"We could not encase men in sufficiently strong
armor to deny any enemy success.
The tragic loss of our men does not necessarily
indicate failure - it is war."
Gen. James Mattis explaining why Bush sent men into battle without armor they
needed Attribution
Talks Focus on Long-Range Oil Plan
Entire world gets "jobbed"by the two biggest thieves on Earth
Maniacal cackling and hooting was heard a mile from his Crawford
ranch prop
Click Here
The BFEE and their former Saudi masters
got together at the boy's "ranch" to look into
ways their families could rape the world less -
because they now have enough money.
No, that's not what happened.
I'll tell you what they're doing.
When Bush survived that hard landing, he
made a deal with "God."
He promised to follow "God's" lead without question.
Turns out, "God" is the little boy who lives
in his mouth.
"God" told George that it's the end of days, and we're
talking years, not decades away.
That's why they downplay fouling the environment
- who cares?
We'll all be dead.
That's why they downplay the deficits - we won't
have to pay that money back.
We'll all be dead.
That's why they downplay the importance of America's
reputation - who cares?
We'll all be dead.
That's why they downplay the billion-dollar blocks
of debt they're selling China and the Saudis.
We'll all be dead.
Bush is governing like a man who's been
told he's going to die.
Bush was told this by that little boy who lives
in his mouth.
The decisions he's making are all "tomorrow
doesn't matter" decisions.
Why doesn't anyone else see it?
Subject: Jane Fonda
The story that ANY US soldier was EVER spit
on upon returning from Vietnam
is an old, tired, urban legend. Look it up. It
NEVER happened.
God bless Jane Fonda and her kind, generous
Fuck the assholes that continue to vilify
someone that made one stupid PR mistake.
Frank Blau
Airfare Was Charged To Lobbyist's Credit Card
Is it time for the Bug Man to fade away?
Click Here
The airfare to London and Scotland in 2000
for Tom DeLay was charged to an AmEx card issued
to Jack Abramoff, a Washington lobbyist at the
center of a federal criminal and tax probe, according to
two sources who know Abramoff's account number
and a travel invoice displaying that number.
DeLay's expenses during the same trip for
food, phone calls etc at a hotel in Scotland were billed to a
different credit card also used on the trip by
a second registered Washington lobbyist, Edwin A. Buckham,
according to receipts documenting that portion
of the trip.
House ethics rules bar lawmakers from accepting
travel and related expenses from registered lobbyists.
DeLay said he had no way of knowing that
any lobbyist might have financially supported the trip,.
Used with permission
and the politics of blinking first
If only ther Dems could play poker like the BFEE
Click Here
The battle over Bush's judicial appointments
has all of the trappings of a high-stakes poker game,
with each side continuing to raise the ante, while
daring the other to go "all in." Senate Democrats
seem determined to continue their filibusters of
the president's most extreme nominees, while
Republicans are increasingly threatening to employ
the so-called "nuclear option," simply abolishing
the 200-year-old right to filibuster, although
only with regard to judicial confirmations.
When it comes to poker, however, the Republicans
have thoroughly outmaneuvered their opponents.
It is surprising how bad the Democrats, led by
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, have played their hand.
If the Democrats really want to [win], they
would not wait. ...they would start tomorrow.
But they won't because they're too scared.
This guy is right - if they wanted to win, they'd go "all in" before the
fascists did.
Going "all in" is a bold and gutsy move - calling an "all in" bet
is often what losers do.
I've been saying it for years - to win at anything - you
have to know how to play poker.
"We had just left the base. He was walking
in the middle of the road, and all
I remember is hearing a big explosion and seeing
a big cloud of smoke."
Toby Winn on the death of Cpl. Bill Wiscowiche, who was killed
in an explosion
while sweeping a road for makeshift bombs because his unit
didn't have
the electronic device they needed to block detonations, Attribution
"To the American people, "Marine" is shorthand
for 'can do'."
--The Oil Man who sent Bill Wiscowiche to his death
because he was in a hurry to steal that oil Attribution
Uh, ...Monkey? Is that "Can do" or "Can
these two get a room?
Thanks to Buck
"There's a misunderstanding that if you did
not marry, that you somehow
do not have a life. I've read that, you know,
about myself from time to time."
--Kinda Sleazy Rice, who has referred to Bush as "my
husband" in public, Attribution
Subject: Wes Clark
Bart, I can tell you that your support for
General Clark is right on the money.
A teammate of mine got to meet him (redacted
military talk - don't want to be another Geraldo)
a few years back and gave him the SEAL of approval.
Said he was a 100% stand up guy. The real
I like the General.
I think he has the best chance of any male Democrat to replace The
"All I saw was sandbags, blood and dead bodies.
There was no protection in the back."
Sgt. Jose Valerio, motor transport chief, on soldiers who died when the unarmored
Humvee they were
riding in was ambushed en route to assist other marines under fire, Attribution
good it was held over
Bush probably killed more people as governor
than all 49 other governors combined,
but Ratzo ignored that so he could focus on
Kerry and abortion.
Bush probably
killed more Iraqis in the last two years than Saddam did in his last
but Ratzo ignored that so he could focus on
Kerry and abortion.
Bush lied to start his phony oil war, but
Ratzo ignored that
so he could focus on Kerry and abortion.
Maybe the new pope is confused about the
Could your web page use more hits?
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Every business can afford these prices.
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increase your hits!
"Bush long ago turned his back on a group of
American POWs tortured by Saddam during
the Gulf War, and now the U.S. Supreme Court
has, too. Its refusal to hear their case today
kills the vets' last hopes for reparation.
In campaigning to have the case thrown out, it's not
surprising that Bush isn't interested in taking
a stand against state-sponsored torture."
Follman, Attribution
Subject: John (roll over
at the drop of a repug hat) Kerry
Bart, my friend (figuratively speaking),
You have never been more right!
My heart is still heavy and I'm still pissed
that I was given
only Kerry to vote for on the Democratic ticket.
But, had I voted for any other party, my daddy
would have
come back from Demo Heaven and whipped me with
a piss-elm switch!
I would support almost anyone over Kerry
in '08. I say almost because
if Joe Leiberman is still around it would be a
horserace for the bottom-feeding spot.
Jack the Okie
Growing Between Bush and GOP Moderate
Click Here
Conflicts are multiplying between congressional
Republican moderates and the
White House as Bush pursues his hyper-aggressive
conservative second-term agenda.
The unexpected resistance to Bush's nomination
of John R. Bolton from several Senate
Republicans marks the latest, and potentially most
intense, clash. But battles over Social Security,
Bush's budget proposal and ending the filibuster
for judicial nominations also are raising tensions
inside the party, but the divisions do not appear
as pronounced as the ideological divides among
Democrats during Clinton's presidency.
The Republicans would never turn on Bush the way the
yellow Democrats stabbed Clinton.
That's how they lost the House, the Senate and the presidency - by stabbing
Clinton in the back
and agreeing with the fascists that Clinton was a crazy president who had
to be stopped.
Subject: Donation
Bart, sign me up for two years of BartCop
Kevin A
Here to support bartcop.com
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155

loses aura of invincibility
love to smoke da reefa..."
Click Here
Musclehead is is discovering that he is
in not in the movies, anymore.
In recent weeks the action-star-turned-Republican-governor
has confronted
angry members of several unions, including teachers,
nurses and firefighters.
The backlash has come in his effort to reform "politics
as usual" as he promised
to do during his campaign for the state's top job.
Turns out Musclehead borrowed money from
the California Teachers Association
and now he says Kully-fornia is too broke to pay
them back so the teachers are
dogging him and protesting when he speaks.
Maybe Musclehead should deal with teachers
the way Frank Keating (R-Insane)
suggested at Oral Roberts University a few years
ago: Homicide
Religion, Bad Politics
Click Here
These are scary times. The nation is in
the control of extremists who want to merge
church and state. A line is crossed when
religion demonizes politicians of certain
religion--or no religion--and when the church-state
separation is breached by people
believing that their God is better than another
God. Extremists are attacking an
independent judiciary and checks and balances,
both fundamental elements of a democracy."
Frank Zappa said it best in Dumb
All Over:
To arms! to arms!
Hooray! that's great
Two legs ain't bad
Unless there's a crate
They ship the parts
To mama in
For souvenirs: two ears (get down!)
Not his, not hers, (but what the hey? )
The good book says:
(it gotta be that way!)
But their book says:
Revenge the crusades...
With whips 'n chains
'n hand grenades...
Two arms? two arms?
Have another and another
Our God says:
There ain't no other!
Our God says
It's all okay!
Our God says
This is the way!
It says in the book:
Burn 'n destroy...
'n repent, 'n redeem
'n revenge, 'n deploy
'n rumble thee forth
To the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side
'cause they don't go for what's in the book
'n that makes 'em bad
So verily we must choppeth them up
And stompeth them down
Entertainment Page
spells out strategy
saw it on fauxnewschannel.com
Click Here
The owner of FOX News has thrown down the
Reacting to charges his prized possession,
the FOX News Channel, has a Republican bias,
owner Rupert Murdoch proclaimed, "we're no more
biased than NewsMax, the New York Post,
or Rush Limbaugh." Murdoch, who feels he's
beyond such accusations, is moving on to broader horizons.
Subject: Hillary vs Kerry
We must not let Mr. Kerry shill for the
rebugz again.
He did make a deal with Skull & Bones; he caved
when he had no RIGHT to do that.
We tried to make him president, and he did
not want it.
He was a decoy and he did what he dealt to do.
If he's still in the Senate, I can't help
it -- I live in Texas.
Pray for me.
John Bolton, and I'm here to stop the count"
Why is the BFEE always on the wrong side of "One man, one vote?"
Click Here
This isn't meant to distract or detract
from the dozen or so serious investigations into Bolton's
manipulation of WMD intelligence or his truly beyond-the-pale
retributions against intelligence
officers and any others who dared disagree with
his chosen pronouncements -- perhaps even to
the point of running his own counterintelligence
operations against government officials.
It's just a reminder, because people have
expressed incredulousness at the lengths the White House
will go to arm-twist fellow Republicans into supporting
this Benard-Kerik-style walking disaster:
Loyalty, young grasshoppers. Loyalty to
The Movement over all else. They don't care what he's done.
Or, more to the point, they like what he has done,
and want him to continue doing it.
The Democrats have given the green light to every anti-democratic
SOB Bush has sent up.
I wonder why they're so focused on Bolton?
Subject: spit in Jane Fonda's
You'd actually have to be a Veteran, actively
serve in the military,
or even be a decent human being with scruples (a
profile obviously NOT
befitting your fans) to understand Vietnam Veterans'
anger at Jane Fonda.
Do you know any sane vets who could explain
it to me?
You see, when an American citizen whores
herself out to the PR department
of your enemy, it tends to upset you (the Veteran).
And what about
traitors who swear they did not give futuristic weapons to terrorists,
but then get caught lying about it - who then pardon
the guilty bastards before the
to bury the truth forever - do they disgust you,
This is
what the BFEE was doing before you opened your eyes.
Reagan and Bush did such a good job burying
their crimes, you didn't even know about it.
(Check last issue for more of Brandt's humiliating
Why do you feel so strongly about things
you know nothing about?
The way I see it, Fonda has about 57, 999
more loads of tobacco juice due her.
Brandt, my friend, you have stepped in the
stinkiest dog poop.
You picked 58,000 because that's how many lives
Fonda tried to save.
Without the anti-war movement, your comment
might've been about 68,000 or 78,000 deaths.
Without the anti-war movement, we could've lost
100,000 men in Vietnam, or 150,000 men.
The surviving soldiers owe Jane Fonda a
debt of gratitude.
Subject: Reagan
the Liar?
what fucking 'terrorists?'
Are you old enough to drive?
In 1979, a cabal of Hezzbollah, Ialamic Jihad, the Ayatollah
in Iran and members of
every other off-their-hinge Middle East handjob religio-crazy offshoot-reject
took over 100
American diplomats hostage in Tehran and those hostages were threatened
with donkey trials.
Some wre later released, but 50 endured over a year of being blindfolded,
handcuffed, etc.
A fucking year of that - and maybe you're thinking these aren't terrorists?
Reagan and Bush made a deal with these fuckers.
Reagan and Bush said, "If you keep them
blindfolded and handcuffed a few more months,
we'll give you some of America's finest war
toys," and then they shook on that deal.
It was all about the BFEE getting the Reagan puppet to hide their
That's how the bastards wiggled their way into power and Ollie North call
"A work of art," screwing democracy and the America voter that way.
Now, the BFEE is openly murdering thousands and stealing billions.
And the good-puppy press knows that they need to "watch
what they say."
"Arf!! Arf!!"
Subject: for the gals
hey bartcop,
For the girls in your party building efforts,
I suggest pictures of David Sirota.
Very handsome!!!!
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Tulsa, OK 74155
explains Bart's
Laws #4 and #5
Sunday's Cold Case was
about a group of friends in Philly who couldn't find jobs.
"I looked everywhere - there just aren't any
jobs out there - nothing at all," said one dude.
They said it was 20 years ago - 1985 - when Red
Ink Reagan was bankrupting American families.
Kids today are told that Reagan was this amazing champion who saved America,
but those of us
who were there know what Reagan and hios two faces did to this once great
Reagan was a disaster - not as bad as Bush is today - but
still a f-ing disaster.
The guy in the story died because his frustration at not finding a job
drove him crazy.
House repeats
a strong episode tonight.
Watch and see why some call this the best show on TV right now.
The Shield - Will
Vic have to murder another partner on his crack police squad?
Shane has been out on control - way out of control - all season
- and poses a threat.
Is this a "clear cut case of him or me" for Vic? Seems so.
...and we won't even mention what happened on 24 last
night when
the 'dove' president decided torture
is always wrong in every case.
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"I think Senator Frist may have made as big
a strategic political blunder in embracing Justice Sunday
as he did in the Terri Schiavo case. The people
he's dealing with are not going to rest until there's a
constitutional Armageddon in which the religious
right controls all three branches of government."
--Barry Lynn on Bill Frist's claiming Democrats are
blocking judicial nominees because they have religion Attribution
The bottom line with these religio-maniacs
who have hijacked the GOP is "God likes
George W. Bush
God likes Bush's wars and Bush's murders so
voting against Bush is voting against God."
...and the poor helpless Democrats can't figure out how to counter
U.S. soldier body count in Iraq
1562, 1567,
1574, dead soldiers under Bush
Bush got another seven killed
since last issue.
Remind me - why did we invade Iraq?
Subject: Reagan the Liar
Where is your proof?
This is all a bunch of made up lies, just
like everything that comes off your website.
Let me guess some left-wing news paper interviewed
someone who made these claims
and you all post it as the truth. Your news
sources are as credible as CBS.
Darren P
I can only imagine your shock at seeing the true facts for the
first time.
...and on a tequila treehouse website, no less...
Do you think I photoshopped this headline?
By the way, your accusations could almost be considered a "dare."
Sometimes dares are accompanied by friendly wagers - uhmmm. ...are
you a gambler?
With some time that I don't have, I'll bet I could assemble the proof on
Would you believe Reagan if you saw a clip of him saying the things I said
he said?
Ya got an gamble in ya, ...punk?
ha ha
Once I prove it's the truth, your first question should be,
"Why have my news sources been lying to me?"
If I produce a tape of Reagan proving every word is true, and
Rush and Hannity and FOX News
still give you their Nancy Grace guarantee that
it never happened, will you believe the people
who are paid millions a year to lie or the dearly departed Saint Reagan?
I look forward to your subscription donation.
Help save the
Put yourself on the next radio show.
Challenge me, scream at Bush or do a 2-minute rant.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: Fonda vs North
One other minor point:
There is no documented report of
any soldiers being spit on.
That is an urban legend promoted by the same folks
who say to the vets,
"What, your service is done? No hospital for you,
What your correspondent conveniently forgets
is that the 'leftists' were right.
Had they been heeded in 1963 we'd be able to read
all the names on the Wall without taking a step.
Unfortunately the right needs reminding,
every twenty or so years, that all the power in the world
does no good if the hearts and minds aren't swayed. Bullets
can stop the hearts and minds,
but those left still beating, still believing,
are only pushed farther away.
Peter BY
Being right is a guarantee they'll hate you for it.
Look what they did to Martin Sheen.
Show Pitt, Jolie Together in Africa
Click Here
Subject: Pope and Hitler
Many people are excusing/defending the pope
for being a member of the Kids for Hitler.
The pope spent a relatively short time with the
Kids, but then again, the boy was a fast learner.
You hear, 'b-b-b-b-but everybody was doing it.
Sure thing.
I can just hear some German mother say to her kid,'
Do you always have to follow the pack?
Just because that Ratso boy joined up with the
Hitler Kids, do you have to?
Some of the lessons took.
Chief among them? ...hatred of homosexuals,
women, democracy and liberalism.
But then, there is a history within ;
Immediately following WW2, the Catholic
church assisted in the formation of the so-called ' Rat-Lines'
,,,,,escape routes from Europe for fleeing nazi
criminals. Many would settle in South or North America.
The rat-lines foretold the future in an insidious
manner. Who could have guessed that the same strategy
of concealment would be utilized to safely harbor
that most despicable of criminals? ,,the genre of men
who crimes are so vile that they are routinely
murdered by prison inmates often at the behest of guards.
pope Ratzo knowingly concealed the priests-who-rape-children.
He provided safe harbor for class of men
whose very existence is an affront to humanity.
My mind tells me they're all in on it - it's the only thing
that fits.
My heart doesn't want to accuse "God's hand-picked spokesmen" of
hiding and aiding serial rape.
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