"You don't believe everything you read in the
newspaper, do you?"
Rumsfeld, who regularly plants false stories in the willing media, to a reporter, Attribution
of Life' Issues Split GOP
Pollster says GOP coming apart
Click Here
In a CBS News survey, opposition was so
widespread that even decisive majorities of Republicans,
conservatives and white evangelical Christians
said Bush and Congress should not have intervened.
To many analysts, the resistance to Washington's
role illustrated the challenges Bush and other social
conservatives face in forging consensus for a "culture
of life" agenda that includes issues such as abortion,
embryonic stem cell research and end-of-life cases. The
case seems to show the limits of public tolerance
for political involvement in such intimate decisions.
"My sense is this is one issue where everybody
understands the other point of view," said David Winston,
a Republican pollster. "But clearly people don't
want government being involved in decisions like this."
The GOP claim they
want less government, but at every turn they add more.
More religions, more guns, more control
and more federal oversight on innocent people.
In your bedroom, in your pants, on your
deathbed, inside your house when you're not home
and even inside your wife's uterus - if Bush gets
his filibuster-proof senate so look out, America.
It's tin soldiers and Monkey coming...

the undead lady killer
Who is Wolfie banging these days?
Click Here
Reports indicate that Clare Wolfowitz separated
from Paul because he had an affair.
Paul Wolfowitz was Dean and Professor at
Johns Hopkins University. During that time
he used his position to prey on woman under his
authority When the scandal broke he
and his wife separated but appear not to have divorced.
One may wonder if Wolfowitz has trouble
keeping track of his women but I have it on good authority
that he uses his protective detail of federal officers
to manage his affairs and shuttle him between hos.
Indications are that the White House has been aware
of this situation and has even had a letter from
Clare concerning her husband's whore mongering.
The only White House response to date was to
nominate Wolfowitz for the World Bank because they
know he could not make it through a senate
conformation hearing for any other job for which
they could nominate him

"As I watch the Terri Schiavo case, where ate
the ''defense of marriage" proponents?
The decision about life support was left in
the hands of her husband, which is where the
decision belongs. When Terri married, her husband
became her next of kin, and she became his.
Will no one defend this marriage? When
my uncle suffered a massive stroke last summer,
I learned that my family differed on what we
would want for ourselves and our loved ones.
But we all agreed that my uncle's wife was
the one he wanted to make the decisions.
We may be liberals from Massachusetts, but
we apparently have more regard for
the meaning of marriage than this Republican
Congress does."
McQuilken, Lexington, Letter to the Editor, Attribution
When some GOP handjob says "Both sides
are playing this," remind them that the Democrats have
stayed out of this. It was the right-wing religious-crazies who got this
ball rolling and the Bush bastards went
along for the ride, not counting on 82 percent of the country telling them
to butt the hell out.

"As I have stated repeatedly, I am a Republican
and a conservative. Tom DeLay represents
the worst of all of us, and in my mind is no
more Christian than he is conservative.
He represents what can only be labeled as the "I
got mine - screw everybody else" wing
of my party that needs to be purged."
Cole, who seems to be quoting bartcop.com Attribution
tyrants are killing Terri
Oops -- most of them are Republican. Never mind
Click Here
Despite all the apocalyptic posturing of
the far right on the cable channels, weblogs and editorial pages,
the Schiavo case is a matter of individual conscience
and adherence to law. Although the weight of
scientific evidence supports Michael Schiavo's
position, Democrats and Republicans alike have
acknowledged how troubling and difficult they find
this issue.
Meanwhile, national polls show that the
public disdains the hysterical posturing of the Republican
leadership in Congress and the White House. Ultimately
the Schiavo case may well change the debate
over the filibuster, though not as imagined by
the likes of Hugh Hewitt, if only because Senate Democrats
finally muster the courage and determination to
defend the Constitution and an independent judiciary.

an editorial in the San Diego Union Tribune
Click Here
DeLay believes that part of what is "going
on" is that his political opponents are out to get him
and other conservatives with what he considers
frivolous charges. DeLay, the House majority leader,
was admonished last year by the [Republican] Ethics
Committee for three separate issues, and he now
faces questions about foreign trips funded by outside
groups. How distasteful that DeLay would try to use
the heart-wrenching Schiavo story to try to explain
away the ethical cloud that now follows him.
It's no wonder so many conservatives around the
country feel so uneasy with how congressional Republicans
have conducted themselves in the Schiavo case.
They should. That conduct was an affront to conservatism.
ever seen a
Subject: Wendy's
finger food
There is absolutely
no way someone could loose a finger and have it get by unnoticed.
The only way a finger could have gotten in there
is that someone planted it.
The first thing I would do is find out who
had access to mortuaries or medical school anatomy labs.
Aint no way it got there by accident.
Either someone is trying to cash in on a big lawsuit
or someone has a grudge against Wendys.
The story about the severed finger didn't
quite pass the logic test. It begs more questions than it answers.
Wouldn't someone have complained about their finger
being lopped off? Emergency room records?
Why...how did it end up in the chili? On and on. Keep
an eye out for a suit to be filed for gross chili meat or something.
AND since no one has claimed this detached finger,
makes you wonder if the donor isn't a goner.
I used to manage a Wendy’s. Unless
they have changed the way they do things,
there is virtually no way that the finger
could have gotten in the chili from the meat.
Wendy’s uses the hamburger patties
that don’t sell for the chili meat. This means that the
would have gone through the patty machine, cooked
on the grill the first time, discarded, boiled
for chili meat, and then poured into the chili. Certainly
someone would have seen the finger.
I agree.
I assume the cops are at least as smart as the three of us - and
I'm no big fan of Wendy's
but the whore media strikes again with a sensational headline that probably
was never true.
Wendy's stockholders lost millions because the whore media can't control

and its victims
Click Here
Many of the men and women who have been
holding vigils outside Terri Schiavo's hospice are exhibiting
the worst of America's home-grown strain of religiously
grounded ignorance and hypocrisy. They clutch their
Bibles and rosary beads and hold signs that proclaim
it a moral duty to care about life for the vulnerable and
disabled, but exhibit no such passion when Republican
leaders declare the need to cut food subsidies and
medical care for the needy while reducing taxes
for the wealthy. Voting patterns indicate that the more
overtly religious someone is, the more likely he
is to vote Republican; and Republicans are more likely
than Democrats to shrink potentially lifesaving
programs for the nation's poor and infirm.
This begs the question:
Is their religious insanity causing them to lie to themselves?
Or are they just lying intentionally? If so, to what end?
Too bad no conservative will agree to debate any of this, because
I'd like to ask why the typical Republican
loves a fetus, then ignores the baby, ignores the child, ignores the student
and ignores the worker, but then
wants to fall back in love when that fetus has reached the end of their
lives. That's just crazy thinking.
They want to cut funding that helps people with food or medical
expenses while they're alive,
but then they want to scream at the government to "do
something" once the citizen's life has ended.
That's why they can't debate - because all they have on their
side is horseshit.
Subject: Terri Schiavo
Possibly the most obnoxiously idiotic things
I have ever seen on the Internet
is Joe
Scarborough's piece at concerning the Schiavo tragedy.
Poll after poll after poll shows the American
people do not want to force life on Terri Schiavo
- and more importantly, an even larger majority
do not think this is a decision to be made by the government.
Yet Joe Scharborough argues the Democrats are politically
tone deaf for not fighting to keep Schiavo alife.
What an asshole!
RNat, I'll tell you what happened:
The reason Bush is losing so badly on this is because the Democrats
aren't there to cave in.
And this time, Bush isn't fighting a bunch of folding,
pink tutu quitters.
He's battling Republicans who aren't afraid to throw a punch in
a fight.
Bush is used to his opponents wetting themselves and begging for mercy.
Der Leader? That's unthinkable!"
'showdown' over Schiavo averted
Two sets of cops facing off, waiting for the other to blink
Click Here
Hours after a judge ordered that Terri
Schiavo was not to be removed from her hospice, a team of
state agents were en route to seize her and have
her feeding tube reinserted - but they stopped short
when local police told them they would enforce
the judge's order. Agents of the Florida Department
of Law Enforcement told police in Pinellas Park
on Thursday that they were on the way to take her to
a hospital to resume her feeding. For a brief period,
local police, who have officers at the hospice to
keep protesters out, prepared for what sources
called "a showdown." In the end, the squad from the
FDLE and the Department of Children & Families
backed down, apparently concerned about
confronting local police outside the hospice."
I smell a rat.
They called ahead to tell them they were coming?
Sounds like somebody wanted to pretend they wanted to help
Terri - to save face.
lied about being a Marine, too
Click Here
Fake name. Fake reporter. Fake news agency. And
now this ...
Fake Marine.
First, we went to the Military Personnel Records
of the National Personnel Records Center at St. Louis,
the supposed repository of all military records.
No record showed, but the official letter hemmed and hawed
and scraped its military-booted feet so much, kinda
sorta explaining that they're often ... well ... ummm ...
screwed up ... and that we should check directly
with the United States Marine Corps at Quantico.
You know, just to ... ummm ... make sure.
So we did...
So all those gay soldiers and sailors got "topped" by a civilian?
Subject: Christians confuse
I don't understand why the Christian community
is so committed to keeping a brain dead woman alive.
After all - if she dies - according to their belief
- she will be with Jesus. So - if they really believe that
then why are they trying to keep her away from
God? It makes me think that the "faithful" don't have any faith.
I don't think they actually believe what they preach.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Used with permission
"Coop" from
the 2004 Chicago Pokerfest - please contact
me ASAP.
I'm Here, Bart!
"There is a very real risk that many people who read
'The Da Vinci Codes,'
will believe that the fables it contains are
-- Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, spokesman
for the Pope. Attribution
Is Cardinal Betrone saying Catholics are particularly gullible or easily

Americans Now Allowed to Hate America
Schiavo case provides Evangelicals with paradoxical opportunity
Click Here
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough has said it over seventy
times. The Nobel Peace Prize nominee
Dr. William Hammesfahr has uttered it on air several
dozen times. Even FOX News' own
Sean Hannity has said it ninety-three times on
his brilliant program "Hannity & Goober."
What these righteous gentlemen have repeated is
Terri Schiavo Case Memo Talking Point #9:
"What kind of society would allow a helpless woman to
starve to death?"
Subject: Donation
for 69, 70, and 71
Hi, Bart! Need
to hear some more hammering.
Pat S
Pat, thanks for the CD order.
Your shows are on the way.
Your freedom
or your life
Warning: Never trust a Bush bastard
Click Here
The value of Iraqi lives can be calculated by
the barrel and the value of life for a black baby in Texas on
life support is worth exactly ten days of hospital
care for the family to cough up the cash to keep him alive
themselves. A white woman who won't recover has
a life of infinite value, people who are still walking
around but crippled with drug addiction are worth
nothing. Anyway, the thing about this stupid "culture of life"
phrase is not just the hypocrisy. I have also noticed
that two values that BushCo likes to fling around are "life"
and "freedom", but I have also noticed that the
two are opposite values in their rhetoric. You can have
freedom or life, but not both. They are pretty
consistent in this viewpoint, and if they evoke freedom,
you can be sure they are covering up for someone's
death, and if they evoke "life", you can be sure
they are trying to take away your freedoms."
Subject: Schiavo
So then they show an old lady holding up a sign
that says, "Are Jews next?"
Please explain to us simple minded idiots what
the fuck THAT has to do with anything!!!
Well, Hitler killed millions of people in World War II
and some people are afraid Bush is trying to break his record.
Pat O'Brien
in Rehab
"Please don't
listen to BCR Show 72"
Click Here
Pat O'Brien checked into rehab, just as an embarrassing
string of dirty voice-mail messages, which
expressed a taste for hookers, cocaine and adventurous
(if possibly unhygienic) sex, became public.
His reps do not deny that O'Brien made the calls.
...well then they should be fired.
These tapes are downright awful.
He sounds like he snorted a six pack of Viagra - in the next BCR!
"The old American republic is truly dead. The institutions
that we thought were eternal
proved not to be. And that goes for the three
departments of government, and it also goes
for the Bill of Rights. So we're in uncharted
territory. We're governed by public relations.
Very little information gets to the people,
thanks to the corruption and/or ineptitude of the
media. Just look at this bankruptcy thing that
went through--everybody in debt to credit cards,
which is apparently 90 percent of the country,
is in deep trouble. So the people are uninformed
about what's being done in their name."
Vidal, The
Undoing of America
I think most of America doesn't realize that things are very, very different. We
can talk tomorrow
about the changes being good or bad, but today we need to win the argument
that America is very,
very different than it was five years ago, and it's got nothing to do with
bin Laden.
Goodbye to Social Security.
Goodbye to Medicare.
Goodbye to the safety net.
Goodbye to starting over when you're bankrupt over unexpected surgery.
Goodbye to your kids when Bush starts drafting them.
Goodbye to gas costing less than $75 a tank, then $100 a tank.
Goodbye to checks and balances on evil men drunk with power.
Goodbye to veterans benefits, the sons of bitches.
..and we haven't seen freedom of the press in over five years.
This isn't America - this is the BFEE's concentration camp.
Would evil
men start wars for unlimited power?

Marty's Entertainment
Subject: Pigboy
going to hell?
Limpbaugh just admitted at 12.22 cst that he
has a medical directive that will keep him alive at all costs.
He claims that anyone in his will who takes part
in the decision to unplug his sorry ass will be cut out of the will.
Apparently, knowing he will be eternally shoveling
coal for the big red machine inspired Limpy to be plugged in forever.
i suppose i would be at the end of a long line
of folks more than willing to pull the plug.
I don't know who won the basketball tournament
that screwing up Mrs. Bart's TV schedule.
Why don't I know? Because it's a short-pants
sports, that's why.
But I did check the golf scores to see
how Mr. Perfect was doing.
T52 Tiger Woods means he's tied for
52nd place.
Tiger's good alright, but he's no Luke Donald -
he's no Joe Durant.
It's gotta suck being Tiger Woods, one of the
most famous people in the world having a years-long slump.
Everywhere he goes he must get a lot of "Hang
in there, Tiger," and "Don't
worry, you'll win again..."
TV Ketchup
We watched the premier of Kojak, starring Ving Rhames.
I think Kojak cries too often.
People want to see Ving get tough with the bad guys, not cry like a little
...and then he murders one of his detectives on the first show?
The new Kojak is a cold-blooded, murdering vigilante who cries a lot?
The Shield continues to shock and provoke.
The new boss (Glenn Close) thinks
Vic is a damaged, loose cannon (he is) but still she puts him
in charge of every gang-related or drug-related murder in the precinct.
That'll be good TV.
Meanwhile Shane, Vic's former #1
thug cop, is begging to be killed by several vicious gang leaders.
Dutch tells Claudette, "I'm
not racist - I'd do Halle Berry in a heartbeat," and the captain,
who last year
had to give "prison sex" to a thug at gunpoint, discovers he likes watching
rape videos while he masturbates.
If they're saying the attack made the captain realize he's actually gay,
that would be not OK.
Why would FOX say, "Once you've tried homosexuality, you might really like
They cancelled Point Pleasant, the soap opera where the
Devil was always sexing people up.
In its place, starting Thursday, Tru Calling returns.
Hey, take a hot babe, add in some space monkeys and you got yourself a
TV show.
Eliza Dushku's Tru Calling premiers Thursday
of the month special!
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Bush's body
count in Iraq
1524, 1525,
1528 dead soldiers under Bush
Another three dead
on Bush's watch.
How many can we afford to let Bush kill?
The Terri
Schiavo Show
by Betty Bowers
Click Here
I thought The Swan was bad enough (mainly for
its cruel refusal to book Barbara Bush),
but this new Terri Schiavo Show is truly America's
most crass foray into that siren call for
opportunists everywhere -- Reality TV. Perhaps,
my exasperation with this abysmal new
program is exacerbated by the fact it appears to
have been syndicated on every single station.
Parading one's piety on cable television has replaced
NASCAR as America's favorite talentless sport.

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Subject: Hypocrisy
Hey "Bartcop"-
I've noticed in reading your blog that you, along
with other liberals, state that had Jeb Bush
used state police powers to take custody of Terri
Schaivo, it would have been equivalent to
Nazi tactics from the '30's.
I think you have me confused with someone else.
Sure, the Bushes almost always act like Nazi bastard stormtroopers,
but I haven't accused Jeb's Nazi ass of Nazi tactics "from the 30's."
Yet when Janet Reno and Bill Clinton used federal
police powers to seize Elian Gonzalez in
violation of the decision of a federal court in
Florida, all of you liberals were ecstatic.
We liberals support a boy living with his father, not his celebrity-driven
third cousins.
You said "Elian will be his father," when
of course he is not.
*I* said a ten year old boy was a father?
Sorry, your monkey-ism is getting the best of you.
He is currently Fidel's personal puppet.
You mean he's living like a king?
Liberal hypocrisy is the reason Bush got another
Greg George
Gee, I thought it was those Ohio Diebold machines they refused to let
us verify.

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