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Show 93 is Up
Wed-Thurs May 31-June 1, 2006
Volume 1775 -
Itchy Trigger
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"...maybe I should go. What if Bush were to
give me an opening line like, "I share your pain,"
and I got to reply, "You want to share my
pain? Send your daughters there. See how they like
getting bitten by sand fleas and asking you
to stand in line at the post office with boxes of itch
cream and hand wipes and Gatorade for the
106-degree heat? And have them tell you they
can't do their job properly because they're
itching all the time..."
-- Elizabeth Irene Sullivan, whose lost a son to Bush's greed, on being
invited to meet him, Link
the Dead
by Ivan Leland as seen on consortiumnews.com
For more than four years now, the American people
have been instructed to "support the troops."
That command has often translated into a prohibition
against questioning Bush's war decisions,
including his choice to shift resources prematurely
from Afghanistan to the invasion of Iraq.
The mounting death toll in both countries now
is arguably the result of America's failure to conduct
a full and responsible debate about Bush's strategies
before they were implemented. Instead, Iraq War
skeptics were baited by pro-Bush media/political
operatives for supposedly undermining national
"unity" and failing to "support the troops."
The current version of this argument is that if
the war in Iraq is not "won," the memory of the fallen
soldiers will be dishonored. Bush and his backers
again hope to de-legitimize criticism of the war
policies, this time by invoking the troops who
have already died.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site in
the Internet
"A few nights ago, I listened as a writer for
one big city newspaper dripped derision for the
soldier's life, squealed about the awfulness
of Bush abandoning U.N. babysitting of Saddam,
and sniggered with a TV reporter at attempts
to inspire 'awe' through a bombing campaign.
I almost wished there would be a very loud
explosion very nearby just to shut up their rattling."
-- Karl Zinsmeister, Bush's new domestic adviser in 2003,
Whore Court
Slams Whistleblowers
Shame on those who report Bush corruption
The Supreme Court scaled back protections for
government workers who blow the whistle on
official misconduct Tuesday, a 5-4 decision in
which new Justice Samuel Alito cast the deciding
In a victory for criminals, justices said the
20 million public employees do not have free-speech protections
for what they say as part of their jobs.
Critics predicted the impact would be sweeping,
from silencing police officers who fear retribution for
reporting department corruption, to subduing
federal employees who want to reveal problems with
government hurricane preparedness or terrorist-related
The Democrats said Bush had every right to pack the Court with anyone
he choose.
America is no longer recognizable to decent people.
Monkey 'troubled"
by Haditha Massacre
Bush said Wednesday he was troubled by allegations
that Marines had killed unarmed Iraqis.
"If in fact laws were broken, there will be punishment,
like we punished that Plame leaker,"
is what Bush would've said if he had a shred
of honesty in him.
Reading about this, there's one thing that soldiers and former soldiers
keep saying:
this happened, they had orders to do it.
Rage mail
Subject: Artfull dodging Issue
Bart, about the WTC, you wrote:
> "I've been asking for proof you could put
in one's hand - is this it?" --BartCop
What a nice dodge 'n weave you are doing.
If you're accusing me of lying, chew on a "screw
you" until you make yourself clear.
Don't worry, I hear Malloy do this every week.
Like him, you've known all along, but you have
to pay the bills.
What is it I've known all along?
Are you going to be obtuse the entire e-mail?
But you're each doing media, Left-wing media.
You knew all what was out there, but just like
Ed Schultz and Jay Marvin, who are ignoring it
all, or like Ed where he cops to "buying a DVD"
and finding it "more than intruiging," they're
doing, or will do, the same dance.
I guess "better late than never" is a slogan I
need to adopt, but all this begs a question...
So, if I read you right, you're in the 50% who
'You f-ing idiot Okie, it's about time you
pulled your head out of your ass
and see the proof you've been staring
at for five goddamn years. Loser!"
How arrogant to try to straighten me out when
half the Democrats disagree with you.
You apparently think you have a monopoly on wisdom
and common sense.
Trust me - you don't.
Have you been doing a "Rush" on us?
Are you and Marvin and Schultz the Pig-Boy's
of the Left?
By that I mean, is it all, totally selfish?
You only say what subscribers are willing to
read? Like Rush?
You must be new.
I constantly print e-mail from readers who can't
stand the thought
of somebody having an opinion that differs from
And having an opinion can be damn expensive.
The real story IS a broken media, so I kinda side
with all the 9/11 Truthers
who wrote you angry letters, and didn't answer
your APPARENTLY dumb question.
First, Newbie, I can't imagine any other site
screaming "whore media" louder than this one.
To suggest I've ignore the subject makes you
look more stupid.
Second, the last half of that sentence was too
mangled to make sense.
I'm still boggled that you think 9-11 has been
settled and everybody agrees on it but
somehow Bart and Malloy are somehow keeping "the
truth" away from everybody.
I say "dumb" because I don't "buy" that you haven't
read all about 9/11.
I've read one book during Bush's presidency -
Susan McDougal's - because I was stuck alone
at the car lot when my conputer wasn't working.
I don't have time to read my mail.
Why are you so cock-sure that I've got time to
read anything?
Neither do I "buy" that Malloy hasn't, as he said
before his interview with David Ray Griffin.
"I approach this as someone not well versed in...",
or some such disclaimer Malloy led off with.
I don't know who David Ray Griffin is.
I guess I should read more.
Shit, this is depressing.
I gather you live in a dark f-ing place.
I feel bad about the bad choices you've made.
Maybe CheneyCo threatened you? That'd make
a decent headline: "Blogger Admits He
Bowed to Threats." Think of all the free
pub for your site, all that sympathy money rolling in...
Bryan in Colorado
Cheney steals $100M a day, and bartcop.com, last time I
checked, was the 38,000th biggest
site on the internets so I doubt Cheney spends a lot of time worrying
about me.
I hope things get better for you.
year-old girl gets death threats for making...
Subject: Bush's My Lai
I am not trying to justify this action, but, I
can readily understand it. First, you put young men
in harm's way, continuously, you make sure that
they get plenty of time by constantly placing them
back in Iraq, while their home life disintegrates.
Force these people to constantly patrol this area,
add in some Iraqi's that may have shown contempt
in some way to these people have too few
troops on the ground to do patrols. Give them
high powered weapons, and unclear orders as to
what can be done to people that maybe trying
to harm them. Sit back, and then, of course,
wonder how these young men could have done such
a horrible thing.
John A
John, I'm not trying to make a joke here, but the constant itching would
do me in.
Standing in 105 degree heat, sweating and itching all the time - I'd
shoot something,
maybe my own damn foot so I could go home.
on BartCop Radio
Bush planted
fake news on TV
Federal authorities are actively investigating
dozens of American television stations for
broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration
and major corporations,
and passing them off as normal news. Some of
the fake news segments talked up
success in the war in Iraq, or promoted the companies'
Investigators from the FCC are seeking information
after a report produced by a
campaign group detailed the extraordinary extent
of the use of such items.
"While we watch what is arguably the worst
president ever shit all over our Constitution,
the Geneva Convention, and everything it means
to be an American, the only thing you have
to say is to call us Bush haters. Well, no
shit. We've been "misled" into war, participated in
the slaughter of countless civilians, sent
2500 hundred of our soldiers to the Great Beyond,
practically crippled our armed forces, discovered
that our president considers himself above
any act of Congress, and are now being spied
upon in our own country while all too many
people shrug and say "so what?." What's
to hate?"
-- Mythsaje, democraticunderground.com
Subject: cars
A GM engineer asked me why so many people prefer
foreign cars over American cars.
I was in a trendy upstate New York restaurant
and all 12 cars in the lot were foreign.
Design problems and dealer repair problems would
be 2 problem areas that I have
experienced with my American cars. I've
never owned a foreign car.
Are the foreign cars that much better?
Ask your readers.
Jim, I financed used cars from 1995-2003.
I'm not anti-Detroit, but a small used car dealer would rather buy Hondas
over Buicks
and the finance guy would rather have a lein on Japanese collateral,
"In this "company town" where everything and
everyone caters to the well-being of the Marine Corps,
there is no shortage of people, both military
and civilian, who are willing to give the benefit of the doubt to
the troops accused of unjustified killings last
November in Haditha, Iraq. Denial and utter disbelief are the
overwhelming reaction to reports of the killings
involving marines based here. If there is any truth to the
accusations then the troops must have been
acting on direct orders, responding as they were trained to do."
Subject: voters
Hi Bart,
In the debate you claim:
> "I did say Bill won because he didn't ignore
the center, where the voters are."
That is you, repeating the DLC's fatal flaw.
They are 0 for 6 and counting, and here is why.
Bryan, don't care why.
In 48 years, Bill was the only Democrat to win
twice, so your "zero for 6"
means what?
Gun owners were OK with Clinton and so were people
who support the death penalty.
Basically, he answered the Kukakis question the
right way and won twice.
Why do some Democrats forget that we sometimes lose 49 states?
The Clintons
& the Media
by Joe Conason
Of all possible explanations for the mainstream
media's preoccupation with the Clinton marriage,
the most innocuous is nostalgia for a better
time, when we were able to worry less about war,
corruption, catastrophe and incompetence, and
more about sex. Bad news only intensifies the urge
to ignore reality and focus on triviality - a
predilection seemingly shared by several of America's most
important journalists, as well as a legion of
mindless tabloid hacks..
It's the playboy theme that thrills cable-TV personalities,
notably on Fox News and MSNBC.
Chris Matthews eagerly chewed over the Times
investigation with various experts, including Tim
The Clinton marriage, they agreed, would become
a matter of prime importance if she runs for President.
GOP Coin
Dealer Guilty
A coin dealer and prominent GOP fundraiser at
the center of an Ohio political scandal has
pled guilty to federal charges he funneled about
$45,000 to Bush's re-election campaign.
Tom Noe, once a powerful political figure who
also raised money for Ohio Republicans,
still is charged with embezzlement of the state
workers' compensation fund.
The investment scandal has been a major embarrassment
for Ohio's ruling Republicans
and given Democrats a better shot at winning
state offices this year, including the
governor's office, which has been under GOP control
since 1991.
Subject: The YearlyKos convention
in Vegas
That could be one hell of a poker game.
Neil in VT
Sure, I wish I had heard about it sooner.
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
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Greg Palast on Tour
to Order
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is $71.29
a barrel
makes $142,580,000
Bush stole justyesterday
...add to that, Iran pumps FOUR
M barrels a day.
Once the sick bastard invades, that's 6 M barrels
a day
times today's oil price which is
$71.29 a barrel
makes $427,020,000
dollars Bush will steal daily
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
...and what did it cost us?
Not much, just the lives of...
"If we, the journalists, are sitting in hot
water, the troops are hopping around on Hell's coals.
It's even worse for the Iraqi army
and police. And then you've got the Iraqi people, who are
not restricted to tours of duty and
have no ticket out. So yes, absolutely, journalists face awful,
dangerous risks in Iraq. But it's nothing
compared to the people we cover."
-- Kimberly Dozier, critically injured by a roadside bomb in Baghdad, last
January, Link
Random Thought
It never hurts to follow the money.
If global warming is a myth, why are insurance companies dropping flood
They seem to think these storms are
getting worse and the odds are against them.
More insurance means more profits, but they dropped those policies because
they would have to pay a penalty for ignoring the facts - while Bush
is free to.
But why worry about the planet when Jesus is going to be here soon?
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The crumbling
GOP base
by Jeff Jacoby, (R-Whore)
Like a lot of conservatives, I won't be voting
Republican in the congressional elections this fall.
Admittedly, I won't have a choice -- in Massachusetts,
Republican candidates for Congress
generally spare voters the trouble of defeating
them by not bothering to run in the first place.
But millions of conservatives will have a choice.
And the closer Election Day draws, the clearer
it becomes that plenty of them will choose not
to vote Republican. Unless something changes
dramatically -- and soon -- the GOP is poised
to lose its most reliable voters, and with them
any hope of keeping its congressional majority."
the all new, toll-free
callers Welcome (snicker)
Use your mouse to pull the Monkey into the circle
Three Die
in Capitol Hill gunfight
Story from tomflocco.com
Bush administration officials operated Memorial
Day weekend damage control to cover up the deaths
of three foreign intelligence operatives—two
British and one French—involved in a Friday morning
shootout in the House of Representatives parking
The altercation turned into an exchange of automatic
weapons fire over a pouch containing evidence files
documenting an operation to bomb the rail system
along the Northeast corridor on Thursday—with the
full knowledge of Bush and Blair who was
in Washington while the operation was being hatched.
Teams of U.S.-French alliance (AFA) operatives—including
CIA, NSA and FBI agents committed to
holding the Bush administration accountable for
criminal activities—had been electronically monitoring a
British agent who they determined to be the leader
of a black ops bombing plot planned for the purpose
of disrupting northeast rail traffic via a fake
terrorist attack.
Federal agents revealed that a taxi cab left the
Rayburn building parking garage with three body bags
just after the shootout which was covered up
by Capitol Hill police on instructions from Bush officials
who were in contact with television executives
and House/Senate leaders.
Hmmm, ...any way to find out if this is true?
Jolie has African baby
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