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Get your WPE Shirt
Thu-Fri June 8-9, 2006 Volume
1779 - "It's all for you, George"
Barry Crimmins, (writes for Randi Rhodes)
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"Perhaps [Ann Coulter's] book should have been
called 'Heartless.'
I know a lot of the widows and family
members who lost loved ones on 9/11.
They never wanted to be a member of
a group that is defined by the tragedy of what happened."
-- the junior senator from New York
"We have been slandered. Contrary to Ms. Coulter's
statements, there was no joy in watching
men who we loved burn alive. There
was no happiness in telling our children that their fathers
were never coming home again. We adored
these men and miss them every day..."
-- Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken,
Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza, Link
I said many years ago that this kind of shit would be f-ing EASY
to stop, if they listened to me.
All the Democrats have to do is say,
"Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage
speak for the President and the
Republican Party and their remarks are shameful and
hurtful and they drive America apart
at a time when we should be coming together."
What would this accomplish?
It would force Bush and others to say, "Coulter,
Limbaugh and Savage DO NOT speak for us,
and we agree their remarks ARE
shameful, hurtful and divisive and we apologize for them."
And that would turn Coulter, the Pigboy and Savage against
the GOP.
It would also force O'Reilly, Hannity and every Rush clone to
take a side.
It would be hate radio against the GOP and we could sit back and
as the Republicans dissolved into a costly, bloody civil war.
It's SO EASY, ...but no, the Democrats have no idea how to win
a debate.
It's SO EASY, ...but no, the Democrats choose to surrender instead
of fight.
Why Democrats
by Robert Parry as seen on consortiumnews.com
The defeat of Democrat Francine Busby in a special
congressional election outside San Diego was
a case study in why Democrats lose. With conservatives
dominating the media and with Busby running
a "safe" consultant-driven campaign, the Republicans
pounced on a minor verbal slip-up by Busby in
the final days and propelled Brian Bilbray to
victory. The question now is: what can the Democrats
do to ever break out of their cycle of losing?
It pains me to disagree with Parry on this (and I wasn't able to follow
the race) but Bilbray misspoke
something about illegals voting and the GOP pounced on it and made
the issue of the campaign.
If I had been on the Busby team, I would've grabbed 100 of Bush's most
incredibly stupid verbal gaffs
and run every damn one of them and then say,
"Busby misspoke - it happens," but noooooooo,
apparently the Busby team failed to return fire on the GOP's hardball
tactics, so the seat that opened
up due to the corruption of Duke Cunningham went to a different
corrupt Republican, instead..
When will the Democrats learn that you have to fight to win?
How many races in a row do they have to lose before they learn?
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site in
the Internet
"The next time a Republican wraps himself in
9/11 or uses a soldier as a prop -- the next time
Bush watches a 9/11 movie with 9/11
families, the next time he invites the father of a fallen
soldier to join him in throwing out
a first pitch, the next time he participates in a staged chat
with troops in the field, the next
time his party holds its national political convention within
shouting distance of ground zero, the
next time the mother of a fallen soldier turns up in
Laura Bush's box at the State of the
Union address, the next time Cheney suggests that
questioning the president's Iraq policy
somehow equates to undercutting the troops --
remember this: It's the Democrats,
not the Republicans, who do this sort of thing.
Just ask Ann Coulter."
-- Tim Grieve, Link
Brits Losing
Faith in U.S.
The British public has become increasingly cool
towards American policy and critical of its role
in the world after the sustained violence in
A new poll in says fewer than half the public
believe that America is a force for good in the world,
and nearly two thirds believe that Britain's
future lies more with Europe than with the US.
This shift in opinion on Iraq has also been reflected
in views about the US. 58 per cent believe that
it is important for "Britain's long-term security
that we have a close and special relationship with the US".
This compares with 71 per cent as recently
as two months ago.
If, one by one, your friends leave you, it generally
does NOT mean you're right and they're wrong.
It means YOU are wrong.
In November, will the voters stick with the party
of war, invasions, deficits and tax cuts
for the super-rich while the poor and middle
class continue to spiral downward?
calls 9/11 widows "witches"
"Millionaire waitches" to be exact
Ann Coulter (R-Slut) sparked a storm on Wednesday
after describing a group of 9-11 widows
who backed the Democratic Party as millionaire
"witches" reveling in their status as celebrities.
"I've never seen people enjoying their husbands'
deaths so much," Coulter writes in her book "Godless,"
referring to four women who headed a campaign
that resulted in the creation of the 9-11 Whitewash
Commission that praised Bush's leadership
and heroic decision-making that day.
Like I said, they could've ruined Ann Coulter
many years ago, but the clueless Dems just can't
figure out a way to defang the monster, even
after they've been told exactly how to do it.
Why can't they learn?
Subject: My shirt arrived today
My first WPE shirt arrived 6/8/06. It's
so good I'm gettin' another one.
Make this one a men's medium to leave a little
more room for some South's Finest chocolate. :)
Al Gore's in town for a book signing, I'll ask
if he wants one.
Keep swingin' that hammer
says "No" to Bush
He refuses to be "party to war crimes"
The wholesale slaughter and mistreatment of the
Iraqi people is not only a terrible moral injustice but a
contradiction of the Army's own law of land warfare.
My participation would make me party to war crimes,"
said First Lt. Ehren Watada in a taped
statement played at a Tacoma news conference.
His superiors at the nearby Fort Lewis would not
let Watada leave the base to attend the press conference.
Another news conference took place in Watada's
native Hawaii. Watada said his moral and legal obligations
were to the U.S. Constitution "not those who
would issue unlawful orders."
It takes guts to say "No!" to the Murder Monkey
and his crimes.
Subject: Jeff the Cannon
Bart, you asked,
> So how did Jeff the Cannon, a gay prostitute
get White House press credentials under
> a fake name so Bush could call on him whenever
he needed a friendly, puff-piece question?
I'd bet Pickles has been asking that same question.
Saw it on http://www.mandatemedia.com/
Dead Ass
Bush: "Remarkable" that they finally got him
dead ass..."
al-Zarqawi, the beheading handjob, was killed
when U.S. warplanes bombed his safehouse,
officials said Thursday. His death was a long-sought
victory in the war in Iraq.
Al-Zarqawi and several aides, including spiritual
adviser Sheik Abdul Rahman, were killed
Wednesday evening 30 miles from Baghdad in the
volatile province of Diyala.
"Al-Zarqawi was eliminated," Prime Minister Nouri
al-Maliki said.
Congrats to the military for getting this scumbag, but then again, this
is the only second guy
that we've heard of that they've captured or killed since Saddam.
Every few weeks, they say
that captured or killed "Mr Big" that nobody ever heard of in some
country. At least this time,
we know they got some douche that actually needed dying.
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The Zarqawi Invitation
by Greg Palast - one of the best
They got him, but something's gone unreported
in all the glee over getting Zarqawi
… who invited him into Iraq in the first place?
Begin with this: A phone call to Saddam's Palace
on April 21, 2003.
It was Rumsfeld on a secure line from Washington
to General Jay Garner.
The General had arrives in Baghdad just hours
before to take charge of the newly occupied nation.
The message from Rumsfeld was not a heartwarming
Rummy told Garner, Don't unpack, Jack — you're
What had Garner done?
The many-starred general had been sent by the
President himself to take charge of a deeply dangerous mission.
Iraq was tense but relatively peaceful. Garner's
job was to keep the peace and bring democracy.
Unfortunately for the general, he took the President
at his word.
But the general was wrong. "Peace" and "Democracy"
were the slogans.
"My preference," Garner told me in his understated
manner, "was to put the Iraqis
in charge as soon as we can and do it in some
form of elections."
But elections were not in The Plan.
The Plan was a 101-page document to guide the
long-term future of the land we'd just conquered.
There was nothing in it about democracy or elections
or safety. There was, rather, a detailed schedule
for selling off "all [Iraq's] state assets" —
and Iraq, that's just about everything — "especially,"
said The Plan, "the oil and supporting industries."
Especially the oil.
Subject: My WPR shirt arrived!
My WPE t-shirts have arrived!
Thanks, Bart.
Just in time for the Democratic convention here
in Wisconsin.
Will try to get a picture with Russ Feingold
and a bartcop sticker!
your voice on BartCop Radio
"How do we know their husbands weren't planning
to divorce these harpies?
Now that their shelf life is dwindling,
they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy."
-- Ann Coulter, on the 9-11 widows, Link
Subject: Bart, is it true?
Hey Bart,
The Truth about
George W Bush
Here you will find out the little known truth
concerning Bush, Victor Ashe, the current US
ambassador to Poland (formerly mayor of Knoxville,
Tennessee and CFO of Fannie Mae),
and their adulterous-bisexual relationship with
a Las Vegas woman in 1984.
"George Fellatio Bush" ... has a lovely ring to
it, no ?
Mark in Switzerland
Creep of
the Week - Jim Inhofe
by John Montgomery
My theory is that bloviating homophobes like
James are secretly obsessed with an overwhelming desire
to grab on to one of those hairy-assed weight
lifters from the gym and hump themselves silly all night long.
But let's give James the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he's just a family-valued Christian man who believes
all sex should be between a happily married man
and woman, done in the missionary position with as little
noise as possible. A man of such moral rectitude
would surely surround himself with like-minded people
who would set a sterling example for the rest
of us deviant heathens. Right?
Obviously you forgot. James is a Huge Hypocrite!
Subject: Gore 2000
Do you really think that if Gore had called on
Democrats to come down to Florida and "create a ruckus"
it would have had a positive effect? Maybe you
and I would have thought it a positive thing, but I don't
think it would have helped in the legal wrangling.
Also, you must remember that the mainstream media,
which had been shamefully trashing Gore for two
whole years, was busy at the time pushing for Gore
to concede, which he did not do. Calling for
a rumble in the streets would have gotten terrible press,
making it all the harder for Gore to continue
to fight the way he chose to do it, through the legal process.
That fight went all the way to the Supreme Court,
as far as you can go in this country.
(You still haven't told me what Gore should have
done after the court did it's dirty deed.)
As for the recount, we can call that a political
mistake, but, at the time, a lot of people were saying that
a "selective" recount was the smart way to go.
I didn't think so, but they never ask me. Also, it's my
understanding that a full state recount would
require a request from both parties. I believe that Gore
actually did ask for that eventually, but the
Bush team would not agree. No surprise there.
So, Bart, as usual, my beef with you is not that
mistakes weren't made. I just don't think it's fair
for you to keep saying that Gore gave up or didn't
want it badly enough. He chose to fight it his way,
and he took it as far as he could. He did not
As someone who supported both Gore and Kerry,
I see a big difference in how they reacted.
Again, I don't think it's fair to paint them
with the same brush.
Keep up your hammerin'
Dan Leahy
The net's best advertising deal
Reach over twenty people per penny.
on bartcop.com
Vote Nall,
Loretta Nall is really shaking things up in Alabama.
The anti-drug-war libertarian candidate for Governor
not only has people talking about the drug war,
she managed to get two of the candidates for Sheriff,
one of whom is the current Police Chief, to completely
reverse their positions on the drug war.
They admitted that the drug war is a miserable
Duh, did they also admit it gets
dark at night?
We could take every fresh-faced cop posing as a student trying to buy
a joint and put them
on the hunt for Osama, but we don't because the real danger
to America is the Devil's weed.
Subject: got my WPE t-shirt
Shirt arrived the other day it is awesome.
Can't decide who I want to spring it on first.
I will make sure to take pics.
Maybe I can find Governor Romney and have a pic
in the shirt with him.
Thanks for supporting www.worldmusingsltd.blogspot.com.
"Shut up
or I will kill you!"
Cops rough up 53 year-old Bush protestor
I am 53 years old, not exactly a spring chicken.
A hand comes down again to push my chin against
the concrete. By this time there are four cops
on the scene. My hands are tightly cuffed behind my back.
They lift me up and shove me onto a parkbench
and shackle my legs. I am still calling out, telling people
what this is about. One of the cops says to me,
"Shut up or I will kill you!", "I am sick of this anti-Bush shit!"
"You are definitely going to the psyche ward."
Then somebody calls the EMS, and a fire squad shows up.
The cop superviser appears and puts his finger
in my face: "I dont like it when people treat my men like this
and if you don't obey the law you will suffer
the consequences."
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click The E!
Nobody sent a picture today?
Send in a picture of you
in your WPE t-shirt!
Here's my picture,
WPE t-shirts!!
We have men's and women's shirts in S, M, L, XL and XXL.
free with a mere $21
(or more) donation.
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
us what size
or send a check to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Late night I was reading some e-mail, and I saw one titled something
"t-shirt encounter with Shirley,"
but as I clicked on it, I sneezed and it was gone.
Whatever that was, could whoever sent it re-send it?
If any of you run into Shirley Manson, tell her "Bart
says hey,"
then give her a bad time for not writing or calling the bartphone or
If she's wearing a WPE t-shirt, steal a camera from a drugstore and
send me a picture
and if you get caught, I'll go $1,000 towards your bail
(proper collateral, of course).
Accuse B.I.G.'s Atty
We had this how many days ago?
Yahoo just found out
In a last-ditch attempt before coming to the
table to offer a setllement, because they are guilty,
the LA cops "pulled a Coulter" and threw outrageous
slander at the family of the greiving family.
At least they didn't use the n-word.
Experts believe the case will be settled in the
$60 - 200 million range.
Any entrepreneurs
out there?
(Koresh forbid) gamblers
out there?
I'm thinking about throwing the Party of the Year
Decade, but I can't do it alone.
This is so hueueueuge, but they have a "no
refunds" policy.
The trick would be to get as many people possible to commit up-front.
We might lose money, but it wouldn't be a lot, because if it's a lot,
we won't do it.
But if we can get close, I say let's go for it because we might even
make a small profit.
After all, we're not communists (homage
to Godfather I)
If you're interested, PayPal $50to
bartcop@bartcop.com and I'll call you.
If you don't have $50
to risk, this deal isn't for you. (We want this to be a surprise,
so I can't spill the beans to everyone who "might" be interested.)
If you end up declining, you can get a WPE shirt and 6 months
of BCR for your $50
(or two t-shirts or BCR CDs or whatever you like) so you don't
really have a lot to lose,
which is the kind of deal this would be in you get involved.
From: Skeet
the Monkey
Subject: 2006
Republicans will retain control because they actually
to get their vote out.
Along with a little theft along the way.
I agree with that.
Democrats, like Bartcop sit around get drunk and
say aren't we smart.
While doing nothing to get people out
to vote.
I admit I often enjoy an after dinner cocktail,
but if all I did was "get drunk,"
would I have 1779 issues and 93 radio shows on
the web?
As far as "doing nothing," what do you
have on the web, Mr. Wise Ass?
Are you saying that Ol' Bart, with an IQ of 64,
on a eleven year tequila jag
can out-produce Skeet the Monkey by 1779 percent,
plus the 93 radio shows?
Democrats will rip Democrats.
No telling what that bumper sticker, handjobistic
shit means, but I'm voting
Democrat in 2008 and I'm just about the only
Democrat on the entire Internet
willing to say that in public ...so chew
on it
And Bartcop will repeat the same tired shit day
after day.
Skeet the Monkey
You might be on to something there.
If Bush commits the same crime five times a week, and five times a week
the pink tutu Democrats
stand there with their collective thumbs up their yellow,pansy, bean-eating
nancy-asses, sure,
I might repeat yesterday's advice that they need to wake the fuck up
and stop Bush from
committing the same crimes again.
Der Monkey has been committing crimes for about 1600 days in a row.
You want me to come up with 1600 new and different ways
to urge the gelding Democrats
to start to pretend that America is worth saving and to fucking do
something to stop him?
Besides attacking webmasters who've spent ten-plus years fighting modern
...can you remind me what Skeet the Monkey's
contribution was again?
There's a group that protests EVERY Saturday in
Boca Raton Florida (43 weeks in a row so far).
Here's a story about it
Next week I'll send one with my new WPE t-shirt
clearly visible
Peace, Mr Clean
turn civil
Mr. Clean, you rock!
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is
a barrel
makes $141,640,000
Bush stole justyesterday
...add to that, Iran pumps FOUR
M barrels a day.
Once the sick bastard invades, that's 6 M barrels
a day
times today's oil price which is
$72.60 a barrel
makes $424,930,000
dollars Bush will steal daily
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
...and what did it cost us?
Not much, just the lives of...
we lost eight yesterday?
Subject: Cruella keeps running
Bart you think Katherine (voting fraud) Harris
knows something about stealing the elections...
with the republican owned Diebold ? ES?S electronic
voting machines now in place in all 50 states
(thanks to the Republican-written Help America
Vote Act (HAVA) in 2002
The problem is, one has to be somewhat close in
the polls to make it appear the republican came
from behind and won the race (after midnight
I guess that's when all the republican votes seem to come in)...
But Harris is so far back she's going to steal
it anyway and make it obvious as hell and the
White House and Karl Rove are afraid people will
question the other races the Republicans need
to steal to hold the Republican majority to avoid
impeachment ? jail.
Interesting point, but those Diebold machines
so can't they just program her to lose a close
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Decades from now, when the history asks,
"Why did America reject Clinton, and embrace
the Bush idiot?"
Link 'em this - from Bartcop.com
Volume 651, more than five years ago...
Search the archives, see if anybody else was
saying this
When Bill Clinton was president, we had peace.
When Bill Clinton was president, we still
had a Bill of Rights.
When Bill Clinton was president, people smiled
when they thought about the future.
When Bill Clinton was president, criminal
trials were open to the public
When Bill Clinton was president, we worried
about his sex life...
You and I knew it more than five years ago.
Now, with
2500 soldiers dead, the American media starts to pick up
the scent.
Subject: is the GOP so into "fisting?"
At the time this was written Wednesday afternoon,
Rep. Bill Cadman, R-Colorado Springs,
still hadn't forthrightly apologized for warning
a colleague Tuesday on the floor of the House,
"If you try that again, I'll ram my fist up
your ass."
Eddy the pillar
Eddy, dunno, perhaps the GOP is sexually confused?
When I mess with a Monkey, I'm always careful to use my boot.
John in Tennessee, I got your call on the BartPhone,
but I don't have a number or e-mail address to reach you.
Contact me, let me get your stuff to you.
If I owe anybody anything, write and tell me.
We don't deposit your check until your order has been processed,
but I have the brain of Goober on a good day so mistakes happen.
the all new, toll-free
callers Welcome (snicker)
But Not
the Big Ones
by Helen Thomas
Bush has finally admitted that he made a mistake
in his Iraqi misadventure. But it's only what he said,
not what he did. Asked what "missteps and mistakes"
he regretted about Iraq, Bush replied that his
biggest regret was his use of cowboy language.
Bush told reporters that it was this "kind of tough talk
that sent the wrong signal to people...The troops
are being given a refresher course on the rules of war.
Maybe Bush and Blair should bone up on international
laws against starting wars in the first place.
Emmy for
Kristen Bell?
If there was a God, she'd win it
Veronica Mars might be the best written show on TV,
but nobody is watching it because it's on UPN/CW.
Thanks to bartcop.com subscribers.
We know you work hard
for your money, so we take it as
a compliment when you throw some our way each
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