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BCR Show
93 is Up
Friday-Monday June 2-5, 2006 Volume
1776 - White Feds
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"How can this administration be so hypocritical
-- lavish in its praise for "the troops",
and so callous in the way it treats them? How
they get away with it is beyond me. Shameful."
--Danny, huffingtonpost.com
Colombia's 'Narco-Presidente'
by Jerry Meldon as seen on consortiumnews.com
The re-election of Colombia's president Alvaro Uribe
marked a rare victory for George W. Bush
in South American elections. Uribe gives Bush one regional
ally whose country can serve as a base
for challenging Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez. But
Uribe also carries with him baggage as a
political leader who tolerates political violence and
narco-trafficking by his allies
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site in the
"But the day ended on a relatively humorous note.
I needed rest in order to be mentally prepared.
So I told the agent we're going upstairs, and he reluctantly
said okay. Laura wears contacts, and she
was sound asleep. Barney was there. And the agent
comes running up and says, "We're under attack.
We need you downstairs," and so there we go, heading
straight down to the basement because there's
an incoming unidentified airplane, which is coming
toward the White House. Then the guy says it's a
friendly airplane. And we hustle all the way back
upstairs and go to bed...we got a laugh out
of it."
--Dubya, who always gets a good laugh
out of 9-11, Link
Karzai Condemns
U.S. Gunfire
Bush puppet President Hamid Karzai on Thursday condemned
the use of gunfire by U.S. troops
to suppress Afghans angered by a traffic accident involving
a military truck that sparked the
worst riots in the capital since the fall of the Taliban.
Karzai used phrases that left open whether the U.S.
troops had fired into a crowd that had gathered
at the scene of Monday's accident, or only over their
heads. But he was strongly critical.
"The coalition opened fire, and we strongly condemn
that," Karzai said in a national radio address.
When his hand-picket puppet condemns America,
that's trouble for the Murder Monkey.
Reid says he'll
Refuse Boxing Tickets
Reversing course and backing down is harry Reid's
aignature move. Wednesday, his office
acknowledged that he misstated the ethics rules governing
his acceptance of free boxing tickets
and has decided to avoid taking such gifts in the future.
The Nevada senator still believes it was "entirely
permissible" for him to accept ringside seats for
three professional boxing matches in 2004 and 2005 from
the Nevada Athletic Commission but
has nonetheless decided to avoid doing so in the future,
his office said.
"In light of questions that have been raised about
the practice, Senator Reid will not accept
these kinds of credentials in the future in order to
avoid even the faintest appearance of
impropriety," spokesman Jim Manley said.
Is the Governor of Kentucky allowed to go to The Derby?
Is the President allowed to throw out the first pitch on opening day?
If Musclehead attends a movie premier - he should have to pay for tickets?
They nailed Cisneros for Cowboy tickets and accepting a ride to the game.
But it's legal for the Wylie Oil Brothers to give Bush $2M to crush McCain
in NY in 2000?
Was the 2004
Election Stolen?
by RFK Jr.
I spent the evening of the 2004 election wondering
how the exit polls, which predicted an overwhelming victory
for Kerry, had gotten it so wrong. By midnight, the official
tallies showed a decisive lead for Bush -- and the next day,
lacking enough legal evidence to contest the results,
Kerry conceded. Republicans derided anyone who expressed
doubts about Bush's victory as nut cases in ''tinfoil
hats,'' while the national media, with few exceptions, did little to
question the validity of the election. The WaHoPo immediately
dismissed allegations of fraud as ''conspiracy theories,''
(1) and The New York Times declared that ''there is no
evidence of vote theft or errors on a large scale.''(2)
Because both papers are on the BFEE payroll.
But despite the media blackout, indications continued
to emerge that something deeply troubling had taken place in 2004.
Subject: pot = cancer? Not!
Hi Bart:
I didn't need to see that story, because I'd have
bet the farm that [pot was harmless.]
"Real" science has been looking at cannabis for around
100 years - a simple 2 by 2 matrix
comparing weed smokers & non-smokers for cancer would
have revealed a correlation long ago.
The fact that those who think all pot users should
be shot were not whimpering from the mountain-tops,
"Pot causes cancer!" told me all I need to know; I didn't
have to look anything up.
There have been *thousands* of studies on the Devil's
Own Weed - anyone who says,
"We just don't know if it's a good antidepressant/anti-nauseant/pain-reliever/anti-spasmodic
because there haven't been studies," is either deluded
or a flat-out liar.
Masters & slaves, masters & slaves...
Dude, years ago the fed did a study on pot, trying desperately to
pin a bad rap on God's gift to us.
It was either Nixon or Reagan, and when the report
came back it said, "The only difference
between pot smokers and non-pot smokers is their use
of pot," which means they found
no harmful effects so they refused to
release the study because the truth is a bad thing.
All we know is what got leaked, but once again, the
GOP turnd its back on science so they can
"follow God's will," as
if God would trust these crazy, lying bastards with anything.
in Rhode Island
Thanks to Tina
Richard Pryor's
FBI File
Below and on the following four pages are footnoted
excerpts from Richard Pryor's file at the FBI,
created after he gave some money to the Black Panther
party. The file has not previously been made public.
Caught with a dangerous drug like marijuana?
No wonder he was such a threat to the country...
on BartCop Radio
Bush to New
York: "GF Yourself"
According to Bush's Homeland Security cronies, New
York has no national monuments or icons
- which led to a 40 percent cut in anti-terrorism funding.
New Yorkers are seething over the news,
and some are demanding the firing of Homeland Security
cromiy Michael Chertoff.
Rep. Peter King (R-Bush fellatist), says Bush had "declared
war on New York" with its decision to
reduce anti-terrorism funding by $83 million while increases
went to cities like Jacksonville, Fla.,
Louisville, Ky., and Omaha, Neb. "Why would you
cut the No. 1 target in the country by 40 percent?"
said King the fellatist, who demanded an investigation. "How
can you possibly justify that?"
Omaha got more than Las Vegas, and Las Vegas stands for
excessive American fun.
Vegas has 15 of the world's biggest hotels - and
Omaha got more money?
New York can't afford protection because Bush gave
the super-rich another tax cut.
Too bad the Democrats can't think of a way to take
advantage of that fact.
"In 1997 or 1998, George Bush had a meeting with
the Uzbek ambassador to the United States,
Ambassador Safayev, which was actually organized
and set up by Kenneth Lay of Enron...
Karimov is one of the most vicious dictators
in the world, a man who is responsible for the
death of thousands of people. Prisoners are
boiled to death in Uzbek jails. And he was a guest
in the White House in 2002. It's very easy to
find photos of George Bush shaking Karimov's hand."
Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Link
From Hitler to Osama, the BFEE will
do business with anybody.
It they could make a dollar, they'd do business with Judas.
Subject: Alito
Bart, these goddamn sons-a-bitches went along with
this meat head-in-chief and put Alito
on the bench, and now a government employee can't tell
someone when the government harms all of America?
Also, I hear that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will
not vote for impeachment if the Dems take over.
What the f--k do they stand for???
I'm so mad I wish I could afford to smash this computer.
Yes, the Democrats sold us out (not to mention what they did to women)
with every evil fascist that Bush nominated because they wanted to "be fair."
I wonder if the YearlyKos crowd will ask any tough questions at their fest
with Reid and Pelosi,
...or do they only display their rage for the Democratic front-runner?
Hollywood Liberal
meets John Kerry
I was invited to attend the Pacific Conference on
National Security's meeting at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Century City.
The guest speaker was Senator John Kerry. Actually it
was Kerry who invited me through Democratic Daily.com.
Kerry asked a friend of his who was with DD to invite
some L.A. Bloggers. Writers from Daily Kos, The Huffington Post,
and DD showed up along with H.L., and we watched Kerry
give a speech in which he discussed a wide variety of topics.
Subject: Del Castillo
Hi Bart.
As always, I look forward to reading your web page
The Hammer never sleeps.
From time to time you post Del Castillo dates -- they've
always been in the west, so I never thought
I'd have a chance to see them -- but they're playing
a free concert here in Pittsburgh -- where I think
you have many readers -- on June 13, 6-7PM, at the main
stage of the Art Festival.
I just wanted to spread the good news to the "Yinzers" at
Bartcop, should you feel it is appropriate to
post this as a Del Castillo tour update. You've
been telling us about them for years, and I am looking
forward to hearing them.
Wishing you all the best!
Your friend,
Chookie, when they take a break, tell Rick
that "Bart says hey,"
but don't shake his hand because it'll be really hot.
Del Castillo
Owns the Night
Review in the Dallas Morning News
Del Castillo sizzled, delivering tight musicianship,
passionate showmanship and an intoxicatingly rhythmic
combination of flamenco, Latin rock, blues and some R&B. From
the opening number to the encore finale,
the band was tireless. Sure, the Del Castillo brothers
had to stop and stretch their hands after many flamenco
jams that had them furiously strumming their instruments,
but they never lost the energy.
Now combine that with killer songs, most of them culled
from Brotherhood.
Watching Del Castillo perform makes you rejoice over
independent music.
The net's best advertising deal
Reach over twenty people per penny.
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FBI to Spy on
Your Internet Use
The FBI wants Internet providers to retain Web address
records for up to two years
to aid investigations into terrorism and pornography,
a source familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
The request came during a May 26 meeting between Tortureboy
Gonzales and FBI hack Robert Mueller
with top executives at companies like Google Inc., Microsoft
Corp. and Time Warner Inc.'s AOL.
Two things for sure:
They claim they want to fight
child porn, but they really want to blackmail anybody who
has ever visited a web site featuring anything other than
lights-out, missionary GOP sex.
Heavern help a woman who bought a vibrator online.
Google, Microshaft and AOL will sell
you out faster than you can say, "McCarthyism."
Let's all move to whatever country most closely resembles pre-Bush
Pickles Fakes
AIDS Compassion
Trying to paint her husband as human?
Pickles Bush (R-Manslaughter) told a major AIDS conference
that more people must
understand how the deadly virus is transmitted, and she
called on countries to improve
literacy so their citizens can make better choices.
In a short speech to the U.N. on AIDS, Bush warned
that no country can ignore the AIDS crisis,
which the GOP pretended didn't exist until it became
a full-blown epidemic, killing "those people."
She said education is "spreading hope" and that the "ABC" model ÷ abstain,
be faithful and use condoms
÷ has led to sharp declines in HIV infections.
But people still do not properly understand the disease, she said.
A disaster for
abstinence ideology
Crushing news out of Uganda last week. Bush $1 billion
experiment using abstinence to stop HIV has born
its first fruit: In a recent speech, Uganda's AIDS Commissioner
announced that HIV infections have almost
doubled in Uganda over the past two years, from 70,000
in 2003 to 130,000 in 2005. And despite this chilling
wake-up call, Bush has empowered Christian right activists
to continue to push their abstinence-only agenda at
a UN Special Session on HIV/AIDS, to begin next week.
The U.S. delegation is stacked with some of the
very people who contributed to the debacle in Uganda.
They don't care about the poor, they don't care about the blacks and they
don't care about Africans
It's all about stealing money and staying in power by fooling the religiously-insane.
Subject: some Marines like killing
I was in the Marine Corps.
In my unit about 5% of the guys were certifiably nuts. Another
5% or more joined the military to
get out of criminal problems. Another large percentage
of guys signed up to go fight a war.
Of the certified nut cases, we had one guy who would
walk around the barracks at all hours of the night
in full combat dress. Yeah, at 3:00 AM you might
encounter this freak stalking the hallways in his camouflage
uniform, face painted, with a helmet on. If you
were lucky his Bowie knife would still be in its sheath.
If he was tripping on something you might need to do
a cajones check (literally) after you encountered him.
Now, I live in San Diego and Marines as well as Special
Forces troops are everywhere here.
In some bars you go to you will encounter groups of Marines
or others sitting around bragging
about the people they killed, and how they killed them,
in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Sure, some of the troops hate Iraq and would do anything
to come home. But, there are
the nutcases in uniform, and they are probably having
a great time in the desert right now.
Bob in San Diego
Marty's Entertainment
always has
good stuff.
Send in a picture of you in
your WPE t-shirt!
in her new WPE shirt
Here's my picture,
Official WPE
We have men's and women's shirts in S, M, L, XL and XXL.
They're free with
a mere $21 (or
more) donation.
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
us what size
or send a check to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Subject: WTC
Hey, Bart, here's a nice message for you.
Really. Have I ever cussed you out?
I'm guessing no :)
When I see an e-mail from a friend that starts out, "because
you're a f-ing moron,"
I generally delete it and try to forget that it was a
friend who sent the message.
I'm in my 11th year doing this, and by far, the biggest
surprise is the fact that friends aren't able
to have a conversation without one of them being labeled
as a f-ing moron by a friend.
Logic tells me to blame my combative style.
I think if someone gets a few e-mail replies from
me, they feel we're close and therefore
they're free to speak to me in a matter to which I'm
not accustomed.
They bark, I bite, and the war is on.
I didn't have any worthwhile response to those
photos, compelling as they are, because I was hoping
somebody knowledgeable would answer your request for
proof of some sort that they weren't doctored,
although I don't have any reason to think they
were (or weren't). It's so easy to do that these days that,
like you, I want to know. Also, I'm no expert on
any of these things; I'm just cursed with common sense.
I just took a guess that the two WTC factions are
split 50-50.
I wonder what the real numbers are?
Will they stage the next fake terrorist attack on
July 4?
No, because evil men wouldn't kill innocent people
to continue stealing unlimited billions while weilding
unlimited world wide power without
any checks or balances. I wish I had a dime for every e-mail I got
that said "Bush is leaving
office in 2009 so why do you think he/they will still be dangerous?"
Greedy oil bastards can't get enough money.
They're not going to say, "We
stole $60 trillion dollars, we're rich enough, we can stop now."
America bought a used car from Bush, the brakes failed,
and their sons were killed (and they blamed
Now they're buying another car from him for their
daughters, and they're not even looking under the hood.
Liz Mac
Liz, that's one of the best analogies I've ever heard.
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is $72.33
a barrel
makes $144,660,000 Bush
stole justyesterday
...add to that, Iran pumps FOUR M
barrels a day.
Once the sick bastard invades, that's 6 M barrels
a day
times today's oil price which is $72.33 a barrel
makes $433,980,000 dollars Bush
will steal daily
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
...and what did it cost us?
Not much, just the lives of...
2465 2475 soldiers
George W. Bush
named WPE
President Monkey is ranked worst by 56 percent of
Democrats, 35 percent of independents
and 7 percent of Republicans, the poll finds. Best ranking
for Reagan comes from 56 percent of GOP,
7 percent of Democrats and 25 percent of independent
voters. Among American voters 18 - 29 years old,
Clinton leads the "best" list with 40 percent.
Network Dramas
Challenge 'The Sopranos'
Now that the network TV season and May sweeps officially
have come to an end,
some bits of high praise about the state of things in
TV world:
It's no surprise that "The Sopranos" continues to
rank as the best drama on television.
What is a bit surprising is how close a fistful of network
series came to the HBO show this season
in terms of quality. You can make convincing arguments
that "24,""Grey's Anatomy,""Lost,""House"
and "Veronica Mars" each deserve the top ranking.
Wait, no "Rescue Me?" No "The Shield" in there?
That premier of "Rescue Me" proves they haven't missed a beat since that
great ending last year.
Like "The Sopranos," "House" and "Veronica Mars," today's newer, better dramas
have big laughs.
Some say "The Sopranos" isn't what it used to be, but maybe the competition
just got better.
Donate $24 (or
more) and get a
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PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
"It still sticks in my craw that a man who disgraced
his uniform has sent young men and women
to die in a "war" without justification. And
he has the nerve to show his face on Memorial Day?"
--RobertH, Link
Yet the military loves him.
"Mr President, my son was killed in Baghdad, but
don't worry,
I have another son who turns 18 next year."
It's sick the way military families donate their kids to the BFEE.
Subject: Remembering
Richard Pryor
Jennifer and Richard Pryor's wedding anniversary is
on June 8th.
Since TMIC's passing, Jennifer has been working non-stop
furthering his legacy
with projects and a little surprise for all of the members
of richardpryor.com
Please take a minute out of your busy schedules at
exactly 12:00 noon Pacific (California time)
and send some positive thoughts, wishes and/or prayers
to both Richard and Jennifer.
You're welcome and encouraged to post a little something
on the forum too.
Thank you in advance for supporting this little effort
to help Jennifer through a difficult time.
Admin, richardpryor.com
Trudy, glad to help.
Richard is still the King - always will be.
the all new, toll-free
callers Welcome (snicker)
We're sending out a big load of WPE shirts Monday.
If you have shirts on order, sorry for the delay, they'll be there real quick.
B.I.G.'s lawyers:
We didn't lie
The family attorneys responded to remarks from Judge
Cooper that she believed
an attorney for the rapper's family had "absolutely deceived" the
"Defendant has woven fact, fiction and mischaracterization
together in a desperate attempt
to prevent additional discovery of LAPD misconduct," the
family lawyers wrote in Tuesday's filing.
Family attorney Perry Sanders said last week that
after telling the court last year that he knew nothing
about the informant, he realized that his defense team
had been "previously contacted" by the informant.
Sanders said he then "made it clear" to the court
about the matter. Family attorneys said they had
originally ignored the informant's claims because
he claimed to have been interviewed
multiple times by the LAPD, and there were no
references to such interviews in a police file.
This keeps getting worse because the LA cops can't
tell the truth.
Subject: WPE
T-shirts arrived in time and were a big hit!
Expect a few more orders from various parts of Washington
some time soon ;-)
I gave one to a friend for her Marine son whose on leave
from Iraq, going back way too soon.
He'l take it with him if they let him.
John the Huskie
Marilyn Monroe's
80th Birthday
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