"'What are you doing endorsing my 2008 presidential
-- John Kerry, with a straight
face, asking Sen Mark Dayton (D-Minn.)
he introduced Hillary as "our next great president" Attribution
Hey John, you're not serious about trying to lose it for
us again in 2008, are you?
When you had your chance, after promising to fight, you went windsurfing
and then you went to sleep.
You never had any intention of even trying to win, John, so WTF?
Did Bush make you a secret Skull & Bones deal to throw the race?
My wild guess is if this is a two-candidate race, Hillary would
beat you 80/20.
We can't have another surrender-in-advance John, not again.
You lost that race in f-ing August.
Officers in Abu Ghraib Case Cleared
Corrupt invaders swoop in, rape and murder, but found innocent
The world hates America a whole lot more today than they did yesterday
Click Here
Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, faulted by some
for leadership failures in the Abu Ghraib
prisoner abuse scandal, has been cleared by the
Army of all allegations of wrongdoing
and will not be punished, officials said.
Three officers who were among Sanchez's
top deputies during the period of the prisoner abuse
in the fall of 2003 also have been cleared. An
Army Reserve one-star general has been reprimanded,
and the outcome of seven other senior Army officer
cases could not be learned Friday.
After assessing the allegations against
Sanchez and taking sworn statements, the Army's inspector
general, Lt. Gen. Stanley E. Green, concluded that
the allegations were unsubstantiated
Are they saying this is so acceptable,
we wouldn't mind if they did it to our guys?
(You think that guy is alive or murdered?)
Subject: Amen to your 'rot
in Hell Henry Hyde'
It is too often my main regret as an atheist
that there is no hell, for if there were,
it would so overpopulated with these gop basterds
ordinary sinners like card playing,
tequila sipping people would HAVE to go to that
other place. Hebbin?
doctored terrorism report
She lost the numbers that made Bush look bad
Click Here
A state department report which showed
an increase in terrorism incidents around the world
in 2004 was altered to strip it of its pessimistic
statistics, it emerged yesterday..
This year's edition showed a big increase,
from 172 significant
terrorist attacks in 2003 to 655 in
Condoleezza Rice,
Bush's trophy secretary of state, ordered the report to be withdrawn
and a new one issued minus the statistics so
it would look like Bush's plans were working.
Henry Waxman, one of the very few fighters
left in the gelding Democratic Party said:
"There appears to be a pattern in the administration's
approach to terrorism data:
favourable facts are revealed while unfavourable
facts are suppressed."
Used with permission
slaps Canadian PM over broken promise
Shy rock star uses influence to help the world's poor
Click Here
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, fighting
to save his government, took a hit from Bono.
Bono said he was disappointed Martin had not kept
an earlier promise to boost Canada's
foreign aid to a level equivalent to 0.7 percent
of gross domestic product.
"I'm bewildered really. I'm disappointed. I've
not given up hope. I really can't believe that
Paul Martin would want to hold up history, or indeed
would hold up history," Bono told
CBC radio in an interview broadcast on Saturday.
"I'm going to be the biggest pain in his ass."
Bono, America has lots more money than Canada.
We throw away more money than Canada's entire GDP.
Please mess with our Murder Monkey.
He deserves it more.
"I welcome everybody (except
gays, women, Democrats, condom users etc) with
and love to assure them that the Church wants
to continue in open and sincere dialogue
with them, in search of the true good of man
and society."
the Rat, pretending he has an open mind and an open heart Attribution
Benny, what's your stand on child rapists?
Should the bishops and priests take the "zero tolerance" pledge?
Or can they continue with their ongoing crimes under your holy guidance?
Subject: Ratz & Hitler
Bart, you wrote:
> "the pope once belonged to Hitler
You can hardly criticize the man for being
a child that was forced into something.
After all, it was required that all youth join,
and eventually decreed that all young men
within the 3rd reich were members, whether they
wanted to be or not.
So, you're
saying I should fight fair?
With this bunch?
I can hardly criticize a man who calls gays "intrinsicly
evil" and treats women as
second-class citizens while he (apparently) teams
up with the BFEE?
> "helped deny Communion rights to Kerry
and other Catholic politicians in 2004"
Actually, he led the charge.
> "Yes, Joey Rats is the guy who said
you can't be a good Catholic AND a Democrat. "
Actually, he never SAID anything like that,
as far as I'm aware, but he implied that you can't be
a Catholic AND an abortionist. I don't
think you can hold him accountable for the fact that most
abortionists are democrats, and most democrats
are abortionists.
That is 100
percent pure horse hockey.
Tom Coburn has performed many more abortions than
John Kerry, but that nutjob Ratzo
went out of his way to say, "Don't vote the
Catholic for president."
Plus, you're looking at the issue "funny."
Most Democrats think a woman should control
her own uterus.
Ratzo and Tom Delay think they should
control a woman's uterus
because women are too stupid to make important
decisions for themselves.
It's about less government interference.
I told the truth about the word "nigger" and
nobody wanted to hear it.
Here's the truth about "women."
A near majority
of men in America consider women their "property."
They think women need to shut up until her man
tells her what to say.
Tens of millions of republican men treat their wives like children.
That's why Barbara and Pickles and the Twins
are hypocrites:
They're all "abortionists" by your definition (BTW,
how did you make that leap?)
but they were told to keep their babykilling opinions
to themselves - and they have.
That's the difference between
a Republican and a Democrat.
We don't treat our wives like property.
His belief that Communion should not be
given to those who approve of and petition for what
the Catholic Church believes to be sacrilege is
exactly what makes him one of the best men for the job.
Just my two cents.
Boy, you said
a mouthful there.
You know me - I'm not trying to start a fight or
anything - but I'll bet 80
percent of Catholics
in America are "Buffet Catholics," in that they pick
and choose which rules they're going to follow.
If the Pope kicks them out, they no longer
have a church - so why focus on abortion?
Bush probably killed more people as governor
than all 49 other governors combined,
but Ratzo ignored that so he could focus on
Bush probably
killed more Iraqis in the last two years than Saddam did in his last
but Ratzo ignored that so he could focus on
Bush lied to start his phony oil war, but
Ratzo ignored that so he could focus on abortion.
Maybe the new pope is confused about the
Subject: Clinton worship
BC, you wrote:
> "You sons of bitches screwed the best president
we ever had..."
What is with the Clinton worship??
I don't get it, you're like a Catholic
with a Pope.
Clinton was NOT the best president we ever had,
not even close.
If you keep saying it, does it become true?? Like
a Rethuglican BIG LIE??
I notice you
didn't name any great presidents - I wonder why?
Which part of peace and prosperity makes you most angry?
Get over the Clinton worship, both Bill
and Hillary are both very compromised
(and compromising) figures. And don't label
me a Clinton hater, I don't hate them,
I just don't think THE RECORD proves them
to be great--great politicians maybe,
but like many scoundrels, Reagan, Thatcher, etc.
The record?
You mean 28,000,000 new jobs?
You mean creating the internet?
You mean tripling the stock market?
You mean turning GOP deficits into surpluses?
You mean never sending a man into battle
who didn't come home?
If peace
and prosperity and zero military deaths don't count - what does?
Martin Luther King was great, as was Mandela,
and a few others.
But the Clintons?? NOT.
Gee, Clinton
never hit 70 home runs, either.
Why would you compare Clinton to non-presidents?
Get over it, besides, it is disappointing
to watch an otherwise very perceptive
guy have such a blind spot about those two power
lusting politicians.
If we had unlimited
time (we don't) would you ever get to the point?
I know you're all-Nader, all the time, so you have to
dis Clinton.
And by the way, winning is not the only
thing that counts, except to a Rethug.
Neil in Vermont
Oh, that's why you hate Clinton? Because he won?
Are all winners "compromised" in your book?
Maybe you're one of those "lose with dignity" guys.
If you like losing, Kerry could use some help in 2008.
"...there has been a hijacking of the U.S.
Senate by what I call the religious right wing of the country.
I think what has happened is Focus on the Family
has been hijacking Christianity and become an
appendage of the Republican Party. I think
it's using Christianity and religion in a very unprincipled way."
Sen. Ken Salazar, (D-CO) attacked by the crazies for not being "Bush" enough, Attribution
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"There is no justification for allowing the
blocking of nominees who are
well qualified and broadly supported losers
who are wholly owned by to the BFEE.
The tactics of the last few years, I believe,
are inexcusable."
-- Cheney, saying he supports the
nuclear option of destroying American democracy,
Subject: what I like about
With all the hype Edwards got for winning
South Carolina, the media pretended not to notice
that Clark won Oklahoma. (Wasn't it the same
day?) Clark, of course, was declared "dead"
weeks before for daring to stand on the same stage
with Michael Moore when Moore uttered
the "lie" (Republicanspeak for, the truth) that
Dubya deserted during wartime. Wes and Gert
went out and won Oklahoma with pure grit and NO
help from the national press. I like that.
I also liked that, during the '04 campaign,
whenever you got a look at a bunch of Clark supporters,
they had a decidedly more, lower-income, Frank
Capra, "John Doe Club" look to them than the
people following the other candidates. Let's
recall that primary voters are a subset of the people
who vote in the general. Again, Edwards got
all the hype for attracting new voters, but it was the
Clark folks who really looked to me like regular
people who might just be voting in their first Dem primary.
And speaking of Meet John Doe, it dawned
on me during the campaign that General Wes bears
a certain, unmistakeable resemblance to Gary Cooper,
and I like Gary Cooper. (Sure, they made
Cooper testify before HUAC in the early days of
the black list, but he never named names.)
Finally, all the Deaniacs out there need
to recognize that Dean, as DNC chief, aint running in '08.
So, even if somebody loves Dean, they should consider
General Wes since he may actually be running.
batavia, ny
I agree with you, Bart.
Clark is the only guy in the Democratic
Party with the guts to shove it to the Repugs.
He's the only one in the Primaries to tell a Fox
interviewer to more or less go to hell.
The jerk questioned General Clark's support
for the troops and I think the interviewer was glad it was a
remote interview because if the General had been
in the studio he would have wound up on life support.
Clark is the real deal. He walked the walk
and talked the talk.
Steve in UT
Steve, I forgot about that FOX moment.
I've always said I like a president with a temper and I believe Clark will fight
back when attacked.
Today's Democrats need that more than anything - more even than money.
Toast to Henry Hyde
by Bartcop's Comments
May bleeding piles beset you
And corns grow on your feet !
May crabs as big as lobsters
Crawl on your balls and eat !
Now that you're old and sickly,
Probably a syphilitic wreck--
May your spine fall through your anus
And break your goddamned neck!
Henry--we're sure you'll roast to Hell!
That's surely the only place to which
A reservation's been made for you,
You hypocritical son-of-a-bitch!!!!
I.M. Porno
of corn...
Only about 60 days until the first batch of fresh
Bixby corn rolls in.
Please God, send us some heat this summer - please?
It's Oklahoma, Lord, and we need some heat - to make the corn grow big & tall,
....if you can find the time.
Subject: Donation
I read your site on a daily basis and it
picks me up.
Don't let up.
Here to support bartcop.com
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
creates soundless sound system
You can hear it, but there's no sound
Click Here
"Woody" Norris pointed a metal frequency emitter
at each person who had come to see his invention.
The emitter - an aluminum square - was hooked up
to a CD player. Norris switched on the CD player.
"There's no speaker, but when I point this pad at you,
you will hear the waterfall," said Woody.
One by one, each person in the audience
did, and smiled widely.
Norris' system works by sending a beam of
sound above the range of human hearing.
When it lands on you, it seems like sound is coming
from inside your head.
Subject: BFEE Pope
Has any one looked into St. Malachi's Prophecy?
St.Malachi, 12th century Irish Bishop saw
in a vision the names of
all the Popes from his own day until the end of
the Catholic Church.
Exactly 112 of them.
The next to the last Pope would be a member
of the Benedictine Order
and he saw the name "Gloria Olivae" the Glory
of the Olive.
In John's Revelations "the great deceiver" is
known as "Gloria Olivae".
The last Pope will have the same name as
the first, Peter.
And be the Antichrist...
Dave in L.A.
Dude, that's creepy stuff - and I don't even believe in it..
While I was reading your e-mail, "Tubular Bells" came on the radio
Entertainment Page
Warming Distraction
saw it on fauxnewschannel.com
Click Here
"It's not 'Global Warming' threatening
man. It's much scarier than that.
Tiny computers, invading our bodies, like germs
on hyperdriven steroids,"
says Jim Inhofe, the
nuttiest bastard who ever embarrassed Oklahoma.
Subject: Clinton's "No
troops died in combat" thingy
Click Here
Bart, can you slap this wingnut?
ha ha
Pope is another Dick Cheney
Click Here
It was a move so smooth and bold, accomplished
with such backstage bureaucratic finesse, that it was
worthy of Dick Cheney himself. The éminence
grise who had long whispered in the ear of power and who
had helped oversee the selection process ended
up selecting himself. In Cheneyesque fashion, he searched
far and wide for a pope by looking around the room
and swiftly deciding he was the best man for the job.
Just like Mr. Cheney, once the quintessentially
deferential staff man with the Secret Service code name
"Back Seat," the self-effacing Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
has clambered over the back seat to seize the
wheel (or Commonweal). Mr. Cheney played the tough
cop to W.'s boyish, genial pol, just as Cardinal
Ratzinger played the tough cop to John Paul's gentle
soul. And just like the vice president, the new pope
is a Jurassic archconservative who disdains the "if
it feels good do it" culture and the revolutionary trends
toward diversity and cultural openness since the
Subject: Jane Fonda vs
Ollie North
You can't really be that simple minded.
Fonda's "smile" was a public relations bonanza
for the VC.
It was used to stir up leftists in America to protest
and spit on our soldiers,
and to demoralize those in captivity.
North may or may not have armed somebody,
but it was no enemy of ours.
It was an attempt to stop the spread of communism
in Central America,
which I suspect is the real objection leftists
have to what he allegedly did.
Brandy, now I understand the problem:
You have no idea what the facts are.
These are the facts that everyone agrees
Ollie North personally
flew a planeload (total of two) of Stinger Missles to Tehran
Then Reagan got on TV, wagged
his finger in the camera and said, "That didn't happen."
Then Reagan got on TV and said, "Ok,
he flew there, but there were no weapons
on those two, small planes." (I
guess small planes hold fewer Stingers than larger planes.)
Then Reagan said, "Sorry,
what I remembered is different from the facts."
Like most Republicans, you believe so strongly in a set
of lies.
You said: "North may or may not have armed somebody?"
You have no clue what Reagan's presidency
was about, do you?
How can you like the guy if you have no clue what
Subject: Wendy's
Good for you, Bart, seeing through that
woman's hoax.
I'm especially disgusted by the likes of Jay Leno,
whose Wendy's jokes
further hurt my favorite burger chain -- all without
Meanwhile, I LOVE your site. Thanks
for all your hard work.
It's a daily life raft of sanity to me in these
trying Repub times.
http://www.ucomics.com is getting
harder and harder to deal with.
Each day when I go there to get Doonesbury,
Boondocks and La Cucaracha it gets worse.
You try to click on a toon and some horseshit ads
runs under my cursor and blocks me.
They have bees buzzing and snakes hissing
and flying shit everywhere.
They are truly a whore website and they get worse,
it seems, by the day.
I'm not against a site having ads - we have
them here - but these bastards sell space
to advertisers to then take over their site and
block you from reading the damn cartoons.
Shame, shame on the whore web site http://www.ucomics.com
the Liar
Click Here
incident, the taking of hostages at the American embassy in Iran,
consumed a presidency, humiliated the U.S.
military and kept the nation hostage for 444 days.
A new president vowed to change all that.
REAGAN: And I think the fact
that they've been there that long
is a humiliation and a disgrace to
this country.
Years later, we would have proof that Reagan paid the terrorists
in weapons to keep those hostages
longer than the Iranians wanted to keep them. The Iranians wanted
to end the crisis, but Reagan asked
them to hold those hostages captive a few more weeks and promised them
weapons nobody else on earth
would sell them, which was illegal because he was a private citizen
conducting a secret foreign policy
with terrorists (Jane Fonda never committed sych a crime) who were holding
innocent Americans.
Reagan kept his promise to the terrorists and the Iran-Contra
scandal came to light years later,
thanks to Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
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Day is May 8th
Mom needs a subscription to
Marla Ruzicka, 28
She raised $22M for Bush's Iraqi Victims
Click Here
Last Saturday 28-year-old Marla Ruzicka
was killed in a car bombing.
She was the founder of the Campaign for Innocent
Victims in Conflict.
Since the launch of the so-called war on terror,
Marla spent most of her time
in Iraq and Afghanistan documenting and recording
Bush's casualties of war.
U.S. soldier body count in Iraq
1560, 1562,
1567, dead soldiers under Bush
I hate counting dead soldiers.
I wish the military families agreed with me.
When you're young and in love, only one thing matters...
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to wear black, the groom - crimson
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