"Today is National Small Business Day. It's
the day we honor
a lot of small businesses that used to be big
Posada & Terrorism Hypocrisy
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
The New York Times has finally put the case of
fugitive terrorist Luis Posada Carriles
on Page One, observing that the violent anti-Castro
Cuban's presence in Florida
"could test" George W. Bush's
universal condemnation of terrorism. But that principle
already has been tested and failed.
Without doubt, Posada - who reportedly has
been hiding in South Florida for six weeks
- is getting the benefit of a conscious U.S.
policy of benign neglect, a Bush version of the
"I know nothing" approach made popular by
Sgt. Schultz, the German prison guard in the
TV comedy "Hogan's Heroes."
If Posada were a suspected Islamic terrorist - not
a CIA-trained right-wing Cuban exile
- there's no question that the Bush
administration would be showing zero tolerance for
his presence inside the United States. Certainly,
the U.S. government wouldn't be waiting
around patiently for the terrorist to check in
with immigration authorities.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is
the most important site on the internet
Subject: United bankruptcy is
a preview of Social Security
The United Airlines bankruptcy is a preview of
what is going to happen to the Social Security
system if Bush gets his way. All these years United
was supposed to be paying into the retirement
fund for its workers, but now is defaulting on
its obligations. The same thing is happening with
Social Security. For the last 30 years the baby
boomers have been paying in excess Social Security
into what is called a "Trust Fund" that Bush jokes
is nothing more than an IOU. Our money we paid
in is being doled out in tax breaks for the super
Now Bush wants to take our Social Security money
and give it away to his crooked stock broker
buddies who are going to invest it for us and we
are going to trust that it's going to be there when
we retire. But as you see more companies dumping
their obligations on the tax payers while
protecting the investor class it's clear that putting
Social Security in Bush's hands would be
a huge mistake. The Republican Party is looting
the retirement system.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
gets $72 Million Bonus
Bart's Law #2 -
Mo Mistakes equals mo money
Click Here
The Army has awarded $72 million in bonuses to
Halliburton for logistics work in Iraq.
The Army said it had given Halliburton ratings
from "excellent" to "very good" for six task orders for
work supporting U.S. troops in Iraq. The
Army said its Award Fee Board in Iraq had met in March
and had agreed to pay the BFEE bonuses for work it
did they billed the government for.
Who are the accountants traveling town to town
in Iraq verifying this fake accounting?
There are none, thanks to the violence and beheadings
that prvent a independent audit.
The more terror, the more death,
the more money they get,
the fewer oversight assholes to fool, bribe or murder.
...but that can't be right,
because greedy oil men would never kill for unlimited money
and power.
United dumps
4 pension plans
Before Bush, pensions were sacred
Click Here
United Airlines gained a significant financial
victory with court approval to dump
its four pension plans but faces a tough challenge
to win back the support of angry employees.
While smoothing the path toward a targeted exit
from Chapter 11 bankruptcy later this year,
Tuesday's ruling inflamed United's unions, with
some hinting at the possibility of strikes or
other disruptive actions.
"Taxpayers had better buckle up because we will be in
for a bumpy ride of bailout after bailout,
as more and more corporations dump their pension
plan obligations on the PBGC," said U.S. Rep.
Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., referring to the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corp. that already is operating
at a more than $23 billion deficit, thanks
to Bush and his billions-to-the-super-rich welfare programs.
This debacle is screwing 120,000 current and retired
United workers, including 62,000 active employees.
"A bunch of the news channels showed Hillary walking
out all calm and cool and collected;
everybody else around her was running for their
lives and Hillary was just taking her time
and walking out. Now, the Democrats have started
to say -- if you've been watching any
cable news, paying any attention, you're starting
to hear just a little bit of rumbling about this,
and it's going to grow louder as the day goes
on. " We need leadership. Did you see the way
Mrs. Clinton calmly and coolly and collectedly
walked out of there? That's the kind of
leadership we need." Gag me! Puke day, but
that's what's brewing now in Democrat circles."
very upset that Hillary didn't imitate the Panic Monkey and read "My Pet Goat" in
a time of crisis,
Subject: Steve Stevens
Hey man,
So... Steve Stevens reeked ???
He's my hero , man .............
I'd like to see Del Castillo pull off REBEL YELL
Love ya ,
Mark, actually, that's just my wacky writing style.
Stevens was actually very good, but it seemed odd that in the middle of
the Billy Idol show,
he'd do a flaminco guitar solo. While he was playing that, I thought
it was strange that I have
at least two good friends who could do it better, so I piled on - sorry.
Somewhere I have recordings of Rick Del Castillo playing and singing Rebel
I might even have video of Rick doing the lip snarl :)
"Why are you complaining about North Korea
breaching the treaty if treaties are not
--Hans Blix, asking Bush
why he can cancel treaties but North Korea can't Attribution
Remember what they did to Hans Blix?
"Hans Blix is so stupid, he can't find WMDs in Iraq."
"Hans Blix is so blind, he can't find WMDs in Iraq."
"Hans Blix is just like Mr. Magoo, he can't find WMDs
in Iraq."
Yeah, it was all a big f-ing joke, until the 1600 soldiers died.
Subject: Lauren Bacall
What!? No pic!?
Lauren had more sex appeal when she turned 70
than any
pea-brained silicon miracle on the big screen in
the last thirty years.
When she did her first promo pics the photographer
for the studio
said she was sexier in a turtle-neck sweater than
any other actress
he ever photographed even if they posed nude!
Come on, Bart, how about a nice one for us fan
boys out here.
joe in Japan
Joe, here you go.
Bush asked
to explain UK war memo
Wait - you mean the Democrats came to work?
Click Here
Eighty-nine Democratic members of Congress last
week sent Bush a letter asking for
explanation of a secret British memo that said "intelligence
and facts were being fixed"
to support his bloody oil snatch -- long before
he brought the issue to Congress for approval.
On May 1, The Times of London published the minutes
of a high-level meeting on Iraq held July 23, 2002.
British officials did not dispute the document's
Remember Bush, again and again, swearing that he hadn't made up his
Remember how he mocked the Pope by saying "War
is always the last resort,"
when all the time invasion plans were being put into place and pity the
foolish intelligence
agent who suggests that Saddam wasn't about to attack us on a moment's
Why to Republicans and Religio-fundies not care when he lies to them?
He was lying all along and the proof is out - and there's
no outrage?
They demanded that we turn on Clinton for having sex, but it's
OK with
Republicans and Religio-fundies if Bush lies 1600 men into their graves?
Subject: Rummy and Saddam
Hey Bart:
Show 74 was biting, penetrating and entertaining,
as usual.
I have one thing to say, though: You said
something to the effect that
no one was more angry at the Democratic Party than
I don't have time to look for the past webpage,
but you did say, at one time,
regarding Kerry's rolling over like a prison bitch
that: "Think I'm angry? Check out Elaine."
ha ha
However, that is not the point of this e-mail.
At Unknown News, there is, on the wire, some rumor
to the effect that Rummy made
a secret visit to - guess who? - Saddam Hussein
in his jail cell for the purpose of cutting
a deal to the effect that if Saddam returned to
Iraq and could "quell the insurgency",
well, some compensation might be forthcoming....
I don't know whether it's true. I intend
to look into this, but not right now.
Your friend always,
Shy Elaine
Shy Elaine, I remember you :)
I'm not sure the Saddam visit is a bad move.
(I think it's accepted that it happened.)
America is losing this war, drastic measures may have to be taken.
I think the deal that was offered was that if Saddam could get the beheaders
and suiciders to chill, they might let Saddam live out his life somewhere.
This is Bush's "victory with honor" handjob.
Could your web page use more hits?
Click Here
Every business can afford these prices.
Click Here to
increase your hits!
Dennis Miller
gets Fired
Former comedian sold his soul for Bush Beans
Click Here
We will be introducing a new Business Day program
at 7 p.m. ET sometime in the Third Quarter.
I have spoken with Dennis Miller about these plans...and
his strong preference is to leave his program
immediately. Therefore, the final episode of "Dennis
Miller" will air this Friday, May 13.
went Nazi for Bush!"
I wonder what nickname Bush gave him?
Subject: radio feedback
LOVED the latest show, great that you finally
got some calls and answered them (that's been
missing from the show and it brings a level of
involvement that works for me). I also loved the
rant in part three of the show, where it sounded
like you backed away from the microphone
and really let loose. It was a "Randy Rhodes/Mike
Malloy" moment, and worked a lot better
than the more controlled anger outbursts you give. It
really gave a solid ending to the beatdown
of the Democrat's begging for money, showing that
you (and a lot of the rest of us) are just sick
of the Dems running business as usual, limiting
our choices, and not looking for new ideas that will work.
My only criticism of the show is one on form...watch
that you don't repeat yourself a lot.
It's a good thing to get certain phrases to come
back to, but try to keep from using the same phrase
of outrage too many times. The best example
is Mike Malloy's show...he will say "Have I mentioned
yet tonight now much I hate these people" on every
show, but once he says it, he doesn't say it again.
I also miss when you and Tommy would spend about
15 minutes going over a topic or two.
Keep swinging that hammer, and get ready to watch
me get schooled in poker in Chicago. ^_^
Cory Strode,
Best Dressed Man In Comics
Cory, thanks for that.
be the only one without...
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Subject: Bart, you're totally
out of line on 9/11
I hate to hammer you like this, Bart, but you're
full of shit on this one
--though maybe you don't know it yet.
As soon as I've finished giving you the red-ass
over this, you will.
Click Here
Dude, I'm overdue for getting my ass handed to me.
Good luck.
Kansan Ancient
Greeks Petition Education Dept.
Residents want Zeusian Theory taught alongside Meteorology
Click Here
Ancient Greek Kansas residents are one step closer
to righting a wrong, according to
Clytius-Bob "Bubba" Diotrephes of Garden City.
"When I was in school nobody ever told me meteorology's
just a theory," he lamented.
"If I'd known that, I wouldn't have doubted my religious
convictions so much."
Subject: U2 in Chicago
I just caught U2 here in Chicago on Monday night.
They announced beforehand they were going to shoot
the show for the DVD.
Bart it was one hell of an incredible night.
I've seen the Stones, The Who, and Pink Floyd
all live and no one,
I mean NO ONE works a crowd like these guys.
There is a connection that none of the others
can match.
Go see them when you can!
Take Care,
Matt the Pillar
Marty's Entertainment
in a bloody mist
Click Here
Even by Iraqi standards, yesterday was a terrible
day. At least 71 people lost their lives
in several suicide bombings, outside Kirkuk in
the north, in Tikrit and in Baghdad. Scores
more were wounded amidst stomach-churning scenes
of shattered bodies and charred flesh.
The attacks again gave the lie to the optimistic
claim, spun in recent weeks by US spokesmen,
that the insurgency is waning, or at least is mounting
a final desperate onslaught before
acknowledging that the game is up."
you, Meester Boosh."
Subject: Star Wars III
Dear Bartcop:
"So that's how liberty dies· to
thunderous applause."
This line is from the upcoming Star Wars movie.
The wingnuts will come completely unglued.
"It's truly horrific, there are snipers everywhere,
rockets, no food, no electricity.
Today five rockets fell in front of my house...We
are mentally exhausted."
Omar, Iraqi father of three, on life under the Bush Occupation Attribution
I guess they'll let
FOX News and talk radio write Bush's history, how his "liberation of Iraq"
was the turning point that saved the world from
4000 years of religious insanity - or blew it up.
Subject: radio feedback
#74 is so great I can't believe it.
Your rant on Al Hunt was so fucking great I almost,
...oh well!!
Bart you are an absolute shinning light on the
stupidity in this country.
As you said, go after Coulter, Novak, Savage, Limpball(!),
Carlson, Scarborough, Mathews, Ingraham, ETC.
Thank you for being yourself and take care.
I'm going from $5 to $20 a month contribution
Paul C
Bush not
told of threat until it was over
He was ignorant of the danger, just like 9-11
Click Here
Late Wednesday, word emerged in wire service
accounts that Bush was not told about the
brief security scare and evacuations in D.C. caused
by an approaching Cessna until after the
incident was over. The plane, with two men on board,
turned away, after violating the no-fly zone
and coming within three miles of the White House.
Bush was tricycling in nearby Maryland at the
time but with his usual security detail and communications
system. The incident touched off speculation
about who would have ordered the shooting down
of the plane and how closely Bush was monitoring
the situation. Later it turned out: He didn't
know about the threat as it transpired."
The poor Monkey - they didn't want to scare him.
I'll bet Condi held his hand while Cheney tinkled his car keys to distract
Subject: Chappelle
Hey Bart,
Dave Chappelle has done an HBO comedy
"Killin' 'Em Softly" was done on HBO back in 2000.
He also did an hour on Showtime last year.
All of it was top-notch killer stuff, but The
Man, Chris Rock,
has had 4 HBO specials and an HBO series. Rock's
still the man.
Trust me, I'm a HUUUUGE Chappelle guy, but he isn't
If Chappelle is like Garbage (great with critics,
loyal fans,
quality material), then Chris Rock is U2 (a giant
in the field).
Daniel in H-Town
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Dad wants a subscription to
Don't forget Dad like you forgot Mom.
Subject: new page sux
Hi Bart,
You sure you aren't glossing over the complaints
about your New Page?
It is horrible, and unreadable.
Please don't try to fly with ass-kissers and
non-boat rockers on this one:
You know how that ends up...
New Page looks, and reads, like a NUTRITION label;
and is just as interesting - no matter what the
I have used Microsoft FrontPage for years, to
create auctions on eBay.
Your present page design is a cinch to create.
Don't know what you "have" to go through now to
post each day's important work;
but, the fact is - the site's current layout is
a breeze with MS FrontPage; and eminently
searchable by Google. It's just text and jpegs,
for Koresh's sake. No big deal......
If you want to test this theory, and run it by
other web-page publishing readers,
I will be happy to simply click "Edit" on my browser
(which opens MS FrontPage),
and send you the MS FrontPage file for that page.
Screw "knowing" html - it's been automated for
<Ink/Flink/Dink> Who cares what that means
in html?
FrontPage or some similar program knows that stuff;
Just learn a few routines, and the rest is: enter
text and paste images.
Thank you very much Bart, for standing up
and protecting the USA
Bob, we haven't launched the new page yet.
We're in this interim stage to accomodate the blogads.
The new page might premier this weekend or Monday.
Y'know, I like a dude with strong opinions.
You got 'em, and I enjoyed reading them.
That "ass-kissers and non-boat rockers" stuff
was sweet.
But I don't know Bush about designing
web pages, so I'm going with the people I trust..
Bush's U.S.
soldier body count in Iraq
1603, 1609,
1612, dead soldiers under Bush
... ...
That's three
more families
giving all for Bush's approval ratings.
"Abortion is wrong, there's no way around it. But
the question then comes in, in the
Baptist Church, how do I vote? Let me just
say this right now: If you vote for John Kerry,
you need to repent or resign. You have been
holding back God's church way too long.
And I know I may get in trouble for saying
that, but just pour it on."
Chandler, explaining his and Bush's view that women are too stupid to
their own decisions,
that BIG government should make those decisions, instead, Attribution
nuts about raping women's rights."
TV Stuff
Noah Wylie's last night on ER -
is that show still on?
Joey wraps
up his first season with a 2-show special - is that show still on?
Survivor runs
its last regular show of the year, the finale comes this Sunday
Maybe the second last C.S.I. with
Gil Grisson is tonight.
Tarantino, director of next week's 2-hour closer dubbed "Kill Gil," was
on Dave last night.
He says the last show will not be a cliff-hanger, that "when
it's over, it's over."
When I think about William Peterson leaving C.S.I.,
I'm reminded of the old, classic, black-and-white
Popeye cartoon where he was talked into giving up his spinach. He opened
the can and threw in on the
back of a truck and as it drove away, the spinach cried out to him, "You'll
be sor-ry!"
Then Garbage on Dave!
Last time they were on Dave, we were in a motel in seaside
Oregon, October 2001.
I'd like to see "Why Do You Love Me?" because it's the only song
I've heard so far,
but I'm betting they go with their new video, "Bad Boyfriend."
"The North Carolina preacher, who kicked out members
of his flock who didn't vote for Bush,
quit today...See, in his whacko world, those
pesky rules really shouldn't apply to Reverend
Chandler because he opposes abortion. He'll
become some kind of martyr for the radical
right wing nuts. We'll hear that if the Senate
could just end the filibuster, Chandler would have
nothing to worry about. He'd still have his
job and those pagan Democrats would be gone.
Chandler will probably be the poster boy for
the nuclear option, because it's the evil filibuster
that stands in the way of the theocracy. And,
in the GOP theocracy, all politics will be religion
and all religion will be politics."
in DC, "Preacher Who Kicked out Dems. Quits", Attribution
Subject: Chris Rock the man?
Hey Bart,
We've had this discussion before.
While Chris Rock has his moments (even a broke
is funny twice a day); he is not now, nor will
he ever be the MAN.
I saw Richard live, in his prime. Richard Pryor
was the Beatles of comedy.
He was THAT good. He was THAT much different, that
much better than the others.
Think "Heart Attack" sketch.
What has Chris Rock done that's anywhere near
that effin' funny?
Look, I'm happy for Rock's success. And I hope
Dave can pull it together,
and not be overwhelemed by his success.
But Richard (even 20 year old Richard), is STILL
the Man.
Mike, I agree but Richard Pryor stopped working.
He can't do Kobe jokes, and R Kelly jokes, and Bush Monkey jokes.
Chris Rock holds the crown until somebody snatches it away from him.
Subject: ignore Ann Coulter
Yeah, I know: stop paying attention and she'll
just disappear, right?
It sure worked for Kerry.
He just ignored those swift boat liars and went
windsurfing and...
Hey! Wait a minute....
I even heard that back in the twenties and thirties
most reasonable,
sane Germans thought that the Nazis would go away
if they just ignored them.
Worked just about as well, then, too.
Drew in CT
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