Subject: Her second term?

Bart, you were asked:

> My question is when is she going to fight back?
> If not now, when?

and you replied,

> I'm not on the team, so all I can do is guess
> and my guess is after she wins a second term.

There's no guarantee of a first term much less a second one, and in the meantime she's just positioning.

You want to bet that she doesn't win a second term in the senate?   I'll give you good odds.
Wait, I remember you - you're that whackjob from Indiana or somewhere.
I remember having to straighten you out years ago.

You really think the GOP Machine needs any action on her part to tar and feather her 
as a traitor-coward-commie-terrorist-feminist-etc-etc.? They didn't for Bill.

You're suggesting we only run candidates the GOP machine approves of?

I can't say I understand your obsession with her...

When you (or anybody) speak of "my obsession with her," that tells me you're disregarding
every word I write and substituting other words in their place and then demanding I explain them.

How can we have a conversation when you insist on using fabricated positions of mine?
We might as well be talking about that Puerto Rican male prosititute you murdered.

...outside of your repeated assertation that "she can win in '08."  That sounds an awful lot like
what Bush supporters said in '99, and look at Bush's approval in his own party today. 


I can easily imagine a President Clinton with 28% approval numbers in 2011, 
while future-Bart screams "Pink tutu!"

What in the hell are you talking about?

I can imagine you with a 9-iron in your hand, standing over the body of that male prosititute.
Does that make any sense?

I mean, really. 
From what other Dem would you accept a plea of "They're biding their time?"


Jesus, you write crazy questions.
There's only one former first lady in the senate and she's running for a second term.

You want her to run to second base before she touches first - but she's not that stupid. 
She's going to do things in their proper order because that's how winners win. 

First she's going to win her senate seat again and then in 2007 she's going to change from
a senator to a presidential candidate so prepare to hate the future.

It must piss you off no end that she's the front-runner.
I'm sorry that the facts aren't more to your liking. 


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