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Weekend-Monday July 15-17, 2006 Vol
1800 - Chaos & Profit
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on bartcop.com
"This wasn't any old Joe. It was Joe Scarborough,
host of MSNBC's Scarborough Country
who was courted last summer by the RNC to
run against Cruella Harris. But before he could
announce he wouldn't, Harris called major
donors and suggested Scarborough would have to
answer questions about Scarborough's dead
--Marc Caputo, "Story of 'Joe's dead intern' began Harris' slide, insiders
say", Link
So if you kill an intern, you can go on to cable TV stardom.
But talking about Scarborough's dead intern is political suicide?
War of the
by Brent Budowsky
For a good time, Google the date July 4, 1826.
On that day, 50 years to the hour after the Great
Declaration was signed by freedom's
greatest friends, Jefferson lay dying, Adams
lay dying, thinking of America and each other.
What would they think of our President, who used
the holy grounds of 9-11 to declare and
wage aggressive war pitting one group of Americans
against another, pitting the Executive
Branch of the American government against good
faith respect for our Bill of Rights, pitting
the rule of law and American honor against what
even our conservative Supreme Court now
holds as illegal detention practices and a litany
of abuses and wrongs that offend what
Jefferson called the decent opinion of mankind?
What would they think of Democratic leaders?
What would they think of the media?
I'd like to answer those last two:
I think those great men would call today's media a disgusting gaggle
of cheap-ass harlots and
they'd call todays Democrats spineless weenies who soil their pink
tutus whenever Rove barks.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site in
the Internet
"Less than four months before Election Day,
the latest Fox News Poll finds that voters
strongly favor the Democrats on key issues
such as the economy and gas prices, and give
the minority party a double-digit lead for
control of Congress this fall. Meanwhile, Bush's
approval rating dropped back down to 36% --
down five points in just two weeks."
--Political Wire, Link
Middle East
in Flames
I'm going to talk about this without talking about it.
Don't write and tell me "how things should be."
Things are what they are.
Right now, Israel has the much stronger military. They're holding a
The kidnappers (gotta call 'em something) don't want to comply,
even tho they're confronted by a man with a knife.
Every hour that goes by and the kidnapped soldiers are not released,
Israel stabs the kidnappers again, and they're bleeding.
Instead of complying with the armed man, the Ks are wailing,
"It's not right! The stab wounds hurt so much.
I'm bleeding everywhere,"
but they refuse to return the soldiers so Israel stabs
them again.
Instead of complying with the armed man, the Ks are wailing,
"It's not fair! It's so terrible - what the
armed man keeps doing, it hurts so much,"
but they refuse to return the soldiers so Israel stabs
them again.
Instead of complying with the armed man, the Ks are wailing,
"It's not right! The women and children are
dying and they're bombing our food,"
but they refuse to return the soldiers so Israel stabs
them again.
Do you see where I'm going?
What *I* am talking about has nothing to do with Israel or Palestine
or the
Middle East or any other religious insanity that the crazies will accuse
me of siding with.
When the guy with the knife barks an order at you, you have two choices
and each time,
The Ks ask Israel to stab them again.
I remember the old Jack Benny joke:
The robber says, "Your money or your life!'
and Benny just stands there.
The robber barks,
"Your money or your life!'
And Benny, indignant that he's being rushed says,
"I'm thinking about it!"
It always got a big laugh because what kid of idiot doesn't want to
Religious idiots, that's who.
How many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed because both
sides claim the never-existed Invisible Cloud Being gave them that
fucking sand.
They'd rather have that sand than watch their kids grow up.
That what religion does to people.
but Equal
The sand is almost as useless as the lies that have been passed down
for thousands
of years so bastards like the Bush Family Evil Empire can make
a profit from death.
Do you think it's an accident that the BFEE sells oil and weapons?
They could sell soybeans, but it's hard to create a deamnd for subeans.
It's easy to create a demand for war - especially when you're the president
of the US.
Bush the smarter stole the presidency so he could start a fake war in
the Middle East.
Bush the stupid stole the presidency so he could start a fake war in
the Middle East.
It's about the BFEE making gazllions of dollars and if you call them
on it, they'll say
"You hate the troops!" and the
networks, the newspapers and the talk radio Nazis
will agree with them and that's how the Earth turned into a spinning
Remember: Oil is going to $100, and then to $200.
And who controls most of the oil on Earth?
"The Congressional Budget Office estimates
the Iraq war could cost
between $202 billion and $406 billion
more over the next decade."
--Think Progress, Link
We could've used that money to help millions of Americans who are struggling
but Bush stole that money and the Democrats just stood there and watched
Subject: her
I met the most intriguing woman, during the 1992
Presidential campaign, ...it was her.
As I talked she looked at me with the most intense
look. We were interrupted several times,
each time she would ask me to excuse her looked
at the aide and would look back at me and
smile as if to say 'I will be right back.'
The intensity of her gaze and the glint in her
eye told much. Cold, no intelligent, yes.
In today's world where puppets are 'king' true
intelligence is feared. She has warmth and intelligence.
The warmth was that she allowed me to speak my
piece without cutting me off
when she had many others clambering for her attention.
Tim, why do you hate America?
If you loved your country, you'd help those hueueueuge
lefty web sites
(and we know who they are) knife the demo front-runner
in the back.
Click to visit headonradionetwork.com/
cave in again, apologize
How dare they show Bush doing a bad job...
Democrats pulled an Internet ad that showed flag-draped
coffins Friday after Republicans
and at least two Democrats demanded it be taken
down on grounds the image was insensitive
and not fit for a political commercial.
The ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee called for a "new direction" and
displayed a staccato of images, including war
scenes, pollution and breached levees as well as a
photograph of Tom DeLay doctored to look
like a police mug shot.
I'm so sick of Democrats caving in and Democrat
Why is it wrong to show a series of Bush disasters
in an ad?
Subject: answer to perkel's challenge
I accept your challenge about God showing up and
creating a miracle
and I also concede that God will not show up.
You win!
Now that you have title to the Holy Land you can
take your title
and show it to the Israelies and tell them to
move out.
Mid-east problem solved.
End of all Israeli conflicts as you are ruler
of the Holy Land.
Damn, that was easy.
Shouldn't you tell Bush about your new ownership
and let the world know that the problem is finally
Let us know when the Israelies honor you title
and begin moving out, meanwhile I won't hold
my breath.
Mike, you're right - they'll never leave.
They love that sacred sand more than they love their
That's the problem - religious insanity.
It's World War III
Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III
and Bush should say so. Gingrich said Bush
should call a joint session of Congress the first
week of September and talk about global military
conflicts in much starker terms than have been
heard from the president. "We need to have the
militancy that says 'We're not going to lose
a city,' " Gingrich said. He talks about the need to
recognize World War III as important for military
strategy and political strategy."
Subject: my WPE sticker
My parents (who are in their 70s and survived
Stalin's USSR and WWII), although they
hate Bush almost as much as I do, were
apprehensive about my putting the WPE sticker
on the back of my Jeep. They live
in a Republican neighborhood, and thought it might
upset their neighbors, or that crazy people might
take it out on my car.
Imagine their surprise when their next door neighbor
wandered over, took one look at it,
and launched into a diatribe against Bush.
This guy is a retired plumber, devout Catholic,
and generally pretty conservative.
I told them similar things happened to me all
the time. When I went to a local hardware store,
and the owner saw the sticker, he also launched
into an anti-Bush diatribe. A woman at the
drugstore sees my stickers, and asks me where
to get some.
So many people have been cowed into silence, and
are afraid of being labeled "un-American"
if they don't "support their president" that
they don't realized how many people out here in the
heartland really agree with them.
Bush is "hated" by a majority of Americans. Look at the polls.
All it takes is a sticker (or a T-shirt) to get
the conversation going, an outward sign that acts to
catalyze the conversation. And once
people start talking, they come flooding out, the pent up
feelings they've had. It's as though they
are relieved to finally express what they really believe.
Folk Festival 2006.
of comments, not one negative.
from Santa Fe
Bush's disengagement
While Earth burns, Bush gets wood for a pig
As Israeli warplanes were preparing an attack
on Lebanon Thursday afternoon,
and a Lebanese militia was aiming a rocket at
the ancient Israeli city of Safed,
America's Nut-Monkey was bantering with reporters
in Germany about a pig.
Bush kept bringing up the roast wild boar he was
about eat at a banquet that night,
even when asked about the swelling crisis in
the Middle East, where pig meat is
forbidden to religious Jews and Muslims.
"Does it concern you that the Beirut airport
has been bombed?" a reporter asked.
"And do you see a risk of triggering a wider
"I thought you were going to ask me about the
pig," Bush replied blithely.
Then he brought the pig up again -- for the
fifth time -- before giving a long answer
that ended with his saying Israel needed to protect
"He was asked a serious question," said Ian Lustick,
a Middle East expert and
his answer "epitomized his disengagement in the
Middle East."
Actually, he's too stupid to have an opinion.
He can't look at a situation and use his brain to forn an opinion ir
a reply.
He has to wait until somebody can't write 2-3 very short sentences
for him,
something he can retain and remember, THEN he'll give you Cheney's
Fake book
book - Click to Order
Subject: the Catholic dog
Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside with
only a pet dog for company.
One day the dog died, and Muldoon went to the
parish priest and asked,
"Father, me dog is dead. Could ya' be saying'
a mass for the poor creature?"
Father Patrick replied, "I'm afraid not; we cannot
have services for an animal in the church.
But there are some Baptists down the lane, and
there's no tellin' what they believe.
Maybe they'll do something for the creature."
Muldoon said, "I'll go right away Father. Do ya'
think $5,000 is enough
to donate to them for the service?"
Father Patrick exclaimed, "Sweet Mary, Mother
of Jesus!
Why didn't ya tell me the dog was Catholic?"
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click The E!
by Design
If you were to gather together the finest, most
creative minds and ask them to come up with
a plan to outsource the reconstruction of Iraq
that would guarantee shoddy work, overcharges,
unfinished projects and overt graft, they would
probably devise a system very similar to what
[Bush has produced]
for the past three years. In Baghdad, basics like electricity, sanitation
clean drinking water are at lower levels today
than they were before the war. A poll last year
found that after more than two years of work,
only 30 percent of Iraqis had any idea that there
was any kind of reconstruction effort at all.
The reconstruction of Iraq has become a boondoggle
of historic proportions, but make no mistake:
It's a boondoggle by design.
The BFEE can't make any money in peacetime.
Of course, bartcop.com readers knew that years ago.
Subject: WPE
Bart, I went undercover in the deep south of Michigan
to bring you this pic.
Keep hammering the bastards.
Tom the Pillar In Pontiac
Dude, thanks - see you in 8 weeks.
Demo Wave
is Building
There's probably no way congressional Republicans
can lose this fall, no matter how
unpopular President Bush is or how unhappy the
voters are with the war in Iraq.
That's the prevailing view in Washington today.
But it's wrong. If history is any guide,
we're heading into a major political storm. And
that means we could see a national tide
in November that will sweep the Democrats back
into the majority.
What people don't get is this:
The Republicans will do anything to win. F-ing anything.
If victory knocks on the Democrats' door
they'll consider allowing victory to come in, but only if it
removes its shoes.
Subject: What has the GOP ever
done for the working class?
Now explain to me why no Dem candidate for a high
or a current Senator with a mouth can say this..daily,
on whatever news outlet they can find.
They don't read bartcop.com
Subject: my shirts arrived
I'm going to wear the red one to Venice Beach
on Sunday.
If I can con a muscleman or bikini girl to take
my pix, will send to you via my Treo!
Bart the Red one is REALLY bright and the pix
on the web page don't do it justice.
But the design is great. I just wish I could
wear it to my government job.
I am going to start calling you CALVINBART, BARTSTON,
Joe B
Subject: my *red* WPE t-shirt
Liz Mac in her very red WPE shirt
Send in a picture of you
in your WPE t-shirt!
Here's my picture,
Get WPE t-shirts Here
Bush Agrees
Osama Helped in '04
by Robert Parry
CIA analysts concluded that bin-Laden was actually
playing a double game, pretending
to want Bush out when he really hoped Bush would
stay in. Bin-Laden was cagy enough
to realize that his well-timed denunciation of
Bush would have a predictable boomerang
effect and thus help Bush gain a second term.
Bin-Laden's thinking apparently was that Bush's
...bloody occupation of Iraq, would
continue creating thousands of new extremists
to swell the ranks of al-Qaeda while
also enhancing bin-Laden's personal status in
the Islamic world.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site in
the Internet
Subject: Bart's
Law #1
And this is how we got George Bush and why I will
vote third Party.
Like I said, you are the other side of the same
Jerry D
You're going to vote for Bush because people want to be lied to?
And I had the nerve to point that out?
That's probably the strangest thing I'll read all day.
Big Bang
Theory In Ruins
The case for reducing our commitment to Iraq is built on a compelling
that the administration made a huge bet on Iraq
and it lost. American voters can decide
to keep the gamble going, to risk more lives
and money, and hope that something turns up.
Or they can decide that this gamble will never
deliver the winnings that those who took it
on our behalf promised. By late November of this
year, the United States will have been
at war in Iraq for as long as we were involved
in World War II. Under those circumstances,
the burden of proof should not be on those who
argue for changing what we're doing.
It should be on those who set a failed policy
in motion and keep promising, despite the
evidence, that it will somehow pay off if only
we 'stay the course.'
Subject: an interesting observation
on Huffington
Bart, you wrote:
> "No, it's not personal - they're in it for
the money."
I honestly didn't think it was the OBVIOUS whoring
that she was doing.
She IS running a website 'paper' AND she can
satisfy enough radicals with this crap talk.
Damn it. How many sites are really untainted?
Not sure, but right now, if you're a lefty and you want to make tons
of cash,
you need to bash her daily and you'll make tons of the stuff.
I've had formerly sane Democrats say, "What
about Mena airport?" to me.
Are we all turning into Jerry Falwell?
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2003 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is almost
a barrel
makes $158,000,000
Bush stole just yesterday
You heard it here first.
Oil is going to $100 a barrel, then to $200
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
By Christmas, Bush will have killed
more Americans than his partner Osama.
Lieberman under the bus
The race between Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman
is the race for the Democratic Party.
After Aug. 8, we will know if Ned Lamont is an
apparition or the leader of a larger storm
for the Democratic Party. That larger storm is
the anti-war momentum... Lamont is a bellwether.
It's interesting to watch Democrats on the 2008
presidential wannabe list distance themselves
from Lieberman. Hillary Clinton went out of her
way to be the first to raise the throw-Lieberman
-under-the-bus banner on Independence Day, followed
quickly by almost everybody else.
You just can't buy that kind of loyalty.
ha ha
She taking criticism now for not
sticking with Lierberman and Bush's bloody quagmire?
You can't buy that kind of political genius.
Subject: Plame vs Cheney et al
PLAME vs. CHENEY et.al.
(in seven easy steps)
1. cased dismissed
2. appeal
3. cased dismissed
4. appeal
5. case dismissed
6. case goes to S.C.O.T.U.S
7. S.C.O.T.U.S. declines to hear PLAME vs. CHENEY
KC, you think it'll get that far?
it's safe to come over, Jeff.
base knows I'm gay..."
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This is
Going to Be A Big War
The fighting is everywhere, and there is no way
the Americans can control it now," says Abu Talat.
"The Shia are fighting each other for control
of Basra, while also fighting the Sunni."
"It is civil war now in Iraq, no doubt," he continues,
'But no matter who you ask, no one will admit it.
Because people are too afraid to admit this.
People prefer to deny it.'"
Wait, that can't be right.
People want to be told the truth - don't they?
Subject: The Who
I've been to many a Rock and Roll Show and I gotta
tell ya the best one I ever saw
was the Who in St. Louis, sometime in the mid-90s.
I was lucky to get really good seats
by standing in line at at Ticketwhore outlet
the first day they went on sale. I was even luckier
when I made it to the show just in time to witness
the boys launch into Quadrophenia.
Live horns, stage show, costume changes, etc.,
etc., of course the Opera in its entirety.
They came back and did a loooooong quasi-acoustic
Still makes me shiver thinkin' 'bout it. . .
Rev. Jim
Jim, you must be mistaken.
The Who haven't toured in 25 years :)
and Marselle with David Zeiger writer producer and director of "Sir! No
Goodrich co-founder of Iraq Vets Against
War in background.
excellent film explores the very real peace movement by solders
the Vietnam war as it was happening. David says he
the film is even more relevant now that we are in Iraq.
Edition of this film available only at www.sirnosir.com
the all new, toll-free
your opinion on BartCop Radio
callers Welcome (snicker)
New TV Show
- Angelas's Eyes
Lady agent knows when you're lying - I'll bet she's single
This is from the guys who did "Crash," last year's
Oscar winner for Best Picture
and featured prominently in BCR
95, out damn soon. I'm doing radio
again today.
Subject: WPE in CA
I went to the bank the other day and the shirt
literally stopped traffic.
Cars pulled over, rolled down their windows, and
asked where they could buy one.
Maybe you could have business cards to download
that say BARTCOP.COM
so we could print them out and hand them to future
Teacher Ed
This last weekend at Conrad Farms in Bixby, OK they had sweet Sugar
Pearl corn.
Damn, it was sooo good.
Party at the Palms, Sept
Updates - Info
Plame gets a book deal
Valerie Plame, whose outing led to the indictment
of that Scooter Libby bastard,
has agreed to write her memoirs for Simon &
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