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Wed-Thursday April 26-27, 2006 Volume
1753 - Snow Blind
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"There was bombings today in Egypt."
Der Monkey, a product of Yale, Link
Bush's Hypocrisy:
Cuban Terrorists
Like an aging rock star singing a beloved oldie,
George W. Bush can count on cheers whenever he delivers
a favorite line from the Bush Doctrine enunciated after
the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks: Any country that
harbors a terrorist is equally guilty as the terrorist.
Bush got a round of applause at an Indianapolis speech
on March 24, 2006, when he declared "one of the
lessons learned after September the 11th is that we must
hold people to account for harboring terrorists.
If you harbor a terrorist, if you feed a terrorist, if
you house a terrorist, you're as equally guilty as the terrorist."
But the moral clarity grows hazy when it's Bush and
his family doing the harboring of right-wing Cuban terrorists.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the
Tax Evaders
for John McCain
By now, thanks to ABC News, we know that John McCain
took contributions from the Wyly Brothers
of "Republicans for Clean Air" fame. In 2000, the
Brothers ran $2.5 million in anti-McCain ads in key
primary states. At the time, McCain told them to "keep
their dirty money in the state of Texas."
Maybe the "dirty" part doesn't apply to money
McCain goes to Texas to pick up
as the Wylys are cohosting a fundraiser for him in Dallas.
Regardless, McCain still has to deal with the fact
that the Wylys are still under investigation
by a federal grand jury and a U.S. Senate subcommittee
for tax evasion.
I'm so old, I remember when McCain has an ounce of self-respect. I remember
he was a man, back before he became a slug for the goons that mocked his family.
How caaaaaaaaaaaan McCain be that stupid, to think the BFEE is going
to make him president?
He's going to be reeeeeal pissed of when they screw him.
Why can't he see that coming?
Snow Makes Whoredom
whore for Bush"
Bush on Wednesday named Uber Nazi Tony Snow as Official
White House Liar,
putting a new, yet very old face on an administration
racked with lies and scandal..
Snow, a Fox news whore with 600,000 miles on him,
replaced Scottie the Underbear
who resigned in a personnel shuffle intended to re-energize
the Bush White House and
lift the president's you-wouldn't-believe-how-low-they-are
approval ratings.
"My job is to steal money and kill soldiers, and his
job is to cover for me to the press corps
and the American people," Bush said, with Snow and The
Underbear at his side, beaming.
Why the GOP
is Screwed
Bush's approval rating is at an all-time low, gas
prices are near an all-time high, and Iraq continues to burn.
Voters have an even lower opinion of the GOP-controlled
Congress. Ideological disputes within the party
make it hard for believers to pick sides, and incompetence
at the top makes it difficult to follow through on
the agenda items Republicans do agree on, like reducing
the deficit. Bad news from Iraq and any number of
scandals tied to the GOP erupt regularly. A month ago,
the Republican political class was merely worried.
Now its members are talking about "avoiding catastrophic
losses." Conversations about the state of the party
used to have two parts: all the bad news followed by
signs of hope. I'm just hearing a one-act play now.
Subject: gas prices
The U.S. consumes 40% of the world's gasoline and
makes up only 5% of the population.
People whine and moan but they still drive their gas
hogs, when they could get off their fat
American asses and walk on occasion or ride a bike, take
public transport.
If we could cut our consumption by 10% that would
be an extra 2,000,000 barrels each day.
Supplies would increase, prices would decrease, our
air would be less polluted, it would curb
greenhouse emissions and we might even drop a few pounds
and live longer.
We must change our lifestyle and bad habits.
San Marcos, Texas
JD, we must vote Democrat, too.
Team Bush manufactured this "crisis."
With Clinton, we had dirt-cheap gas and zero dead soldiers.
"We're going to do something about energy.
I aim to be a competitive nation."
Dubya, who'd be our funniest president if it wasn't for all the blood, Link
Subject: road sign spotted on Maui
Hey there Bart!
We took a field trip on Sunday and came across this
little gem.
Fortunately, I brought the camera :-)
Michelle (and Brian)
Get your two
minutes on BartCop Radio
lovers welcome to call
Spankings are free
Four years ago
...over 200 of us met at James Carville's restaurant in Washington DC
to drink Chinaco and party with some semi-famous political
Click Here to
read that story.
I intended to spend my entire online "career" in the Bart Cave..
This was my first time out.
Subject: lying
People expect to be lied to.
What they really hate is to be told an unpleasant
When you tell a young child that Santa brings presents,
he wants to believe it's the truth.
If Santa is real, so much is possible. It isn't
a lie he choses to believe. It's reality.
He wants you to tell him a truth he wants to believe.
He doesn't want to hear any other truth.
Subject: Monkey
That "...glittering jewel" comment sounds like it's
from The Pigboy.
He feels threatened and scared with intelligent people.
Show 91 was good.
Can you maybe get that comic "Hurricane" on your show
Jackie, thanks for that.
I'll try to locate some more "Hurricane."
Glenn Beck Punked
on his Own Show
Guest translator not properly vetted, plays trick on Nazi Ass
During a rant about immigration reform, Glenn decided
to have one of his callers - some guy named
Ramón - translate his sentiments for those would-be
illegal immigrants too stupid to understand English.
One of Ramón's first translations was, "Glenn
wants us to drink our own urine" ("Glenn quiere que nos
beben el orine"*). Ramón mentioned Glenn
sitting in his big, comfortable chair, drinking Corona beer,
and getting fat on tortillas.
Get more hits
Subject to the
Death Penalty
Jamail presents the facts: "To keep the perspective
right, let me repeat:
it is the high ranking officials in the Bush administration
who are primarily responsible
for creating a situation in Iraq in which war crimes
have been normalized."
Since the entire catastrophe in Iraq is primarily
the president's handiwork, let it be noted that under
US Federal Law, the War Crimes Act of 1996 makes committing
a war crime, defined as
" ... a grave breach in any of the international conventions
signed at Geneva 12 August 1949,
or any protocol to such convention to which the United
States is a party ... " punishable by
being " ... fined under this title or imprisoned for
life or any term of years, or both, and if
death results to the victim, shall also be subject
to the penalty of death." (Emphasis added.)"
Subject: Charlie Sheen
Odd that not long after Charlie Sheen spoke against
the White House--he gets hit with this.
I'm not real big on conspiracy theories···.but·
Denise R
Musical Quotes
"The idea of hearing, 'Great gig, man,' one more
time just turns my stomach over."
Johnny Rotten, the oldest man in music, Link
Subject: Re: "Not one drop of water
will I give you..."
The late, great Bill Hicks said it best.
God: "Believe or die!"
Christian: "Thank you,
forgiving Lord, for all those options!"
"A woman in El Salvador was arrested for smuggling
a hand grenade in her vagina.
In a related story, Bill Clinton is going to
El Salvador to to look for WMDs."
Jay Leno, eight years after impeachment, he still can't do a monolog
without Clinton.
the best he can do with a multi-million dollar budget and twenty writers?
No wonder
NBC fired his tired, unfunny ass.
Marty's Entertainment
always has
good stuff.
Now on iTunes, just like
See Del Castillo
LIVE! Tell them "Bart
says Hey!"
Thu - April 27 - Houston - Fitzgerald's
Fri - April 28 - Corpus Christi - Concrete St. Pavilion
Sat - April 29 - Austin - The Glenn @ The Backyard
Thu - May 4 - Iowa City, IA - Gabe's Oasis
Fri - May 5 - Urbandale, IA - Keyster's
Sat - May 6 - Kansas City, MO - Grand Emporium
Subject: kissing Hank's ass
Link (Now
with working link!)
Mary: "Hi! We're here to invite you to come kiss
Hank's ass with us."
Me: "Pardon me?! What are you talking
about? Who's Hank,
and why would I want to kiss His ass?"
John: "If you kiss Hank's ass, He'll give you a million
and if you don't, He'll kick the shit out of you."
Me: "What? Is this some sort of bizarre
mob shake-down?"
If you see a star in an anti-Bush or pro-peace shirt,
please send that in.
Subject: straight talk from the 32
% president
You knew we hated government.
Did you think we would run it with care?
You knew we scorned intellectuals.
Did you want analytical thinking?
You knew we favored wealth.
Did you think we would cherish workers?
You knew we made gutsy snap judgments.
Did you think we would plan ahead?
You wanted the down-to-earth guy clearing brush,
Not the brainy, articulate senator.
You wanted a regular guy. You got a regular
Now, get off my back!
Ellen Griffith
SNL Funhouse: "Conspiracy
Theory Rock"
"Conspiracy Theory Rock" by Robert Smigel was shown
on SNL in 1998, but edited out of reruns.
See what they don't want you to see.
Also, this Saturday's SNL is all Smigel's Funhouse and
did you know Smigel is also Triumph the Insult Comic Dog?
to Order
Those new stickers
are our least popular stickers ever.
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move twice as fast.
I'm surprised.
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Impeach Bush Now! sticker! Free with
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Four stickers for one donation!
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
or snail mail to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Subject: Spartan Monkey in Heaven
Bartdude; you know what's really funny to me?
The sanctimonious "saved ones" who condemn others
when the Bible they so love states
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn
and ye shall not be condemned, forgive, and
ye shall be forgiven."
~Luke 6:37~
Isn't it sad when a "person of faith" is ignorant
of his or her own scripture?
I'm an atheist and I'm more familiar with it than your
Monkey Mailer.
Michael in Denver
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is$72.88 a
makes $145,760,000 Bush
stole just yesterday
...add to that, Iran pumps 3M barrels a day.
Once the sick bastard invades, that's 5M barrels
a day
times today's oil price which is $72.88
a barrel
makes $364,400,000 dollars Bush
will steal daily
That's a third of a billion dollars every day
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
...and what did it cost us?
2390 2392 soldiers
are dead
Subject: Worse than useless
"Bart no like Dean. Dean tell truth WHOLE TIME!
Dean STILL tell truth! He correct 100%!
Everybody want Hillary, but she no like Dean.
...she no always do right thing if expensive!"
Quoting my Vietnamese court appointed attorney...
xoxo Marc
Big $$ Strike
Set for May 1
Don't spend any money on May 1.
"Fresh is clearly the order of the day at the White
House. It's almost as if
the president has pulled out his leadership
keyboard and hit Ctrl--F5!"
Arianna Huffington, Link
Subject: living in Oklahoma
Bart, I know the solution to ALL your troubles.
Move up here to Wisconsin!
Democrat governor, 2 democrat senators, (including
the only democrat with
any balls, Russ Feingold,) and nowhere NEAR any Bushes!
But Ross, I'd no longer be the smartest man in the state :)
Donate $24 (or
more) and get a
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2 BCR Shows,
4 stickers,
plus 3 months of BCR for $24 (cheap)
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Bush's Economic
Gold traders love George Bush. They know that his
blundering mismanagement of the economy will keep
gold soaring well into the future. In the last year alone
gold increased nearly $200 an ounce capping off a
5 year run that has taken it from $274 per ounce to $635
at Friday's close.
These are serious numbers and they reflect the uneasiness
with the global political situation (Iran, Nigeria)
as well as concern about the oceans of debt generated
by our Oval Office numbskull.
After 6 years of looting the public till, the cupboard
is just about bare. Bush has chalked up another $3 trillion
of public debt which sounds the death-knell for Social
Security, public education, and the social safety net.
Subject: Democrats
My friend makes calls for "Friends of John Kerry."
Anyway, he's said that as of late he's had a LOT of
people he's been calling tell him
that they won't give the Democratic party one more damn
dime until they start fighting and winning.
When he told me this I laughed maniacally and shouted, "Bartcop!"
He just looked at me with the most bewildered look
I have ever seen...
Thought you might enjoy that, keep the truth hammer
swinging strong...
the all new, toll-free
callers Welcome (snicker)
20 Facts About
1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by Diebold
and ES&S.
2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority
or oversight of the US voting machine industry.
3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president
of ES&S are brothers.
4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush
campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003
that he was "committed to helping
Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
what's the problem, Bart?"
Subject: re; Springsteen, you have
not a clue
You know not what you talk about when you talk about
Springsteen being out of material.
He was mining his unreleased catalog (for Tracks V2)
when he fell (back) in love with some
sessions he did of him doing the Seeger sessions. Sooooo,
he decided instead of releasing
Tracks V2 at this time he would rerecord the Seeger sessions.
Lastly - have you heard it? It is brilliant.
Great timeless songs done with a raucous passion
by brilliant musicians.
Keep swinging, brother.
Pastor JeffD
Jeff, I have not heard it, but let me ask a question:
What if, instead of new material, I started recycling old Joe Conason and
Gene Lyons columns
and adding my little sarcastic flourishes and printing them, saying, "I fell
in love with those old columns."
Would you call that "timeless" and "brilliant?"
Or would you think I just got lazy?
I don't dislike Bruce, I just prefer rock to ancient "American classics."
It's always
I finally get the studio working again, now I have a sore throat.
It's not just a sore throat, I'm ten days into the worst sore throat I've
ever had.
How sore is my throat?
I feel like Ann Coulter after a weekend at The Breakers with 300 Impeachment
BCR 92 has
a bunch of clips ready to go, but so far, no words from me.
Let's hope that changes soon.
Keira Knightley
for Chanel
Chanel has selected Keira Knightley as the new face
of its Coco Mademoiselle fragrance.
She will appear in Chanel ads beginning in 2007 unless
she's suspected of recreational drug use.
Thank you to bartcop.com subscribers.
I know you work hard for
your money, so I take it as
a compliment when you throw some my way each month.
Read the Previous
It had everything.
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