"Hey, wouldn't it be funny if they threw an
election and one party won because of
its firm commitment to moral values, a faith-based
worldview and a stand against
such repugnant deviancy as gay marriage? And
wouldn't it be even more hysterical
if some of that party's loudest advocates of
moral values had in fact been boinking
mules and watermelons, and treating their wives
like prostitutes?"
Traister, "Hideous Kinkies", Attribution
the Media Puzzle
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
American progressives finally are taking seriously
the threat posed by the U.S. news media's
swing to the right, which - perhaps more than
any other factor - has transformed the U.S.
democratic process into a mess of disinformation,
fear and irrationality.
Many of the depredations of the last four-plus
years - from the war in Iraq and the collapse
of America's image abroad to assaults on
the teaching of evolution and inaction on the looming
global-warming crisis - can only be understood
by factoring in the Right's powerful propaganda
apparatus and the mainstream media's complicity.
Still, there remains widespread confusion on the
Left about what can be done and how to get
the most value from investments of money and talent.
One of Parry's ideas on how to fight back is to
support anti-Bush web sites.
We've lost PBS, we've lost the networks, we've
lost respect around the globe,
we've lost 1600 soldiers and thousands of arms
and legs so we'd better fight back.
It's not going to get any better because their
greed in insatiable.
Things will only get better when we force them
to stop.
Maybe, someday, we can get the Democrats to join us.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is
the most important site on the internet
Subject: Richard says hi
Thank you so much for your great words---s'all
We hope Dave [Chappelle] is
doing ok...
Richard sends love!
Jennifer Lee Pryor
President, Indigo Inc.
Come join the discussion at www.richardpryor.com
Jennifer, how great to hear from you!!
It's thrilling to think my name was on Richard's mind for a second..
I never made hearing from Richard a goal because I never thought it would
be possible and you and Trudy made that happen!! Thanks to you both.
I'll mention your chat room on
the page, and I always plug Richard's CDs
and DVDs at gift giving time. (Father's Day is coming up!)
Richard's stuff always sells well with people who read bartcop.com
.. .....
Funniest hour ever 9 discs
of magic
Click to Order -
They are the Rosetta Stones of comedy
It was either Belzer or Damon Wayans, at the Kennedy Center honors for
in 1998 who said, "Every comedian has stolen from
Richard Pryor.
And if you didn't, you're probably not very
That was great to hear because it's so true.
Since this topic came up last week, many people wrote to tell me of
others who are
in Richard's league - Cosby, Mort Dahl, Steve Martin, Lenny Bruce, George
Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, Carrot Top., etc.
They are crazy.
Some of them are very good, but there is nobody else in Richard's league.
His face is alone on Comedy Mt. Rushmore.
Thanks again, and look for some BartCop Radio CDs in your mailbox :)
Getting your e-mail was an all-time highlight for me.
Was that
flush the Koran story fake?
Did Newsweek pull a Rather, making Bush the victim again?
Click Here
Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Daniel Klaidman
said the magazine believes
it erred in reporting the allegation that a prison
guard tried to flush the Quran down
a toilet and that military investigators had confirmed
the accusation. Many of the
Gitmo 520 are Muslims arrested during Bush's oil-snatch
primer in Afghanistan.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said in a statement
that the original story was
"demonstrably false" and "irresponsible," and "had significant
consequences that
reverberated throughout Muslim communities around
the world."
"Newsweek hid behind anonymous sources, which by their
own admission do not
withstand scrutiny," Whitman said. "Unfortunately,
they cannot retract the damage
they have done to this nation or those that were
viciously attacked by those false allegations."
You see what happens when you attack Bush with
rather-like "facts?"
Newsweek gives Bush immunity from all "prisoner
insensitivity" issues.
Next time someone mentions the conditions at Gitmo,
talk radio will bray,
"Liberal Newsweek made up those charges trying to
bring down Godly Dubya."
Why can't they just do their work?
Why do they blunder into these Bush immunity situations,
one after another?
AWOL crisis
hits the US forces
Deserter-in-Chief gets just desserts
Click Here
The case of Sgt Benderman and those of others
like him has focused attention on the thousands
of US troops who have gone AWOL since the start
of Bush's so-called war on terror. The most
recent Pentagon figures suggest there are 5,133
troops missing from duty. Of these 2,376 are sought
by the Army, 1,410 by the Navy, 1,297 by the Marines
and 50 by the Air Force. Some have been
missing for decades.
But campaigners say the true figure could be far
higher. Staff who run a volunteer hotline to help
desperate soldiers and recruits who want to get
out, say the number of calls has increased by 50 per cent
since 9/11. Last year alone, the GI Rights Hotline
took more than 30,000 calls. At present, the hotline
gets 3,000 calls a month and the volunteers say
that by the time a soldier or recruit dials the help-line
they have almost always made up their mind to get
out by one means or another.
Ordinarily there'd be some dishonor in desertion.
But if your choices are dying for Halliburton
or living - what would you do?
A look into the future
The war crimes
trial of the BFEE
Let's identify them all:
Front row: Monkey, Rummy, Tom, General ???, ..., Bolton, ...,
..., Bremer and Forked Tongue Ari
Second row: Unka Dick, Kinda Sleazy, Wolfie, Tenet, Gonzales?,
Poodle, ..., Chalabi, ...
Greenspan? Greenspan guilty of war crimes? Works for me,
...and that bastard Karl Rove, who gay-bashed his way into the White House
Help me with the others...
Photo from http://billmon.org/
Thanks to Bert
"The trend we're seeing in my party, in particular,
is the growing influence of people
who want to define what it means to be a good
Republican in an ever-narrowing way."
Todd Whitman, saying the GOP better knock off the religio-hatred, Attribution
Subject: Democratic Singles
Bartcop -
Have you discontinued the Democratic Singles Network?
I don't see it on the site.
I was wanting to join to see if I could meet that "special" man.
If it's still active, can you tell me where to
locate the "link" and also,
is this a U.S. wide listing? Any guys on
there from Texas (Austin) specifically?
Thank you.
Carol, Democratic Singles is an advertiser, not part of bartcop.com
I'll bet they have lots of Austinite men signed up.
Here is their link - and good luck!
"We operate within the law and we send people to
countries where they say
they're not going to torture the people. But
let me say something: We have an
obligation to protect the American people.
It's in our country's interests to find
those who would do harm to us...We still [are]
at war."
on the kidnapping and torturing of randomly-grabbed goat herders from Afghanistan
Subject: no subject
You are either simply young, moderately intelligent
students, or you are pawns of angry,
out-of-power, rich socialists. Right? So why are
you so surprised when average [80% of
the freaking population] do what they do??? [pray,
not like high school taxes when little
foul-mouther creeps will spoil anything good they
build with their high tax- and give it to
welfare state, learned-helpless, lowtax school
districts, etc.]? That's never going to change.
You do what you do, and we act to correct it. You
want anarchy [or so you think. There's no
foreign-film houses or software or espresso with
anarchy, did you know that?]. So long as
your whole political belief system is based on
~re-distibution~ [taking what healthy, happy
hard-working people build; farms, industry, inventions]
of wealth, the other side will object.
But why all the xxxx/xxxx/xxxx verbage????
Just makes you sound like you're on the ropes -
- -but I know you'll always be around-
so long as there are socialist universities and
rich kids who don't know what to major in
besides journalism or law [both of which require
reading though, so I'm confidant there'll
be plenty of ~undeclared~ malcontents for a long
time to come].
Oh btw, you scum, pig, stinky, rectal, pooh-pooh
intestinal, rotting, rodent-like person, you.
Nyah. Nyah.
Rob, I'll bet you could tear me to pieces in a
live chat room debate, right?
You sound like a guy who could wipe the floor with
me and maybe make me cry.
I will only agree to debate you if
you promise to be gentle with me.
When's good for you?
I'm free Tuesday at 10PM CST.
Hurry with your answer so we can draw a crowd.
Got sac?
Crazy Priest
denies ribboners Communion
Support for gays makes you unholy, says rape-tolerant priests
Click Here
ST. PAUL, Minn. - A Roman Catholic priest denied
communion to more than 100 people
Sunday, saying they could not receive the sacrament because
they wore rainbow-colored
sashes to church to show support
for gay Catholics.
Archbishop Harry Flynn told the group earlier
this month that they would not receive communion
because the sashes had become a protest against
church teaching.
Sister Gabriel Herbers said she wore a sash to
show sympathy for the gay and lesbian community.
Their sexual orientation "is a gift from God just
as much as my gift of being a female is," she said.
Ann McComas-Bussa did not wear a sash, but she
and her husband and three children all wore
rainbow-colored ribbons and were denied communion. "As
a Catholic, I just need to stand in
solidarity with those that are being oppressed," she
Have the child-molesters all gone insane?
They're playing a combination of poker
and chicken with their Church.
They're losing paid customers by the millions - and now they pull this?
They won't sign a pledge to stop raping little boys, but they'll deny
to anyone to thinks gays shouldn't be discriminated against?
The Church has two choices:
It can back down now and say they were wronf or they
can back down later, after losing a few more millions of Americans.
Poker and chicken -
it's a bad combination when you have a losing hand.
"Fuck George W. Bush."
-- Richard Pryor, richardpryor.com
Subject: Mindy McCready attacked
On your website you linked to a news report about
Mindy McCready being attacked
by her GOP ex-boyfriend. I clicked on the link, but
didn't see the GOP connection.
I suspect you're probably right as (I believe)
most perps do tend to be Republican,
but I didn't see any evidence of this being the
In any event, bartcop is one of the best sites
on the web!
Keep up the good work!
Steve D
Steve, Repubs think of women as property, so if
they want to play rough with their "toys"
it's nobody's business but their own and that makes
them bad boyfriends.
Dems respect women and treat them as equals, not
Could your web page use more hits?
Click Here
Every business can afford these prices.
Click Here to
increase your hits!
United Airlines & Bush
Anti-Worker Assault
Click Here
Destroy United, then go after the unions at rival
All as the Bush White House gloats at helping send
wages in the industry plummeting.
Terrorists hijacked United Flight 175 to destroy
the WTC and plunge the airline industry
into its downward spiral.
But remember in the future that it was the pro-wealthy
fundamentalists of the White House
who decided to make sure the pain would deepen
and continue for years for the workers
at United and throughout the industry.
In Bush's
last year, when we've all lost
all pensions,
all Social Security, all Medicare etc.,
remember that they came for United Airlines first,
and we
did nothing.
Subject: radio feedback
dang funny...just became a listener last week.
if it weren't for all the cussin' I could imagine
you on broadcast radio,
...but then I'd miss the cussin'
Thanks for doing it.
be the only one without...
Get your "Worst
President Ever" bumper sticker
FREE with
a donation - while supplies last.
Subject: Donation
OK, Bart, I subscribed, as I promised.
I'm actually more broke today then I've ever
been, and the prospects more dire,
but you know what Bart, you've always been there
as the greatest political/humor site
on the web, and I only pray you ain't preaching
to the choir, and that we can make a
damn difference. It's important, dammit.
Chuck, thanks, I'll try to be worthy.
BCR Show 75 is
up now.
Is this show any good?
The feedback will tell.
Here to support bartcop.com
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Black and
white and full of crap
The truth about Pat Tillman & Jessica Lynch by Ted Rall
Click Here
Case study: the Washington Post's dutiful transcription
of the Jessica Lynch hoax.
Played up on page one and running on for thousands
of words, the fanciful Pentagon
version had the pilot from West Virginia emptying
her clip before finally succumbing to
a gunshot wound (and possible rape) by evil Iraqi
ambushers, then freed from her
tormentors at a heavily-guarded POW hospital.
Like the Pat Tillman story, it was pure fiction.
Private Lynch, neither shot nor sexually
violated, said she was injured when her vehicle
crashed. She never got off a shot
because her gun jammed. As she told reporters who
were willing to listen, her Iraqi
doctors and nurses had given her excellent care.
She credited them for saving her life.
Every writer has one story they just can't get
For Ted Rall, it's "Tillman
the sap."
He just can't wrap his head around the idea that
Tillman sacrificed a cushy life of luxury
because he wanted to help his country defend against
the 9-11 invaders.
People who give up millions to serve their country
are "saps."
I feel sorry for Ted.
Today's featured book by Michael Lind
Made in Texas:
George W. Bush and the
Southern Takeover of
American Politics
Subject: Ike's quote from last
I turned against LBJ because of the Vietnam War,
even though he was responsible for
pushing through the Voting Rights Act. I had a
lot of fellow Democrats with me.
So how come "true" Republicans don't turn against
Bush en mass?
John F
John, great question.
The more soldiers die, the more right they think
Bush was about his bloody invasion.
The worse the economy gets, the more they love
Bush's welfare for billionaires.
Soldiers line up, ready to die by the thousands,
for the BFEE and Halliburton.
It makes no sense at all, but when you own the
media, you own the minds of the sheep.
Marty's Entertainment
Miss America
Let's say you were a judge at the Miss America Pageant.
Let's say there are nine judges.
The cute redhead with the long legs, the black
stockings, and the f-me boots could win,
and you're certain after you hear her sing. She
makes the final five, along with other girls
who don't have her looks, her talent or her stage
presence - and you think she's a lock.
But at the end of the show, it was a homely, not-so-attractive
girl who wins, and it turns out
she's the daughter of the pageant's biggest sponsor
- but you chalk it up to "shit happens."
After the gig, you gather with some other judges
at the hotel bar and the subject of the sexy
redhead comes up. Turns out, FOUR of the
judges, including you, voted for the cute redhead
with the long legs. Doing some quick math,
even if you're Catholic, you determine that the odds
of EVERY OTHER judge voting for the least qualified
contestant are astronomical since there
were FIVE finalists, meaning three of the finalists
failed to get a single vote - highly unlikely.
So you make a few phone calls and ask to see the
ballots, but you are told by the pageant owners
that the ballots had been thrown away and there
was no paper trail to prove who voted for whom.
We wouldn't stand for that in a Miss America
Pageant, would we?
Wouldn't America cry "FOUL!" and "FIXED!" and "WE'VE
Sure we would, because it's important to
know who really won.
Subject: Simpson's Bart-turns-Catholic
Homer, to Bart, after getting expelled from school:
"and if you get expelled from that school, then you're
going to military school,
where you'll be sent to the next war quagmire.
What will it be next, North Korea, Iran,
Who knows? Anything's possible with Mr. Cuckoo-Bananas
in charge!"
Ann Richards, former Gov of Texas
Ann, I have a feeling clips from that will be in BCR
76 :)
"We're losing influence abroad when we bring those
troops home, and we lose the
interaction with America when we create these
super bases. Small communities lose
sight of the armed forces. I like for the Army
and the armed forces to be representative
of the people they protect, not an elite organization."
--Wes Clark, on Bush's desperate
military consolidations, Attribution
BTW, have you heard Bush & Rummy are "bringing home" tens of thousands
of troops from Europe?
Yeah, they'll be home 10 days, then they'll get there Iraqi deployment
Good luck guys, Halliburton's stock is about to split.
Subject: Almost like I wrote
Bart, you wrote:
> Of course, Zeppelin is still the best rock group
25 years after breaking up.
Bart, I have been a Zep fanatic since album #1,
and it still rocks out loud!
I used to buy underground recordings of Zep before
it was illegal (sorta).
Na, I broke the law to get as much Led Zeppelin
as I could.
Here's a thought: Led Zeppelin doing a cover of "Bullet
the blue sky".
Mmmm... could have been very tasty.
Thanks Bart.
Barry G
Barry, I saw an interview with Bono. For "Bullet" he said he went
to The Edge and said,
"Put Jimmy Page thru your speakers for this one," and
a classic was born.
I saw the first "Bullet" they did in America, opening night of the 1987
tour in Tempe, AZ.
"Bullet" was the fourth song they did.
Before the song was finished, I thought, "You guys played that song fourth?
You oughta be closing with that monster," and by the end of the
tour they were.
Navy Judge
Finds War Protest Reasonable
Click Here
In a stunning blow to the Bloody Monkey, a Navy
judge gave Petty Officer Pablo Paredes
no jail time for refusing orders to board his ship
before it left San Diego for the Persian Gulf.
Cmdr. Klant found Pablo guilty of missing his ship's
movement by design, but dismissed the charge
of unauthorized absence. Although Pablo faced one
year in the brig, the judge sentenced him to two
months' restriction and three months of hard labor,
and reduced his rank to seaman recruit.
"This is a huge victory," said Jeremy Warren, Pablo's
lawyer. "A sailor can show up on a Navy base,
refuse in good conscience to board a ship bound
for Iraq, and receive no time in jail," Warren added.
Although Pablo is delighted he will not to go jail,
he still regrets that he was convicted of a crime.
He told the judge at sentencing: "I am guilty of
believing this war is illegal. I am guilty of believing war
in all forms is immoral and useless, and I am guilty
of believing that as a service member I have a duty
to refuse to participate in this War because it
is illegal."
Pablo maintained that transporting Marines to
fight in an illegal war, and possibly to commit war crimes,
would make him complicit in those crimes.
A shot of Chinaco for Paredes for having the balls to stand
up to the Bloody Monkey and also
for the judge who had the balls to say, "Halliburton
has gotten rich enough from Bush's war."
US grabs
the sixth al-Qaeda No 3
Click Here
The United States has netted another al-Qaeda
No.3, the sixth No.3 to be downed dead or alive
in Bush's bloody crusade...the joke in media circles
here is that will be the nomenclature for any
al-Qaeda suspect besides Osama bin Laden and Ayman
Al Zawahiri. Previous al-Qaeda No.3s
include, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohammed Atef,
Ramzi bin Al-Shibh, and Abu Zubaida.
The United States is a terror/laughing stock all over the world, partly
because the US whore media
won't even consider covering the stories the rest of the world is cringing/laughing
Any time the military captures anybody with some dashes in his name,
Bush and his good puppy
media start screaming, "We got the #3 evildoer
in Al Qaeda," but then a week later, they grab
another never-heard-of-him #3 evildoer and the American press
throws Bush another parade.
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Day is coming soon.
Dad wants a subscription to
Don't forget Dad like you forgot Mom.
Shirley someone got a screen grab of Shirley last Thursday on
Subject: Shirley on Dave
I hope you like it,
Koresh, she even stands like a rock goddess.
Where has she been hiding those legs all these years?
Do I like it?
I want to fly that picture to Vegas and marry it.
Last issue I wrote:
> Cross your fingers, Jethro's about to take the
Jethro didn't take the wheel, as you can see.
75 took longer to finish
than expected.
It must have 1,000 edits - can you hear them all?
Plus, we're out of town later this week, and I didn't think I should
a new system for 2-3 issues, then be gone long enough to forget it all.
While were gone, we won't be doing regular pages because this is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go where we've never been before
(Southwest doesn't fly there) and I'd be crazy to spend 10-12 hours a day
in a hotel room working at a keyboard, right?
But we are going to blog.
I can blog for 45 minutes a day and still enjoy the islands.
Bush's bloody
body count in Iraq
1612, 1615,
1622, dead soldiers under Bush
Seven since
last issue
With Bush,
it's a steady diet of death
Bush lies us into this to steal Iraq's oil.
He's stealing $100,000,000 every day.
- and nobody cares?
If you don't believe me,
would you believe Wolfowitz?
Rove's judicial
Priscilla Owen is the insane slut from Hell
Click Here
Even on the conservative, all-Republican bench
that the State Supreme Court had become,
Justice Owen occasionally stood out among her colleagues.
In no situation was this more so
than in cases involving the interpretation of a
state law providing for a teenage girl to obtain
an abortion without notifying her parents if she
can show a court that she is mature enough
to understand the consequences.
In one dissent, Justice Owen said the teenager
in the case had not demonstrated that she knew
that there were religious objections to abortion and
that some women who underwent
abortions had experienced severe remorse.
Funny that Bush, because he was super-rich, paid
for an illegal abortion in Texas in 1971,
would now deny that freedom to those who aren't
super-rich enough to bribe doctors.
That son of a bitch...
Subject: AWOL monkey
Bart,what was the chimp gonna do if he were told
of the evacuation?
Change into his flight suit, stuff a bunny down
his pants, and get ready for a photo-op?
What a worthless bastard!
Missy in Little Rock
feud rocks Israel
Could cost Israel's ambassador his job
Click Here
The spat centers on a request by Israeli Ambassador
Ayalon for an official probe into
whether Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom's socialite
wife fired an embassy aide for failing
to secure her an audience with Madonna.
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