once you have the Nancy Grace Guarantee,
there's no reason to spend taxpayer's money to
find out that which we already know.
Tip for all men:
If you buy a fishing boat, tell everyone
you f-ing know right away or Nancy Grace
will taint your jury with her Nancy Grace
Guarantee and then you'll be Scott's cellmate.
"I wouldn't want to move to a smaller house."
-- Bono, when asked if he'd ever
want to be President Attribution
takes a Holiday
So many people wrote with comments and questions,
it will take additional hours to corral
and answer them.
Look for that in a future issue.
Subject: On
Dear Mr. Cop, you wrote -
> The whole world is talking about Bush's gay
sex scandal - everyone but the pro-Bush American media.
> They spend years on Clinton's girlfriend, but they
refuse to print stories about Bush's boyfriend?
> The "liberal press" won't mention the facts
(gigolo Gannon's White House access) that they witnessed with their
own eyes.
Ouch, the whiplash. Everytime I read this
I practically roll on the floor after the first two lines.
Then while I'm still wiping tears from my eyes
I get slapped across the face about our/their media.
Now THAT's an education.
Mark Twain would've been proud.
a loyal subscriber
Dude, thanks.
Did you know Twain had a mouth on him like Jayson
...fucking A, bitch.
Nomination An Insult to the U.N.
by Joe Conason
Click Here
The nomination of John Bolton to serve
as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations is in keeping
with the governing philosophy of the Bush administration,
which has displayed a penchant for officials
who despise the agencies they are appointed to
run. Consumer protection is turned over to people
who believe consumers needn't be protected;
environmental protection is entrusted to people who
think the environment shouldn't be protected;
and now our U.N. mission is to be overseen by a man
who has loudly and repeatedly denounced the international
Conservatives in Washington regard his long
history of shrill disparagement of the U.N. as his strongest
qualification for dealing with the world body's
officials, ambassadorial colleagues and other members
of the diplomatic community in New York.
Hunter S. Thompson Really Kill Himself?
by The Hollywood Liberal
Click Here
1. Would Hunter blow his brains out with
his 6-year-old grand child in the house? (doesn't seem likely)
2. Would Hunter leave a note? (You would
think so, but some other friend of his said it would be just like him
to not leave a note.)
3. Was he planning suicide? (According to
reports He had spoken of suicide, with greater frequency.
It was causing big problems
with the marriage for Anita. Also Hunters son Juan, said that he always knew
that was how Hunter would go
out. (but he was surprised with the timing.)
4. Was Hunter really working on some big
story? (The truth is Hunter had not put out any original material in
at least a decade.
The only thing he was doing
was his sports column for ESPN, where he did trash Bush occasionally. But I
don't think he was
really working on any story.) One
thing that was puzzling to me was the way AP originally reported the Hunter
death story,
which I first found out about
as a headline on Yahoo News:
"Author Hunter Thompson
Kills Himself"
Not, dies of an apparent suicide.
Not commits suicide. Not under investigation.
Just that he kills himself. No doubt, no question
Entertainment Page
Color commentary
by Gene Lyons
Click Here
With many Americans entering NCAA college basketball
betting pools this week,
it occurred to me that C-SPAN might get a ratings boost
if U.S. senators wore brightly
colored uniforms with numbers on their backs. Think about
it. Millions who can't tell a
match-up zone from a no-parking zone are wagering good
money on the Opossum State
Marsupials' chances of upsetting the Fighting Toll
Booth Collectors of UNJ. Yet only a
tiny fraction can tell you how their senator voted on
a bankruptcy "reform" law that among
other outrages puts credit card companies ahead
of child support payments in collecting
from deadbeat dads. That's
right, sports fans. The corporate shills who peddle unsecured
credit to teenagers and house pets via bulk mail and
Internet pop-up ads, seduce them into
debt, then pummel them with late fees, excess-spending
penalties and 40 percent interest
rates now want to prevent the poor saps from escaping
through bankruptcy.
Subject: GOP pedophile
I have been following this.
Legible copy of the Moonie
Times copy is here.
The story is very scary and sickening.
This could be the one that ruins the republicans
for all time, but of course,
the catholic church should have been ruined too...
If Guckert really turns out to be Johnny
Gosch, it might be hard to keep a lid on it.
I bet the reason the Washington Times ran this,
when they seem like the Republicans'
best friend, is BLACKMAIL. They run this one day,
to remind the R's who's boss, then drop it.
Cults are big on sexual persuasion and blackmail
(how did Scientologists get their IRS exemption?),
and Moon has never intended to be #2. This story
is so big, now I'm getting paranoid. Scary shit.
I hope it ends the Republican party!
Gordon the
Gordon, thanks.
Bush and Karl Rove hope nobody will click on that.
The networks, newspapers and talk radio are helping by looking the
other way.
"I like the idea of people running for office.
There's a positive effect when you run for office.
Maybe some will run for office and say, Vote
for me, I look forward to blowing up America."
I don't know, I don't know if that will be
their platform or not. But it's -- I don't think so."
talking about his daddy's Iran-Contra partners, Hezzbollah, Attribution
I got this e-mail...
From: John Kerry
To: Icavedin
Yesterday, we saw a relentless Republican
attack on one of our most
treasured natural wonders sneak through the Senate
on a 51 to 49 vote.
But, we also saw ...
For a minute, I couldn't figure out what this was, then I remember
sending Kerry an e-mail
after he caved in last November and I wanted to send a message so I used
that name.
We've got books by authors.
US plans for Iraq's oil
by Greg Palast for the BBC
Click Here
Two years ago today - when President George
Bush announced US, British and
Allied forces would begin to bomb Baghdad - protesters
claimed the US had a
secret plan for Iraq's oil once Saddam had been
In fact there were two conflicting plans,
setting off a hidden policy war between
neo-conservatives at the Pentagon, on one side,
versus a combination of "Big Oil"
executives and US State Department "pragmatists".
"Big Oil" appears to have won. The latest plan,
obtained by Newsnight from the
State Department was, we learned, drafted with
the help of American oil industry consultants.
Insiders told Newsnight that planning
began "within weeks" of Bush's first taking office in 2001,
long before the September 11th attack on the US.
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"We're more hated than ever; there are
more loose weapons than ever; we've created
more terrorists than ever; our enemies are
rejoicing and Bin Laden remains at large, laughing at us,
and we've shown the world that our word
and our competence cannot be trusted. Nice job."
--Eric Alterman, Altercation
Subject: Scott fries, Due
process dies
Still no smoking gun.
The case totally relied on sensationalism
and petty emotionalism.
No presumption of innocence.
...and OJ is still a free man
U.S. soldier body count in Iraq
1516, 1517,
1519 dead soldiers under Bush
Two more coffins
will land secretly at Dover AFB.
How many more, America?
Stefani, Live From New York
Click Here
Gwen Stefani is the musical guest on Saturday
Night Live March 19th on NBC.
Stefani also will stop by David Letterman
on Monday, March 21.
Internet rumor: Anderson Cooper is dating the star of what
cable TV show?
It's a little known fact that he's been
secretly dating Larry King....
Name witheld in Fort Lauderdale
No, the correct answer is Carson Kressley from Queer Eye.
Did you know Anderson was the son of Gloria Vanderbilt?
Subject: House
Hi Bart,
We look forward to House now every
week, it's earned a #1 place on our calendar of TV.
Earned, the hard way, by wit and grit, and the
use of intelligent dialogue, and promoting some values that I like.
Like cause-and-effect, intelligence, curiosity,
science, and reason. Too bad it's on Fux TV, but that's the
It's as interesting as ER used to
be, or West Wing, in its own way.
Don the Day Trader
It's the best show on TV, but The Shield could change
Bill Maher is having his "conservatives
only" show tonight on HBO.
Lucky Bill, with his Hollywood connections and HBO's massive cash
he's able to find a conservative who is semi-willing to debate the issues
with him.
Damn, wish I was that lucky.
Saturday's Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Show might be good.
Sunday's shark movie on CBS is to be avoided, but then anything is
better than basketball.
Subject: BartCop stickers
I am going to see Garbage in
April and i need Bartcop stickers to give to Shirley!!!
$10 should cover a few stickers and postage.
Thanks again for your great site.
Steve, thanks for that. Stickers are on the way
Give Shirley a hug for me and ask her to link to bartcop.com
Get your BartCop Stickers!
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Suggestion: If you can't think of an interesting place
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Your pet would like to be in bartcop.com right?
I know your plant would.
Subject: You assholes
you are all assholes...so fuck yourselves and
all your liberal buddies
Fronczak Jr
PS. you assholes can contact me at work
Southwest Metal Finishing
2445 S. Calhoun Road,
New Berlin, WI 53151
Phone: 262-784-1919
Fax: 262-641-7086
Human Resources: HR@SWMetalFinishing.com
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