"Ms. Miers' views will be important for the Senate
to examine."
-- Senator Sellout, also known as
Pat Rubber-stamp Leahy, Link
Pat, like with Roberts, why bother with the dog-and-pony hearings?
You're going to confirm any fascist Bush sends you, so why waste the money?
Why showboat that, "Tough questions must be answered!" when
we all
know you're going to vote for this woman, Bush's personal AWOL lawyer.
love Bush!!!"
Harriet: No Footprints
Here we go again. Another pick for the Supreme Court
without judicial experience.
And that will make it hard to assess what sort of Justice
Harriet Miers, Bush's lawyer,
will be if the Senate confirms her. In announcing
his selection of Miers, Bush said,
"I believe that senators of both parties will find that
Harriet Miers's talent, experience
and judicial philosophy make her a superb choice."
But what precisely is her "judicial philosophy"? And
how can it be discerned?
Miers has never been a judge (which should not be a disqualification).
She spent most of her career as a corporate lawyer (Bush
was once a client) before
joining the Bush Administration as staff secretary. Does
she qualify as a crony?
In private practice, she headed one of Texas' largest
law firms, and as a trial litigator
she represented Microsoft and Disney. She also racked
up a series of firsts: first woman
to lead a major law firm in the Lone Star State, first
woman to become president of the
Dallas Bar Association, first woman to become president
of the state bar.
Where is the outrage?
This is f-ing 2005, and Bush found someone
who could break the gender ceiling in Texas?
That's what makes her qualified to rule all of us for the next 35 years?
Because she made a name for herself in woman-hating, backwards Texas?
Would the first Saudi female driver also qualify?
Bush is stacking the court with "Brownies" who
owe him - BIG TIME - because
they're not qualified to be where they are without their undying loyalty to
the BFEE.
Jesus, when will people accept that facts are facts?
Bush has the same depraved f-ing indifference for the United States Constitution
as he has for
the black Katrina victims who can't get any help from his appointed crony clown
at FEMA.
Indicted for Second Time
Former big shot charged with money laundering
A Texas grand jury on Monday indicted Tom DeLay on
a new charge of money laundering.
A different grand jury whose six-month term ended last
week indicted him on a conspiracy charge,
forcing the nasty-ass Bug Man to temporarily step down
as House majority leader.
Both indictments accuse DeLay and two henchmen of conspiring
to get around a state ban on
corporate campaign contributions by funneling the money
through the the RNC in Washington.
So why don't they indict Ken Mehlman, too? DeLay
writes Mehlman a six-figure check,
Mehlman writes Delay a six-figure check for the same
amount in return, ...but Mehlman goes free?
I want to see that smug bastard Mehlman frog-marched into jail with the rest
of them
"We don't
Remember Democrats
by William Rivers Pitt
"A new theory about Fitzgerald's aim has emerged in
recent weeks," continued the Post,
"from two lawyers who have had extensive conversations
with the prosecutor while representing
witnesses in the case. They surmise that Fitzgerald is
considering whether he can bring charges
of a criminal conspiracy perpetrated by a group of senior
Bush administration officials. Under this
legal tactic, Fitzgerald would attempt to establish that
at least two or more officials agreed to take
affirmative steps to discredit and retaliate against
(former Ambassador Joseph) Wilson and leak
sensitive government information about his wife."
One Plame-oriented bombshell exploded on Sunday across
the desk of the "This Whore," when host
George Judas Maximus Stephanopoulos said, "I wonder,
George Will, do you think it's a manageable
one for the White House especially if we don't know whether
Fitzgerald is going to write a report or
have indictments, but if he is able to show, as a source
close to this told me this week, that Bush and
Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions."
I wonder, George Will, what your Pucker Factor was when
Judas mentioned having a source that says
Bush & Dick were involved in the conspiracy. Put
it at an eight, and have that seat cushion repaired.
This is why Bush is stacking the Whore Court with loyalists.
He gives them a lifetime appointment of status and wealth - and they
help him when he needs a favor.
If only the Democrats had some brains or some courage.
But no.
Subject: Lift the Democrats up for
· instead of tearing them down.
I do not agree with them on everything, and a few of
them really tick me off,
but I would rather fight within the Democratic Party,
then throw stones at it from the outside,
and watch the republicans basically get handed elections
in large parts of the US because of
an image problem for the democrats that in part (not
totally) comes from people / posts like this one.
Dan in Carolina
Dan, you're happy with the Democrats today?
Today, the GOP is fighting Bush and the Democrats keep kissing him.
He's the worst president ever and the Democrats keep kissing him.
If it wasn't for the GOP, he'd have no opposition at all.
House of Shame
by Jonathan Alter
A decade ago, I paid a call on Tom DeLay in his office.
I had heard that after the GOP took
control of the House that year, DeLay had begun keeping
a little black book with the names of
Washington lobbyists who wanted to come see him. If the
lobbyists were not Republicans and
contributors to his power base, they didn't get into "the
people's House."
DeLay not only confirmed the story, he showed me the
book. His time was limited, DeLay explained
with a genial smile. Why should he open his door to people
who were not on the team? Thus began
what historians will regard as the single most corrupt
decade in the long and colorful history of the House."
Subject: Miss Manners- fuhgetaboutit
Hey Bart,
You're right. There's such a thing
as "situational infighting."
I mean when the time comes to really rip a new one for
some greedy, arrogant
Republican bastard who lies all the time, and who acts
in hypocritical ways
- I think you have to label them with something
that stinks.
That means gives a visceral negative reaction!
That means people want to vomit!
That means the bastard you are targeting starts to
bleed from the eyes!
I think you can forgive yourself for calling some macho
asshole a "pussy"
because it's demeaning to the asshole, not demeaning
to the ladies.
It's not negative in the usual sense of a casual
insult to a stranger.
Why don't you just explain all that on the seen-as-radical
that's so much fun to read?
Don the Day Trader
"America can't afford a replay of the unrevealing
confirmation process that preceded
Chief Justice Roberts' confirmation. ... Without a
meaningful exchange during the
confirmation hearings, there is no way to know how
Ms. Miers views the Constitution
or whether she will protect fundamental rights."
-- John
Kerry, pretending he gives a rat's ass about this once-great country Link
Subject: Wakenbake
Hey Bart,
We had the same kind of Saturday up here in Topeka,
lots of thunderstorms, a covered bon fire in the yard,
and a 12 pack of Heineken·..don't remember
much after that though
Sometimes one needs to get a little crazy to stay sane.
Harriet Miers:
The Ultimate Loyalist
...what she lacks in experience she makes up for in
Here is what David Frum had to say about Miers last week:
"In the White House that hero worshipped the president,
was distinguished by the intensity of her zeal: She once
told me
that the president
was the most
brilliant man she
had ever met."
Then we have the Democrats - the Ultimate Weenies -
praising this woman
while the right is boiling with rage and screaming about
Bush's cronyism.
Karl Rove knows he has the Democrats scared like a whipped dog.
Whenever he stamps his foot, the Democrats tremble in fear.
Why can't the Democrats stop praising Bush and his fascist nominees?
If they don't have anything bad to say, why say anything?
Subject: worlds thinnest books suggestions
Dear Bart,
After having read Tom's call in Volume 1629 for some
retaliation towards his GOP-friends,
please allow me to offer these humble suggestions for
the world's thinnest books:
"Ethic conduct, honest me"
Tom DeLay
"My life: Sacrifices to the common good"
Dick Cheney
"My pet president's great accomplishments"
Laura Bush
"AA: the ultimate guide"
Jenna and Barbara Bush
And an all-time bestseller:
"Compassionate Conservatism: Put the passion in the
George W. Bush
Your humor is keeping me awake,
where even coffee doesn't help anymore.
Babeth in Belgium
Lies on their own words
wanted Kerry in '04
...like Nixon wanted McGovern in '72
Dean was the only candidate the Republicans spent money
to defeat in the
Democratic primaries - over $1 million in the population-tiny
but pivotal state
of Iowa with the "latte-drinking, Volvo-driving" ads.
Because their polling showed that in the general election
he could have
trounced Bush, whereas Bush had a chance against Kerry
or Gephardt.
So - how did the BFEE know Kerry left all his fight
in Vietnam?
Kerry could've won, but he chose not to strike back when attacked.
Did the world get punk'd by the Skull & Bones evildoers?
Subject: worlds thinnest books suggestions
Hey Bart,
Even better than "blow me", would be some additions
to the list (be sure to reply to all).
I have a couple of suggestions.
What I Think - G.W. Bush
Raising Children You Can Be Proud Of - Jeb
Maintaining a Committed Relationship - Newt
Military Annecdotes of Elected Republicans - The
Shit, we could build a huge list and always reply to
everyone with the big list.
Damn! I think I'll start doing that.
steve in Knoxville
In search of the missing think
"Bush has made possibly the most unqualified choice since
Abe Fortas who had
(also) been the
president's lawyer. The nomination of a nominee with no judicial
record is a significant failure ...for this
White House."
-- Manuel Miranda, chairman
of the fringe, right-wing conservative Third Branch Conference.
(They don't have a web site yet)
Subject: comment
Bart, you published:
> "The president is relieved that someone else said
this, not him."
What type of person is "relieved" that such a comment
was made by anyone?
Scott's statement practically implies that while the
president thinks the comments were
"not appropriate" that Bush feels fortunate that they
did not slip out of his own mouth.
John S
John, that was a fake quote.
It was my take on what Bush was really thinking.
That's why I always include the link, so you can verify the truth.
needs room for his yacht
Darkies in the way? Just push them off their land
Florida's Riviera Beach is a poor, predominantly black,
coastal community that intends
to revitalize its economy by using eminent domain, if
necessary, to displace about 6,000
local residentsblacks and
build a billion-dollar waterfront yachting and housing complex.
"This is a community that's in dire need of jobs fewer
darkies and more whites," said the mayor.
He defends the use of eminent domain by saying the city
is "using tools that have been available
to governments for years to bring communities like ours
out of the economic doldrums."
Well sure - lots of people steal when they're
If you're poor and black, you go to prison for stealing
If you're rich and white, and you steal billions, they
give you the White House.
But, to be fair, (and what is bartcop.com if not fair?)
we should hear Rush's version.
Subject: Re: Bill Bennett
That Bill Bennett made disparaging remarks against blacks
is a given.
That he's a racist is a given.
And I think anyone who claims to be any kind of a "moral
leader" has a screw loose.
But what really irked me was watching Alan Colmes kow
tow and
apologize to him for taking him to task about those comments
a day earlier.
Why is every freakin Democrat afraid of these bullies?
Charles A
Charles, welcome to bartcop.com
We live in a scary world where logic has been discarded.
We live in a scary world where Jesus and Bush are our Co-Trinity.
Bush is
God, God is Bush and only Osama sympathizers disagree.
...and please forget that the Bush's were partners with the Bin Ladens.
...and people wonder why I drink...
Subject: donation
bart...please send me a wpe ever sticker and some bartcop
i am a black man who lives with his epublican, christian-right
wing, preacher father.
my donation is small because im struggling to start
my own business...
but you seriously get me through the day.
forever your comrade in arms,
The Incomparable Goat
WPE stickers! Free with
any donation
Plus two bartcop.com ovals and "I Miss Clinton" bonus sticker.
Four stickers for one donation!
(If you don't miss
Clinton, tell me and I'll leave that sticker out.)
You can donate with PayPal...or snail
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Click Here to
subscribe or donate
Subject: Bill Bennett
Conservative/Republican = Greedy/Racist
When are Democrats going to start calling them for
what they are????
JPO, the day they hire me or someone like me.
They don't have to give me any money.
I'll do it for free.
Since I'm not on your payroll, you can always disavow me, like the dudes
who get caught on Mission Impossible, or the Swift Boat Liars..
Guess what? -- they can't catch me.
I'm smoke.
That way, they can blow me :)
ha ha
Bottom Line:
For the last two presidential cycles, you've proven you can't win without
Bottom Line:
YOU got nothing to lose by having Ol' Bart in the room.
I don't want your money, I don't need your money.
I just want you quitters to SAC
UP for once and come to f-ing work.
Bottom Line:
We can't afford another ride on the Gore/Kerry "Fighting
is wrong!" train.
We can't be that stupid - not again.
We just f-ing can't.
Bush bullies hiding bartcop.com from
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by entering bartcop.com HERE
Hammer, meet Anvil
Ronnie Earle, the Texas prosecutor vilified by Rep.
Tom DeLay as a
"rogue district attorney" and an "unabashed partisan
zealot," has heard worse.
There was the time, for instance, that a prominent Texas
Democrat vowed to murder him.
"He would hold all these press conferences and say terrible
things about me," Earle said,
referring to Bob Bullock, the future lieutenant governor
whom Earle investigated for
allegedly misusing government resources in the 1970s.
"Twice, people took guns away from him when he said
he was going to kill me.".
Subject: Laura the Unloved
Hey Bart!
I was in a bookstore the other day and someone had turned
all the Dr. Laura books around
on the shelf so the title faced away. All I saw were
lily-white leafy pages exposed to the world.
I was glad someone had done it, but then I got
an image in my head of something else exposed
by Dr. Laura that I'd seen on your page. After the nausea
passed, I had a chuckle.
Thought you'd appreciate it, and thanks for keeping
me laughing.
I don't think Trudeau was trying to be funny...
...but Dr. King was found dead in a stained shirt.
Because the black-hating, conservative bastards we fight today
put bullets into his chest and stained his shirt blood red.
"I see no negatives at this stage in Harriet Miers."
-- Dianne
Feinstein, alledged Democrat Link
"The president has selected a loyal political ally
without a
judicial record to sit on the highest court
in the land."
-- Sen. Barbara Boxer, Democrat Link
Senator Boxer, a shot of Chinaco for you.
With all respect, ...a lady senator I'd like to share shot of Chinaco with
...the regular Chinaco ...Anejo, not the 30th Anniversar
...the good stuff.
If she'd filibuster, I'd deliver a bottle of Chinaco Anejo to
her office - personally.
If we could get one Democratic senator to come to work
we could change the crooked path Bush is taking us down.
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"The history of the congressional Republican leadership
since it took power in 1995
is one of coups, scandals, and early retirements.
Every time a Gingrich, Livingston,
or DeLay gets knocked off his perch, a Hastert, Blunt,
Wamp, or similarly unremarkable
and unknown pol instantly emerges from the shadows
of obscurity to replace him.
(Hmmm, sounds like the #3 guy in Al Qarda - that catch
him every month.)
Republicans in the House are like an army of the undead.
No matter how many get picked off, more are always
on the way."e
-- Ryan Lizza, Link
The Girl Next
by Bruce Reed
So far as we know, Joe Allbaugh didn't have any college
roommates who were women.
So Bush picked Miers '67. Even if she turns
out to be qualified, the Miers nomination
starts out looking like another inside deal from an administration
that has made far too many.
The right wing has only itself to blame for Bush's choice.
For the last six months, they have
waged a bitter war against Bush's first White House counsel,
Alberto Gonzales, on the grounds
that Gonzales was "Spanish for Souter." Gonzales
may be a hack with suspect conservative
credentials, but at least he would have been an inspiring
and historic hack.
Now the right is stuck with Miers, who may not even be
'SMU for Gonzales.'"
ha ha
Subject: Your Chiminea
Where did you buy that thing?
Tulsa likes to think of itself as Santa Fe East.
That's not all bad.
All things are relative, and Tulsa really is "The
Paris of Oklahoma."
(Check the latest edition of
BCR, Show 83, in production now.)
I'd like one for my patio this winter. (in socal)
Randi in Riverside
The place we bought ours has a website, ... http://utsgc.com
Those chimineas are way cool and fires only cost about
$1 each.
The smell alone is worth a buck.
Marty's Entertainment
always has good
"Bush should wear a label comparable to the ones
on sugary beverages purporting to be
"fruit" drinks. His should say: 'Contains less
than three percent real presidential material.'"
-- Colin McEnroe Link
Call the
...as heard
on BCR 82
Put your comments on the next radio show.
You have two minutes to record your message.
oil theft total
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is $65.47
a barrel
makes $130,940,000 Bush
stole just yesterday
Republicans and religio-crazies
say losing thousands of soldiers
Bush's bloody war is acceptable.
1935 1941 have
died for Bush greed,
SIX more since
last issue.
Subject: Ken Salazar (D)
Bart, you may have heard by now.
Your site in the "Quotes" names Ken Salazar as a Republican.
He is a Democrat!
Bronco Fan Val
Sorry about that.
I guessed he was a Republican because the Colorado GOPers
were telling him to watch his ass and be careful what he said.
I keep forgetting Democrats take orders from the GOP.
Subject: Why do troops support Bush's
illegal war?
The families have swallowed the Nazi/Christian Fundamentalist
line that they are dying for Christ.
Onward Christian Soldiers! They prefer to die there
for certain, rather than here, maybe.
If I was a Republican with kids, I wouldn't offer up their lives for Halliburton.
I guess I'm just weird.
Here to Search Bartcop
Alba says "No"
Sexed-up directors always asking
Jessica Alba says that "of course", she's been propositioned
for sex from directors.
She has always refused, however. I say good for you,
Jessica. It's the producers
you should be doing the nasty with. What the hell can
a director do for you, anyway?
Read the Previous
It had everything.
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