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* Bartcop Radio
Show 90 is Up
Tuesday March 28, 2006
Volume 1734 -
Don't Forget
Note: Scalia - minutes after attending a Mass.
Quote of
the Day
"If they are competent to fight this war,
then I ought to be on American Idol."
-- Cheney, Link
Hey Dick, our best-of-all-time military
is being handled
by handjob cave-dwellers from the Old
How could Democrats do any worse?
Bill Clinton won his war
- and no Americans died.
Suck on that.
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Talk War
Crimes |
Bush: Set
on War |
B-Gov Cuts
off US |
Bring Down
Is Rove
Cooperating? |
dead |
More Indictments? |
in Tulsa |
Rules 2006 |
Visit funnytimes.com
"I'm not surprised that Hillary doesn't know
the Bible. Her of both the law and the Bible are wrong.
This has nothing to do - the bill we
passed has nothing to do with criminalizing Good Samaritans."
-- Rep. Tom Tancredo, Latino-hating Fascist slut
"According to Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahoney,
the proposed provision "is so broad that it would
criminalize even minor acts of mercy
like offering a meal or administering first aid." Mahoney has
instructed the priests of his archdiocese
to disobey the law if it is enacted. As for Clinton's knowledge
of the Bible, it's Tancredo who needs
a refresher. Take Isaiah 49:10: "They will neither hunger nor thirst,
nor will the desert heat or the sun
beat upon them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and
lead them beside springs of water."
-- Think Progress, Link
Time to
Talk War Crimes
by Robert Parry as seen on Consortiumnews.com
The Nuremberg trials after World War II established
universal rules against aggressive wars, principles that
George W. Bush willfully violated by invading
Iraq. A newly disclosed memo from January 2003 reveals
Bush's contempt for these fundamental rules of
international behavior as well as his plans to trick the public
into accepting his actions. The evidence now
is increasingly clear that in a world where might did not make right,
Bush and his advisers would be in shackles at
the Hague facing war crimes tribunals.
As always, Parry said it best, but think how lucky we were to be born
in America.
We're lucky enough to be the invaders instead of the invadees.
If we didn't have the world's mightiest military, any two-bit punk like
Bush could invade,
steal our assets, put our leaders on trial and hunt down his kids and
shoot them in the street
like dogs and put their bloody bodies on TV and brag about it.
If only the leaders of the world's only superpower were decent and moral
But no - they are murdering, thieving sons of bitches.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the Internet
Bush Was
Set on War
NY Whore Times is catching up!
In the weeks before he invaded, Bush's public
ultimatum to Saddam was blunt: Disarm or face war.
But behind closed doors, the president was certain
that war was inevitable.
During a private two-hour meeting in the Oval
Office on Jan. 31, 2003, he made clear to Blair that he
was determined to invade Iraq without the second
resolution, or even if arms inspectors came up empty,
said a confidential memo about the meeting written
by Mr. Blair's top foreign policy adviser.
"Our diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around
the military planning," David Manning,
Blair's chief foreign policy adviser at the time,
wrote in the Bush-Blair meeting summary.
Gov Cuts off USA
Argument swells in Baghdad
the day after a raid conducted against Shiites that left twenty of them
While America denies any involvement, the Governor
of Baghdad announces the suspension of his cooperation.
The Shiite alliance in power demands a transfer
of responsibility for the maintenance of order in the country.
The bloody raid conducted in
Baghdad against Shiites assembled in a mosque in the country's capital
to elicit reactions. Shiite leaders, who suggest
there were around twenty deaths, denounce an American bungle.
The Unified Iraqi Alliance, the Shiite coalition
in power, describes that operation as a "massacre" and demands
that the American government cede responsibility
for the maintenance of order to the Iraqi government.
"American forces and Iraqi
Special Forces committed an odious crime when they attacked the Ur Mosque,"
says the Shiite bloc. "It's an organized crime
with security implications. It aims to incite a civil war.
To kill such a great number of the faithful of
the family of the Prophet after torturing them is indefensible.
It's an attack that strips away any credibility
from the slogans of freedom and democracy flaunted by Bush."
Subject: packaged news
On the first Sunday after Katrina I took my 3
boys to the Cajun Dome in Lafayette, LA to drop off donations.
We stayed there and organized the donations for
about 3 or 4 hours. My oldest son Josh (16) was working with
a teen boy from New Orleans to bring in what
was needed to the evacuees. His story was amazing.
He and his family had stayed in their home
near the Superdome for the storm and everything was fine until the
flooding started. This boy told my son that when
his aunt and others tried to leave their homes in the "projects",
they were held at gunpoint by the NO Police and
told that they were not leaving. He told Josh that they had
commandeered an ice cream truck and about 16
people drove to Lafayette. This boy had no reason to lie to Josh.
When I have told other people this story, I have
been called crazy, insane, etc. so I just keep it to myself.
to order Al Franken's new book
"Some Democrats in Congress have decided the
president is the enemy
and the terrorist surveillance program
is grounds for censuring the president.
The American people have already made
their decision. They agree with the president."
-- Cheney, pretending that Bush's approval is above 40 percent
Subject: Jay has
an opinion on abortion - so does Bart
As a delusional, racist, gay bashing and woman
hating fool. I applaud your robust defense of abortion.
While holding the opinion that women should just
have babies is boorish and ridiculous, it was fairly
impressive on your part to launch a broad-brush
attack on all Christians, of which I am one.
Dude, the first step is admitting you have a problem - just kidding.
I know you're answering Pam, but she can't answer so let me try.
I argue abortion different than most liberals.
Help Bring
Down FOX
Fox allows 's' word. Take a stand for
our children!
by Donald Wildmon (R-Fascist,
Self-Appointed Moralist, nanny and Book Burner)
Dear Bart
Tired of all the profanity on TV? Want to do
something about it? Here is your opportunity.
File a complaint with the FCC against Fox Network
for using the "s" word.
Sunday FOX broadcast the NASCAR race. During the
course of the race, Martin Truex crashed his car
after being bumped by another driver. Fox
aired a conversation between Truex and his crew chief, Kevin Manion.
Manion told his driver, "We missed the set-up
today. It (the car) was a piece of shit."
ha ha
Is beheading them coddling to the Devil too much?
Fox had been warned about allowing the "s" word
on the air.
They could have used a delay and bleeped the
But they chose not to. The network chose to air
the segment live.
Millions of viewers, including children, were
offended by the crude profanity.
Also, please forward this to your family and friends.
Together, we can make a difference!
by Donald D. Wildmon
Here to stick it to that bastard Rupert Murdoch
too rich - you can't break me!"
Subject: Bartcop mention
From Wayne Madsen Report:
*March 26, 2006 -- WMR is on a special investigation
assignment today.
But this is a good opportunity to thank some
patriotic Americans for their courage:
Russ Feingold, The Dixie Chicks, George Clooney,
Cindy Sheehan, Joe Wilson,
former NSA analyst Russ Tice, former Reagan Navy
Secretary and Virginia Democratic
Senate candidate James Webb, Professors Stephen
Walt and John Mearsheimer, and
retired General Paul Eaton. There are many, many
others, of course, too many to recognize here.
And many thanks for the laughs and the anti-regime
barbs to Stephanie Miller and her radio show staff and Bartcop.
--- http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/
*(Just in case no one's told you yet.)
Visit timottestudios.com
Dirty Bombs
Get into U.S. in Test
Bush - keeping us safe like he promised
Undercover investigators slipped radioactive
material — enough to make two small "dirty bombs" —
across U.S. borders in Texas and Washington state
in a test last year of security at American points of entry.
Radiation alarms at the unidentified sites detected
the small amounts of cesium-137. But customs agents
permitted the investigators to enter the United
States because they were tricked with counterfeit documents.
Bush said that now that the "bombs" are inside
our country, he will give Border Protection agents the tools
they need to verify such documents in the future.
Al Qaeda can hit us any time they're given the order,
but they've been ordered to stand down - by whom?
The net's best advertising deal
on bartcop.com
"Huh? Who's that?"
-- 16-year-old golf
phenom Michelle Wie, asked about the vulgar Pigboy's
description of her as a "triumph of marketing",
Subject: stay away from WTC shit
Bart about this shit with the WTC and conspiracy
theorists, stay the hell away from it.
It only makes your site look a little weird and
ha ha
Get out of here!
I know you only respond but it is
showing up on these sites as a refering page and looks bad.
Sure, we don't know all the answers and probably
never will but don't go there...
Keep up the good work Bart
Tim, I hear you, but one would think like-minded adults could discuss
a topic like the WTC
without everybody's passions getting inflamed and suddenly - personal
insults are flying everywhere.
Same with Hillary, same with Israel, same with the subject of
torture and Piss Christ and Pat Tillman.
What makes people (not talking about Repubs, either) go all postal
if someone has a difference of opinion?
Same with guitar players, golfers, non-actors and hot babes.
I got hate mail for running a picture if Lindsay Lohan after
one of her car wrecks. ("She is soooo ugly!")
As you know, Ol' Bart is calm and logical and ooooozing with common
If someone has a difference of opinion - fine.
We can't all be right.
I prefer the high road, and if someone needs slapping I try to do it
with humor.
Everybody should light up or lighten up.
What are we - Sectarians? (That's
a Bush joke)
a part of Bartcop Radio
lovers welcome
Subject: Brokeback
comments in BCR 90
Hi Bart
I am disappointed that you had to share the fact
that you and all straight men
prefer to see women kissing as opposed to two
men loving each other.
As IF that is something most people aren't aware
of--the GOP loves those type of remarks--
--"I just don't wanna see that!" so what?
You think as a gay man I want to see str8 preople
making out?
--you seem to think it is OK to be grossed out
by the guys in OZ ,
just remember--it takes two of you to make ONE
of ME! HAHA!
ha ha
And the incredible irony is that most gay men
aren't attracted to the typical lazy, fat straight married man.
I know I am rambling--but I am very disappointed
in your remarks, Bart.
Straight people do not have a monopoly on the
Democratic Party.
Dude, it would seem I have three choices:
Avoid controversial subjects
Write what I think people want
to hear
Be honest about what I write
I would understand if you didn't want to sit thru two hours of some
Kate Hudson movie.
She's no Dakota Fanning, she's no Alfre Woodard, but she's fun to stare
at, and I would
understand if you, as a gay man, had no interest at staring at her
for two hours.
Put another way, I have no interest in country music, unless a hot babe
is involved.
That doesn't mean country music fans should be offended.
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Is Rove
Karl Rove, Scumbag Emeritus and Thug adviser
to Der Monkey, has recently been providing
information to Patrick Fitzgerald in the ongoing
CIA leak investigation, sources say.
They say Rove tipped off Fitzgerald to information
that led to the recent "discovery"
of 250 pages of missing email from the office
of Cheney le Dick.
Rove has been in the crosshairs of Fitzgerald's
investigation in the Plame affair in retaliation
against her husband, Joe Wilson. Wilson had been
an ardent critic of pre-war Iraq "intelligence."
Maybe Rove knows he can't get a pardon from Cheney - so he's sticky
with his Monkey.
Caspar Weinberger
dead at 88
Sometimes traitors get away with their crimes
Caspar Weinberger, who served in the Cabinets
of both Nixon and Reagan and needed a pardon
from a crooked president to escape justice in
the Iran-Contra crime spree, has died at the age of 88.
"I was deeply disturbed to learn of the death
of a great American and a dear friend,"
said Colin Powell. who may also need a pardon
from a crooked president to avoid prison.
Subject: BCR 90 feedback
Hi Bart:
I haven't finished the show yet, but I don't want
to go another minute
without telling you the audio quality is SUPERB.
AND your voice and intonations are great.
AND, I'm thoroughly enjoying #90 content.
90... wow.
...all praise to Tommy Mack.
"Long live soccer!"
Richard Pryor FU Tee-Shirt on
Current bid: US
Just before his passing,
Richard Pryor began a 501c3
non-profit animal
rescue/rights organization.
100% of the final sale
price will support Pryor's
grass roots rescuers
saving dogs, cats and any animal in need.
Subject: Bush Needs To Apologize
For Invading Iraq
Protests of this war are the right thing to do.
It doesn't much matter where they occur.
A military funeral is appropriate in that it reminds
us that the person gave their life for Halliburton,
or they die for nothing. Bush needs to
admit that he made a big mistake in invading Iraq.
He should apologize to the American and Iraqi
Then he should start withdrawing troops. It is
time to correct this big mistake.
The Iraqi people want us to leave so that they
can sort out their problems.
They were much better off before we invaded their
Bonnie in Birmingham
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Subject: bartcop sign made NBC
national News Sunday
Bart, your Worst President Ever poster
was shown on NBC Evening News, Sunday March 26.
It was a close up shot of protesters in LA holding
posters-- your signage was in the center,
it was a fairly close-up clear view of Bart's
poster. It was EASILY read
your long long long time reader
...hell--I think I didn't even have any grey hair
when I started reading bartcop
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Show the world that you know he's the worst ever.
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Driver Killed In Crash
Driver Paul Dana died after a two-car crash Sunday
during the warmup for
the season-opening IRL IndyCar Series race at
Homestead-Miami Speedway.
The other driver, Ed Carpenter, was awake and
alert at a Miami hospital, IRL officials said.
Dana left a wife, Tonya. They lived in Indianapolis,
according to his biography on the Rahal Letterman Racing Web site.
Dave was a puddle last night, talking about this.
I saw a replay of the wreck - he died at 200 MPH.
Then it was Sharon Stone's job to lighten things up.
Subject: political reality
I just finished reading "Stupid White Men", Michael
Moore's polemic from a few years back....and if I ever
considered voting for Hilary,well not now....or
ever,and primarily because the book reminded me, there is no
honor among thieves and Bill Clinton was one
of the best...this coming from a person who voted for him twice..
If you havent read this book yet and it is like
5 years old,please read.and if you did read, reread....and remember,
when you question how various politicians can
behave in ways that appear unacceptable and in ways that are
anathema to all you personally hold dear, remember
this - business is business and love is bullshit...
Dude, what could Moore say to get me to vote against the Demo nominee?
In late 2004, on Bill Maher's HBO show, Bill and Michael literally got
down on their knees
in front of Ralph Nader and begged him not to run and siphon
off votes from the Democrat.
If Mike wasn't too big to reach, I'd ask him if he plans to back the
demo nominee in 2008.
Or does Moore want Bush to pick the fascist who will pardon him?
Maybe people resent not having a choice, but you don't shoot yourself
to fix that..
Maybe people resent me for pointing out the obvious, but that would
be illogical.
In November 2008, your choices are:
more murder, more death, more
invasions and worsening economic depression
the Democrat.
Only a Bush lover could disagree.
Please don't tell me how things ought to be.
We have to play the hand we're dealt.
If Michael Moore, or anyone who loves this country disagrees,
maybe I need to straighten him/them out :)
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is
$64.16 a barrel
makes $128,320,000
Bush stole just yesterday
Oil drops ten cents and costs Bush $200,000.
Isn't that sad?
2323 have died
the 'noble cause' of Bush
to be a war hero.
Bitch Quotes
"The mainstream media calls it a lynch mob.
I call it a truth squad."
Michelle Malkin, on the right's takedown of Eason Jordan for his assertion
the American military targeting journalists, last year
"The Left should cease its sick gloating and
leave him and his family alone."
Michelle Malkin, on the left going after Ben Domenech for plagiarism, this
year, Link
Subject: BCR 90 feedback
Bart, I thought BCR 90 was the best yet, and that's
saying something!
More Indictments Coming?
Karl Rove sells out the Cheney bastard?
The second part of the Plame investigation is
nearly complete, with those close to the probe saying
that a grand jury will likely return an indictment
against one or two more senior Bush bastards.
Fitzgerald will present to the grand jury seeking
an indictment against Karl Rove or Stephen Hadley.
Once he's indicted, he can be convinced to talk
to avoid prison.
And if the Democrats would listen to me, they
wouldn't get blindsided, but here's what's up:
Reid and Pelosi need to make a letter toi Bush
public that says, "You have the right to
your co-conspirators, but we're warning you
that if you issue the pardons before the trial,
we will shut down your crooked government
until the House impeaches you," and mean
But no, they
refuse to take steps to avoid being blindsided.
When Bush pardons his bloody gang of thugs, the
Democrats will be caught off-guard.
Then they'll call a press conference to say there
are "disappointed" in Bush.
How did I get in a party of quitters who hate
Andrew Card
(R-Scapegoat) Pushed
Monkey chief of staff Andy Card was pushed overboard
today and will be replaced by Joshua Bolten.
Bush announced the blood-letting today amid growing
calls for a White House shakeup and Republican
concern about Bush's tumbling poll ratings.
"I blame Andy card for every bad decision made
by myself, Unka Dick and Unka Rummy," Bush said.
"The next three years will be blamed on Joshie
- who'll do a heckuva job as our new scapegoat."
(Held Over)
man' $29M tops Box Office
Denzel and Spike get biggest opening ever
I had no idea Spike Lee read bartcop.com
Those who read bartcop.com and saw the
movie know the name of this movie should've been:
Life and Times of _______ ____."
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in Tulsa
scroll down
When Sherri roared like a bull, rolled her eyes
into her skull, and lunged against the men holding her,
Bob Larson says he saw the devil. He should know.
Larson is one of the leading practitioners of modern,
Christian exorcisms, and here I was in a hotel
conference room in Tulsa, Oklahoma, right across from
Oral Roberts University, watching him wrestle
with demons.
On this night, as Larson stood with his Bible
in hand and called out demons, a half-dozen people howled,
cried, and bellowed in strange voices, while
he ordered their possessors back into the pit of hell.
I am naturally skeptical of things that cannot
be proven, so I had to ask: Is all this just a show?.
Oklahoma has a collective IQ of 30.
Seriously, I'm one of the smartest people in the state.
I should be super-rich, separating these idiot cavepeople from their
but my damn conscience keeps getting in the way.
the all new, toll-free
callers Welcome (snicker)
That's good for a shot of Chinaco.
Johansson - FHM's 2006 Sexiest Woman
Thank you to bartcop.com subscribers.
I know you work hard
for your money, so I take it as
a compliment when you throw some my way each month.
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It had everything.
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