"Mrs. Schiavo's life is not slipping away -
it is being violently wrenched from her body in an act
of medical terrorism. "Mr. Schiavo's
attorney's characterization of the premeditated starvation
and dehydration of a helpless woman as 'her
dying process' is as disturbing as it is unacceptable.
What is happening to her is not compassion
- it is homicide. She doesn't need to die, and as long
as Terri Schiavo can breathe and her supporters
can pray, we will not rest."
-- Tom Delay, fishing for contributions
from the religiously-insane, Attribution
nuts about fishin'..."
Rampage Leaves 10 Dead in Minn
New NRA offices are springing up like flowers
Click Here
A heavily armed teen accused of killing
his grandparents later smiled and waved during
a shooting rampage at a high school as he gunned
down seven more people, brushing off pleas to stop.
The rampage at Red Lake Indian Reservation
in far northern Minnesota was the nation's worst
school shooting since the Columbine High School
massacre in 1999 that left 13 people dead.
When the rampage was over, 10 people were dead
and at least 14 others were wounded.
Police said the gunman killed himself after
exchanging fire with officers
find another $108 million in Halliburton overcharges
Click Here
Pentagon auditors found another $108 million
in overcharges by Halliburton's KBR subsidiary. The overcharges
took place under KBR's multibillion dollar oil
infrastructure contract with the Army Corp of Engineers. According
to the audit, the company overcharged the military
for importing gasoline into Iraq.
In 2003, Pentagon auditors found an additional
$61 million in overcharges by KBR in relation to importing fuel into
Investigators say KBR charged the Pentagon $2.64
per gallon of gasoline while competitors were importing gasoline for
less than half that price. The Pentagon later fired
KBR from this particular task order and assigned it to an office within the
Pentagon known as the Defense Energy Support Center
(DESC). The result was a 50 percent reduction in gasoline prices
charged to U.S. taxpayers. Critics say this is
another example proving privatization of the military has failed.
Bush intentionally concealed
Halliburton overcharges
Click Here
The Bush administration intentionally concealed
evidence of Halliburton's overcharges in violation of UN
Security Council Resolution 1483, Rep. Henry Waxman
has revealed. He said Bush, "acting at the request
of Halliburton," intentionally concealed evidence
from the International Advisory Monitoring Board (IAMB),
an international body responsible for auditing
Iraq's oil finances.
Waxman said the evidence concealed by Bush
showed KBR (Halliburton) had overcharged the Development Fund
for Iraq (DFI), which in May 2003 became the successor
to the U.N.'s Oil-for-Food Program. The now-defunct Coalition
Provisional Authority (CPA) was responsible for
managing the DFI and had given KBR a total of $1.6 billion from the fund.
The redacted audit also deleted these sentence: "KBR
was unable to demonstrate the proposal was based on actual costs";
"We consider KBR's estimating system to be inadequate"; "KBR
was unable to reconcile the proposed costs to its accounting
records"; "KBR did not always provide accurate
information"; "KBR has failed to demonstrate adequate competition in
procurement decision"; "KBR did not comply with
the stated terms and conditions of its own subcontract clauses"; and
"We found significant purchasing system deficiencies."
So, all that horseshit about
the Kofi Anon Oil for Food "scandal" was to cover the BFEE's money-making
"An ABC News poll shows that 63% support the
removal of Schiavo's feeding tube
and 70% think it is "inappropriate" for Congress
to get involved the way it has."
--Hotline's Wake-up Call, Attribution
Can the Democrats figure out how to get
on the correct side of this?
Of course not.
Backs Off Bush-Iraq Praise
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
Two weeks after that Consortiumnews.com
article and a second one making a similar point,
the New York Times had come around.
Instead of granting the Bush administration "a
healthy share of the credit for many of these advances,"
a Times editorial noted that "many
of the most promising signs of change have little to do with Iraq.
The peace initiatives in Israel were made possible
when Yasir Arafat died and was replaced by a braver,
more flexible leader. The new determination of
the Lebanese people to throw out their Syrian oppressors
was sparked by the assassination of the Lebanese
nationalist, Rafik Hariri, not the downfall of Saddam Hussein.
And in Iraq itself, the voting largely excluded
the Sunni minority, without whose cooperation Iraq will never be
anything more than a civil war battleground or
a staging platform for a new dictatorship." [NYT, March 18, 2005]
Though the American people might wish that
the major news organizations would stop and think before running
with the herd, the reality is that it has fallen
to smaller outlets like our own to get in the way of these media stampedes,
at least in those first crucial days when a dangerous
consensus can take shape. And we can only continue to challenge
these rushes to judgment with the continued support
of our readers.
"Come down, President Bush. Come talk to me.
Meet my wife. Talk to my wife
and see if you get an answer. Ask her to lift
her arm to shake your hand. She won't do it."
Schiavo, trying to escape Tom Delay's nightmare Attribution
make tons of money off this..."
Subject: Boston
Legal TV show
Hey Bart Old Buddy,
That show Boston Legal has been taking it
to the Bushies last couple weeks.
If you have not seen it, it is usually worth just
for some of the comedic value with old
Captain Kirk himself, James Spader and some hot
chicks thrown in.
It is from David E. Kelly so he is usually good
for that.
2 weeks ago it was about a principle putting
a filter on the TV's in his school to block out Fox news
and they got to thrash the station and actually
showed some clips from "Outfoxed". They lost in court
and he had to remove the filter but it was good
tv anyway.
Yesterdays show seemed like it came right
from the pages of Bartcop. They went down to Texas to
defend a man with an IQ of 80 from the death penalty
who had been coerced into a confession.
One of the lawyers said "when I called the DA or
one of the "high court judges" to say this man was
innocent as proven by DNA evidence he GIGGLED AT
ME!". They tore into how Texas was still
responsible for 50% of all execution in the U.S.
and how could these arrogant judges be so shallow
as to not care. I just thought the giggling murder
quote was worth a mention.
Bart I do appreciate the page, I have been
so frustrated as of late (I got laid off about 2 mo's ago
from my tech job of nearly 7yrs) and this whole
Shiavo case, I simply pop to your page to lift my spirits.
Keep swinging,
Denver Dude.
Days Of Our Lives
Or, 'More proof what a hypocrite Bush is"
Click Here
Bush signed a law in Texas that expressly
gave hospitals the right to remove life support if the
patient could not pay and there was no hope
of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes.
It is called the Texas Futile Care Law.
Under this law, a baby was removed from life support against
his mother's wishes in Texas just this week. A
68 year old man was given a temporary reprieve by the
Texas courts just yesterday. Those of us who read
liberal blogs are also aware that Republicans have
voted en masse to pull the plug (no pun intended)
on medicaid funding that pays for the kind of care
that someone like Terry Schiavo and many others
who are not so severely brain damaged need all
across this country. Those of us who read liberal
blogs also understand that that the tort reform that
is being contemplated by the Republican congress
would preclude malpractice claims like that which
has paid for Terry Schiavo's care thus far.
Nobody cares about the facts.
Politics is just one giant circle-jerk
these days
and our side hasn't got the slightest clue what
the rules are.
How can hundreds of Democratic millionaires be so f-ing clueless?
the message
Click Here
"Keep it simple' is the key to the White House,
Howard Dean told his party last night.
One major reason his party lost the 2004 race
to the "brain-dead" Republicans is that it
has a "tendency to explain every issue in half
an hour of detail," Dean told Democrats Abroad,
which brought about 150 members from Canada and
30 other countries to Toronto for two days.
"I'm going to be very disciplined about how we deliver
messages. We can have policy deliberations
in rooms like this. On TV, we have to be very
Can Dean turn the party around?
Can he stay focused and on-message?
Can he shake off the dreary Kerry doldrums?
Subject: Nancy Graceless
I agree ONE HUNDRED PER CENT! Yes that's
The only way you can communicate with a rolling
bitch like her.
She instantly assumes every defendant is
guilty until proven innocent,
and she is so small-minded that she has to my knowledge
never, ever apologized
when she was wrong, which in her forum can send
innocent people to the death chamber.
I'd really like to pull her entire face
off, the constant smirk she has on her hideous mug
made me finally understand why mothers admonish
their children:
"Stop making ugly faces, one day it's going to
stick like that!".
Nancy Grace's mug is unmitigated proof that
this is a true statement, not an old wife's tale!!
Subject: liberal as a code
It's time to turn the tables.
Start calling non-Repugnuts Progressive-Democrats/Greens/Independents
and always refer to Repugnuts as Regressive-Republicans.
The word "liberal" has acquired the same
taint as "nigger" and needs to be retired and avoided.
DC Madman
"To make comments that 'Terri would want to
live,' how do they know?
Have they ever met her? What color are her
eyes? What's her middle name?
What's her favorite color? They don't have
any clue who Terri is. They should
all be ashamed of themselves. Terri died 15
years ago. It's time for her to be
with the Lord like she wanted to be."
Schiavo, calling Tom DeLay a "little slithering snake" pandering for votes, Attribution
...and the Democrats still can't figure out how to get
on the proper side of this.
A tequila-drinking Okie could do better.
Subject: Ward
Fair point on the framing for Churchill.
I have huge problems with what he said
and I'd punch him in the mouth for it...
although I'd be the first to defend his right to
say it.
Eichmann had far more decision making power
for the evils he did than the 3,000
who died in the Trade Towers so Churchill's analogy
is a stretch. HOWEVER, history
(as told in the US) has a tendency to varnish our
actions around the world and with the
BFEE in charge you'll see even more of that.
We really need more free discussion of our
history BUT I ain't holding my breath...
we'll get it about the time we get national health
insurance in this country.
Chris D.
For those who don't know, Churchill is a Native American.
His ancestors were hunted for sport.
They weren't even worth enslaving, according to the prevailing attitudes.
Sure, it was dumb for Churchill to phrase things like he did,
but how would anybody feel if their entire race was
90 percent wiped out?
Used with permission
Subject: 9/11
and Pearl Harbor
Re "U.S. Lists Possible Terror Attacks and
Likely Toll" (NYWTimes front page, March 16):
In three and a half years after Pearl Harbor, we
had virtually won World War II.
In three and a half years after 9/11, the Bush
administration has a priority list.
Norman Davis
leader supports brain-dead woman
as seen on fauxnewschannel.com
Click Here
The future of a vegetative Terry Schiavo,
once a vital human being, is being bandied about for political gain,
not because it's an easy way to score points with
dumb Americans, but because it's the right thing to do. Isn't it?
"I think so," says David Young, Bush supporter
and Schiavo family friend. Young put together a small rally
in support of the Schiavos, and means to attract
as much attention as possible to what he sees as a worthy cause.
"I mean, Schiavo is a body with a head and a pulse and
hair and stuff, right? She's not a cantaloupe or a zucchini,
so I don't get this 'vegetable' thing. Do you?"
"I don't care what her husband says."
DeLay, because he needs some good press before he's indicted Attribution
nut about helpless women..."
Midnight Coup on the Constitution
Click Here
Republican leaders, eyeing an opportunity
to appease their radical right-wing constituents,
convened Congress over the weekend to shamelessly
interject the federal government into the
wrenching Schiavo family dispute. They brushed
aside our federalist system of government,
which assigns the resolution of such disputes to
state law, and state judges. Bush flew back
from his ranch to Washington on Sunday to be in
on what amounts to a constitutional coup d'etat."
Bush cut short his vacation?
1. Bush has never cut short his precious vacation before - not ever.
2. Bush is always on vacation.
Entertainment Page
radio host arrested for child porn
voted for Bush..."
Click Here
Agents with the FBI's Violent Crimes Task
Force arrested a Christian radio station
personality as part of a child pornography investigation.
Bureau agents began investigating Chris
Ruleman, 40, a midday host for WFFI, 94FM,
earlier this week after receiving information that
he possessed child pornography.
He remained in the Nashville jail pending
an appearance before a U.S. magistrate judge on Friday.
WFFI general manager Mike Miller said Ruleman will
not be on air while the investigation is ongoing.
Subject: Ward Churchill
I agree with Ward Churchill.
We need many more to tell the truth at
the crimes our people have committed in poor countries.
The Bush Crime Family among the worst.And Cheney
with Halliburton.
Greed is evil and that is what it is about with
our illegal administration and this illegal war.
Mary Lou in Nebraska
Mary Lou, I changed your state so Bush's
goons can't track you down.
Truth-tellers are considered traitors in Bush's
Golf Update
Click Here
to the greatest golfer of all time, Eldrick Woods.
He came in one stroke better than 30th in last
weekend's Bay Hill Invitational.
He's great, that can't be denied, but he's no Kenny Perry, he's
no Graeme McDowell.
Eldrick "Sandy" Woods
We've got books by authors.
discussion fails
From: Dave, a small pillar
If you're not prepared to argue about the
reality of BFEE torture,
only impossible movie scenarios, then what is your
Those are two different subjects.
I've already said 100 times that I don't
approve of Bush's tactics.
You WANT me to jump in bed with Bush so you can
hang me for his crimes.
Permission denied.
I've read the last thirty of your back issues
(re-read, for most of them) to track the history.
Here's how it shakes out:
You say two things:
1.) you'd approve of a "slap" to somebody
who was "guaranteed guilty" if it would "save 10 million lives."
I would, and that has pissed off a lot of
Then you say
2.) the "doves" would sacrifice those 10
million lives to save the slap.
That seems to be their position.
They say"No torture
of any kind for any reason ever!"
The first assertion is an opinion based
on whatever -- no problem. It's the flimsiest possible scenario,
It was meant to be a starting point - a
line of demarcation - a reference point we could look back at
and say we agreed on "A," but we draw the line
at "B," which is where that debate was going.
So far, that debate has not yet started.
...which you've already batted around in
permutations like "sometimes it's OK to smother a baby"
(because they did it on MASH), but it's
still just an opinion that affects nobody outside of your own head.
That might be the stupidest sentence ever
addressed to me,
and it's further proof that people can't debate
certain topics and keep their heads.
What is wrong with you?
That is so asinine, I can't believe you'd
sign your name to this e-mail.
I never said "sometimes
it's OK to smother a baby" (because they did it on MASH).
It was one of the most viewed programs in TV History
- I thought maybe somebody might've seen it.
In the MASH example, Hawkeye and 20
people were on a bus that was hidden by some trees.
The North Korean army was just yards away, and
a baby on the bus started crying.
If they were discovered, all 20 would certainly
be killed (the story went) so to save 20 lives,
the mother was forced to put her hand over the
baby's mouth to silence it - and the baby died.
So, it's settled, then..
Bart loves torture and smothering babies.
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"Is the Terri Schiavo case about the "culture
of life" - or is it simply about Tom DeLay
and the radical right grandstanding when they
don't really give a damn about anybody's life?
Some enterprising Democrat should write up
the Culture of Life Act (Terri's bill) immediately
and introduce it, guaranteeing universal health
coverage to ensure that every American is
guaranteed their 'culture of life.'"
in DC, smarter than every millionaire Democrat in Washington Attribution
Subject: yesterday's rap
yo, whiteboy, it's '50 Cent,' not '50 Cents'
Well, Shirley, he does own
a candy production facility - right?
Dr House gets mobbed up - TV's best show meets the
Robert Bianco hurls
a hissy at Rob & Amber on Amazing Race
Killed my Wife? by Robert Blake
The Shield - Vic responds to a plea from an old acquaintance
to help find a wayward teenager
body count in Iraq
1517, 1519, 1521,
1524 dead soldiers under Bush
more flaged-draped coffins for Bush
How many can we afford to let Bush kill?
Nicole whips 'em out
Click Here
She peeled back her dress at the MTV Video
Music Awards in Sydney on Thursday
to show her assets decorated in tape bearing the
music channel's logo as she took to the stage.
Subject: Bill
Maher - Number One Butt boy for B*sh
Care to wager?
How long before Bill Maher is the opening
act at the Dennis Miller theater in Branson, Mo.?
Hal, he's not that bad.
Maher gets smacked around pretty good in
BCR 71, which should've been up by now.
I will finish it today no matter what.
baby removed from life support
Bush bill says they must die if they don't have the money
Click Here
The 17-pound, 6-month-old boy wiggled with
eyes open and smacked his lips, according to his mother.
Then at 2 p.m. today, a medical staffer at Texas
Children's Hospital removed the breathing tube that had
kept Sun Hudson alive since his Sept. 25 birth. Cradled
by his mother, he took a few breaths, and died.
When it came to my son, they gave up in six months...They
made a terrible mistake,'" said Wanda Hudson.
Why doesn't the Christian Right care about this baby?
Why don't they care that Bush is a hypocritical son of a bitch?
Bush's law that made the hospital kill that baby.
Don't they know God knows they're lying?
How can they lie to God?
Do they think God is that stupid?
How can you believe in God and then lie to His face?
Get your BartCop Stickers!
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City opens April 1
Robert Rodriguez (and my good friends Del Castillo) scored Kill
Bill: Vol. 2 for one dollar.
Quentin Tarantino said he would repay him by directing a segment of Sin
City for one dollar.
Tarantino, a vocal proponent of film-over-digital, has said that
he was curious to get hands-on
experience with the HD cameras which Rodriguez lauds. When asked about
his experience,
Tarantino merely replied, "Mission Accomplished."
Welcome to Basin City, home to a menagerie
of killers, hookers, losers, and dreamers, all waiting
for their next big score to get by. Marv (Mickey
Rourke) is a hulking thug, who, after spending
one night with an angelic woman (Jamie King), becomes
heartbroken and volcanically vengeful
when a cannibalistic hit-man (Elijah Wood) murders
her. Dwight (Clive Owen) is looking to put
the hurt on Jackie Boy (Benicio Del Toro), after
witnessing his violent attitude with the local, heavily
armed prostitutes of Old Town (including Rosario
Dawson, Alexis Bledel, and Devon Akoi).
And John Hartigan (Bruce Willis) is looking for
redemption after saving Nancy Callahan's (Jessica Alba)
life years earlier, only to be called back into
action when The Yellow Bastard reemerges to finish the job.
I'm there on April 1.
Subject: your web
Hey, I happend across your website by typing "low-rent
white trash" in google.
"People" like you are the real reason I'm excited
about drilling in Alaska finally being allowed.
Richard Erickson
Funny, I typed "low-rent
white trash" in google to test you and
first up
was a picture of your mother getting it on with
a buffalo - a black buffalo.
Maybe soon, you'll have a lil' brother with
horns to keep you company.
for Amazon Products Online?
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like the Church
of Reality - a religion based on
believing in everything that is real.
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