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Thursday, July 27, 2006 Vol
1807 - Sanity Test
Download Barry's live anti-Bush rants at barrycrimmins.com
"The Bush White House is such a toxic-waste
disaster area. Are they really
that insane, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld,
Cheney and the Bushes that they
believe they can force the Second Coming,
the Rapture of the Elect, and the
damnation of the rest of us by initiating
-- Nagajchaos guardian.uk.co
Slowly, the world is waking up to what we've known all along.
Yes, they are that insane.
Even Andrew Sullivan thinks so now.
Review of
'The One Percent Doctrine'
by Peter Dale Scott
"Justified or not, fact-based or not, 'our response'
is what matters. As to 'evidence,' the bar
was set so low that the word itself almost didn't
apply. If there was even a one percent chance
of terrorists getting a weapon of mass destruction…the
United States must now act as if it were
a certainty. This was a mandate of extraordinary
Cheney's "one percent doctrine"marginalized the
CIA, whose inconvenient facts (there was no
al Qaeda-Iraq connection, Saddam was not purchasing
uranium ore in Niger) were seen as
obstructive; and marked the agency as a target
for White House displeasure and ultimately retribution.
The book can be construed as a well-argued case
for impeachment of Cheney and possibly also
Rumsfeld. Both men are accused of misdirecting
the country and even at times of frustrating the
clearly expressed will of Bush. Condoleezza Rice
is criticized chiefly for her failure to establish
a robust process of policy coordination, leaving
Cheney and Rumsfeld to prevail.
Note: Consortiumnews.com is the most important site in
the Internet
Norm Coleman's
Dad in sex bust
Norm Sr., 81, bangs woman outside pizzeria
Norm Coleman, Sr., the father of Minnesota Fascist
Sen Norm Coleman, was arrested
after he was caught having sex in public in St.
Paul, Minnesota.
Coleman's father was arrested for lewd and disorderly
conduct after he was found having
sex outside a pizzeria with 38-year old Patrizia
Marie Schrag. Norm Sr., is 81-years old.
Subject: sue the Monkey?
I saw this yesterday about Schpecter saying he
was going to sue the monkey for
creating his own version of a line item veto.
I thought about when, a few months back,
Sen. Feingold saying the monkey should be censured
for his illegal acts, and EVERYONE
in congress said "no way, we love that man".
Now they think they can sue him? WTF?
It is obvious they are scared to death of saying
the bastard has broken the law,
has trashed the consitution, robbed the treasury
dry and should be held accountable.
Why go through this bullshit talk about sueing
and just impeach the bastard!
Keep pounding, my friend.
Grego in Colo
"Iraqis want the troops to leave. Bring them
home now."
-- Medea Benjamin, at Iraqi PM Nuri's address to Congress,
"I hope the bush crime family doesn't kill
her or threaten her family." thinkprogress.org
-- James Risser, on Medea Benjamin,
Subject: who killed Jesus?
Bart, the Jews couldn't have killed Jesus because
he's a myth.
Had he been a real guy, somebody would have actually
called him by a Hebrew
name rather than the Greek version. And the name
is identical to Joshua (as we
would call it), so why did those translating
the Bible choose to write it differently?
And had he been a real person, then someone of
those "multitudes" of followers
would have written something about him that survived.
Yet we have not a single
word that survives from his lifetime, though
it was a very literate society..
And had he been a real Jew, perhaps someone, oh,
I don't know - one of the
supposed followers who were avid temple-goers,
maybe - would have written
something about him in Hebrew, instead of Greek.
And they would not have portrayed him as a common
pagan godlet. Rome
entertained at least 600 gods regularly, not
counting the individual's family deities.
Keep hammerin'
The net's best advertising deal
Reach over twenty people per penny.
Hits are up - so much the counter broke.
on bartcop.com
The infallible
by Sid Bluementhal
The Republican House leadership, acting as proxy
for the White House, managed to
rely on the right wing to dominate the entire
congressional process.
The extraordinary power Bush has exercised is
unprecedented. Clinton issued 37 vetoes,
Poppy Bush 44, and Reagan 78. To be sure, they
had to contend with Congresses led by
the opposing party. Nonetheless, all presidents
going back to the 1840s, and presidents
before them, used the veto power, even when their
parties were in the congressional majority.
Just as the absence of any Bush vetoes has highlighted
his absolute power, his recourse to
the veto signals its decline.
Subject: Big Dog & Joementum
There is a point to the madness...
The Lieberman support by the Clintons is for the
primary only - once he loses,
they'll be able to ask him to drop his "independent"
run as payback for their support.
Heather C
Heather, good one.
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Subject: Inhofe and Coburn
As a resident of NC with 2 idiot GOP Senators--you
have my sympathy.
Yours are even worse examples of that Right-Wing
Nutz culture.
Liddy Dole flies on her broomstick under the radar--no
one hears a word about her.
Burr, the puppet of the pharma industry--Glaxo
is in NC BTW voted to override the
stem cell deal--paying back his corporate paymasters.
Guess who his largest source of contributions
"Now that Joseph and Valerie Wilson's fantasies
of having been persecuted by
high officials in the administration
have been so thoroughly dispelled by Robert Novak
(and now that it seems the prosecutor
has determined that there was no breach of the
relevant laws to begin with), we may
return to the more important original question.
Christopher Hitchens, tied to Der Monkey for life
Hey Chris, you ready for a thunderbolt?
Why is Scooter Libby going to prison?
Because they tried to cover up what YOU say wasn't a crime.
Apparently THEY thought it was a crime, or they wouldn't
have bothered to cover it up.
Your argument is with Der Monkey and Cheney.
They ordered Libby to break the law.
Poor Hitchens - like Dennis Miller - tied himself to the biggest loser
in political histopry.
The dumbest, most crooked president of all time, and Hitchens is all
tar baby-ed to him.
ha ha
Move to
Dump Condi?
State Dept. Hijacked Bush agenda
Bush's conservative national security allies
are in revolt against Kinda Sleazy,
saying that she is incompetent and has reversed
the administration's agenda.
The conservatives, (Gingrich, Perle and others),
have urged Bush to transfer Rice out of
the State Department and to an advisory role.
They said Miss Rice, stemming from her lack
of understanding of the Middle East, has misled
the president on Iran and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
"Unlike Powell, Condi is loyal to the president.
She is just incompetent on most foreign policy issues."
But at the BFEE, everyone is appointed thru loyalty, not competence.
Subject: Kerry's Skull &
Bones loyalty
I suspect that's why Kerry slunk away after
"losing" and would not even discusss
the idea that the election was stolen.
He didn't bother to go to Conyers' hearing
on the matter held the following December.
What a chicksh*t turncoat.
I unsubscribed from Kerry's mailing list after
that and have never trusted him since.
I had to look up "slunk."
Slunk: to go or move stealthily or furtively
(as in fear or shame)
You used it very appropriately. Kerry should be ashamed
of himself for his
cowardly cave in when his country (and the world) needed him to step
John, it's one thing to fail, or simply not be up to the task ahead.
But to wrestle away command from the front runner and then go to sleep
intentionally surrender early drowns your once admirable career
in shame.
Your going to sleep changed history more than Lincoln's bodyguards.
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Foreign Policy
The Bush foreign policy, from coddling Pakistan's
nuclear bomb-making to cheerleading
Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon,
is in a free fall of such alarming consequence
that it may be difficult to grasp. Certainly
that is the case for President Bush, who has been
reduced to helplessly hoping the United Nations
can get Syria "to stop doing this shit,"
and for Condoleezza Rice, who blithely announced
Monday that we are just watching the
"birth pangs of a new Middle East."
By Rice's logic, Hurricane Katrina was just the
labor contractions of the new New Orleans.
All the Mideast needs now, apparently, is a nice
epidural and some ice chips to suck on.
Subject: The Chicago poker
This is auctioneer Bob, knocked out early in
the Chicago poker game
by none other than the eventual champ. ( Surely
I was stiffed somehow!)
That was a great party from the time we all partied
on the roof the night before
the game through the next day. The Vegas game
sounds like a fun time but,
unfortunately, not able to get there.
EVERYBODY who reads your rants should try to get
to one of your get togethers
even if their card game is just so so. Great
conversation and company. Take care.
Bob, wish you could make it.
We're going to party on the roof in Vegas, too.
WPE talk
Print out this wpe-card.pdf
then cut them up.
Or print out this one,
by a SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
If you
bought a WPE shirt, it might save you
a lot of trouble to download that PDF
or the SMSgt card and print out 2-3 pages and cut them into
little pieces. Saves time,
and sane Americans who stop you on the street will thank you for it.
Subject: My WPE shirt
Wearing my shirt here in Northern New Mexico,
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I'm not sending my picture because, as a Sikh
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only terrists and suiciders would say W is the WPE.
Keep Hammerin'!
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Sanity Test
I'm going to get near the third rail and ask a simple question.
If you have a comment, you are required to answer the simple question.
You can disagree with the premise of the question,
but you still have to answer it or you will prove yourself to have
monkey traits.
If you're not able to answer the simple question, then just go ahead
and read on
and forget this part because, ...it's not for everybody..
If your answer begins with "Back in 1947..."
you are certainly a monkey because you've been warned.
Do you have the maturity and the sanity to answer a simple question?
is launching rockets into Israel
from apartment buildings and civilian
in Southern Lebanon, what should Israel
You have the option to say, "Hezbollah is not
doing that,"
but you'll need to back that up if you do.
It would be simian of you to answer, "I don't
know but what Israel is...."
That's not a valid answer.
You can't protect yourself from exploding rockets by saying, "I
don't know but..."
It's a very simple question that doesn't require 5,000 words and two
dozen links.
Give me the short version - long replies won't be read - there's no
I know the situation is complex, but we're talking in big chunks.
You either have something to contribute, or you don't care
or you're crazy.
I just want to hear from those who have something
to contribute.
Of course, the Bart Solution (move Israel to Oklahoma)
is guaranteed to work,
but that's not an option because that sacred
sand means more to Israel than their children,
so we're stuck.
sane, Bart, and I have an opinion
Subject: Bart the the Jews
Sometimes I have to laugh my ass off when folks
respond to your comments,
and they want to tell you what you are really
saying, and what you really meant. WOW!
I and my son have been avid readers and at times
responded to an article you posted.
Never in these last five years have I ever came
away from reading a post concerning
Israel or your comments about Jewish people I
felt you hated me.
Bart, tell Bob Gray I did not have anything to
do with the Pearl harbor deal, either.
ha ha
David, it's real possible that on every other subject, Bob Gray is normal
and sane.
But when it comes to Israel, most people reject logic and reason and
go bat-shit crazy.
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2003 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is going
a barrel
makes $200,000,000
Bush will steal every day.
You heard it here first.
Oil is going to $100 a barrel, then to $200
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
That's not too high a price to pay
to make the invading oil men richer, right?
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
run high in CT race
by Gene Lyons
Polls show Lamont leading. Feelings are running
strong. Irving Stolberg, a longtime Lieberman ally,
recently endorsed Lamont. He wrote that Lieberman's
"blind support of the Iraq war, begun illegally
and a continuing catastrophe, is monstrous."
Stolberg added that Lieberman's "defense of an incompetent
president, a vice president who fits the dictionary
definition of fascism and an extremist administration that
has perpetrated torture, illegal eavesdropping
and a general shredding of the Constitution is insulting to the
people who elected him in the first place."
Subject: RFK hero?
Sorry, Bart but this is another case of too little
too late.
The Ohio folks are arranging for a stay that will
keep this out of the courts
till September thus assuring that no ruling can
be made in time for the fall election.
Why the hell did he wait till just the right time
to do this so that
the Diabold machines could still be used in the
next election?
The timing of this lawsuit stinks like skunk road
pizza, bart.
--joe in Japan
Joe, Democrats just can't figure anything out.
I've been screaming at them since Kerry surrendered in 2004 to f-ing
do something,
but it's easier for a Democrat to stare into space and wait for "victory"
to kidnap him.
The damned
The war crimes of the United States compound
by the minute, the hour, the day.
I predict that Bush, upon leaving office, will
be the most despised president in history.
He will have his core support, the clotted, stunted
brains that collect at sites like
and Powerline, but he will enjoy no Reaganesque orange sunset afterglow
(or Nixonian self-rehabilitation), so deep, lasting,
and tragic is the damage he's done,
a damage abetted by a craven, corrupt political
class and a press that even now, as the
full dimensions of the disaster unfold before
us, is unable to sound alarm, so accustomed
as they've become to their role as sponges and
clever snots.
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Nancy Grace's
I accidentally caught some of the crazy bitch
She was overwrought with pain because Andrea
Yates, the woman who
drowned her five kids in a bathtub, was found
insane by a jury of Texans.
Repeat: A jury of Texans failed
to murder a women when they had the chance.
So Grace was going on and on about how terrible it was and one of her
guests said,
"Anybody with a heart would understand she
started hearing voices after child One,
the voices got stronger after child Two, then
they got worse after child Three, and
what about this handjob doctor who took Yates
off her anti-psychotic medicine a
few days before this terrible tragedy? Doesn't
he deserve some of the blame?"
Of course, there are no "excuses" when you're the Cheney-heart Nancy
Grace bitch.
Colder than Pickles during a Monkey drinking binge at the White House,
Grace shoots
back with, "Well, I have a heart, I
just hate to see the guilty go unpunished."
Her guest pointed out that Yates has to live with the memory for the
rest of her life
that she murdered the kids she loved, but Grace just scoffed at that
- she wanted blood.
Subject: yesterday's 'roast beef'
Monkey mailer
I'm an Idiot, but I don't think/know I'm an idiot.
If anyone threatens my ignorance by pointing
to facts, logic, or reality,
then I want them to drop dead.
I want them to drop dead because I can not argue
my point when facts,
reality, and logic keep getting in the way of
MY point.
Therefore, since you make me realize I'm an idiot
please cease to breathe
so I can continue to mislead myself and misinform
my fellow idiots without
further interference from you, logic, or reality.
"Oliver Stone's new movie 'World Trade Center'
is a masterpiece.
Go see this film."
-- Brent Bozelle, Fascist bastard handjob extraordinaire,
The Whore Times reports that the Swift Boaters publicity firm is helping
...why is the Fourth Reich in bed with Oliver Stone?
Note: Stone's previous films include Platoon and
on the Fourth of July.
the all new, toll-free
your opinion on BartCop Radio
callers Welcome (snicker)
"That's what is so frustrating about watching
him deal - or not deal - with Iraq and Lebanon.
There's almost nothing to watch. It's
not even like watching paint dry, since that, too, is a
passage from one state to another.
It's like watching dry paint."
Maureen Dowd, July 26, on Dumbshit Bush, maruthecrankpot
Subject: re:DeWine
I'm a registered Democrat in Ohio & it is
so disgraceful the commercial I saw the other day blaming
Sherrod Brown for everything that has gone wrong
the last few years. Sherrod Brown has done nothing
but fight for the working people in this state
& cares more about protecting us than anyone.
It's so typical for the Republicans, because they're
desperate, to blame everyone else. They'll do anything
to get re-elected. They actually show 9/11
(again using that) with Sherrod's face in it like it was his fault,
also Iraq, etc. Unbelievable! Well
at least the Democratic party in Ohio has run a counter ad now
condemning the lies of the DeWine ad & showing
him for what he really is. The Democrat's better start
fighting now because the Republican's are going
to fight dirtier than ever because they have nothing to loose.
Mary B
Every time anyone thinks about reality
the world becomes a little smarter.
TV Shorts
I thought about you anti-gun liberals last night while watching a episode
Stephen King's Nightmares & Dreamscapes.
Bottom line, the bad guy with a knife was chasing Tom Berenger thru
his own house.
Since he had no firearms, Berenger was reduced to running away while
"Leave me alone. Don't kill me!"
I'm not trying to be Mr Big Shot, but I pity the fool who shows up at
de Bart
with a knife expecting to own me. He would get an introduction to St.
Peter, instead.
Rockstar Supernova is a hit this year, probably because
of Tommy Lee.
Last week, it was the #2 show among the 18-25 crowd, but I gotta ask:
Are today's kids, ...like, ...stoopid?
Each show, the band tells these potential singers that they are a rock
Not only that, they are a hard rock band. Over and over, they
tell the kids,
"Make your performance mean, make it dirty,
make it raw, show some attitude,"
but what do these silly geese do?
When the spotlight is on them, they sing these horrible-funeral accoustic
The band members look at each other like, "Why
can't they hear our words?"
Just like with Idol, these idiots seem to not to want
to win.
Are they Democrats?
It's like showing up drunk for a job interview - who does that?
Why trade 6 minutes on TV for a multi-million dollar career?
I worry about today's kids, but I guess all old people say that.
Party at
the Palms, Sept 16
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