"I voted to confirm Condoleezza Rice as Secretary
of State because I believe that the President
has the right to appoint his own cabinet. He
can hire whomever he wants to work for him, but
ultimately it is him that I will hold accountable
for any foreign policy errors. If he wants to accept
Condoleezza Rice as his spokesperson for his
policies, then I don't have a problem with that.
But if she makes a mistake, I will absolutely
hold him accountable."
Barack Obama, explainign why he voted for the Bush nominee Attribution
But Barack, are you going to "absolutely
hold him responsible" by voting for every nominee he sends
Schiavo 'murdered' by Bush brothers
Click Here
Terri Schiavo died today, 13 days after
her feeding tube was removed. She was 41.
Schiavo died at 9:05 a.m. at the Pinellas Park
hospice where she lay for years while
her husband and her parents fought over her in
what was easily the longest, most bitter
-- and most heavily litigated -- right-to-die dispute
in U.S. history
was 'Dead Wrong' in Prewar Assessments
Click Here
A report made public this morning concludes
that American intelligence agencies were "dead wrong"
in almost all of their prewar assessments about
the state of unconventional weapons in Iraq, and that
on issues of this importance "we simply cannot
afford failures of this magnitude."
It adds, "The harm done to American credibility
by our all too public intelligence failures in Iraq will take years
to undo."
The report concludes that while many other
nations believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction,
"in the end, it was the United States that put
its credibility on the line, making this one of the most public
- and most damaging - intelligence failures in
recent American history."
Then why do we hear about America's "great
triumph" from Bush's good puppy media?
Why is this administration constantly bragging
and giving out medals for "job well done?"
How could Tenet, Bremer and Franks be rewarded
for being "dead wrong?"
"Condoleezza Rice has alarmed many reformist
Arabs with comments suggesting a new U.S.
approach that promotes rapid political change
without regard for internal stability. Rice said
the Middle East status quo was not stable and
she doubted it would be stable soon."
Wright, "Rice Alarms Reformist Arabs with Stability Remarks" Attribution
Wait, that's not right
Democrats have been called "sore losers" for refusing to congratulate
Bush for solving the problems
of the Middle East and winning the peace. Just last week, Charles Krauthammer
(and every Nazi on
talk radio and the cable channels) scolded us for not giving Bush his due
for solving the unsolvable.
The theory, pushed by such former lefties as Bill maher, was that since
Bush was brainless/clueless
about the Middle east, he had no pre-conceived barriers to overcome and
his simnplicity saved the day.
Why can't we just get some honesty from the millionaire news conflomerates?
Subject: Boy Scout perv
Could you clarify your position on this?
This guy is a child porn operator and you're
saying it only deserves a brief mention?
The Catholic church does it and you're outraged
that there isn't MORE coverage of it.
(and I stand by your position on that one) Why
should this guy get a pass? This guy was
the national director of programs for an organization
that is supposed to HELP the boys,
not exploit them sexually.
Just curious,
Russ from WY
Ross, from the evidence I've seen, this guy is guilty of possessing
and e-mailing child porn.
He should be put thru the system and watched or whatever one does with
these people.
It's my understanding he was an office administrator who never touched
a boy scout.
The "brief mention" thing was the article started listing the types of
activities that were
in the perv's pictures - and I think we don't need a detailed description
of the pictures he had.
The perv priests, on the other hand, are physically attacking children
using God as their excuse
for why the child must obey their commands. The perv priest also
knows his Church stands
behind his atrocious crimes by refusing to endorse the "zero tolerance" policy.
Each time a Catholic pencil pusher moves a rapist priest to a new,
unsuspecting parish, he is
guaranteeing that further child rapes will result, and obviously, the empty
threat of some ficticious
hell in the ficticious afterlife is not a
sufficient deterrent to these subhuman serial rapists.
Until the Catholics take the pledge and put teeth in its enforcement, I
will continue to speak out.
And if you notice, the only time I mention the subject is when another
one gets caught.
If I mention it too much, that's all the more reason why it needs to be
Shame on the pro-rape Catholics who refuse to take the "no rape" pledge.
"A high-level source, a neocon at that, within
the system has said to me directly that
'John Bolton's job is to destroy the U.N., Rice's
job is to destroy the State Department
and replace it with a vehicle of facilitation
for making the Pentagon's national security policy.'
The neocons are parasites that latch onto oil
until is no longer convenient."
Ritter, who has been right at every turn Attribution
Coulter causes stir at KU
Heckling, standing ovations interrupt Naziette
Click Here
"Could 10 of the largest College Republicans
start walking up and down the aisles and
start removing anyone shouting?" Coulter
asked. "Otherwise, this lecture is over."
Several people responded, leaving their
seats to confront the hecklers, and verbal confrontations
erupted in parts of the auditorium. One of those
who answered Coulter's call was Michael Conner,
a Shawnee freshman. "All I did was say they shouldn't
stop her from speaking," Conner said of
confronting some audience members in the back of
the auditorium. Later, when heckling broke
out again, a couple of uniformed KU Public Safety
Department officers appeared and escorted
about six people out of the auditorium."
Asking a mob to form sides and police itself sounds dangerous
to me, but had violence broken out,
I'm sure Bush's good puppy media would've run the headlines, "Democrats
start riot."
Admiral Borda killed himself in shame
when he got caught wearing a medal
he didn't earn, but Bush has no shame.
Subject: To Larry L on
the Bible
To Larry L and Bart,
You're making the same mistake of ignorance
made by Falwell, Robertson, et al.
The Bible is metaphorical, not literal and factual.
Says you!
The crazies believe every word of the Bible - literally.
How can you not recognize that fact?
The "God hates fags" people are just one example.
You can't poke fun of a book you don't understand.
--Russell K.
"Understand" is certainly a loaded word.
Religious books cause murders.
Religious books cause families to disown their sons and daughters.
Religious books cause people to give live rattlesnakes to their kids.
How much understanding do I need to know that's wrong?
Preparing To Let Doctors Refuse To Treat Gays
Catholics say gays are not worth the trouble of treating when
they're sick?
Click Here
Doctors or other health care providers could
not be disciplined or sued if they refuse to treat gay patients
under legislation passed Wednesday by the Michigan
House. The bill allows health care workers to refuse
service to anyone on moral, ethical or religious
grounds. The Republican dominated House passed the
measure as dozens of Catholics looked on from the
gallery. The Michigan Catholic Conference, which
pushed for the bills, hosted a legislative day
for Catholics on Wednesday at the state Capitol."
Wait, what about big-nosed Jews?
Do they have to treat big-nosed Jews if they don't want to?
How about faggots and square dancers? Who wants to work on them?
And, as always, do the niggers get singled out for special treatment?
What about dark people from civilized countries, and foreigners
in general?
Surely those lazy Mexicans aren't exempt, right? Who wants to work on them?
Old people sometimes have skin like a crocodile - do they have to treat
What about screaming kids with runny noses? Who wants that?
And Catholics - nobody likes a wacko Catholic, right?
Oh, the Catholics started this, so they'll be acceptable.
I think the only people who should be treated when they're sick are
straight white people between the ages of 12 and however old I am at the
Subject: WMDs
I am tired of all this talk of intelligence failures
concerning WMD's.
It is just smoke and mirrors to fill the news.
Just because a person or nation has weapons doesn't
another person or nation the right to take them
"I just killed my nieghbor because he had a gun" sounds
so stupid!
How can a nation make this same statement and
get away with it?
Attacking because another has a weapon sounds like
an excuse by a first grader.
James P
Living will
is the best revenge
by Robert Freedman
Click Here
* I want my wife to ruin the rest of her life
by maintaining an interminable
vigil at my bedside. I'd be really jealous if she waited
less than a decade
to start dating again or otherwise rebuilding a semblance
of a normal life.
* I want my case to be turned into a circus by losers
and crackpots from
around the country who hope to bring meaning to their
empty lives by investing
the same transient emotion in me that they once reserved
for Laci Peterson,
Chandra Levy and that little girl who got stuck in a
* I want those crackpots to spread vicious lies about
my wife.
Don't forget - you'll want not-pro-life Jesse Jackson to horn in screaming
"It's all about me, me, me" so he can make
an alliance with Randall Terry
and Jerry Falwell and Bill Frist to further degrade the circus into more
Subject: South Park's latest
Hey Bart,
I hope you haven't missed the episode of South
Park aired tonight,
Mar 30th, featuring Kenny being kept alive with
a feeding tube...
One of the best parts of it was about one of Satan's
helpers (who looked like
Emperor Palpatine) saying that, in order to have
Kenny's tube reinserted, he'd do
what he always does when he needs to get something
done: use the Republicans.
Take care,
Daniel L
Mental disorders
are on the rise for war vets
Bush's funding cuts could overburden system
Click Here
As many as one out of four veterans of Afghanistan
and Iraq treated at Veterans hospitals
were diagnosed with mental disorders, a number
that has been steadily rising, according to a report.
Overall, 26% of veterans were diagnosed with mental
disorders, say Han Kang and Kenneth Hyams of the VA.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was most
common, diagnosed in 10% of patients, followed by drug or
alcohol abuse (9%). Seven percent were diagnosed
with depression; 6% had anxiety disorders, such as
phobias and panic. Many ex-soldiers had multiple
disorders, Kang says.
But large funding cuts in VA psychiatry programs
over the past several years and the limited number of doctors
trained in PTSD could signal big trouble ahead,
cautions Dr. Bruce Kagan.
"The soldiers didn't come right away after Vietnam,
either. If they come in the numbers predicted, the numbers
the VA's own studies predict, we could be overwhelmed," Kagan
This is what
we voted for in Novermber 2004?
More war and fewer dollars to treat wounded soldiers?
That's true, according to Bush, Kerry and the networks.
Media Morons, and the Black Church
Click Here
The State of American Politics is in shambles.
We have no less than a Coup Leader at the helm of America
driving it deeper and deeper into despair minute
by minute. We have people in charge who are trying to bankrupt
this country on purpose. It looks as though they
desire to end the middle class way of life. Even with all of the
tax cuts they have taken so far they want even
more. I imagine they figure the middle class who work for the
people they are cutting taxes for can just work
a little more overtime to make up for that lost funding. Oh wait,
they won't be able to do that because the
company they worked for just sent their job overseas. People probably
don't remember last year when the Bush administration
had the nerve to tell us that jobs going overseas were good for us.
But then many Americans will believe anything.
They believed that Iraq was responsible for 9/11 and they had
weapons of mass destruction, the Medicare bill
would help seniors, and the Presidunce is a competent human being
capable of guiding the strongest country in the
world in the right direction. The worst thing about America is people
to this day still believe these things. I don't
know about where you live, but where I live these morons proudly keep
their "W" stickers on their vehicles.
These people have the nerve to say that the Coup Leader is good for America.
In Oklahoma, you see bumper stickers that say, "Save
Americam hang a liberal."
"This is not only a death, this is a killing."
-- Fr Frank Pavone, calling the
Bushes "murderers"
Woman gives
birth in car; confused cops draw guns
Click Here
A woman rushing to a hospital to give birth hit
a few stops along the way ÷ first at a gas station
where she delivered the baby herself, then when
confused police ordered her out of the car at gunpoint.
Debbie Coleman pulled over at a gas station just
after midnight Tuesday.
"I asked if she needed help, and she just leaned back
in the seat, hollered a little, and I looked down
and there was the baby's head," said Lloyd Goff,
who was alerted by a customer.
Goff said Coleman "threw her leg over the steering wheel,
groaned once, and the rest of the baby came out.
in Chief or millionaire Houston pimp?
GOP conspiracy
Click Here
There are some basic rules in politics. When
the public is with you, claim a mandate by the will of the people.
When the public is against you, claim a strong
personal compass that isn't swayed by polls. And when you think
your control and approval are slipping, talk about
the conspiracy working against you. With those rules in mind,
we turn our attention to Tom DeLay."
to dance?"
Subject: CNN and the Boy
When it comes to reporting, CNN will always take
sex, murder, and Terry Schiavo over legitimate reporting.
I wonder, though why they didn't take Jeff Gannon's
sexual implications and make so much more of it?
Keep hammerin'
Jimmy Bones
Jimmy, great question.
How does the money-driven media slut pass up a story this juicy?
Tight-ass, evangelical mama's boy gets caught with a for-hire dong dlinger
and the whore press would rather talk about Clinton eyeing some cleaveage?
Subject: Bush is a girlie man
in Cowboy boots
He sent Condi out to the Sunday morning talk shows
for the last four years,
with broom and dust pan, to clean up his messes.
Now her job is to wander the world,
taking messages he would rather not deal with directly.
Karen Hughes, wearing his mother's necklace, is
supposed to fix everything he messed up
in the last four years, and continues to screw
up this time.
Now Pickles is sent to comment on Schiavo and to
deal with Afghanistan.
Maybe he feels less secure without Jimmy-Jeff in
the White House on a daily basis,
so he has run to Mommy, again
Bush gets on top."
U2 tour
is a whirl of rock 'n' roll passion
After 18 years of being rock's hottest ticket
Click Here
serving monster hits with vintage rarities
dizzying display of heart and muscle
(* * * * out of four)
emotions run the gamut
potent political message
drama and grandeur
a sternum-rattling rock show.
Marty's Entertainment
Subject: Rick
the debater
I took a chance and clicked
on his blog.
First one out was a frickin' book.
Global warming doesn't exist. 4,137
I think he made your point.
I wish I had the courage to print every thought
Rick had on global warming.
Another reason we lost.

I tried again and again and again to get Kerry to act less like
a moron
and more like a president, but he insisted on playing the fool, again
and again.
Falling off his bike, windsurfing, playing football, snow-boarding etc.
If he'd listened to me, he might be president, but noooooooo.
Acting like a dork was too important to him - and we lost.
If Hillary wins the nomination, we won't have to worry about her windsurfing
while her campaign directors are busy trying to refute the BFEE lies.
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Bush's body
count in Iraq
1525, 1528,
1533 dead soldiers under Bush
Five more deaths on
Bush's conscience
How many can we afford to let Bush kill?
Applegate back w/ broken foot
Click Here
"Sweet Charity," which last week canceled its Broadway
engagement after Applegate broke
her foot and the show received tepid out-of-town
reviews, will open May 4 in New York.
"Christina came to me and made the most deeply felt emotional
plea," Weissler said.
"She has given up all her movies for the year, plus her
home and husband are on the West Coast.
This is what she has wanted since she was a little
girl and I just couldn't take it away from her."
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VCR Alert
Air America Radio (hatchet job?) story on HBO tonight.
CBS is basketball free - Woo Hoo! - that means Mrs Bart gets her Survivor and CSI.
CBS lost money by taking their best night off the air.
They had to pay millions to broadcast basketball for fewer viewers.
Sports should be on cable channels, not networks.
(Sunday football excluded)
So far, I've seen no confirmation from yesterday's Rick
the debater.
Maybe we can do it next Thursday.
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