"I still think of myself as a moderate Republican. The
party I know and love would
respect the rights and human
dignity of Terri and Michael Schiavo - they wouldn't
pretend to care about the due process rights
of Terri Schiavo while waving her
lifeless body around as a rallying call for
right to life votes."
Cole, Attribution
Rejects Schiavo Parents' Request
Click Here
For the second time in less than a day,
a federal appeals court Wednesday rejected a bid
by Terri Schiavo's parents to have her feeding
tube re-inserted. Florida lawmakers,
meanwhile, debated another last-ditch effort to
prolong her life.
Someone on Air America this morning pointed
out that os life is so sacred,
why aren't we talking about the 100,000 people
Bush had kill;ed in Iraq?
Is the life of one white woman in Florida worth
more than 100,000 Iraqi lives?
Monkey says, "We
have to er on the side of caution," yet
when he was governor,
he sentenced men to death without even
bothering to read the sentencing reports.
This giggling monster enjoys killing, because he
gets to say, "We must uphold the law."
Jesus returns, Karl Rove will kill him
will kill the Christ!"
Click Here
Christ was a long-haired peace activist
who would have been sickened to his soul by the war in Iraq.
"Blessed are the peacemakers" Jesus said in his
defining Sermon on the Mount. "Turn the other cheek
...Love thy neighbor." Such hippie-radical ideals
are the "Christian" right wing's worst nightmare.
The GOP would never tolerate an upstart like Jesus
gathering a following in the face of their corporate
-fundamentalist crusade. These are self-proclaimed
Christians who love power but would despise the
actual Christ, just as they love a Zionist Israel
but believe actual Jews are doomed to Hell."
W. Bush is laughing
Click Here
Somewhere in the White House, George W.
Bush is laughing. I can imagine Bush sitting in a room with Rove,
joking about what kind of reaction these appointments
will get, playing a game of who can do the best job of
confusing the living crap out of everyone. "What
do you think of this, Turd Blossom," Bush would say to his
right-hand man. 'I'll appoint someone who HATES
the United Nations to be my U. N Ambassador! Ha!
That'll give the Frenchies a heart attack!"
"To simply say that the 'culture of life' means
that we don't have to pay attention to the
principles of federalism or separation of powers
is certainly not a conservative viewpoint."
-- Bob
Barr, (R-Baby Killer) saying Bush and Delay are out of control, Attribution
Up' in the Iraq War
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
At the second anniversary of the U.S. invasion
of Iraq, one poll found that 70 percent of Americans
viewed the war's casualties, including 1,500
American dead, as an unacceptably high price. Yet most
U.S. politicians and pundits appear ready to plunge
ahead toward the next 1,500 U.S. soldiers dying in Iraq.
In large part, that's because the
politicians and the pundits have come to recognize that they face virtually
no career risk if they stick with or fawn over
the Bush administration's Middle East policies.
Indeed, possibly the most troubling commentary
on today's U.S. political/media system is that screwing up
on the Iraq War has become almost a rite of passage
to better jobs and higher honors. It's as if the elite
circles of Washington have come to operate by the
rules of George W. Bush's business career: as long as
you stick with the in-crowd, you fail up.
During Campaign 2004, it often appeared
that the news media was much tougher demanding a coherent war plan
from Democratic challenger John Kerry than from
the Republican president who had led the nation to war under
the false pretenses of Iraq's weapons of
mass destruction and supposed ties to al-Qaeda.
Reporters didn't even challenge Bush when
he would rewrite the pre-war history to claim that Saddam had
refused to let the U.N. arms inspectors in, when
the reality was that Bush was the one who had forced the
inspectors out. [See Consortiumnews.com's "Reality
on the Ballot."]
"Who can better decide what's best for Terri
Her immediate family or some bureaucrat a thousand
miles away in Washington?
-- BartCop, using their tactics against them
Subject: Terri
Schiavo - Form vs. Substance
The Terri Schiavo controversy is an example
of form vs. substance when it comes to politics and religion.
The battle creates the illusion that it is about
saving the life of someone who is actually already dead.
It gives religious people the illusion that they
are in a battle for some great cause, and the illusion is the
cornerstone of faith based thinking.
In reality this is about letting a dead
woman die and respecting her choice to not endure a living death.
It's about whether an individual gets to choose
their own fate or have to endure politicians using the law
for personal political opportunity. If people of
faith and politicians wanted to pass "pro life" legislation they
wouldn't be meeting at midnight to interfere with
the death of a single individual. Instead they would be
increasing Medicare and Medicaid so that the lives
of thousands poor people and old people can be saved.
The difference between form and substance
is - do you want to really do something to better humanity or
do you want to just pretend you're doing something
to better humanity?
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
P.S - I'm surprised they didn't attach a
tax cut for the rich to this legislation.
Stern's farewell tour
Click Here
"It's gonna be unbelievable ÷ I'm
telling you, the day they throw me off, it happens the next day,"
Stern said, referring to speculation that his current
employer ÷ Viacom's Infinity Broadcasting
÷ won't wait until his official satellite-radio
start date of Jan. 1 to take him off K-Rock and 38 other stations.
"It's a brilliant publicity scheme ÷ P.T.
Barnum couldn't have done better," said Inside Radio editor Tom Taylor.
"Stern understands promotion like no one in the country," Taylor
Bin Laden Evaded U.S. Forces
Duh! - ya think?
Click Here
The events at Tora Bora were a point of
contention during last year's presidential race, and Bush and Snarl
asserted that commanders did not know whether bin
Laden was there when U.S. and allied Afghan forces
attacked the area in December 2001.
Cheney said last Oct. 26 that Gen. Tommy
Franks had "stated repeatedly it was not at all certain
that bin Laden was in Tora Bora. He might have
been there or in Pakistan or even Kashmir.
Franks said, "We don't know to this day
whether Mr. bin Laden was at Tora Bora in December 2001."
He added that intelligence assessments of his location
varied, but bin Laden was "never within our grasp."
Bush cited it on the campaign trail as evidence
that bin Laden could have been in any of several countries
in December 2001. "That's what Tommy Franks, who
knew what he's talking about, said," Bush said on Oct. 27.
So why did Bush agree to a 30-hour truce at Tora Bora?
Why did Bush allow plane after plane to land and take off in the
area where bin Laden was?
Wesley Clark talked about this again and again, I taped his speech
in OKC, but nobody wanted
to hear it and the Bush-friendly American whore media refused to mention
It was important to find out which of Monica's breasts
Bill licked first, because Hyde, Burton., Gingrich,
Delay and Barr said "the flag was falling," but
letting Osama go free is none of our fucking business?
Subject: Terri Schiavo
Why don't all these believing Christians
want to see Terri Schiavo go to heaven?
Isn't that a good thing?
Is her current quality of life, vegatative or not,
better than the Happy Hunting Ground?
Subject: Do you believe
that Jesus rose from the dead after the Crucifixion?
Click Here
MSGOP got 272037 responses
Yes 82%
No 12%
Dunno 6%
I'll bet if I asked someone in that 82 percent why they believed
their answer would be, "because it's true."
But wouldn't the real answer be, "Because
my parents told me that, and I trust them?"
"I believe it unwise for the Congress to take
from the state of Florida its
constitutional responsibility to resolve the
issues in this case."
Sen. John Warner (R-Saner than some) Attribution
Subject: Chimpie's
vacation and the Schiavo bill
Chimpie felt it necessary to fly back to
D.C. from Crawford to sign the Schiavo bill because he supposedly
supports a "Culture of Life", but he obviously
didn't deem it necessary to fly back from Crawford in 2001
after he was warned 52 times by the F.B.I. BEFORE
September 11th that an attack on America was IMMINENT!
The chimpanzee is COMPLICIT in the murder
of 3000 people in the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon.
This ass wipe should be impeached and imprisoned!!
If he truly valued human life he would've done EVERYTHING
possible to protect American citizens from an attack
by terrorists. He also wouldn't have gotten the United States into a
so-called war with Iraq which subsequently killed
over 1500 U.S. soldiers and probably close to 200,000 innocent Iraqis.
Don't forget about the 11,000 psychologically
and physically damaged soldiers who have returned to the United States
only to be told to FUCK OFF by the Bush administration!
The Bush administration doesn't value human
life! The ONLY thing these sociopaths value is MONEY!!!
Remember that, people, when the Chimpanzee reinstitutes
the draft and comes calling for your sons and daughters.
Used with permission
Subject: Washington
DC Hallowed Ground????
Recent events have forced me to believe
in the following conclusion.
The unbelievable in America has happened. The
Church, the Corporate world, the Media,
and the Politicians have come together
in a massive autocratic conspiracy to create perpetual
fixed elections and immunity for crimes that transform
our Government into a sanctuary for
the most vicious and ruthless of the "criminally
your BFEE
Click Here
The United States Government wasn?t always
so concerned about human life -- not even kids'.
During the Cold War, American children were used
in radiation and other experiments.
When Dorothy Lagarreta, a California mother
of nine, tried to do something about it, organizing the
National Association of Radiation Surivors (NARS),
she had a fatal single-car crash into a tree.
No accident, reported the priest who said her funeral
"The Schiavo case will boost the execution
of Living Wills into the stratosphere.
Each of us must decide if we want to control
what happens to us if we wind up
like Terri Schiavo. Otherwise, Tom DeLay will
decide it for us."
Kilgore, Attribution
nuts about controlling
other people's
SS Bomb and Debt Scam
by Michael Hammerschlag
Click Here
SS Privatization has nothing to do with
saving it- it is a scam engineered by people who have long disliked
and want to grant more windfalls to their financial
sector friends: management and setup fees and bottomless
investment capital. A mild tweak in retirement
age, income cutoffs, or benefits is all Social Security needs.
Don't listen to all the Administration's
dire warnings- Social Security isn't in any trouble for decades except
from Bush's deficits, and the way to deal
with that is to cancel the $3 trillion of tax cuts for the wealthy.
If you're
make it go away.
involves two simple steps.
First - we
tell our servers where to send the email for your domain.
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it really be that easy?
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I heard
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Entertainment Page
and Long; Still not Punting
as seen on fauxnewschannel.com
says, "Whites in Florida must be saved...
in Texas need not apply."
Click Here
But the issue is just not that simple.
As president Bush explained to Jimmy Dale Guckert,
affectionately known in Washington circles as "Deeper
Throat," the distinction between
Bush's so-called "conflicting" actions is not so
"Believe me," the president assured Guckert, "everyone
involved in this case wants good
stuff to happen. We're good people and we don't
want bad things to take place. Heh heh.
I think everyone agrees on that. And, uh, just
like the Schiavo family's dilemma, the Texas thing
was a complicated issue. By that, I mean it's not
simple. Heh heh. When things aren't simple
they're what you call complicated, heh, and uh,
that's why this is not a simple issue. At all."
It's odd that Republicans want liberal gun laws
and the liberals want conservative gun laws.
'Scent Of Christ' - In A Candle
No Eddie, they are not kidding
Click Here
Now, there's a candle that lets you experience
the "scent of Jesus." And surprisingly,
it's straight from South Dakota, not Bethlehem.
They've been selling by the case.
"We see it as a ministry," says candle maker Bob
Tosterud. Light up the candle called "His Essence" and,
according to the makers, you'll experience the
fragrance of Christ. "It's a very meaningful experience."
We should all get in the Jesus business.
Want to buy some Jesus Gum?
Subject: black buffalo?
Why did you have to respond to the moron
that commented about Googling
"low rent white trash" to find Bartcop with the
comment "black buffalo"?
Plain ol "buffalo" would of gotten your
point across.
I can't help but see subliminal racism in your
Come on, be better than that.
Surprise, surprise, I disagree.
I added that to inflict maximum pain on the Monkey.
He doesn't mind a buffalo being with his mother - but a black buffalo?
That would drive him insane because he's the racist,
not me..
Besides, ...it was a joke.
tombstones at Forest Park in St Louis
Thanks to the Sax Man for the picture
'set to free' Bobby Fischer
Arch-criminal to excape Monkey-Bush justice!
Click Here
Japan has decided to allow former world
chess champion Bobby Fischer to travel to Iceland,
despite the boy king's screaming for his hide and
acting like a spoiled child/moron, Japanese media say.
Japan's justice ministry made the decision
after being shown documents proving Mr Fischer had
been granted Icelandic citizenship. Fisher has
been detained for eight months near Tokyo.
He is wanted by the BFEE for such heinous crimes
as "illegal chess."
Waltz for Greed-mongers
Click Here
Elvis Costello, speaking at the just-concluded
SXSW music festival in Austin,
said the end was nearer than many think.
"As soon as broadband is big enough, the record
(retailing) business is over," Costello said.
"They will have to change or die ... It's going to be
about five minutes to the end. All bets are off."
Costello also said that "music chains like Tower
Records had 'let the spirit go out of it.'"
There's the concerned voice of the music
industry, claiming also to speak for the poor (or rich) artists trying
to make or keep their daily bread: "It's stopping
new artists from coming forward, and it's killing mid-level artists
across the board," lied Jay Rosenthal, legal weasel
at Berliner, Corcoran & Rowe and a board member of the
never have enough Coalition. And then there's the voice of reality,
Wendy Seltzer from the EF who,
said "lawsuits against online music traders will
continue to have little effect on P2P traffic."
When will the greed-mongers get the message?
Elvis has it right when he says "Change
or die."
The music weasels made stole their
millions and now it's time to give it up.
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"I think it's kind of a surprise, but I'm actually
happy about it.
He did not marry a great winner. Do we agree?"
Trump, on Robert Blake's verdict Attribution
Subject: Ward Churchill
You wrote-
> "For those who don't know, Churchill is a Native
Ha, ha-
Ward Churchill is as much an Indian as Bill
Clinton is a successful president.
I'm shocked and surprised to hear you admit
Keep swingin' that big ol' hammer, Bart!
Shamus Gay Slotnik
I'll admit, I don't have a copy of Ward
Churchill's birth certificate on file.
But I've lived in Oklahoma for 30 years,
and I'm just racist enough (see above)
to say that I think I know a Native American when
I see one.
Maybe Churchill's crime is writing 6-8 books
about how the red man got screwed?
Those (I
don't know any Indian slurs) act
like we stole their land or something...
Because basketball has screwed up Thursdays on CBS, they put Mrs.
Bart's favorites
Survivor and CSI on tonight where they conflict
with Lost and Alias, her two other favorites.
Of course, this is my fault because I own CBS and Viacom.
Meanwhile, I'm stuck taping West Wing on the old black-and-white
You know, I don't think I've seen a Law & Order since
Lenny died.
body count in Iraq
1517, 1519, 1521,
1524 dead soldiers under Bush
more flaged-draped coffins for Bush.
How many can we afford to let Bush kill?
Klum expecting?
Click Here
British rocker Seal and his German supermodel
fiancee Heidi Klum
are expecting their first child together, according
to reports.
Documentary Shows What Air America Survived
The new documentary
HBO "Left of the Dial," scheduled to broadcast on Air America's
one-year anniversary, (March 31) reveals how far
the company has come since its birth.
Now on 51 stations nationwide, standing
as the fourth most streamed station in the country and
continuing to make unprecedented political and
cultural waves, Air America Radio has arrived.
See where it came from, and you'll appreciate this
success even more.
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"He needs someone to be, like, 'OK, let's buck
you up, let's give you a mustache,
let's rough you up, let's go to a bar, let's
get drunk and be a man."
Spears, advising Michael Jackson on image control - Attribution
ha ha
Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle "white?"
Subject: More and more
and more of your (redacted) lies!
Hey, (redacted) Bart!
You wrote:
> "For those who don't know, Churchill is a Native
That's a (redacted) lie. Saying it 500 more
times won't make it so.
The (redacted) even admitted it on that nasty liberal's
show, Bill Maher,
that he was not a Native American. He has also
admitted it in oipen forum on campus.
Also, every tribe that he claims affiliation with
has denied him.
Put that in you (redacted) peace pipe and smoke
ti, Bart!
(redacted) two-bit lying bastard.
Your monkey friend,
Leffler P. Bohanon
Leffler P, you mean Ward Churchill, the
Cherokee Scholar?
Click to order
his book
Since he had an Indian's face, I assumed
it was his.
bartcop.com regrets the error.
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