"I don't think this is a right-wing nation.
I don't think the public in general is in favor
of most of the policies and priorities of the
Bush Administration. I think that, if the
other side fights a little harder and a little
smarter, there may be a chance to reverse
what have been some significant losses over
the past few years."
Herbert, optimist at the NYWTimes Attribution
A Lawyer & National
Security Cover-ups
by you-know-who at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
The House task force report "debunking" the
October Surprise allegations was accepted by
Official Washington as the final word on the
controversy. But subsequent discoveries have shown
that the Barcella-led task force hid substantial
evidence pointing toward Republican guilt as well as
the involvement of some Barcella associates in
the scandal.
In an interview for my book, Secrecy & Privilege,
Barcella acknowledged that some evidence was
kept from the public and that the task force's
exculpatory findings were issued despite the late arrival
of incriminating evidence that was not fully evaluated.
One of the hidden pieces of evidence supporting
the October Surprise allegations was a 1993 report
produced by the Russian government about its intelligence
information on the 1980 hostage crisis.
The Russian report stated that then-vice presidential
candidate George H.W. Bush and other Republicans
met secretly with Iranian representatives in Europe,
as several October Surprise witnesses had alleged.
The Russian report, which was classified as "confidential" by
President George H.W. Bush's administration
during its final 10 days in office, was never officially
released to the American people. I found a copy in
House task force files that had been boxed away
in a Capitol Hill storage room.
The BFEE, getting away with murder, treason and
global crimes that made them tens of billions of dollars
while the whore press hunted Bill Clinton because
somebody thought he might've had a girlfriend.
We don't have a free press in America.
We have a gaggle of whores on Bush's payroll
with word processors.
Subject: liberal bias
I cannot understand why conservatives want to
get rid of 'liberal bias' in the media.
With all this alleged liberal bias they've succeeded
in securing a majority in the House
and Senate, control the Executive, and are far
along in packing the Judiciary.
They've been so successful with 'liberal bias'
I can't for the life of me imagine
why they'd want to change what is obviously a winning
situation for them.
Unless, of course, it really does not exist...
Jim in Red Bank
asked to Explain...
Between Testimony and Indictment
Click Here
Halliburton representatives testified that the
Halliburton employees being investigated for
taking kickbacks under the LOGCAP troop support
contract were not managers but were
"administrative people." Yet according to
the Justice Department, a Halliburton manager has
now been indicted for this kickback scheme.
On March 17, 2005, the Justice Department announced
an indictment against a Halliburton
official and subcontractor for "major fraud
against the United States" under Halliburton's
LOGCAP contract to provide support for the U.S.
Army in Kuwait and Iraq. The indictment
alleges that Jeff Mazon and Ali Hijazi, the managing
partner of a Halliburton subcontractor,
billed U.S. taxpayers more than $5.5 million for
work that should have cost only $680,000
÷ a markup of more than 700%.
The BFEE is stealing billions and billions of
dollars (using Bush's bloody war as cover)
and the whore networks are busy with the senseless
stories like that runaway bride?
Colin Powell's
feet of putty
What did Powell bring to the Bloody administration?
Colin Powell was once though of as a genius, a man any administration
would like to have.
Besides being black, which legitimized even the most horribly racist
sons of bitches,
Powell was a war hero (of sorts) who knew how to run a battlefield campaign.
Powell was considered such a genius in 1991, they named his war suggestions "The
Powell Doctrine."
And what was The Powell Doctrine? Powell laid out simple goals
for any military invasion.
Set an attainable goal - which
in this case was stealing Saddam's oil
Make sure the invading force was
overwhelming - he forgot to tell Bloody Bush about that
and Rummy told the Oentagon to shut up because he knew fewer
troops could do the job
Ensure unioted public support -
which they did by lying thru their f-ing teeth about WMDs
Have a clear exit strategy, which
even the pro-Bush handjobs admit doesn't exist
So, what the hell good was Powell if he allowed Bloody Bush to kill
all those soldiers in a quagmire?
Why didn't Powell threaten to resign, and thereby send a signal to the
whole world that Bush was crazy?
By agreeing to stay, by agreeing to lie to the UN, but agreeing to be Bush's
little stateside poodle, Powell
got almost 1600 soldiers killed (so far) and there's no end in sight to
the endless blood and carnage.
So what good was Powell?
Used with permission
"The most sobering aspect of the ongoing wave of
terror in Iraq is not that things have
changed, but that they haven't...Neither the
Jan. 30 elections nor the formation of a still
fragile and fractious coalition government
has proven any kind of magic solution to make
the insurgents' support, resources and infrastructure
vanish. The U.S. forces in Iraq and
their allies are still only at Step One on
the long road to that destination."
Sieff, "Back to stage one in Iraq", Attribution
Subject: hey from P Benny
My dear Mr. Bart,
Some of der Cardinals haff told me how funny dey
tink you are!
I hope to zee you in Vegas for der Garbage tour.
In Our Lord's Name,
Benedict XVI
heroin appeal denied by FL courts
Has the BFEE discarded Rush like yesterday's trash?
Click Here
The Florida Supreme Court Thursday declined to
review a lower court's ruling that
Pigboy Rush Limbaugh's right to medical privacy
was not violated in an investigation
into possible misuse of prescription painkillers.
The court gave no reason for its
decision not to hear the case.
Limbaugh's lawyers had asked the court to overturn
a ruling last year by Florida's
4th District Court of Appeals that said Palm Beach
County prosecutors acted legally
when they seized Limbaugh's medical records in
The prosecutors were investigating whether Limbaugh,
a Nazi gasbag if there ever
was one, went from doctor to doctor to obtain multiple
prescriptions for his nasty-ass
"Hillbilly Heroin" narcotics, a felony known as
''doctor shopping.''
Click Here to listen
to Rush's cute comment about this.
Subject: drug
We had to find new health insurance recently and
we could only afford a plan
that did not have prescription drug coverage. Our
daughter needs to take Zyrtec
(a Pfizer product) daily for her allergies
and we were shocked to find out that it
would cost us about $70.00 for a 2 week supply.
After some research my wife found that in Canada
Zyrtec is available over the
counter (it's called Reactine, also a Pfizer product)
for $7.00 a bottle!
My daughter swears it works even better, allowing
us to reduce her daily dosage.
If this isn't a prime example of one of the many
ways we are being ripped off I don't know what is.
Click the banner to help this guy defeat
Tom Delay
"That skank has to spend three hours with makeup
in the morning ...
Who's she kidding? . . . Plus, she's dumber
than dirt ... Oh, my God, what a pig."
Don "Mr. Class" Imus, about his former news reader Contessa Brewer, Attribution
Subject: coach fired for racist
When commenting on another's character, why would
anyone need
to differentiate between a black, yellow, red,
or white, person?
If there's a call to distinguish one man from
another in a non judgmental situation, tho,
there is a clear advantage in noting skin color
which I don't consider racist. For example,
if Cochell had to dispatch a medic to the outfield
because 3 players collided (Dunigan and
two Asian players), he might shout, "get this oxygen
to the black man fast."
Or used as a non-racist, identifying adjective
in your example... one might say,
"Dunigan is a good kid. He's the black man in that group
standing over there."
BTW, the news story I saw quoted Cochell as saying, "There's
no nigger in him."
Would that prompt an expanded debate?
I agree, that's a damn clumsy way to pay a fella a compliment.
Here's another interesting take on that story:
Bart, I work with a big OU baseball fan who knows
most of the staff and players there.
The linked story didn't have what he said and I
didn't know if you knew what it was
so I thought I'd pass it on. apparently it was
a comment along the lines of a Chris Rock bit...
She said Cochell said (may not be exact wording) "There
are honkies and whites and
there are niggers and blacks, and Dunigan is
a good black kid." Poor guy probably
just saw the Rock bit and tried to recycle it... I
agree his wording was poorly chosen
(and apparently he made the same comment to two
different reporters, not too smart)
but I don't think it was something to be fired
I think that proves comedy should be left to professionals.
Jack the
Ripper may have killed abroad
Have modern forensics uncovered new clues?
Click Here
Jack the Ripper -- who was never caught
-- might have been a sailor who interspersed
his London murders with crimes in other countries,
a report said on Tuesday.
The theory, detailed in the Guardian newspaper,
is the product of research by retired
British detective Trevor Marriott, who used modern
police methods to solve the crimes.
His conclusions, published in a book called "Jack
the Ripper: the 21st Century Investigation",
challenge the long-held assumption that the murderer
was a skilled surgeon.
Could your web page use more hits?
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"Maybe this is too difficult for you to understand,
but the Geneva convention does not apply
to terrorists..."
-- a Monkey TheFlynDutchman@aol.com
Hey Dude, you're missing a few things.
A - America signed an agreement not to torture people.
Bush decided America would go back
on that promise and torture people while he was president..
B - Since Bush and Chief Torturer Al Gonzales decide who's a terrorist
and who's not,
your statement in innaccurate on its
face. You should be saying,
"The Geneva Convention
doesn't apply to suspects Bush thinks are terrorists."
Subject: Show 74
Show 74 was great Bart. Cannot wait for 75.
Keep up the good work.
Loved the bit about the Florida gun law.
It was the logical conclusion for the gun nuts,
now everyone
has a gun, so they had to give them something to
shoot at.
Thanks Bart for all the time you put in.
(membership is magrand)
Polio Strain Raises Concerns
Click Here
A strain of polio circulating in parts of Africa
appears almost identical to one that has
reached Indonesia, raising the prospect that a
migrant worker may have brought it back
to the Asian nation, the World Health Organization
said Tuesday.
An 18-month-old girl in the West Java village
of Girijaya was diagnosed with polio on April 21,
becoming the first Indonesian to contract the disease
since 1995. Another seven children in her
village have become paralyzed and are being treated
as polio cases pending confirmation by
test results. Experts believe the cases all have
the same source.
However, the U.N. health agency said it is confident
the isolated import will not result in
a major outbreak in Indonesia because the country's
children are well protected by the
Youngner polio vaccine and cases are quickly detected
due to strong surveillance.
Indonesian Polio better watch his ass.
A good friend of mine has already kicked Polio's ass once.
Julius Youngner - made polio
bitch over fifty years ago.
Can I mention one other thing about polio?
I wondered how in the world they could convince parents, back in the early
to let their children try this new and scary polio vaccine and I was floored
by the answer.
Parents were pushing ahead in line, demanding that their kids get Youngner's
because a lifetime in the iron lung was worse than cancer, worse than death,
than f-ing aything, so they begged them "PLEASE give
my kid the shot - please?"
you imagine the rest of your life in one of these steel caskets?
to Juli the Genius, polio went home a loser.
BTW, that was Dr Youngner you heard in BCR Show 74.
a limited time only...because
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Tulsa, OK 74155
Review of
Sid's The Clinton Wars
by my good friend Bobby Wits
Click Here
...as I read I became enraged because "The Clinton
Wars" proves in a splendid and extremely
well-written manor all that I had believed but
could never elucidate because I wasn't there like
Blumenthal. He tells the brilliance of Clinton;
his desire to do well by the American people..
to make Government work for all of us...to work
in the tradition of the Founding Fathers
...to not have us work against each other.
For example, I shake my head in sadness when I
read the 20 or so pages about the efforts that
went into preparing the 1997 State of the Union
address; the brain-storming sessions; the historical
background; the directions from Clinton himself;
the 'thinking dinners' with several historians from
universities around the country with Clinton both
listening, directing, leading, taking notes, encouraging
vibrant debate; directing groups to break up and
come back with even more specifics; all the time
willing to listen, but always in control.
Can you imagine Bush doing any of this?
Subject: your use of the N word
What did that word "sand Ni94er" gain for you.
I don't get the necessity.
Lonzie, how do you think Bush talks when the mic's not on?
Do you think he has respect for the hundred thousand people he killed in
Did you want me to candy-coat Bush's hatred and his genocide with sugar?
Featured book
Click to Order
Politics by Jim Wallis
Thanks to Terry
Long live
the king
by Gene Lyons
Click Here
Seizing a narrow advantage now could eventually
have explosive repercussions. Nobody understands
that more clearly than Al Gore, who, yielding to
a badly reasoned Supreme Court decision in 2000,
gave up his presidential hopes in deference to
the rule of law. "I can tell you without any doubt whatsoever,"
Gore emphasized in a speech last week, "that if
the justices who formed the majority in Bush v. Gore had
not only all been nominated to the court by a Republican
president, but had also been confirmed by only
Republican senators in party-line votes, America
would not have accepted that court's decision."
The so-called nuclear option has nothing to do
with conservatism; it's radical utopianism in a religious disguise.
Subject: Franken, Somersby, Lyons & Conason
Bart -
This may not be original, but why is it the 2
leading debunkers of the Vast Right Wing
Conspiracy are comedians - Al Franken and Bob Somersby? Gene
Lyons wrote a
great book - Fools for Scandal -
and was it discussed anywhere but Harper's and C-SPAN?
Lyons and Conason wrote another great book - The
Hunting of the President - and America's
premier media whore, Tim Russert, asked Conason
if there really was a conspiracy - even though
David Bossie had "co-opted" one of Russert's crews
and Russert had to tell the crew not to do it again.
Seems the only thing that the Media Whores will
respond to is barbed satire.
John K
Springfield, IL
John, you can't blame Russert.
His mind only has room for one thing.
Marty's Entertainment
Billy Jack
vs The Monkey
Bush Creates a Nuclear Crisis
Click Here
By mismanaging the war in Iraq Bush has stretched
our military so thin, he has given North Korea
and Iran a license to openly build nuclear bombs,
and has brought America to the brink of its
greatest nuclear danger since the October Missile
Crisis · only this crisis is even more dangerous.
Today, by his lies, incompetence, and Messianic
ambitions, and his illegal invasion and occupation
of Iraq for oil, Bush has brought America to the
brink of its greatest nuclear crisis since the October
Missile Crisis! Though few Americans are
aware of it, this nuclear crisis is even greater, because the
Kennedy/Khrushchev crisis was between two rational
world powers, two of the world's richest nations
who had everything to lose by not finding a solution. Today
the world is filled with terrorist groups and
suicide bombers who have nothing to lose but believe
they will go to paradise if they destroy the Infidel
-- it's only a matter of time before terrorists
will be able to put nuclear bombs in their pick-up trucks and
suitcases -- unless we can stop it now - which
can never be done if Bush is President.
When Billy Jack thinks about what Bush has done to this country - he
goes berzerk!
Subject: BCR Show 74 good
Hi Bart,
Liked # 74.
I agree with your assessment of fearless Repugs.
They act like they KNOW they can't lose in the
voting booth.
$hrubya's outburst during the debate, "...it's not going
to happen..."
when Jim Leher asked him about a possible Kerry
win was very creepy.
It looks bad for us good guys.
"Today's news is designed to make a profit.
If the news doesn't make a profit they
change the news."
-- Randi Rhodes, Air America Radio
Subject: Nancy
Nancy "No" Grace
on CNN is as embarassing as anybody on FOX news.
She is downright awful.
She reminds me of a girl who used to be on Saturday
Night Live.
The chunkier blonde who always played the dumb
I just cannot take Nancy Grave seriously.
Am I the only one who sees this?
The Rocker
Rocker, if you've been accused of a crime you'd
better take her seriously, because she
rails on with her guaranteed guilty rants in (apparently)
an entertaining way.
What's most disgusting is her callers:
"Oh Nancy, you're the greatest - I love you
- You're always right!"
Nancy's gotta be a big Pigboy fan - she stole Rush's
schtick and converted it to TV.
I sure hope Scott Peterson is guilty.
Nancy Grace personally convicted him nightly on at least three networks.
TV: The G.O.P. on PBS
by Joe Conason
Click Here
With all the subtlety of an old-style Soviet
bureaucrat, C.P.B. chairman Kenneth Tomlinson
is extending partisan political control over public
television. As a former Reader's Digest editor
and Republican appointee, Mr. Tomlinson clearly
understands what he was appointed to do.
Several weeks ago, he hired a Bush White House
communications flack named Mary Catherine
Andrews. She quickly set up a new "office
of the ombudsman" that will oversee the content of
public TV and radio broadcasts. Ms. Andrews was
so eager to get to work that she began while
still under the watchful eye of Karl Rove, the
President's chief political advisor and a pal of Mr. Tomlinson.
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On The Shield, the evil-doing bad guy told major screw-up,
on-the-take Detective Shane that if he didn't
murder his mentor, Vic Mackey, and deliver his dead body to them by sunrise,
they would pin a child murder
on him (the clip will explain) and "visit" his wife and kid while he was
helpless and alone doing time for a murder
he didn't commit. Shane's hands were tied, he had to kill Vic, but Vic knew this
- he had a camera in Shane's car.
Anthony Anderson is a funny stand-up comic who
makes a great bad guy.
Shane calls Vic and says "We have to meet,
come alone,"
so Vic figures this is it. It seems to be a clear-cut case of Vic
or Shane.
This is good TV.
Powerful TV
The Vanessa Marcil Show (some call it NBC's Las Vegas)
is a show we like to watch.
It's Vegas, it's gambling, it's "stays in Vegas," it's
007 spy gadgets and fabulous babes,
but it's mostly silly and stupid. But now & then they get all
hardball and it's very confusing
to a small-minded Okie like myself.
On Monday, a lesser cast member got drafted and was killed in Iraq the
same week he got there.
On background, "Danny" the pretty boy was a Marine who got drafted last
year and then discharged
with a Silver Cross (that's a guess) soon after for calling in an F-16
strike on his own position.
He came back "different" and broke up with his childhood sweetheart and
couldn't sleep.
For a dumb, silly, fluffy, lightweight bit on TV-Vegas escapism, they
know how to smack a Bush.
At the military funeral, Pretty Boy united the dead man's son with his
grandparents - it was moving stuff.
Then, before they lowered the casket into the ground, Pretty Boy put his
Silver Cross on the casket,
in effect "awarding" that guy the honor that Pretty Boy felt he didn't
deserve because when he called in
that F-16 strike, he was the only guy in his group to survive.
For a dumb, silly, fluffy, lightweight bit on TV-Vegas escapism, they
know how to smack a Bush.
Subject: cochell's not worth
banging your hammer over
Bart, love the work you do on your website.
i've been a fan for about a year and a half now,
but this is my first time ever
commenting on anything you've posted. You wrote:
>>Well, if nobody dares to say it, it must've been
the dreaded "N-word." The irony is, he was
>>trying to say good things about the kid and apparently
the wrong word slipped out.
it's been a while since i've taken philosophy
1000, but i believe they call this a freudian slip.
he tried to say something good about the kid, but
the word "nigger" kept coming to mind
and subconsciously managed to slip out.
gee, i wonder why that was...
seriously, how does a slip like that even happen?
why was the word even on the tip of his tongue
to begin with?
there's probably only two cases where a white man
would even consider the n-word
a viable word choice when he's talking about a
black person:
case 1: he's really friendly with black
folks who are comfortable with him using the word
case 2: he's a bigot.
i'll let you make the call on which case applies
Phil, thanks for writing.
(Bart steps into the mine field.)
There is another case: Those who
are older than 50.
When I was a kid, "nigger" was just a word people
Not on TV or in the newspaper, and certainly not
where they could hear you, but people used it
because it was a word, like "shoe" or "door." Remember,
they weren't allowed to do things that
"people" did, like eat in restaurants or, Koresh-forbid,
drink from a white water fountain.
They had no civil rights. They were "less than" people.
You could murder them in places like Texas, and
the sheriff "understood," so no charges were filed.
In 1965, the Democrats turned them into "people" and
the politically
correct movement was born.
They were no longer "niggers," they got a raise
and became "people," thanks to the Democrats.
So when I hear an older person slip, I give them
the benfit of the doubt, but, of course,
the benefit is not actually mine to give. But
a slip CAN be a slip.
Bush's U.S.
soldier body count in Iraq
1576, 1586,
1592, dead soldiers under Bush
That's six more
funerals that Bush won't be attending.
As you know, raping, pillaging and looting is hard work.
David Dover (my good
friend) plays
OKlahoma Bluesfest
Click Here to
see my good friend's page.
David played at my club, The Hard Rock Island from 1985-1987.
He's a rockin' sombitch, he just wears that cowboy costume because this
is Oklahoma.
This weekend, he's playing the Oklahoma
Bluesfest with Kenny Wayne Shepherd,
Indigenous, Bugs Henderson, Eric Sardinas, Eric Johnson, the Arc
Angels and
some super-hot local guitar players - Peter Banfield and Michael Vines
- they are some
bad-axes on guitar, but of course, they're not in the same league
as the Del Castillo brothers.
Call the
...as heard
in BCR Show 74
Put yourself on the next radio show.
Challenge me, scream at Bush or do a 2-minute rant.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out there.
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: Judy Woodruff
Funny, after dubya called her husband a fucking
son of a bitch in front of
her 4 year old son at a Dallas restaurant, I thought
she would not be his
cheerleader but she was during the 2004
election and still remains one.
Lee, I was under the impression Bush called Al
Hunt a "mother-effer,"
but I've been wrong before. Either way, Judy
loves her Bush.
David Letterman,
Mo 5/9: Will Ferrell, Robert Plant
Th 5/12: Billy Crystal, Garbage
Robert Plant was in
Tulsa recently, doing some warm-up gigs before the SXSW Festival in Austin.
We went to see him and were very disappointed.
Instead of sounding like a Zeppelin tribute band,
he sounded like a Zeppelin parody band. How sad
- Robert's lost that "cosmic energy" he mentions
in The Song Remains the Same.
One good thing happened, tho...
Prior to the gig, we did some shots of mas
fina tequila at a nearby bar and saw Roy D Mercer there.
I didn't want to bother him, but later we saw
him (actually, Roy is a 'them') at the bar of the Plant gig
so I figured God wanted us to meet, so I introduced
myself and gave him my business card.
In the car today, I heard Roy calling Barcelona,
Spain, and he was asking this poor Spanish lady if he
could bring his prize Oklahoma bull to Barcelona
and let him run with the locals. ha ha The
poor lady
couldn't understand Roy's extra-think Oklahoma
drawl, but it made for some funny radio.
Phil & Brent are the best morning radio team
I've ever heard.
They do better work than Stern or Opie and Tony
and they're light-years ahead of toothless Imus.
Gee, I thought BatCop Radio Show #1 was better
than anything I've heard from Imus in years.
Eva Longoria:
'I'll have Brad's babies'
Click Here
Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria has offered
to replace
Brad Pitt's estranged wife Jennifer Aniston and
mother his first children.
Poor wording got me in some time trouble Monday.
The "Worst President Ever" stickers are moving at a fast pace, but I failed
to put a
minimum on the donation amount and I've had a run of smallish donations
that require
hours of office work and since I don't have help, I had to do that myself.
Plus, BCR CD orders are picking up, so that's more office work.
I wish bartcop.com would grow big enough to where I
could hire some part-time help.
Somewhere out there, there's a Hollywood lefty who needs a tax
Please, Mr or Mrs Hollywood, help us get over our growing pains.
Please send $10K or $20K or $50K so I can be free to do important stuff.
That, or change things to where there are 40 hours in a day.
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believing in everything that is real.
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