"Some say the hurricanes may have been a sign of
God's displeasure,
a manifestation of the fact that we're living
in end times. I wasn't sure
I agreed -- until yesterday, when I saw this:
tape of Dubya saying:
-"We can all pitch in by using -- by being better
conservers of energy."
Bush to the Hague
by Robert Parry at consortiumnews.com
Private Lynndie England is the latest low-ranking American
soldier to be shackled and "frog-marched"
off to prison for committing abuses in Iraq. Yet, the
U.S. news media and political leadership continue
to shun any suggestion that George W. Bush and other
war architects should be held accountable for
the bloody fiasco that they launched under false
pretenses and without UN sanction. It remains beyond
the pale to think that Bush might deserve to be "frog-marched" to
the Hague
Damn, I like the sound of that.
Frog-marching that never-worked-a-day-in-his-life theiving murderer right
into a jail cell.
Then he could clean toilets for 11 cents a day and finally be able to
say he's not worthless.
My First Time
by Cindy Sheehan
Being arrested is not a big deal. Even though we were
arrested for "demonstrating without a permit,"
we were protesting something that is much more serious
than sitting on a sidewalk: the tragic and
needless deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis
and Americans (both in Iraq and here in America)
who would be alive if it weren't for the criminals who
reside in and work in the White House.
The fine for "demonstrating without a permit" is $75.00.
I am certain that I won't pay it.
My court date is November 16th.
Any lawyers out there want to help me challenge an
unconstitutional law?o
Spectacular poker.
She called their bluff
Her trial will be covered by dozens if not hundreds of news organizations.
We better get some bloggers in there so we can hear the truth.
Frist in
more trouble?
SEC upgrades to "formal investigation"
The change means the agency can issue subpoenas for
documents rather than just requesting them.
Federal prosecutors also are investigating the cat molester's
recent stock stock about two weeks
before its price dropped. Frist's family founded the
big hospital operating company.
The SEC has made the investigation formal, a person
familiar with the matter said Wednesday,
speaking on condition of anonymity because the agency
does not comment publicly on its inquiries.
"I'm no Martha Stewart," Frist protested. "I don't know
mauve from taupe.
I can't even make macaroni and cheese for Christ's
I gotta say, I'm enjoying watching Bush drowning in the spiraling waters of
DeLay is about to get a cellmate named "Bubba," and Frist can kiss 2008 goodbye
- but
if he's lucky - maybe he can get a cell on the same block as the little
bully Bug hammerer.
Subject: Amber Frey
What is this obsession that you have with Scott
Obsession isn't a word I'd use there...
Has he even been mentioned in the past couple of months?
And as for the comments on September 29 by John about
"dropping Amber Frey into San Francisco Bay"....er, she
has two young children.
What is wrong with some people?
Some call it irony, some call it humor.
Do you really think I want Amber
Frey killed?
I don't know what happens to you sometimes,
but you can be really sexist when you want to be!
Terry C
She stole money from a man every month for four years and I called her on it.
And wasn't it her "credibility" that will put a needle
in Peterson's arm?
It damn sure wasn't the evdience we saw at his trial.
...you do know I comment on stuff in the news,
Click Here
Bush attacks Oregon
Suicide Law
Religious insanity trumps common sense
Bush is challenging Oregon's assisted suicide law,
arguing that helping the dying
in horrible pain is an improper use of medication and
thus violates federal drug laws.
Bush's stacked Whore Court will hear arguments in the
case on Oct. 5.
Supporters of the assisted suicide law say a favorable
high court ruling
could lead other states to follow Oregon's lead.
That may be true, but Bush is stacking the court with
right-wing handjobs like "Brownie."
They're going to follow Bush's orders as payback for
a lifetime appointment.
Why does Bush feel the need to force the federal government into everyone's
Why is "more government" always the answer
to everything?
How can he claim Reagan is his role model?
If only the Democrats had an ounce of courage or the
brains to realize that if they're
going to lose anyway, it would be better to lose fighting than smiling
like a wooden duck.
seriously blows Bush
Just another day in Texas politics
In a serious blow for Der Monkey, Tom DeLay was forced
to step down as
House bully to face a conspiracy charge in a money laundering
Bush, who relied on DeLay's bullying the ultra-fem democrats,
is already having
a tough time dealing with a party beleaguered by Katrina
and divided over whose
kids have to pay for Bush's massive spending spree -
the biggest in all of history.
DeLay's indictmen is an opportunity for Democrats to
pound Republicans on
corruption issues, but the question is - do Democrats
have any fight in them?
Hey, look at the TV!
They're swearing in the swing vote to erase women's
Yay Democrats!
Your bravery wins the day again.
get even with them,
goddamn one of them,
have them fucking killed,
of them,
one of them..."
Subject: your posters
I am the Diane in one of your photos.
I stopped to help as much as I could and got to hand
out some signs.
People were SO delighted to get and to carry those
I wish I could put it into words, but I just can't.
One guy said he didn't want his poster stapled onto
a stick
because it was so beautiful that he was going to have
it framed.
The signs were a GREAT idea.
Piracy Alarming
Will Bush pull another 'Blackhawk Down?'
Somalia's pirates are nothing if not brazen ÷ not
only seizing a ship carrying U.N. food aid
but using it to hijack another ship off the coast of
their lawless land in the Horn of Africa.
Piracy on the Somali seas has reached alarming proportions,
analysts say.
But the weak Somali government says there is little it
can do.
Somalia's coast guard disintegrated when warlords overthrew
Siad Barre in 1991.
Warlords then turned on each other, plunging the country
of 7 million into chaos.
Dick, can we fix daddy's mistake in Somalia?
we, Unka Dick? Can we?
we fix it like we fixed Iraq and Katrina?
we, Unka Dick? Can we?"
Subject: BCR on AAR
For real, Bart. Have you asked Air America to
broadcast your stuff?
I think you should.
Bob in a Cadillac
Dude, AAR has the best and the brightest.
They (and do) can have anybody they want.
Plus, I hear they pay top dollar!
Randi said O'Reilly was yapping about how much she makes.
Plus, I'd have to train myself to say, "those gosh-darn
That'd be tough.
"It was like driving through cake batter. Mud and
crude oil mixed together
look like brownie mix. None of our vehicles
will ever need a lube job, that's for sure."
Brad Yazel, recovering bodies in New Orleans, Link
Subject: doing a shot
I was reading down your page yesterday and read about
delay and I'm thinking
"Boy, I'll bet Bart did a shot of the good stuff over
I get to to the bottom of the page and sure enough.
ha ha
Lin, yep, and it tasted good, too.
I look forward to the day when I can drink two beers
and share it with the Bug Man's grave 45 minutes later.
Thanks to BobHarris.com
Go there and read the story.
FEMA Under
Fire for Rita
Saying they were caught off-guard by the number of
people in need, FEMA officials
closed a relief center early on Wednesday after some
of the hundreds of hurricane
victims in line began fainting in triple-digit heat.
The midday closing of the Houston disaster relief center
came as officials in areas hit hardest
by Hurricane Rita criticized FEMA's response to the storm,
with one calling for a commission
to examine the emergency response.
FEMA spokesman Justin Dombrowski said the agency closed
the center for the day because
of the heat and the unexpectedly large crowds. Those
already in line were allowed to enter.
Needs to be said?
People in New Orleans and Houston can, in most cases,
handle the heat.
If you move from St. Paul to Vegas, you'll certainly
be overwhelmed by the heat.
It will drain you, it will stun you and it will sap your
strength - I understand that.
The New York reporters are having a problem with the
heat - that makes sense.
The very old, the very young and the sick are having
problems, but remember what
Richard Pryor said in his New Orleans concert movie, Here
and Now? click to order
(From my memory)
"In New Orleans, it stays pretty warm all year round,
I mean, when it gets cold here, ...it gets what,
Then he talked about that, "Cold-ass
Chicago wind coming off the lake that waited
for you around the corner of tall buildings downtown
and when you turned the
corner the cold would grab your ass & shit...
that's a cold mother-effer..."
(Sorry Richard and Jennifer - if I had more time I'd
locate my copy and quote you verbatim. :)
I'm not mocking the suffering Katrina victims, so don't write.
I'm just saying they live in that heat every day of their lives.
Rush caller: "I saw 2,000 people - on each side."
soon to be heard on BCR
Subject: New House Leader Roy Blunt
It is my hope that now that Tom Delay has stepped down
that his replacement,
Roy Blunt, will take the Republican party in a new direction,
back to smaller
government, balanced budgets, and fiscal responsibility.
Over the past years since
the GOP took control government spending has been out
of control with the
government now spying on everything we do, soaring deficit
spending, and
rising taxes on the middle class America is being looted.
Roy Blunt was elected in 1996 replacing the retiring
Mel Hancock who was
one of the most fiscally responsible members ever elected
to congress. It is my
hope that Roy Blunt will take the GOP in a different
direction than self annihilation
and earn his place in history as the guy who turned things
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA.
Marc, it's my understanding Blount was given power for one reason:
Well, read the story after Karen Hughes...
man shares House power
Poor David Dreier. He spent sooooo many years hiding
his gay life from the radical right
and just a few years after he attains the Chairmanship
of the powerful House Rules Committee
-- the youngest person ever to do so, and perhaps the
first gay man -- is now: BUSTED!
Subject: I know why Al Qaeda hasn't
Bush stopped them.
ha ha
No thanks to you and your traitorous co-ideologists.
Let's play "What if the Monkey was right?"
Let's say Bush has so fixed airport security
that they can't grab a plane.
Tell me how Bush stopped every religious handjob in
the country from
stealing a loaded gasoline truck and driving it into
Radio City Music Hall.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
You have been hoping for another attack for years.
No, but everyone expected another attack - why'd
they stand down?
Did Al Qaeda suddenly become shy?
Did Osama send word that he regretted 9-11?
Did they decide it "wasn't fair" to surprise attack civilians?
Did they start thinking like westerners?
Nothing like dancing on the bodies of the dead to make
a point that nobody believes.
Making $130M
a day off the bodies
of 1926 1933 dead soldiers is worse.
Now come tear me up.
No need - your words make you look stupid enough.
It's gotta be tough being you.
Have a great one,
I always do...
Subject: party dude identified
Bart, the old guy is named "Billy".
The woman pushing him called him that when she told
him I wanted a picture.
She said he was turning 88 in 4 days (!).
He had flown in from Chicago just for the event
(and BOY, were his arms tired - Ba-Dum-Crash!).
When I commented that it was so great to have someone
his age alongside infants and everything
in-between, he said that he absolutely HAD to come, because "Bush
is screwing up this country".
After I took his pic, he pulled out a disposable camera
from his coat pocket and asked me
to take another shot on his camera. Several people
in our group have diaried about this guy
- he made quite an impression because he was so genuine
and warm. You can see it in the picture.
Dem in VA
Thanks, Dem in VA - Billy looks like he'd be fun to party with.
Billy - a shot of Chinaco for you, Dude.
If we had more like you we'd be running this country.
"Smoke pot, ...smoke lots and lots of pot."
-- Randi Rhodes's life-saving advice
for National Guardsmen who get called up
This guy called randi Thursday, said his friend was
NG and got called up to help clean up
New Orleans, which he's trained to do. But once they
had him, they sent him to f-ing Iraq.
No training, no combat experience, probably no armor
- the guy could be another Bush victim.
So randi Rhodes says either smoke some pot ...or have
some gay sex.
Gee, I like that pot!
Subject: Jack
Abramoff was a fixer. And I suspect, a bagman
and extortionist.
He told his clients, "If you don't pay up, something
bad will happen."
The Mafia does it all the time.
Is that why Democrats are so afraid of Delay?.
Because the little squirrel barked at them?
housing needed for storm victims
bartcop.com reader
needs help
A Billings family that reads bartcop.com has
taken in a Florida couple displaced by Katrina
and Rita is seeking help from the community in finding
jobs and permanent housing for the pair.
Crystal and Tony Lewis took in Mark and Jen Brown, who
they met thru craigslist.org,
The Browns traveled to Billings by bus, paid for by donations,
and arrived here Tuesday.
Crystal Lewis said Jen Brown is five months pregnant, so
she and her husband are eager
to find a place to live before the baby is born. They
would like to find permanent jobs in Billings
and settle down here, she said. Their house suffered
such damage that they left Florida with
nothing but two backpacks full of supplies, she said.
Details on how to help them are in the link.
Do not send
donations directly to bartcop.com
Subject: missing Horse
Mediawhoresonline was the best (and I like bartcop very
very much)
Please Bartcop make the friend tell you more!
We are desperate for more info on the Palomino Arab
Quarterhorse stallion thoroughbred
I have invited the Horse to contact us.
Can't go much farther than that.
Subject: donation
Bart, please tell the world that IPOC
from South Carolina hates Bush,
thanks and keep on, keepin' on.
We have WPE stickers! Free with
any donation
Four stickers for one donation!
(If you don't miss
Clinton, tell me and I'll leave that sticker out.)
You can donate with PayPal...or snail
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Click Here to
subscribe or donate
Subject: Bartcop reader on "Surface"
Shameless plug from one of your LA march photographers:
You can catch me on "Surface," Monday night 8pm NBC.
I'll be behind the desk and out of my league with Lake
ha ha
Nuthin' like an unabashed liberal to spice up a night
of escapism....
Fred Maske
with "Surface" star Lake Bell
Fred, you may have a better job than me :)
Bush bullies hiding bartcop.com from
Surf anonymously
by entering bartcop.com HERE
FEMA criticized
for cruise ship deal
Did Tom Coburn (R-Jesus Twin) get one right?
FEMA needed 10,000 berths on full-service cruise ships
and they needed them now.
The $236 million deal with Carnival Cruise Lines for
three ships that now bob more than half empty
in the Mississippi River and Mobile Bay. The six-month
contract ÷ staunchly defended by Carnival
but castigated by politicians from both parties ÷ has
come to exemplify the cost of haste that followed
Katrina's strike and FEMA's lack of preparation crooked
ass BFEE greed-mongers.
If the ships were at capacity, with 7,116 evacuees,
for six months, the price per evacuee would total
$1,275 a week, according to calculations by aides to
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.). A seven-day
Caribbean cruise out of Galveston costs $599 a person ÷ and
that would include entertainment
and the cost of actually making the ship move.
Gee, I'm so surprised.
Bush stole half of that $236 million.
Every catastrophe makes more millions for the most crooked administration
in history.
Subject: Bart, tell your readers
If you're as upset as I am about the lack of coverage
of last week's peace marches
take a minute and send an angry letters to the Bush-protecting
media whores.
..and don't forget Bush's butt-plug,

In the last issue, Volume
1627 - Delay Indicted, what got published was,
> Prosecutors renewed their request to a judge Tuesday
to interview the vulgar Pigboy's
> doctors and their employees as part of a doctor-shopping
investigation of the Nazi liar.
That line should've read:
> Prosecutors renewed their request to a judge Tuesday
to interview the vulgar Pigboy's
> doctors and their employees as part of a doctor-shopping
investigation of the scum-sucking,
> black-hating, gay-baiting, no-ass-washing, squats-to-pee,
heroin-abusing, rat-bastard Nazi liar.
bartcop.com regrets the ommission.
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"If you wanted to reduce crime ... if that were your
sole purpose, you could
abort every black baby in this country, and
your crime rate would go down."
-- Bill Bennett,
who, unlike David Koresh, is still smoking Link
To the people who don't like it when I talk as a republican and use the "N" word?
Since they talk about blacks this way - on the record in front of a TV camera
- how do they sound when the cameras are off and they're with other
How many times did Uncle OJ Watts walk into a room and hear it suddenly go
Tom Cruise
kills Oprah
Subject: 9/24 in New York
In NYC on WLIB, AirAmerica led the Saturday morning
news with a report
of a whole lot of "Worst President Ever" signs leading
off the DC march.
Made me feel happy.
Mir, I didn't know - thanks!
Marty's Entertainment
always has good
Lie of the Century
There is nothing new in a government lying to their
people to start a war.
Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to
bloody and horrific death in war,
any government that desires to initiate a war usually
lies to their people to create the
illusion that support for the war is the only possible
choice they can make.
Call the
...as heard
on BCR 82
Put your comments on the next radio show.
You have two minutes to record your message.
Putin Aide: Let's
Bury Lenin
Dude, his body is at Mandalay Bay's Vodka Bar
...at least they have everything ...but his head
Putie's boy floated the trial balloon: Is it time to
bury Bad Vladimir Lenin?
Georgy Poltavchenko, Putin's envoy to the Central Federal
District, said Lenin's body
should be moved from its granite tomb on Red Square and
buried in a cemetery along
with remains of other Bolshevik degenerates.
(Alex, just kidding, Dude!)
Poltavchenko said he was voicing his private opinion
on the matter and did not elaborate.
Putin has said in the past he was against burying
Lenin's body.
"Our country has been shaken by strife, but only few
were held accountable in their lifetime,"
Poltavchenko said at a news conference, according to
the Interfax news agency.
"I don't think it's fair that those who initiated that
strife remain in the center of our state near the Kremlin."
If I knew the first thing about early, behind the scenes,
20th Century Soviet politics,
I'd likely have something semi-intelligent to say about
this subject - but I don't, so I ain't.
Wouldn't it be nice of paid-for media whores admitted
what I just said?
oil theft total
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is $66.79
a barrel
makes $132,158,000 Bush
stole just yesterday
Republicans and religio-crazies
say losing thousands of soldiers
Bush's bloody war is acceptable.
1926 1933 have
died for Bush greed,
yesterday six
more in the
last 24 hours
today seven
more in the last
24 hours
Subject: Howdy, y'all
thankfully I tripped up on this while looking for informative sites
on the net.
You guys go to great lengths to cement the verity of
What a bunch of misinformed cocksuckers!
I'd kick your ass but it ain't worth the shit on my
Go peddle your "blame an ineffective figurehead" pablum
to Canadians.
They're probably the only group of "Citizens" less informed
about checks and balances than you Goobs.
Steve R
Made Up Real Estate
(bus) 330-555-5580
(res) 330-555-2083
E-Mail: SR@cut-.com
To Look for Homes, Please Visit My Web Site:
www.cut-.com/sr (fake)
I smelled a rat.
This monkey wants a piece of Ol' Bart?
And he leave his home and work numbers?
No conservative is that brave/stupid.
As you know, I pity the fool who wants a piece of me - so I called him.
This sleepy guy answers the phone, and I said, "Dude,
I'm BartCop -
Are you the Steve who's looking for a piece of me? I'm
right here..."
And he said, "What's a bartcop?"
"I'm a Clinton Democrat - did you send me a bad-ass challenge e-mail in
the last hour?"
He said, "No, I don't know anything about this," and
I believed him.
Guy seemed like a normal, mind-my-own-business kind of guy, so I warned him
that he had a cowardly, sackless Bush buddy who tried to "F" him.
Seriously, I was in the mood to really tear some ass...
But I ended with, "You sound OK, but be careful,
someone's out to get you"
because I was in the mood to do great
harm last night, but my liberal compassion held me back.
We moved into Casa de Bart on February 10 this year.
The old Bartcop Manor was in bad shape, and we were looking at a lot
of time and money
to get it into good enough shape to sell it when a Republican bottom-feeding
group made us a
pitiful offer on the house - "as is" - and we I took it. When they made their
pitch, they musta said
"as is, no inspections to worry about" at least ten times and I liked the way
that sounded.
The page takes 25 hours a day (I do it all for you) plus I'm not a very good
construction foreman.
If I was smarter, I might've waited for other offers.
If I was smarter, I might've shut the web page down a few weeks and
tended to that.
If I was smarter, and had more time, I might've hired a construction
foreman and
had them do the repairs and install carpet and paint the house and tried to
sell it.
...so we took their meager, insulting offer and applied it toward the new
It was a gamble, but sometimes you gotta gamble to win, right?
They did the necessary repairs and put in fresh carpet and paint and cut down
a lot of
the big old trees near the house (which made Mrs Bart sad) but hey, it's their
house, right?
Here we are, seven and a half months later and old Bartcop Manor remains
If I was smarter, I would've lost my ass on that house.
If I was smarter, I would've tried to save a couple of thousand dollars.
If I was smarter, I been paying two mortgages and a megaton of interest.
Hell, for all I know, that old house will still be on the market February
10, 2006.
Good thing I'm not smarter.
My I.Q. of 64 really helped me avoid that trap.
Here to Search Bartcop
Jodie Foster
Are flight attendants that stupid and
Flight attendants labor unions have urged their members
to boycott a new
Jodie Foster film that portrays flight attendants as "rude,
unhelpful and uncaring."
They said that casting cabin crew members as villains
in "Panic Room at 30,000 Feet"
was irresponsible after 9-11.
I love Jodie Foster - love her - but she's making
really horrible film choices these days.
She's got enough pull to make whatever kind of movie
she wants, but she picks bad films.
"Panic Room" was such a dog it peed on my leg.
They say this new film is incredibly stupid. Plus, they
give away the big clue in the promos.
They tell Jodie her daughter was never on the plane,
but Jodie sees the heart her kid drew
on the window - and that's in the in-theater preview!
Jodie, let me write, direct and edit your next film.
It couldn't possibly be as bad as "Panic Room" or "Flightplan."
It couldn't possibly be.
Does Garry Trudeau read bartcop.com?
Read the Previous
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