"I have never met a man so ignorant that
I couldn't learn something from him."
Galilei, Attribution
Jesse: "It's all about me!!"
Trying his best to make the Bush bastards seem rational
Click Here
Joining the party of torture and murder
(who oppose the idea of death with dignity), Jackson
said he would call state senators who opposed "Terri's
law" and ask them to reconsider.
"I feel so passionate about getting my face on
TV, no matter how much it helps the Bush Monster,''
said Jackson, who needs publicity more than he needs
food and water. "This is an issue that I'll
pretend transcends politics and family disputes.''
Political science professor Susan MacManus
said Jackson's appearance shows that the life-and-death
issues surrounding terri resonate beyond white,
Christian conservatives, giving the Butcher of Baghdad
the political he needs to recover from he free-fall
in the polls.
Jackson will be repaid with an IRS audit
and continued national scorn and ridicule from the GOP.

Jerry Falwell
in Critical Condition
Is God recalling Falwell?
Click Here
The Rev. Jerry Falwell was hospitalized
in critical condition Tuesday, battling his second case
of viral pneumonia in just five weeks, hospital
and church officials said.
Falwell, who hasn't told the truth in the
last 40 years, was admitted to Lynchburg General Hospital
shortly before midnight Monday suffering from "respiratory
arrest," the hospital said in a statement.
Falwell's breathing is complicated by the fact
that his head is so far up his lying, in-it-for-the-money ass.
Since only the good die young, Falwell is
expected to recover and continue his career of laying blame
for 9-11 at the feet of gays and women's rights,
instead of the insatiable oil greed of the BFEE..
"CNN is reporting that Jerry Falwell is in
critical condition and on a ventilator suffering
from viral pneumonia. Note to the Falwell people:
Don't ask Tom DeLay what to do with
someone on a ventilator. You might not like
the answer. He only helps with feeding tubes."
Joe in DC, "Falwell's on a ventilator", Attribution
Note: Delay disconnected his father's ventilator years
ago because there was no political advantage
to be realized by grandstanding for the cameras as some moral crusader/bug

Subject: Jesse Jackson is a
...and is now officially an Uncle Tom.
Come on, sitting down with the likes of
Randall Terry? Sean Hannity?
Like Bill Maher, I'm not ready to give up on Jesse just yet, but
he certainly has
done a bad, bad thing by sucking up to Bush, Delay and the whites-only
Like Dan Rather did with the it-was-always-true National
Guard AWOL story,
Jesse Jackson has given Bush and the GOP immunity on the Schiavo debacle.

"Most Australians consider U.S. foreign policy
to be as threatening as Islamic fundamentalism.
More than two-thirds of respondents, 68%, said
Australia takes “too much notice” of the United
States when setting its foreign policy agenda. Asked
to rate their “positive feelings” about a list
of 15 key countries or regions, they put the
United States at 11th place, ahead of only Indonesia,
the Middle East, Iran and Iraq."
--AP, Attribution
Bush has ruined our reputation worldwide,
he turned our surpluses into never-before-seen monstrous debts,
lied us into a war that made him and his friends personally much
yet the Democrats join with him and tell their constituents to fuck off.
We deserve better.
Howard Dean, why why are you silent?
Are you turning all Gore-Kerry on us?
Top Boy Scouts
official - child porn
"I promise to obey and be square..."
Click Here
Doug Smith, the former national director
of programs for the Boy Scouts,
has been charged with the receipt and distribution
of child pornography, a felony.
According to court documents, Smith possessed
and distributed computer images
of children engaged in (the
usual sordid details that gives an AP writer wood.)
Smith was placed on paid administrative
leave in late February when the Boy Scouts were told he
was being investigated. "We are dismayed and shocked
to learn of the charge," the Boy Scouts said.
"He was not in a leadership position which involved working
directly with youth."
This deserves a mention in the press - nothing more.
CNN is treating this "most shocking story" as the biggest news of
the decade.

In the Name
of Politics
by Ralston Purina (What's your dog eating?)
Click Here
By a series of recent initiatives, Republicans
have transformed our party into the political arm
of conservative Christians. The elements of this
transformation have included advocacy of a
constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, opposition
to stem cell research and the extraordinary
effort to keep Terri Schiavo hooked up to a feeding
tube. Standing alone, each of these initiatives has
its advocates, within the Republican Party and
beyond. But the distinct elements do not stand alone.
Rather they are parts of a larger package, an agenda
of positions common to conservative Christians
and the dominant wing of the Republican Party."
Note: Ralston was once a playa in the GOP, but he wasn't
Nazi enough, so he had to go.
Subject: yesterday's
dumbass Monkey Mail
Your idiot monkey mailer had to make stuff
up to have a case. In particular,
the part where he says "Janet Reno and Bill
Clinton used federal police powers
to seize Elian Gonzalez in violation of the
decision of a federal court in Florida."
They did? Huh. That's odd. No, actually,
the truth is that they FOLLOWED THE
COURT'S RULING. The 11th Circuit US Court of Appeals
ruled for the father:
There's the exact ruling about INS actions,
word for word from the court decision.
This is the problem with conservatives, Bart. When
the truth is not on their side
(which is almost all the time), they just make
stuff up.
The saddest part is, a lot of them actually
convince themselves they're telling the truth.
I'll bet this monkey mailer actually believes Clinton
and Reno sent in the INS in violation
of a court ruling, instead of to enforce a court
ruling. Freak.
The fact that Clinton sent in federal agents
to ENFORCE a court order while Bush sent in
state agents in VIOLATION of a court order doesn't
just show how ignorant your monkey mailer is.
It also shows how legally ignorant and morally
bankrupt Jeb Bush .
Veteran of Pokerfest Palm Beach 2004
Note: Pokerfest
Maui 2005 is May 20th.
Pokerfest Chicago 2005 is in July, details on both to follow.

The Merchant
of Baghdad
Click Here
Proving that the Republicans have no problem
ignoring Biblical strictures against usury, the Congress
passed a bankruptcy bill that makes life far more
profitable for credit card companies and far more
onerous for people who have fallen into debt. The
government hasn't started building debtor's prisons
or shipping off Mastercard defaulters to Australia
yet, but more and more Americans will find themselves
indentured servants to Visa as a result of this
The Monkey has never worked a day in his life.
He's always had more money than he could ever spend.
As he got older, strangers gave him millions for ghost jobs.
No wonder he let the greedy bank bastards screw all working
Jon Stewart is on vacation again this week?
I think I do more shows a year than he does.

Wimp II: This
Time It's Personal
by Will Durst
Click Here
I can understand Bill Frist and Tom DeLay
orchestrating these weasel moves, as they're still ambitious
poisonous little suckups with big Christian-right
butts in their crosshairs, but shouldn't George be working
out of the downtown plaza of Legacy City right
now, cleaning up his contribution to a presidential library
by shredding documents? And it turns out, he's
just a big fat sissy boy like his dad. Isn't that sweet?
Sanctimoniously justifying his attempt to intercede
on behalf of a prone human pawn, Bush intoned,
"always err on the side of life." Of course the obvious
exception would be those darn Iraqis.
Didn't "err on the side of life" in that one, did
you George?
Instead of waiting for the inspections to
work, his beliefs were a mite more secular then, listening instead
to the whispering generals: "If we don't get there
in 8 weeks, it's going to get real hot, which will make
our troops' flak jackets itchy." That time he decided
to "err" on the side of wardrobe.
Private convictions
vs. public displays
by Gene
Click Here
I’ve had enough personal experience
with how seriously the medical profession takes
such decisions to entrust them to hospital ethics
committees. So when I hear Pat Robertson,
the well-known TV faith healer, observe, as he
did on FOX News’ "Hannity and Colmes,"
last week, "Why, you wouldn’t treat a dog
or horse the way they’re treating Terri," I’m inclined
to say: No, Pat, you’d allow an animal more
mercy and dignity.
Medically speaking, brain death is death.
All the rest is made-for-TV melodrama.
Used with permission
"Coop" from the
2004 Chicago Pokerfest - please contact me ASAP.
I'm Here, Bart!
"We cannot continue to imagine there exists
a slumbering progressive majority waiting
to be awakened with the right trumpet call.
We cannot cling to the fiction that conservatives
have somehow hypnotized the electorate, hoodwinking
them into voting for Republicans and
reactionaries while leaving untouched their
internal worldviews, which somehow remain
fundamentally progressive. It is important
that we stare directly into the sun on this point."
Hayes, Attribution

by Joe Conason
Click Here
Amid the sideshows and distractions, which
now feature Jesse Jackson and Ralph Nader
as well as the Bush brothers and Randall Terry,
embarrassing reality intrudes despite the
powerful urge to ignore it.
That reality is a deep dispute between the
dominant tendencies on the right. Traditionalist
conservatives who insist that Ms. Schiavo must
be kept alive at any cost have run directly into
libertarian conservatives who don’t want
to pay for her medical care. The politicians who
straddle these two positions, in their eagerness
to exploit Ms. Schiavo’s case, have yet to
explain how society should pay for their religious
The great minds of the right do their best
to avoid discussing such contradictions, using reliable
methods of misdirection and demonization. Rush
Limbaugh insinuates that spiteful liberals
“want Terri Schiavo to die just because Christian
conservatives want her to live.” Peggy Noonan
denounces the “pull-the-plug people (82
percent of America)… half in love with death,
and ravenous,” whom she identifies as Democrats.
Subject: Donation
Bart, please
send me shows 69, 70 and 71 on CD, plus 90 days membership,
Good work.
Sean in Brooklyn
Sean, thanks for the CD order.
Your shows are on the way and your membership
has been activated.
Suggestion: Don't listen to too many radio shows at one
You might slug the next Republican you speak to if you're still charged

'Suge' Knight Ordered
to Pay $107M
I hope this judge has bodyguards and lives on the bottom floor
Click Here
A judge has ordered "Suge" Knight to pay $107
million to a woman who claims she helped
him start Death Row Records, ruling Knight and
his lawyers failed to answer questions in the case.
Subject: Would evil men start wars
for unlimited power?
Wonderful cartoon of that cold blooded bastard,
Answer: yes they would; yes they did.
Keep in mind the Nazis exploited the Reichstag
fire in order to give the Fuehrer
unlimited power to meet "the terrorist threat" to
Germany. Keep in mind that there
is so much we do not know about 9/11 to this date.
If you employ the question used by detectives
in a homicide investigation: Cui bono?
Who benefits from this murder, you may be on to
something about 9/11.
Indeed, who benefited? Care to guess?
Sieg Heil, y'all.
Tom S
Tom, they hate it when you point out that the BFEE is using Hitler's
I wonder if Adolph gave Prescott the originals?
NY Post: HBO special
on AAR is a hit piece?
Click Here
Whether or not you're into Air America's "mission" or
its stars,
talk-radio junkies will be fascinated by what's
behind the curtains.
Such as when visits Al Franken on his first show
and decides afterward
to lecture then-CEO Mark Walsh on the "sh—-y" statements
Walsh made to the press.
"He says, 'We can't go too far — we gotta play
it safe,' " Moore tells the camera.
"Playing it safe is what got us into this mess. Guys
like him is why this network won't survive."
When Randi Rhodes tries to introduce herself to
Moore in a hallway, Moore prepares to
blow her off — until he sees a camera behind
her and returns to shake her hand.
Hmmm, sounds like a hatchet job, from what the Whore Post is saying.
It's soooo easy to beat up on Michael Moore, one of the only fighters we
have lefts.
In March 2004, I had never heard Randi and I certainly didn't know what
she looked like.
Unless he'd been to Palm Beach, it's possible Moore didn't know either...
Maybe the camera told Moore that Rhodes was somebody - so he returned
to shake her hand?
Question: Why did it take a
year to edit this?
This hatchet job(?) premiers Thursday night on HBO.

"I just feel like the federal government has to
be involved.
It is a life issue that really does require
government to be involved."
--Pickles, on why families like
the Schiavo's need the federal government run their lives Attribution
I'm so old, I remember when the GOP was about "less government."
I remember hearing about "rugged individualism" and "Get your boot off
our throats!"
Marty's Entertainment

Subject: Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone, spokesman for the Pope.
Fables? You want fables?
How about one man and one woman populating the
entire earth by themselves?
And that makes me wonder when incest became a bad
thing to the Christians.
Adam and Eve’s kids must have been doing
it with each other.
And how did Noah go around the world collecting
If the whole world was flooded, he would have had
to go to America, Antarctica, well you get the idea.
And did god actually write the bible or did some
sheep herder write it and say god told him what to write?
Just wondering.
If any Christians have any answers, feel free
to clue me in.
Larry L
Larry, such a Doubting Thomas!
You're going to get all your answers - after
you die!
...and then won't you feel silly?
End of the
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Bush's body count in Iraq
1524, 1525,
1528 dead soldiers under Bush
Another three dead
on Bush's watch.
How many can we afford to let Bush kill?
Lisa Marie spills
Jackson dirt to Oprah
Click Here
She told Winfrey that her marriage to Jackson,
which lasted from 1994 to 1996, was real.
"Do you think that he loved you as much as he could?" the
talk-show host asked.
"Yes, as much as he was capable of loving somebody," Presley
In 1995, she told Diane the Whore that anyone
who questioned their relationship could "Eat it!"
(I could print that
naked picture of Diane Sawyer here, but this is a family friendly publication.)
When Oprah asked if she felt that Jackson had
used her, Presley replied,
"All signs point to `yes' on that. I can't answer
for him."
They're back!
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Subject: Debate
I've been reading you off and on (mostly off
for a few years now) since about 6 months after you started.
Heck, you used to post a lot of what I sent in.
I'll admit, I'm tired of your whining 'no one
will debate me'. (Me, too.)
What you mean is 'no one will debate me more than
once because I heavily edit everything said
to make them appear to be a knuckle dragger, then
shut them up'. I know this from first-hand experience.
If I remember correctly, the last devate had 60-80
witnesses, and the next day we posted the transcript
- so how did I get away with changing the guy's
words to make him look stupid?
For the 200th time,
when people send in a 5,000 word e-mail, I edit for length - I have to.
If your point takes 5,000 words to make, it's probably
not worth making.
Plus, many (not all) debaters can't write a complete
sentence without discussing
Hillary's genitalia, so yes, those parts get edited
out, too - I'm such an evil tyrant.
Repeat: Nobody has
a question or a point to make that scares me.
If it's true, I'll print it and say, "That's true."
If it's false, I'll say so and try to provide a
You suggest there's some "hidden truth" that I
won't allow to be told. Plus, you always have the option
of going to some other site and writing something,
then sending me an e-mail with that link, asking for a comment.
Surely, I'm not powerful enough to censor the entire
internet from your "hidden truths," right?
You want to debate life issues with a conservative?
Fine, bring it.
Actually, you will
have to bring it to me.
My views are well-known and in print going back
to Issue #1 in February of 1996.
How could I know your positions on hundreds of
BUT, I will copy everything and post it to my
own blog and I expect you to link to it
(as I will link to you) so that those interested
can see an *unedited* version as well as *my* comments.
ha ha
I'll print the transcript,
and if people want to read your copy - they're free to do so.
Got what it takes, monkey-boy?
Sure, but you knew
that before you asked the question.
Rick Stump
View my blog at: http://andune.blogspot.com/
I'm free Thursday night at 9 PM CST.
Do you know where the torture chamber chat
room is?

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