And Detention Camps
by RB Ham According to many researchers of the power elite, contained within the dogma of their secret societies is a fascination with dates, numerology and the symbolism it represents. An example many cite is April 19. Hitler's Birthday and also the anniversaries of the Waco massacre and the OK City bombing. Or, for instance, George Bush Sr. publicly proclaiming the birth of a New World Order on 9-11-1991. We all know what happened exactly 10 years later. If this is true, and, as some of these researchers (Alex Jones for example) believe, these New World Order types truly do view themselves as a Luceferian, Satanic cult.... And if it's true, as has been discussed openly by even mainstream sources, that just one more major terrorist "event" might usher in Martial Law... Do you think they would pass up 6-6-6? June 6th, 2006. A twisted new version of D-Day? . Consider also, the mid term elections are but a few months away from that date. Mid term elections that look likely to be a disaster for the ruling Republicans and a disaster for a President who has seemingly led that party to the edge of political suicide . Because of their brazen lies that even their trained media can't wash away, the Carlyle-Halliburton Administration is quickly losing public support. The American citizenry has turned on the Iraq War and are even, finally, starting to question the "War On Terror" in general. That good old American cynicsm that demands checks and balances is making a cultural comeback. The stench of cover up and scandal is just too offensive to keep trying to perfume over. Knowing what we know now, we shouldn't put anything by these people. Thus, it's only sensible to read between the lines when the mainstream news has stories every day about the threat of suitcase nukes being smuggled in over porous borders, or through unsecure ports...and then sense that the American people are being psychologically set up. Now's a good time to turn to and Nat Parry's investigative journalism: xxx Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs' Link
"I stand by this president's ability, inherent
to being commander in chief, to find out about Fifth Column
"Senator," a smiling Gonzales responded, "the president already said we'd be happy to listen to your ideas." (snip) Plus, there was that curious development in January
when the Army Corps of Engineers awarded
Later, the New York Times reported that "KBR would
build the centers for the Homeland Security
Like most news stories on the KBR contract, the
Times focused on concerns about Halliburton's
Less attention centered on the phrase "rapid development
of new programs" and what kind of
xxx If you don't believe in coincidences, and if you
think 385 million dollars is a lot of money to spend
Fatalistically, I still cling to the faint hope
that the "kinder, gentler" arm of the Establishment has a plan
I wouldn't count on it, though. Instead, I should like to quote part of a well renowned document which spells out what will soon be required: xxx "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their xxx Ultimately, I think it's now a race against time.
It may very well be that those KB and R
The only question being : exactly whom will be the occupants?