"Some of these leftist groups would love to
members of Congress so that we don't talk to
DeLay, defending his lobbyist-financed trips overseas - to talk to Americans?? Attribution
believe me..."
a #6 on Iraq
From 'gook' to 'raghead'
Click Here
Guys in my unit, particularly the younger guys,
would drive by in their Humvee and shatter
bottles over the heads of Iraqi civilians passing
by. They'd keep a bunch of empty Coke bottles
in the Humvee to break over people's heads. An
Army sergeant lashed a group of children with
a steel Humvee antenna, and a Marine planted a
vicious kick in the chest of a kid about 6 years old.
I walked up to my commander and gave him my weapon.
I said: "I'm not going to fight. I'm not going
to kill anyone. This war is wrong. I'll stay. I'll
finish my job as a mechanic. But I'm not going to hurt anyone.
And I want to be processed as a conscientious objector."
What is this guy,
Why doesn't he want to humiliate, torture and murder
the Iraqis.
After all these sons of bitches have done to us?
We have to get revenge for ... for, ...
I forget - why are we in Iraq?
Subject: Nancy Grace
Why do I get the feeling that Grace (and maybe
the rest of Fox--er CNN)
was actually bitterly disappointed when the Bride
turned up alive?
What a sick sick woman.
Why did CNN hire her?
Misty, it's all about ratings, not accuracy or integrity.
I agree - Grace probably lost a lot of money when she turned up alive.
of Halliburton investigations
Click Here
Nigeria bribery
probe: The U.S. Department of Justice
Nigeria bribery
probe: The French government
The U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission
The U.S. Federal
Bureau of Investigation
The Pentagon
The Treasury Department
Note: All US investigations are controlled by the BFEE and all
foreign investigations have no
power other than to seize Halliburton assets which would personally anger
the Monkey who
controls the world's only superpower military so don't hold your breath
for justice to happen.
Zell Miller
- Not Dead Yet
Going-to-hell traitor released from hospital
Click Here
Former Democrat Zell Miller said Friday a fast-paced
schedule whoring his
new book was partly to blame for the illness that
kept him hospitalized overnight.
The traitor, who denounced everything his entire
acreer stood for as a Democrat,
gave a hate-filled speech of nasty-ass lies during
last year's Nazi-Con 2004 and is
popular with guns groups, racists and is a big
hit on the conservative speaking tour
fucking hate myself."
Used with permission
"Here's our typical evening: nine o'clock and Mr
Excitement here is sound asleep
and I'm watching DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. I mean
it, those women on that show
think they're desperate; they ought to be with
Pickles Bush at the White House whores dinner
"Of course she likes the show.
She can relate the the characters who commit
She murdered her boyfriend."
-- saw it on the newsgroups
Plus her husband holds many "most murders" records.
Subject: Jesus would not have
invaded Iraq
War should be the last option, not the first.
Bush with a big push from the Christian Right,
jumped into the Iraq invasion before exhausting
all peaceful options. Jesus never would have
agreed to this senseless act. He was all about
peace and helping the poor and the disabled.
Bush is all about maiming the poor and creating
the disabled. He would rather aid the healthy
and wealthy, yet the Christian Right has embraced
this guy in the name of Jesus. I guess it all
boils down to abortion. Bush is against abortion,
so all the hideous crimes are overlooked by
this narrow minded and hypocritical group. At some
point America and the media will wake up
to just how foolish this administration really
is. That time is coming soon.
Mississippi Joan
If you were
Jenna Bush...
...wouldn't you do this kind of stuff behind closed doors?
Subject: Clinton
and gas prices
Bart, old buddy,
old Pal...
Wow! I do believe that I have just witnessed the
first time, EVER, that you've let
criticism of the Big Dog slide in your treehouse
without a comment from you defending him.
Particularly, one as substantial as the one posted
by you this weekend... I am amazed...
While I personally have been irritated from time
to time by what seems to me to be your
\ refusal to admit that he (the Big Dog) may have made
some big mistakes, I also have
grudgingly admired your loyalty to him and his
wife, no matter what...
That said, I believe that many things are beyond
the ability of a president to influence,
such as the mentioned mergers. It happens to both
sides. Progressive things have come
from Republican administrations and conservative
ones from the Democrat's.
To deny that is simply not an intelligent stance...
Regards to you and yours...
Bob, that was an oversight.
While we're in this browser-composer transition
stage, I'm not able to correct
mistakes or spelling errors etc. I saw that error
too late to correct it.
The truth is, when Clinton was president we were drowning
in cheap oil.
There was no need to get aggressive with the greedy
oil bastards because they knew
Clinton wouldn't let them rape every family in
Today, we're still drowning in cheap oil,
but Bush gave BIG OIL the green light
to double and triple their profits by charging
$3 for gas they paid $1 for.
Also, Repubs like that goofy Darren never put
blame on the guy driving the bus.
If gas prices skyrocket under Bush, they just blame
If Bush decided to fake a war with Iraq, they just
blame Clinton.
"We promise God that the dog Bush will not enjoy
peace of mind and that his army
will not have a good life as long as our hearts
are beating. We are coming."
-- Evildoer Zarqawi after a car bombs killed at least 29 people in Iraq
on Friday, Attribution
Bush's Testicles
Celebrate Two Years G-Strap-Free
May 1, 2003, the Monkey in his pilot's costume said, "I won my war!"
Click Here
Bush's testicles have a confession to make.
"We're really not that big," says Lefty, the bigger
of the president's gonads. "Most people think
we're larger than normal because of that horrid
day two years ago aboard the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln."
Junior, Bush's other testicle, nodded in agreement. "That
dumbass kept us in his g-strap for two hours."
Could your web page use more hits?
Click Here
Every business can afford these prices.
Click Here to
increase your hits!
"I remember the box, the pipes, even the two wires.
They made me stand on a box
with my hands hooked to wires and shocked me
with electricity. It felt like my eyeballs
were coming out of their sockets. I fell, and
they put me back up again for more."
Ali, the man under the black hood, Attribution
So this one sand nigger's standing there crying
and he says,
"Please, my eyes are
coming out of their sockets!"
ha ha, you woulda loved it, Mr
Subject: American soldiers go
I wrote to Atrios regarding the Giulia Sgrena
matter - here's his reply:
I were there I'd be shooting everything that moved. That doesn't
make it right of course,
I just
sympathize with the position they're in. The responsibility lies with
the leadership who
them there and the military leadership who haven't placed any importance in
maintaining discipline."
Wal the Aussie
Wal, I agree with Atrios (assuming those are his words).
I've said so many times on the page and in BCR
If something moves and you don't shoot it, you could be dead in
It's not right and it's not fair, but our soldiers don't want to die in
The problem is the blood-thirsty theif/bastard who sent them there for
no reason.
It was the Iraqi's bad luck to be living on land that contained George
Bush's oil.
Saving Jane
Fonda: America held hostile
it on smirkingchimp.com
Click Here
As Caldera saw it, Jane Fonda was a traitor who
should be dealt with according to the
laws governing traitors, but she should not have
to suffer the insult of being spat upon.
It was mildly amusing to hear grown men attempt
to justify their pro-spit stance with various
inane rationalizations. Amusing, that is, until
one caller calmly hinted at an act not previously
raised during the evening's discussion. With apparent
sincerity, this particular fellow said he'd
gladly wait 90 minutes in line for the opportunity
to spit in Jane Fonda's face. But, he added,
spit would not be his weapon of choice.
Caldera, a skilled performer, gradually drew forth
from him a desire to kill Jane Fonda.
The man would not, however, risk killing her up
close and personal while she was singing books.
What would you do? asked Caldera.
The caller replied, "I'd stand outside across
the street and 'plink' her when she left the bookstore."
"So you would kill Jane Fonda," Caldera said.
The caller answered, "In a heartbeat."
Funny, it's a crime to threaten to shoot warmongers and murderers but
it's perfectly OK
to threaten to shoot the people who want less murder and fewer wars - crazy
world, eh?
a limited time only...because
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Review of
Al Franken's "Lying Liars"
by my good friend Bobby Wits
Click Here
To realize that the Right Wing has got away with
their series of Big Lies
for over 20 years with impunity is NOT FUNNY, it's
To realize and finally have Americans begin to
understand how they've
been had for so long is NOT FUNNY, it's ENRAGING.
However, to see Franken's book and visibility
on the rise is gratifying..Aand it's not too late.
To see him, Molly Ivins, Joe Conason, Paul Krugman,
David Corn, Sid Blumenthal and
Michael Moore so much more visible is gratifying
as well.
There's hope.
Subject: on top
He still gets to be on top when he's with Tony
Marie in Bangkok
ha ha
You're right - I forgot Bush's poodle.
GOP Chair
tells PBS to Nazi up 'or else'
How dare PBS not be in lockstep with the networks and big papers
Click Here
The Republican chairman of the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting is aggressively
pressing public television to correct what he and
other conservatives consider liberal bias,
prompting some public broadcasting leaders - including
the chief executive of PBS
- to object that his actions pose a threat to editorial
Subject: runaway bride
Will Nancy Grace guarantee to convict the bride's
even though she was never kidnapped?
Sailboat Boy
Marty's Entertainment
MalloY w/ bartcop.com reader
Thanks, Kimberly
Greg Palast
reports from Ecuador
Click Here
OK, I said, looking at The People milling around
the city square, some looking frighteningly earnest,
some drunk, all angry except for the blasé soldiers
rolling their eyes and shifting their automatic weapons.
I had the confidential World Bank docs under my
arm to show them, but unlike Americans, these Indians
and tattered Mestizos already know all about the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and
"restructuring" and "hard currency reserves" and the
dreaded "austerity" which means no water, high electric
bills and no shots for the kids.
Anyway, to The People, No One would be better
than Someone because Someone, always "un rico,"
(a rich guy) sold them out. The UN
man told me, "They're $5 million short for vaccines -- yet Ecuador
spent $5 million on sponsoring the Miss Universe
Subject: Why is it?
A car company can move its factories to Mexico
and claim it's a free market.
but if an old lady buys her prescription from a
Canadian pharmacy, that's American
...and you think the pharmaceutical companies
don't have a powerful lobby?
Al B
That crazy Bush bastard lies when
he says Canadian drugs aren't safe.
Canada buys their drugs from Phizer and Merc
The most honest rebuttal to this is, "Fuck you, liar."
"I think the gradual erosion of the consensus that's
held our country together
is probably more serious than a few bearded
terrorists who fly into buildings.
I think we have controlled Al Qaeda."
Robertson, saying that Federal judges are worse than Al Qaeda Attribution
Subject: Runaway
And if she were African-American
or Latina it wouldn't have
made it into the local supermarket throw away.
Has Musclehead
lost his fascist mind?
Hey asshole, which state were you born
Click Here
It certainly seemed that way last week, when
Musclehead responded to a question
about illegal immigration by saying the U.S. should "close
the borders" with Mexico
to stop "all of those people coming across."
The gaffe infuriated the state's Hispanic voters,
and Musclehead rushed to explain he
had meant to say "securing our border," blaming
the misunderstanding on a "language problem."
But suddenly Muscleheads heavily accented bons
mots didn't seem so charming.
Political circles were buzzing with the near-certainty
that Musclehead, whose approval
rating plunged from 65% last year to 49%, is Teutonic
Real Estate
The easy
Subject: Nancy Grace
Poor 'ol Nancy must be seriously pissed right
Shit, she had Mason as good as convicted and on
death row.
Goddammnit is she pissed!
Hey Nancy, Neener, neener, neener...
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"Bush said he was willing to listen to good ideas
from either party.
The American people look at this and they see
the Democrats not even
willing to come halfway, not even willing to
engage in a conversation."
Woodruff, fair and balanced, on Inside Whore Politics, Attribution
Subject: runaway bride
Well, she surrendered in my home town of Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
If you watched/read the current media?, you'd think
that the Pope dropped in.
Author of my
erotic adventures with billy the kid
Tell Billy that Bart says "Hey."
Bush's U.S.
soldier body count in Iraq
1574, 1576,
1586, dead soldiers under Bush
How many more lives will we throw into the Halliburton meat grinder?
How many hundreds of stolen billions of dollars
will be enough for these greedy sons of bitches?
Subject: Tom Cruise can't act?
Bart, just your opinion, of course.
Most critics disagree with you wholeheartedly.
Are you sure you're not just a little jealous
he's so darn good looking and still a good
Karen in Wash state
Karen, is that's
why Tom had to add another room
to his Beverly Hills mansion - to hold all those
Oscar statues?
Sorry, that was mean.
I'll say one thing about Cruise - he has courage.
He doesn't surround himself with others who can't
He's done films with Nicholson, Van Snydow, Hackman,
Hoffman, Duvall, Newman - he's got courage, all
kills coach's career
Click Here
Oklahoma baseball coach Larry Cochell resigned
Sunday after reports
surfaced of alleged racial remarks he made, likely
ending his 39-year career.
Cochell used the slur (It's
so bad they can't print it?) after praising
outfielder Joe Dunigan. Later, in an interview
with color commentator Kyle Peterson,
Cochell also said, "Dunigan is a good black kid." Cochell
had issued an apology and
repeated the sentiment in his resignation letter
"As I have said in a public statement, I deeply regret
that I carelessly used language that is
clearly contrary to the basic values of our university.
Those words also created an impression
contrary to my own personal values and my respect
for all people," the letter read.
Well, if nobody dares to say it, it must've been
the dreaded "N-word." The irony is, he was
trying to say good things about the kid and apparently
the wrong word slipped out.
Should a coach be fired for letting a word slip?
The Monkey called Adam Clymer "that
asshole," and Cheney told Leahy to "Go
fuck yourself,"
Those words didn't slip out - they meant those
Do you remember the story when Uncle OJ Watts
was trying out for the OU football team?
Some coach went to Eufala, OK to see Uncle OJ play,
and one of the hosts of the showcase
said, "Check out
our nigger! He's great!" with
all the pride a Republican could muster.
If that baseball coach had said, "The niggers
on our team are lazy and stupid," then fire him.
But from what I can tell (It's all over the news here) the man simply let
the wrong word slip out.
The rest of his life, he's going to be "that racist coach" for letting
that word slip - that's not right.
And what's wrong with saying "Dunigan is a good
black kid," besides that it's irrellevant
to mention the skin color of the fella he's talking about. Is "black" a
slur now, too?
Seems to me this coach is being fired for making a simple mistake. If
he's got a history of
racial hatred or prejudice, that would be another story, but he was prising
the kid.
...or is "kid" a racial insult, too?
Christ, I hope not - we talk about "kids" dying in Iraq.
I'm not saying this to drum up controversy, either.
If YOU have an opinion, especially if you disagree, I'd like to hear from
I'll be nice.
Save the
Put yourself on the next radio show.
Challenge me, scream at Bush or do a 2-minute rant.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out there.
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: letter to the LA Times
So help me God, if the Democrats can ever claw
their way back to power,
they should rig the voting machines, purge the
executive branch, pack the courts,
eliminate Republican dissent, cripple industries
that fund Republicans, bully the media
to spout their propaganda, stage crises to usurp
power and crush the Republicans forever.
Now that would be a fair fight.
Gary Abramson
Trust me - they'd never do
Because that wouldn't be nice - and if the Democrats
stand for anything,
it's being nice and playing fair and turning the
other cheek and doving their enemies.
How did I become a Democrat?
David Letterman,
Mo 5/9: Will Ferrell, Robert Plant
Tu 5/10: Helen Hunt, Tom Dreesen
We 5/11: Priscilla Presley, Quentin Tarantino
Th 5/12: Billy Crystal, Garbage
Thanks to Mike S, who receives 30 days of BartCop Radio
with Cameron Diaz
by Jessica Alba
Click Here
Jessica Alba says that she and Cameron Diaz got
to know each other really well
in Honduras recently shooting an episode of Diaz's
new travel show "Trippin',"
because they were forced to share a bed. "I didn't
know her before the trip," Alba said.
"We were strangers. But there weren't enough rooms, so
we had to bunk together
She didn't snore."
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