"To exercise your right to a free press in
this country,
you had better own a newspaper."
Alterman, Altercation, Attribution
Finds Bad Stories Aren't Equal
by former Newsweek employee Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
...some stories are politically riskier than
others - especially if they upset the Bushes.
Possibly a more dangerous consequence of the story
is that it will reinforce the growing perception
in Washington journalism that the fastest way to
ruin your career is to write something that gets you
on the wrong side of George W. Bush and his administration.
That means there could be even less
critical reporting about the War on Terror and
the Iraq War. [See "The
Bush Rule of Journalism."]
Arguably the gullible U.S. reporting about Iraq's
weapons of mass destruction in 2002-03 contributed
to more death and destruction than the Koran story
did, including more than 1,600 dead American soldiers.
But no one news organization has faced the condemnation
that Newsweek has for its mistake.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is
the most important site on the internet
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was
lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted
a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse
me, can you help me? I promised a
friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't
know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're
30 feet above sea level. You are at
31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and
100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude."
She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be a Democrat."
"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you
told me is technically correct, but I have no idea
what to do with your information, and I'm still
lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."
"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did
you know?"
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you
are or where you're going. You've risen to where
you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You
made a promise that you have no idea how to keep,
then you expect me to solve your problem. You're
in exactly the same position you were in before
we met but, somehow, now it's my fault."
Thanks to E Boyd
Subject: Richard Pryor
Look, I've about had it with all these nice things
being said about Richard Pryor.
That guy almost killed me once. I'll explain.....
In the early 80's, we finally got cable TV and
Richard's first live concert was coming on.
I knew who he was, having seen him on SNL & other
places, but never an uncensored event.
Now, like everyone else, I have often laughed so
hard that tears were going down my face,
but that was the only time in my life I laughed
so hard I couldn't even BREATHE!
By the time he got to the story about his pet
monkey, I was lying on the floor holding my sides,
and I had laughed all the air out of my lungs.
What was so terrifying about it was, I was STILL
trying to laugh and could not find an opening to
draw in some more air.
I remember thinking to myself, "You know, ol'
buddy, if you can't suck in a bit of air pretty soon
....you're going to f-ing DIE!"
He's lucky I didn't charge him with attempted
Tralfaz, he had that effect on everybody.
Stay what
Krugman, NYWTimes
Click Here
The people who sold us this war continue to insist
that success is just around the corner,
and that things would be fine if the media would
just stop reporting bad news. But Bush has
declared victory in Iraq at least four times. January's
election, it seems, was yet another
turning point that wasn't.
Yet it's very hard to discuss getting out. Even
most of those who vehemently opposed the war
say that we have to stay on in Iraq now that we're
In effect, America has been taken hostage. Nobody
wants to take responsibility for the terrible
scenes that will surely unfold if we leave (even
though terrible scenes are unfolding while we're there).
Nobody wants to tell the grieving parents of American
soldiers that their children died in vain.
And nobody wants to be accused, by an administration
always ready to impugn other people's
patriotism, of stabbing the troops in the back.
But the American military isn't just bogged down
in Iraq; it's deteriorating under the strain.
And every year that the war goes on, our military
gets weaker.
Great points Krugman makes.
Too bad no liberals on TV will insist on some
Norm Coleman
becomes top UN basher
Click Here
Senator Norm Coleman (R-Disgrace) has taken the
lead in UN-bashing.
The phony oil-for-food "scandal" has given him
the chance to scream at
Kofi Annan and thumb his nose to our former allies
- European politicians.
Subject: Richard Pryor
Amen on Richard.
He da king.
Wish he could stand up now and make me lose it
and laugh like he used to, but that's a wee bit
selfish, eh?
On the brighter side, I've saved alot on underwear
since those days.
Hope he's doing okay.
A look into the future
The war crimes
trial of the BFEE
Let's identify them all:
Front row: Monkey, Rummy, Tom, General Richard
Meyers Feith, Bolton, Alawi, Negroponte...,
Bremer and Forki
Second row: Unka Dick, Kinda Sleazy, Wolfie, Tenet, Sanchez, Poodle, Straw, Chalabi,
Greenspan? Greenspan guilty of war crimes? Works for me,
...and that bastard Karl Rove, who gay-bashed his way into the White House
Help me with the others...
YO Bart,
The guy to the left of Bremer is John
and Richard Meyers (Joint Chief) next to Powell.
THB from LA
Front Row: George W. (What Buck?) Bush, Rumsfeld,
Powell, Myers, Feith, Bolton, Alawi, Bremer, Fleischer
Back Row: Cheney, Rice, Wolfowitz, Tenet, Sanchez,
Blair, Straw, Chalabi, Greenspan, Rove
Photo from http://billmon.org/
"People have no idea about the difference in health
care in this country.
My father got sick when I was poor, my mother
got sick when I was rich.
My father died, my mother is still alive."
-- Chris Rock, Rolling Stone, Attribution
Subject: We've lost PBS
These fine folks called today for their regular
donation, I told them
"Don't call back till Tomlinson from the GOP was history."
The response was "I've been hearing this all day,
who is this guy?".
Not another dime for PBS without independence!
"I think when people do something, they need to be
held responsible for their actions.
When you give the enemy aid, it makes the war
last longer."
theater owner Ike Boutwell, who forgives the BFEE aiding Hitler, Noreiga, Islamic
Saddam and bin Laden but hates Jane Fonda and won't play her new movie because
put a human face on the "gooks and slants" who needed to die 30 years ago Attribution
Subject: BCR show 75 feedback
Show 75 was great! I really dug that "Bright
Eyes" guy from Leno,
he must have sneaked in with a different song
for his audition!
Jon Stewart's creative editing was also quite
Your bit on the USA Toady ad about teens and weed
was priceless.
I still believe Lyndie England *was* guilty of
following immoral orders, was not acting alone,
and was engaged in a larger action to psychologically
torture the prisoners at Abu Grahib.
The evidence, however, does only show her smiling
and pointing, which is not a crime.
Great bit on Bush and nuclear poker!
I liked the return of the Bartphone, the lady
who was outraged, the soldier debating you
about the spitting, you did well there.
Tally's bit was a bit, er... personal. I'm
happy she's OK, tho.
Tally and Tommy are celebrating their good news in Vegas today.
will remain legal in Alaska
Click Here
The Marijuana Policy Project and our allies in
Alaska have successfully beaten back
efforts to re-criminalize marijuana in Alaska.
After months of round-the-clock lobbying
and grassroots organizing, marijuana will remain
safe and legal in Alaska.
Last September the Alaska Supreme Court upheld
a previous ruling that allows adults
to use and possess up to four ounces of marijuana
in the privacy of their homes
-- and not just for medical use. The MPP grants
program funded this litigation..
Do the spirits stores in Alaska get fine tequila?
To: Talkingppointsmemo and thedailyhowler.com
Subject: why protect sources
who lie?
Josh, I gotta ask a question, to my knowledge
first posed at bartcop.com and one
that is particularly appropriate in light of the "Newsweek
Lies Cause Riots" v.
Chairman of JCS Says Riots Unrelated to Newsweek
Story" battle taking place.
I can understand the need and desirability of
protecting anonymous sources who give
good (=accurate & true) information. But
I don't understand why anonymous sources
who give info that turns out to be FALSE should
rate the same protection.
What is to be gained by protecting those who BURN
you (your organization,
your profession, and your country)? Won't
a journalist's credibility be ENHANCED
by being known as "the one who protects the truthtellers
and burns the liars"?
Wouldn't s/he thus ATTRACT truthtelling leakers/sources
and repel liars?
Wouldn't s/he improve the credibility of journalism
in general?
I've been wracking my brain for years after ol'
Bart asked these and similar questions.
I'll be damned if I can find any reason(s) not
to distinguish between liars and truthtellers.
Eddy in OKC
The Democrats'
Da Vinci Code
Click Here
Where does a Democrat get off using a progressive
message to become governor of Montana?
How does an economic populist Democrat keep winning
a congressional seat in what is arguably
America's most Republican district? Why do
culturally conservative rural Wisconsin voters keep
sending a Vietnam-era anti-war Democrat back to
Congress? What does a self-described socialist
do to win support from conservative working-class
voters in northern New England?
The answers to these and other questions are the
Democrats' very own Da Vinci Code
-- a road map to political divinity. It is the
path Karl Rove fears.
Subject: Madonna feud rocks Israel
why don't you link a story about the Franklin/AIPAC
spy scandal instead of this shit?
eMax, don't care
for the babes, eh?
First of all, I don't know what that is - a link
would've been cool.
Second, if we don't take the time to enjoy life
we burn out and lose the war.
Send the best link for that scandal - it sounds
Is Bush involved with male prostitutes again?
Could your web page use more hits?
Click Here
Every business can afford these prices.
Click Here to
increase your hits!
Don't blame
by Molly Ivins
Click Here
The story about Americans abusing the Koran in
order to enrage prisoners has been out there
for quite some time. On March 17, 2004, the Independent
of London interviewed a British citizen
released from Gitmo. The prisoner said he had been
beaten but did not consider that as bad as the
psychological torture. He said 70 percent of the
inmates had gone on a hunger strike after a guard
kicked a copy of the Koran. The strike was ended
by force-feeding.
Then came the Red Cross report, widely covered
in American media last December. I wrote at the time:
"In the name of Jesus Christ Almighty, why are people
representing our government, paid by us, writing filth
on the Korans of helpless prisoners? Is this American?
Is this Christian? What are our moral values?
Where are the clergymen on this? Speak up, speak
Note: Religious
leaders will not speak up because they love Bush more than God.
Repeat: The religious fraud who steal
your money love Bush more than they love God.
Subject: Ted Rall spot on
Hey Bart,
Ted might be abrasive with his comics and comments
but you can't dispute the facts that
he brings up in this case. The media need
the boogie man and the hero to create a good story.
Osama.....Sadam.... Al-Zarquai .... Arafat...
Fine, but why take it out on the dead guy?
Can't Ted find any live heroes to beat up?
Truth be known?
Don't you think a live Ted Rall-BartCop debate would draw some interest?
I would regret being the vehicle of Ted's demise, because I love 90 percent
of his work.
He just has this nutty-as idea that anyone who stands up for the military
is the enemy.
Hey Ted!
Say something NICE about the people who risk their lives for their country,
would you?
But oh wait here comes the hero riding over the
hill in a Tank.... Yea!!!!
USA USA USA .... were safe!!!! Now I can go back
to sleep.
Hanoi Vietnam
Sometimes I don't recognize my party.
I feel like the black lady at the Thomas Jefferson family reunion.
Subject: Bartcop vindicated
Dear Bart:
You probably know this already, but Galloway supports
your claims
about all that "off-meter" Iraq oil disappearing.
Iraq produces 2M barrels a day, times $50 a barrel, times 800 days.
Bush is stealing hundreds of billions of dollars and the democrats are
too afraid to speak.
we love our Dubya so much!!!!
Yes, I need a new graphic without Edwards.
Who can help?
yours before they're banned
Get your "Worst
President Ever" bumper sticker
FREE with
a donation - while supplies last.
Subject: Donation
Bart, I would like to give more but times are
tough, as you know.
Keep drinking that Green tea
Joe in Toledo
Joe, thanks.
See you in Chicago in July?
Here to support bartcop.com
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Jon Stewart
doesn't back away from politics
Click Here
I never really think of our show as controversial.
For God's sake,
on network TV there's a show where women in bikinis
eat worms
for $50,000, so I'm not so sure there's much we
could do. .
Subject: Tillman, unfortunate
I think that you can call anyone who listens
to Bush lie about this war and still continue
to believe in Bush a sap. Tillman gave up
a promising life to fight a phony war.
Nothing is legitimate about it and Tillman fell
for Bush's lies hook, line and sinker.
If thats not a sap, I don't what is.
Ben, Webster defines sap as "a
foolish gullible person."
Tillman was "foolish" to say no to millions to
fight for his country?
You speak English, not Japanese, right?
Tillman was "gullible" to go to Afghanistan, where
Osama was hiding and hunt for him?
Are you one of those "never
strike back for any reason" doves? ...just
There's a difference between shipping out to futher
murder Iraq in the summer of 2005
and volunteering in 2002 to deliver justice to
the SOBs who felled the towers in New York.
The fight against Al Qaeda is legit, remember?
Bush took something that was real and perverted it to make his Monkey Ass
even richer.
Because something gets worse every day doesn't mean it never had value.
Marty's Entertainment
female sentenced for Abu Ghraib Case
Bush is teaching women that this is a man's army
Click Here
A female Army reservist was sentenced to six
months in prison for her role in the
Abu Ghraib prison torture that was ordered by the
White House.
Spc. Sabrina Harman's voice cracked as she read
her Bush-is-innocent lines.
"As a soldier and military police officer, I failed
to protect and defend," said Harman, 27.
"I not only let down the people in Iraq, but I let down
every single soldier that serves today.
How did these hyper-aggressive women get in our army of cool, calm and
collected men?
Why can't we keep these broads out of our army?
She probably raped a bunch of our soldiers, too.
Women - we all know how they are.
Isn't this proof that women aren't as good as men?
Subject: Pat Tillman
PT is no more deserving of hero-worship than any
plain-old dogface
who got swept up in Bush's murderous rampage and
In fact, he's less deserving of praise because
in the face of all the obvious
Bush lies, and in complete denial of his own intelligence
and critical faculties,
he rushed off in a bonehead fit of patriotism.
I wonder if steroid-abuse played
any part in his ill-conceived decision to become
buzzard meat.
Nancy Grace's twin
Nancy twin, all men are guilty, right?
Could you doves get together and appoint a
Supreme Dove to speak for all of you
so I don't have to straighten out so many different
confused minds at the same time?
Less deserving because Bush lied?
Three years ago, when it was too early to have
found any WMDs?
I won't let you attack a dead men with recently-discovered
Patriotism is boneheadism?
Sprechen Sie Deutsches?
You doves need to get a basic thought thru your
The military is like a sharp knife.
You can carve Thanksgiving turkey with it or you
can murder your wife with it.
Stop blaming the knife and go after the guy who's
using it to murder people.
You'd have to be insane on steroids to
defend your country?
How did I get in this party?
Seriously - you doves hurry and hold an election.
I need to straighten you guys out.
Sleszy gets armor for her super-safe visit,
soldiers on ambush patrol do without?
"I have met Saddam exactly the same number of times
as Rumsfeld met him.
The difference is that Rumsfeld met him to
sell him guns. I was an opponent of Saddam
when British and American governments and businessmen
were selling him guns and gas."
Galloway, slapping Norm Coleman silly, Attribution
Subject: this time, Tiger deserved
all the crap
Hi Bart,
I'm hanging my head, not in shame though.
After Tiger's dismal performance last Friday
I was waiting for you to hurl....
Hey, go on, I did.
The guy's spending way too much time on the putting
green w/that Sweedish cupcake.
Take care,
Tom S..
Tom, I took care of Tiger in BCR
75 without mentioning his name.
Child Abuse
Death Risk High in Military Families
Click Here
Children from military families are twice
as likely to die from severe abuse as
other children are, according to a North Carolina
Overall, North Carolina had 378 abuse murders
of children in this age group,
for a annual rate of 2.2 deaths per 100,000 children.
In Cumberland County
-- home to Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base --
the abuse murder rate for
children of military families was five deaths per
100,000 children, more than
double the state average. The rate for children
from non-military families living
in Cumberland County was also higher than the state
Bush's victims will be suffering (if they're alive) decades from now.
Las Vegas
Creates 130,000-Pound Cake
...and some say we don't do enough hard news
Click Here
Las Vegas created its own giant cake last weekend
in celebration of the city's 100th birthday.
The cake weighed 130,000 pounds and measured 102
feet long, 52 feet wide and 20 inches high.
Organizers said Guinness will confirm their cake
as the world's largest within weeks.
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Someone asked...you don't have
to be a member to order CDs,
Day is coming soon.
Dad wants a subscription to
Don't forget Dad like you forgot Mom.
Subject: Shirley on Dave
I'm trying to remember - did she sing a song, too?
Bush's bloody
body count in Iraq
1615, 1622,
1624, dead soldiers under Bush
With Bush, it's
a steady diet of death
A total of 1624 dead men because
Bush is a greedy
He's stealing $100,000,000 every
- and nobody cares?
If you don't believe me,
would you believe Wolfowitz?
MP, George Galloway: War based on a "Pack of Lies"
It was on Buzzflash, so you know it's true
Click Here to
read the story on buzzflash.com
Senator [Coleman], in everything I said about
Iraq, I turned out to be right, and you
turned out to be wrong. And 100,000 people have
paid with their lives, 1600 of them
American soldiers, sent to their deaths on a pack
of lives. If the world had listened to
Kofi Annan, who's dismissal you demanded, if the
world had listened, to President Chirac,
who you want to paint as some kind of corrupt traitor,
if the world had listened to me and
the anti-war movement in Britain, we would not
be in the disaster that we are in today.
Senator, this is the mother of all smokescreens,
you are trying to divert attention from the
crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions
of dollars of Iraq's wealth.
Click Here to
hear the Bart edit of the Norm Coleman smackdown - ha
Galloway sounds like Ol' Bart after a few shot and in a bad mood,
'cept he's got 100 IQ points on me and a Brit accent :)
Galloway vowed to give "both barrels" and trust me - he unloaded all his
All Coleman could do is sit there and take it.
When it was over, Coleman smirked,
(the bastard)
then he changed the subject and pretended he never
got this most scalding of scoldings.
Thanks to Pat Raz for the tip
Subject: More/better Galloway
Watch this video. It will warm your cockles just
like Bright Eyes did :-D
If the Dem's only had a small percentage of this
guys cahones....
Chicago Jim,
Host of Chicago
Pokerfest 2005 - details ASAP
Jim, when Galloway is tearing Coleman a new one, it reminded me of
"Sean Connery" beating up "Trebeck" on SNL's "Jeopardy!"
And yes, if any Democrats had half a sac we'd
see this more often.
This is how the whole world thinks, except for America because Bush owns
the media here and nobody has heard the truth but those who surf the web.
Call the
...as heard
in BCR Show 74
Put yourself on the next radio show.
Challenge me, scream at Bush or do a 2-minute rant.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out there.
You have two minutes to record your message.
Subject: Bush to bring Bork back?
Bill Frist is ready to pull the trigger on the "nuclear
Well, go ahead do it.
It's obvious that this option is all about stacking
the Supreme Court with
more Clarence Thomas and Scalia types who will
overturn Roe V Wade.
Look for Robert Bork to be Bush's next choice
for the Supremes. Bush is beholden
to the Christian Right who demand nothing less
than banning abortion right now.
Go ahead do it.
Note: You scare me every time you tell
this crowd to "go ahead" and do something.
Will this action help to unite Americans? Remember,
Bush is a uniter not a divider.
Republicans want the "nuclear option" so they can
jam all legislation and judges through with
a simple majority of votes. Fine, let them do this,
for they will soon be the minority party given
the Bush debacle in Iraq, the record budget deficit,
prisoner torture, and lost millions of jobs.
Yes, given this terrible performance, there's
no way the Republicans can stay in power for
much longer. So Republicans be careful what you
wish for. You will be missing the chance
to have a minority voice with the filibuster very
Cindy in San Bernadino
Cindy, I have a sad prediction to make, and I'm certain it'll happen.
If the GOP gets absolute power, they'll abuse it and the Democrats will
eventually win it back,
not because they fought for it, but because the radicals will get voted
out by moderate GOPs.
Then the crazy dove Democrats will decide that as the majority, they
have too much power,
and they'll vote to give back the power to block legislation to
the fascist BFEE.
I'll bet money - I'll bet serious money on that.
If we ever get power back, first thing we'll do is offer to be less powerful.
We are a party of pansies who beg the GOP to kick our ass every day.
How did I get in this party?
CBS axes "Amy," Joan" and "Wed
60 Minutes"
Greed Devil got me
Click Here
The failure of "Joan of Arcadia," which received
an Emmy nomination and critical acclaim
in its first season but faded this year, was one
of his biggest disappointments, Moonves said
The network will add two new comedies and four
new dramas next season, including a series
in which Jennifer Love Hewitt talks to dead people.
Subject: media/kinda sleazy Rice
Seen On CNN Internet news
Kindasleazy in Iraq
"This war came to us. We didn't come to this
Two hours later the quote was nowhere to be seen.
What do you suppose happened?
Have you seen any reference to it?
Keep hammering!
I was told about that quote from multiple sources - but it never showed
Karl Rove can plant or kill any stories he wants.
If Karl says there was no Koran flushed at Gitmo, then Newsweek will
If Karl says Condi never said that, CNN regrets the error.
A story we touched on, but never got into.
On a recent back page, America was ranked 24th in
freedom of the press.
Randi Rhodes (genuflect) said Palau, where Survivor just
finished filming, was 8th.
Wouldn't it be nice if America was as free as Palau - but we're fucking
You can't trust the whore media.
Their job is to make Bush look good so the super-rich can loot the country.
When they tell you the liberals are running the multi-billion dollar
news corps,
tell them Bart says "They are lying" and tell them bartcop@bartcop.com
Use this portal
and they'll send bartcop.com
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Perkel, who first put Bartcop
on the Internet back in 1996 and keeps
Bartcop online today. Marc hosts several
other political sites including American
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like the Church
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believing in everything that is real.
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