"This is about other people that are criticizing
operations down there,
and relishing the fact that they can put a
spotlight on what should not be the debate."
-- Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs Richard Myers saying the press shouldn't
about what your tax dollars and my tax dollars are doing at Gitmo Attribution
the Media Puzzle
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Click Here
American progressives finally are taking seriously
the threat posed by the U.S.
news media's swing to the right, which has
transformed the U.S. democratic process
into a mess of disinformation, fear and irrationality.
Many of the depredations of the last four-plus
years can only be understood by factoring in
the Right's powerful propaganda apparatus
and the mainstream media's complicity.
Still, there remains widespread confusion on the
Left about what can be done and how
to get the most value from investments of money
and talent.
Here are some suggestions:
Great stuff - you gotta read this article.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is
the most important site on the internet
Subject: Bush and 9-11
Dear Bart,
With great respect (and gratitude) for all that you
do, may I ask if you've seen
theology professor David Ray Griffin speaking about September
11 and the lies we're being told?
When you write "to deliver justice to the SOBs who felled
the towers in New York,"
I want you to "feel like the black lady at the
Thomas Jefferson family reunion" again.
I want you to consider the possibility that people
closer to home did the dirty deed.
You assume I have
rejected that idea. I haven't.
The problem is we can't sell a theory to
people who reject facts.
They look at the economy and say, "Bush
has done a great job."
They look at
the war and say, "Bush has done a great job."
They look at
our ruined reputation and say, "Bush has done
a great job."
Just think: Who benefitted more than George W.
I understand all that, but it's not me we
need to convince.
There's so much to be skeptical about, including all
these: Terrorist IDs were found intact
at ground zero and in Pennsylvania (what are the
odds of that really happening?); so-called
evidence was found in rental cars (more plants?);
half of the accused high-jacking terrorists
are proven to be still alive (yep, it's true).
All this is before you hear what David Ray Griffin has
to say.
It's mesmerizing. One of the C-SPANs aired it twice.
Please have a look, OK?
Georgene, our problem is the jury refuses to let
the evidence change their mind.
The more he steals,
the more he kills, the more they love him, and his failures make them
hate Bill Clinton even more today than yesterday. There's
a whole new tsunami of hate-filled
"Clinton was a bad president" articles, books and
cable specials coming. They love Bush so much,
they're even willing to trash the memory of Saint
Reagan in side-by-side comparisons.
We're fighting a battle where logic is no help.
Judge eyes
Pigboy's heroin case
rich and you're not!"
Click Here
Rush Limbaugh's attorney trial
lawyer urged a judge Tuesday to limit the medical
records evidence
that prosecutors can review for their investigation
into whether the lying, Nazi whore illegally purchased
painkillers dangerous
narcotics with intent to distribute.
Limbaugh had hoped to keep his recordsthe
evidence closed to prosecutors entirely,
but he lost
at the Circuit Court and appellate court levels.
The Florida Supreme Court declined to hear the case.
Because the vulgar Pigboy is white, Republican
and rich, he was caught with "pain relievers."
If he was black and poor he would've been caught
with "dangerous narcotics with intent to distribute."
It would be different of the Pigboy was a "less government" type of
But he's on record saying "Druggies should be
thrown in jail" and since he got caught,
it's time for the rest of us to show a little compassion? Fuck
"Bush told us that Iraqis will not be tortured again
(after) Saddam. For one year
we tried hard to believe him. Then when the
Abu Gulag pictures were made public
we were told over and over that those responsible
would be held accountable.
But now, one year later, those who signed the
decrees authorizing torture, and Bush
himself, have not been held accountable. We
are now told that what was done was
by few people but we are not fools - we
know a lie when we hear one."
-- Ghazwan
Al-Mukhtar, an Iraqi engineer Attribution
America is the world's only despised superpower.
It's Bush's fault, but the media lies to us to
protect the guilty.
We now have Soviet-style press in America.
Whatever the boss says is true and don't dare
challenge him.
"They hate you because you were right about Vietnam."
-- Dave to Jane Fonda
on last night's Letterman repeat - saw it myself
But Dave, if you really feel that way, why are you helping the right-wing
by continuing to do stale Monica jokes five years after they're no longer
Subject: Stay what course?
Bart, Krugman is absolutely correct. (Click Here)
This country has been taken over by right wing
religious extremist, and there's
little difference between them andthe insurgents
our troops are facing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I have a friend who is currently deployed in Afghanistan
- out of 120 people in his company,
one shot himself, one went insane, one is pregnant,
and three were sent back for disciplinary reasons.
Yet according to the administration, all is well.
Keep shining the light of truth on these a**holes!
ha ha
Poll: Amputees
Convinced War Not in Vain
Who says we don't understand basic psychology?
Click Here
"I know in my heart we're doing the right thing over
there," Paul bravely told FOX News'
Tony Snow from his wheelchair. Referring
to his missing legs, Schmidt added, "if it wasn't
such a moral thing we're doing over there in Iraq,
then I lost these in vain. I can't accept that."
Subject: Dear Red States
We're ticked off at the way you've treated California,
and we've decided we're leaving.
We intend to form our own country, and we're taking
the other Blue States with us.
In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii,
Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe
this split will be beneficial to the nation,
and especially to the people of the new country
of New California.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and
all the slave states.
We get stem cell research and the best beaches.
We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.
We get the Statue of Liberty. You get OpryLand.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss.
We get 85 percent of America's venture capital
and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to
make the red states pay their fair share.
Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent
lower than the Christian Coalition's,
we get a bunch of happy families. You get
a bunch of single moms.
Please be aware that Nuevo California will be
pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to
want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If
you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals.
They have kids they're apparently willing to send
to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care
if you don't show pictures of their children's
caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq,
and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing
to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.
With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm
control of 80 percent of the country's fresh water,
more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce,
92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent
of America's quality wines (you can serve French
wines at state dinners) 90 percent of all cheese,
90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the
U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias
and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools,
plus Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.
With the Red States, on the other hand, you will
have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans
(and their projected health care costs), 92 percent
of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the
tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent
of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all
televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University,
Clemson and the University of Georgia.
We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.
Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states
believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale,
62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're
discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say
that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that
Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you
crazy bastards believe you are people with higher
morals then we lefties.
By the way, we're taking the good pot, too.
You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.
Author Unknown in New California.
Gitmo Detainees
Say Muslims Were Sold
"They sold us for a briefcase full of money" said one
Click Here
They fed them well. The Pakistani tribesmen slaughtered
a sheep in honor of their guests,
Arabs and Chinese Muslims famished from fleeing
U.S. bombing in the Afghan mountains.
But their hosts had ulterior motives: to sell them
to the Americans, said the men who are
now prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
Bounties ranged from $3,000 to $25,000, the detainees
testified during military tribunals.
A former CIA intelligence officer who helped lead
the search for bin Laden told whore AP
the accounts sounded legitimate because U.S. allies
regularly got money to help catch al-Qaidas.
Gary Schroen said he took a suitcase of $3 million
in cash into Afghanistan himself to help
supply and win over warlords to fight for U.S.
Special Forces.
"It wouldn't surprise me if we paid rewards," said Schroen,
who retired after 32 years in the CIA.
A wide variety of detainees at Gitmo alleged
they were sold into capture.
Is Bush playing some wacky shell game with human lives?
He needs a political victory, so he gives millions in cash to warlords
to point out their
political enemies who are then kidnapped and flown to Gitmo to be tortured?
Subject: defending your country?
Bart, I don't get you.
You go on and on about the illegal Iraq war,
yet you claim these
military/mercenaries are 'serving their country'?
Bart, this is just NOT true. They are NOT serving
'their homeland'.
They are serving the elite Bush machine, and doing
a really shitty job at it.
Why are people supposed to support these murderers?
They were not forced to join. They joined voluntarily.
They kill voluntarily, and many of them like it.
I fail to see these men as heroes.
The true heroes were the men who were forced to
fight in Vietnam and clearly
understand war is not fucking cool, nor is it cool
to 'defend your country' by
killing innocent people for oil at the request
of the murdering chimp.
Sorry Bart, I just do not, can not, and will not
see these paid killers as defending America?
From what? Fake WMD?
All these people are doing in Iraq is fuelling
the anti-America fire, apparently with your blessing.
Certainly you won't be next to jump on the bandwagon
accusing those who
deserted their stations as un-American?
You know I love you but this is too much.
Deanna Star
Deanna, it's hard to argue if we start from Square
One each time.
To keep this short, the point you need to address
is this:
The military is a tool that Bush is misusing.
If Bush uses a 57 Chevy to run down a family of ducks on the road,
do you blame the drunk asshole behind the wheel or General Motors?
If Bush takes a chainsaw to Sequoia National Park and drops 100 trees
and giggles,
do you blame him or the chainsaw he misused in his crime of vandalism?
If you can find a way to make it the chainsaw's fault, I'll agree with
Could your web page use more hits?
Click Here
Every business can afford these prices.
Click Here to
increase your hits!
Fields closes
Poodle ends poverty in the UK
Click Here
A British children's home immortalized in the
Beatles hit "Strawberry Fields Forever"
closes on Tuesday after 69 years of looking after
Liverpool's disadvantaged youngsters.
The Salvation Army said all the children had left
the Strawberry Field home and childcare
provision at the Beaconsfield Road site ended today
Lennon used to visit the home as a boy to play
with childhood friends in its grounds.
He modified the name to make it flow better for
the song.
Subject: Al Qaeda
Bart, you wrote:
> "The fight against Al Qaeda is legit, remember?
> Bush took something that was real and perverted
it to make his Monkey Ass even richer."
You make me despair for this country.
The so-called "fight" against al-CIA-duh is bullshit.
Start here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/3755686.stm
You call ConsortiumNews.com the
most important site on the internet
but it appears you don't fucking read past the
Hmmm, with that tone, you must want a piece of me in the live chat room.
Is my "fucking" ignorance really the problem here?
IF you're
saying our fight is not with al Qaeda, I suggest that means one
of two things:
Either the WTC is still standing
in New York,
you have proof that
Bush and Osama are partners
You attacked me, personally, and then offer a link to a guy with something
to sell.
I read his schtick, and he offered not one shred of proof,
merely a conjecture rehash.
He might be right, he's probably right, but no-proof guessing
gets us nowhere
The guy said 9-11 was good for Bush and Osama.
That's not "news."
That's not "a smoking gun."
Look, you can have opinions, you can even have wild opinions,
but why attack me because I'm asking to see some of the proof?
Your boy might have something there, but it's not contained in your link.
Subject: Welcome back
It's been boring without you.
It is beginning to look like the Republicans
have a plan to run Laura Bush for president in 2008.
Ever since she turned comedian on national TV, (with
her 'my husband masturbates horses' routine)
then was sent on a "good will" tour in SE Asia. Then,
last night Cheney on Larry King alluded to
running her for president. This would keep
the neo cons in power for another 4 years, at least.
Instead of having an empty suit in the white house,
we would be stuck with an empty skirt.
Don't underestimate the BFEE.
Gloria M
Gloria, that's another reason I
wish the Dems would stop idolizing Pickles.
I'm not asking them to attack her, but their "We
all love Pickles" campaign
makes Bush look better because why would Miss
Perfect stay married to the
most feared terrorist in modern history?
The Democrats are determined to screw up
their future - and ours.
If we could get them to listen to Ol' Bart, things
would be better.
yours before they're banned
Get your "Worst
President Ever" bumper sticker
FREE with
a donation - while supplies last.
Subject: Donation
Suffering through bush's economy, but I want to help
you to keep swingin' that hammer!
I could use a Bartcop sticker for the truck and
do you have any 'WORST PRESIDENT EVER' stickers left?
Hope you had fun in Hawaii!
Hawaii was fun.
I'm working on Part 3 of the trip report now.
Here to get a sticker/support bartcop.com
Or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
the BIG liar
I saw this on handjob Drudge's site
Summer starts with a bang as veteran WAHoPO reporter
John Harris
traces the emotional highs and lows of the Clinton
this week,
but the DRUDGE REPORT can now sneak:
--Bill Clinton was so upset that his weight-loss
regimen in 2000 was not working that he
made his aides release a bogus number after his
annual physical to make him five pounds lighter.
That's the Number
One revelation in this "bang" book, that Clinton lied about his weight.
That proves Clinton was a BIG liar, and
yet Bush's lies of greed have killed 1664 soldiers
and made his family super-richer - and that's OK
because he's GOP. I don't get that.
Clinton will go down in history as "Slick Willie" while
AWOL boy becomes the "war hero."
Yep, the evil "liberal media" has struck again.
Subject: Keep it up
What you are doing to make yourself look stupid
is really working.
Keep up the easy work. For most people it
is hard to look stupid,
but you do make it look so........ Easy.
...one thing, right off the bat,
...why did you capitalize the "E" in easy?
Damn, I'm so old, I remember when the Mayo Clinic
people were here to help.
I got an e-mail saying, "stop whining about how
old you are!"
Truth is, I do not "whine" about how old I am,
because I am how old I am.
As a man who likes to pretend he's into science
and logic, I'd hate to mistate,
mislead or misunderstand what f-ing time it is.
Time is time - it doesn't lie.
I'm 51, and I'll be 51 until the peach truck
hits me or I turn 52 :)
Y'know, usually when someone launches a faux assault
on me like you just did
I offer them the opportunity to kick my ass in
the live chat room.
...but tonight, ...I'm a gambling man.
Sure, I could rhetorically stomp you into little princess
but that would be a very small pot for me to win. I
like ...big pots.
On the other hand ...look where you work!
The odds of you and me ever being in the same
room are oh-so-slim, but if that did happen,
those rewards are potentially much greater than
whatever humiliating debate loss you might have
with me at this time. If we ever meet, I'd like
to think my restraint bought me an ally.
Marty's Entertainment
"And I think I know who would win too."
--Dick Cheney, on a Pickles vs
Hillary election Attribution
"I think she'd win but I wouldn't vote for her."
-- Barbara Bush predicting victory for Hillary on Larry King
dat's what she said!"
Subject: When it is the news
media's fault?
The Bush Administration is blaming the news media
for violence by Muslims
who are upset with news reports about the brutal
torture of prisoners at
American prison camps. They say these news reports
are getting people killed.
But it's not the news reports that are getting
people killed, it's the news.
The torture at Abu Ghraib really did happen. The
Gonzales memo approving
the torture really did happen. And the abuse at
Gitmo as reported by Amnesty
International really did happen. It's not the job
of the news media to cover up
for the presidents war crimes. If the Bush administration
wants to stop the news
reports I suggest he stop doing the things that
the news media is reporting.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Perkel runs Church
of Reality.ORG
Poppy wants
Jeb for president
Click Here
Well of course he wants the crooked gravy
train to keep chugging.
They're stealing $100 million dollars each day
before breakfast.
Of course Herbert Herbert wants that to
continue. Poppy Bush is a
crooked oil man and a crooked oil man can never have
enough money.
If they don't have control the US government and
invade and plunder other
helpless, defenseless third-world nations..., ...why,
...they'd be forced to live
on the hundreds of billions they've already stolen.
...a crooked oil man can never have
enough money.
Pokerfest 2005
Yes, it's back and we're in the same hotel as
last year.
Days Inn Lincoln Park North
644 W. Diversey Parkway
Chicago, IL 60614
773-525-6998 Fax
The main event will be Saturday, July 15th with
a probable party on a tall roof that Friday night.
We plan to start pokering in the 3-4 range and
we'll have the room all evening so get a room.
Also, instead of a tourney, we might just play
poker. The good news is if you're the first one out,
you won't have to wait 90 minutes to play another
hand. The bad news is you could lose more
money since you have the opportunity to play more
Come and meet Bart, Mrs Bart, Sam Dent and Chicago
Jim. and whoever else makes it.
Last year we had 24 there - our biggest Pokerfest
Also, we need 3-5 people who know how to
deal, control the table, make side pots etc.
Last time, Vegas Chicago Dave
ran one table, Trevor ran another and Buckwheat ran one.
We'll try to think of an incentive program for
the dealers
More info to come...
Comments? (Put
'Poker' in the subject box)
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Dad wants a subscription to
Don't forget Dad like you forgot Mom.
Subject: Tillman? Bart
you are right on!
You are right on!! I also don't understand
my party sometimes??
Can NOT liberals see the difference between Taliban
= Guilty criminals that supported 9-11 AND
Iraq = NO involvement in 9-11 ??
We true FDR /Truman/Kennedy liberal democrats
SUPPORT kicking ass when
criminals attack us !!
But we also understand IRAQ was a LIE.
Follow bouncing ball÷IRAQ no link, Afghan-Taliban=
Europeans can separate it. Why can't
hippy greens
and rightie crazies get the simple difference ???
I'm with you Bart.
We need to have more FDR/Truman blue collar
Tom E
Tom, those nutty doves are killing us at
the voting booth.
Who's going to vote for a party who refuses to
fight when attacked?
If someone hates Tillman, they gotta hate cops
and firemen and strangers who volunteer
when there's a flood or hurricaner and people who
stop to help when there's a car wreck .
I guess doves think those people are saps.
Bush's bloody
body count in Iraq
1622, 1624,
1664, dead soldiers under Bush
We lost 40 while I was away.
Geldof plans
another concert
Click Here
Twenty years after the Live Aid concerts, musical
superstars are joining in a
five-city spectacular to push a political solution
for African poverty.
"We don't want people's money. We want them," Bob
Geldof, the driving force behind
Live Aid, said Tuesday as he announced plans
for Live 8 concerts on July 2 just days
before leaders of the world's richest countries,
the G8, meet in Britain.
Musicians including Madonna, Paul McCartney, U2,
Bon Jovi, Brian Wilson, Crosby Stills & Nash,
Coldplay, Sting, Stevie Wonder and Jay-Z will grace
stages in London, Philadelphia, Berlin, Paris and Rome.
The 1985 Live Aid concerts, held in London and
Philadelphia both sold out and drew a TV audience
of millions around the globe and raised $40 million
for poverty relief in Africa.
And watch for the idiot networks suits to screw
it the broadcast.
They'll go to a Maxi-Pad commercial during the
best parts of the best songs.
The only one I'd trust to broadcast this is HBO.
Could we get that lucky?
Or will the whore networks take their chainsaws
to it?
Subject: Dove talk
Bart, you wrote,
> "You doves need to get together and appoint a Supreme
> to debate this 'Tillman was a
sap' business."
I nominate myself. I'll gladly show up in
a chatroom to debate you
about your worship of the military and Pat Tillman. Let's
work out a time.
Tara, if I thought you were really going to show up,
and we had time to draw a crowd,
and you promise to really rain some serious pain down on me
we could sell tickets to this one.
If you can get me to say, "We don't need a
military" I'll buy you a car.
Thursday nights at 9PM Central is good for me, but I'll meet you any 9PM
that doesn't conflict.
Lemme know - I'd hate to miss this...
Call the
...as heard
in BCR Show 75
Put yourself on the next radio show.
Challenge me, scream at Bush or do a 2-minute rant.
BCR is listened to by dozens, so get your comments out there.
You have two minutes to record your message.
As you may have noticed, this is not the new format.
We still have a bug or two to get worked out.
...and to the people who unsubscribed because
"you're spending all your time in Hawaii,"
you would've passed up a free trip like that?
Use this portal
and they'll send bartcop.com
four cents from each dollar.
Tyme Hosting is owned by Marc
Perkel, who first put Bartcop
on the Internet back in 1996 and keeps
Bartcop online today. Marc hosts several
other political sites including American
Politics Journal, Political
News Channel, and interesting sites
like the Church
of Reality - a religion based on
believing in everything that is real.
Our motto for this year is - "No
Anti-Bush Site Left Behind".
So - if you have an anti-bush site
and you are
choking on hosting fees or dealing with
threats - let us know and we'll help
keep you online.
We also have that strongest server
side spam filtering on the planet.
Check out Marx
Mail for info on how you can
have a Spam
Free Email Account. |
Perkel's new Church
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