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BFEE helping
"I found no voting booths open," said Dr. Herbert Sacks.
"That's the first time in thirty years that anything like
this has happened."
web page self-hacked?
As you may have heard, Bush's boyfriend accused Lamont's
campaign of "hacking"
into his campaign website. However, Kissyface offered
no evidence that Lamont's
supporters were to blame.
Tuesday, Aug 8, 2006 Vol
1814 - Pee Wee Wee
Click to visit http://www.sendatee.net
"...the Iranian people dislike their regime. I think
...the right use
of targeted military force ...could cause them
to reconsider
whether they really want to have this regime
in power."
-- Bill Kristol, begging Bush
to murder Iran like murdered Afghanistan and Iraq Link
A 2006 October
by former senator Gart Hart
As an increasing number of Republican Members of Congress
confront unhappy, sometimes angry,
constituents finally fed up with the absence of purpose
in the continued U.S. occupation and the death
and dismemberment of young American troops for no purpose
having to do either with combating the
jihad or making the U.S. secure, they will demand White
House rescue for their political careers.
They have stolen so much and killed so many.
If they lose congress, they could be held accountable for the crimes.
They'll do anything to scare America into keeping them in power.
Glad I don't live or work in New York City.
Judge to rule
on spying case
She could alter Bush's fake 'war on terror'
Any day now, Judge Anna Diggs Taylor is expected to
rule on the ACLU's request to
strike down Bush's illegal domestic spying program. The
ruling could affect the civil rights
of millions of Americans and alter the course of the
administration's war on terror.
The ACLU sued the NSA in January, calling unconstitutional
its program of spying on
law abiding Americans for political advantage without
obtaining search warrants first.
The suit says the program has hampered journalists, scholars,
lawyers and others trying
to speak to sources overseas.
Bush's henchmen say the program is vital and legal -
even if they have zero arrests.
They want Taylor to dismiss the US Constitutionsuit,
saying the case cannot proceed
without divulging BFEE secrets for world domination.
men wouldn't do that!"
Foreign policy
Bush plays "gambler's fallacy"
One discredited system for casino gambling is the Martingale
This betting scheme is incredibly simple:
bet a dollar.
If you lose, bet two on the next hand. If you lose that
one, bet four, and so on.
Sooner or later, the theory goes, you have to win one,
and by doubling your bet
each time, you make sure you win back what you lost in
the previous rounds..
The small bet was Afghanistan, a dramatic loss. That
bet was doubled in Iraq;
even senior Administration officials are so certain that
the news is from Iraq is
unambiguously awful that they have resorted to refusing
to prepare a National
Intelligence Estimate for Iraq because they know they
won't like what it says.
And like the perfect fools the Martingale System requires,
the Neocons are demanding that their losing bet be raised
again. .
He's gambling with American lives and the futures of your kids.
...and he's playing a discredited system - he's gambling drunk.
Subject: Stealing Connecticut
There isn't a voting machine invented yet in CT
that the GOP hasn't already "fixed."
Notice the latest PR that has Lieberman pulling back
If there wasn't this sort of PR in advance, the
GOP couldn't get away with what it's about to do.
Yep, you got it. The Connecticut election is already
stolen, at least in the race of great import.
(sigh, there are already problems with absentee ballots.)
The GOP loves Lieberman so much they'll risk fixing
a primary·for the other party.
Lamont will get more votes, but he'll lose the
election. Sound familiar?
Richard, you could be right. A Lamont victory would
produce headlines such as,
"America rejects Bush's war," and they'll never allow
anything to challenge their power.
They have Earth in a stranglehold and they're not going
to let gto.
"The obligation of reporting is to tell and tell
and tell of the deaths and
great injuries of young Americans sent to die
by old draft dodgers in Washington.
Cheney is a serial draft dodger: five deferments,
a national record."
-- Jimmy Breslin, Link
Jimmy's wrong.
The obligation of today's whore press is to protect the killers and hide their
Subject: the human breast
I will never, ever understand how any man can object
to women baring their breasts.
I am shocked that any man would object to a woman's breast.
no matter what the context.
Titillated by that magazine cover? One breast from
the side with the nipple covered?
In Europe women take their tops off on the beach routinely
and nobody loses it.
Women are prone to hide them because of the fear that
men will react boorishly.
As Sting said, "Free free, set them free."
If you pounch in "Janet Jackson super bowl," in Google's images, you'll get
dozens if not
hundreds of pictures of her naked breast, which I guess most people have already
The religiously-insane handjobs who've hijacked our government fined individual
affiliates for broadcasting "that horror" in an effort to "protect" us.
Hey, Der Monkey, why not protect us from your former oil partners, instead?
Kissyface: Let's
talk about race
Trying too late to change the subject?
In a dramatic bid to stave off a potential defeat in
tonight's primary, Sen. Kissyface
rejected charges that he has been one of the chief cheerleaders
for Bush's bloody quagmire.
love Dubya!"
Kissyface has hammered Lamont in ads aimed at Connecticut's
lone black voter,
criticizing Lamont for membership in a country club that
is not known for its diversity.
Subject: get outta da way!
Bart, I'm surprised at you, and your hi I.Q.
Wonder how fast you could get outta the way if
you knew a bomb was coming in the next 2 or 3 min.?
It would shock you how fast an old white guy with bad
knees can move.
What if your fam. was in the shower, or basement?
You're going to run and grab them--maybe your wallet
or a gun.
If you had small kids in the house..... you'd have to
drag them
by their clothes (no time to explain to run for your
life here).
THEN you would all have to get out of harm's way, how
far would YOU get?
P.S. I'm not an anti-semite, just realistic
I live in a dimension where if I say the sun is hot and bright
I can only get one out of five people to agree with me.
I'm going to try to say this as clearly as I can.
If you're sitting in your home,
- not trapped in an iron lung,
- not charged with taking care of 99 dying old people,
- not running a day care for 99 HIV infants,
- (add another 99 disclaimers of your choosing)
...and a Hezbollah rocket launcher pulls up to your front yard
and points their barrel towards Israel during a hot-as-hell war,
that MIGHT give
you an indication that danger is imminent.
"I don't believe that a statement that is obtained
under torture should be admissible."
Gen. Scott C. Black, Army J.A.G., Link
"The same president who says he listens to his generals
won't listen to the best military advice
on treating detainees. ."
--Maj. Gen. Scott C. Black,
Army J.A.G., Link
Bush screws seniors
Cutting back on doctor reimburements
so he can give more tax cuts to super-rich
Medicare reimbursements to doctors are set to drop
by nearly 5 percent next year.
Physicians say that could make it harder for elderly
patients to see a doctor.
Mark McClellan, Bush's cromy administrator for the Medicare/Medicaid
told reporters Monday that the agency would soon issue
new regulations updating
reimbursement rates for physicians. He refused to say
just how bad the seniors are
getting screwed but added, "Bush isn't facing the voters
again so why should he care?"
Younger adults
hate Bush more
Bush's hopes of attracting a new generation of voters
to the Republican Party may be fading,
as younger Americans are far more critical of his job
performance than the broader population.
A poll of Americans age 18 to 24 found Bush's approval
rating was 20 percent.
That compares to a 40 percent among Americans of all
"The very cultural issues the president wants to use
to rally his party's base are exactly the issues
that are alienating younger voters,'' said Ross Baker,
a political scientist at Rutgers. "Across a broad
swath of social issues, younger Americans see Bush as
being out of line with what they believe.''
Now & then you'll read a story about a Palestinian kid growing up with
an Israeli friend - hate free.
Today's kids have no problem with black friends, gay friends, foreign friends,
but the GOP is built on
hate, and that hate must be stoked or they'll lose the glue that holds them
together, the bastards.
If we could find a Democrat willing to speak plain English, that message might
get out.
Right-wing Sex
with Animals
Anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley on The Alan Colmes
AC: "You had sex with animals?"
NH: "Absolutely. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia,
your first girlfriend is a mule."
AC: "I'm not so sure that that is so."
NH: "You didn't grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?"
AC: "Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up
on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?"
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are
so far removed from the reality...
Welcome to domestic
life on the farm...":
I'm not sure if this is the same Republican, but Randi's been playing some
audio of some
GOP nut who says he cut many a hole in a warm watermelon when he was growing
But it makes sense that they'd have sex with animals because animals can't
"No Rush, I refuse to have sex with you. Go find a
Dominican kid."
"Sorry, Paul Harvey, I'm not in the mood right now." etc.
Subject: bumper sticker
A bumper sticker I saw here in Everett, WA:
Frodo Failed. Bush Has
The Ring...
Subject: Del Castillo/Katrina diary
Just returned from seeing Del Castillo in Nashville.
Amazing, I bought all three CD's... Couldn't wait to
get home to listen.
I opened your page to send you a thank you for your
recommendation and clicked
on the Katrina Diary After I stopped crying the
focus of my email changed.
I went to Mississippi after Katrina and was there during
Rita...the people came to the
shelter to try to find their pets, something, anything
left of their lives before the storm.
Every story had the same thread, no one ever came. They
lost every thing and they
needed to tell their story. I have never felt so
helpless, all I could do for them was listen,
very few found their pets. Most had no place to
take them even if they did find them.
Experiencing the powerful resilience that lives
in the hearts of all those folks who shared
their stories has changed me forever. It has changed
me as much as the devastating remorse
for what has become of our country. I am angry
and I want to fight for change so
I wear my WPE shirt with pride and talk to any
one who will listen.
Thanks for all you are doing,
Hopefully soon the Nation will wake up.
Subject: Del Castillo
Went to see them at 3rd & Lindsley last night with
my friend Theresa.
They were great...you have damn fine taste.
A guy was there wearing a WPE t-shirt and Theresa struck
up a conversation with him.
He came over before he left and said that he'd sat with
you and Mrs. Bart about a year ago
watching Del Castillo in Memphis.
Anyway, I've been telling my pals at the animation house
about this great group.
Thanks! I would never have gone if you hadn't mentioned
them on your site.
Lisa H
Marty's Entertainment
always has
good stuff.
Click on the E!
BP: Pipeline closing
may last for months
Who first told you oil was going to $200?
BP said Monday it discovered corrosion so
severe that it will have to replace 16 miles
of pipeline at the huge Prudhoe Bay oil field ÷ work
that could shut down the nation's
single biggest source of domestic crude for months and
drive gasoline prices even higher.
The oil companies are making billions in profit but
they don't bother with upkeep?
There's a section about this in BCR
96, out hopefully, tomorrow.
Subject: Chinaco run to Tulsa
Last weekend I needed a destination for a road trip,
so I decided to find
your source for $35 Chinaco Anejo in Tulsa. Here
in Santa Fe it's about $55.
Yes, I spent about $200 in gas just to save $20 on great
I'd never been to Tulsa so it took me a while to find
your source -- Parkhill Liquors, right?
And I guess you'd been tapping that source because, dammit,
all they had was the Reposado.
They didn't even know when they'd get the Anejo again.
(You poor man, I hope you stocked up).
I bought the last two Reposados just to make the trip
I also decided to try two others: Buscadores Anejo and Cielo
I haven't actually tasted them yet...just hoping they
were also worth the trip.
Oh yeah, and thanks for your great site. I've been an
addict for years...
Yes, that's where the best prices are.
As a rule, Chinaco Anejo isn't a big seller, so lately some stores have dropped
their price for ther good stuff under $40 just to move it off the shelves.
I'm not familiar with Buscadores Anejo and Cielo
Lemme know how they are.
The net's best advertising deal
Reach over twenty people per penny.
advertise on bartcop.com
President has
no clue (Ep 2)
"Why can't I hear what the other person's saying on
this telephone?"
The press official removes the telephone from Bush's
grasp, twists it round, and straightens it out.
"Sir," he says. "To use a telephone effectively, you
have to hold the microphone next to your mouth,
and the speaker next to your ear. It doesn't work as
efficiently if you hold it the other way around!"
"I hate all this modern technology," says Bush.
"Dya know, in some parts of Texas they still use smoke
I've got nothing against progress. I just don't like
Wild Guess
Which of these is a bigger threat to American families since Bush became president.
Playing poker online?
The bastards who raised prices 400%
on the costs of gas and home heating?
Now, guess which of those our crooked congress is going after?
Subject: faking a false-positive drug
What's in a birth-control pill? Hormones! The
hormone active in birth-control pills
can effectively be introduced into the body through a
skin patch.
So, how do you get a positive urine sample to ruin cycle
boy? Splash it on his skin,
and perhaps mix it with other substances that enhance
its absorption.
Watching the Tour-de-France, I saw the crowd throw water
on their "favorite" riders
to cool him down. What if that "water" was
laced with synthetic testosterone?
The body would readily absorb it.
So, Landis wins. Landis changes clothes. His
clothes go to the cleaners.
Landis goes to the showers and washes away all exogenous
He then fails the post-race test.
This poor fool done got "proofed."
Mission Accomplished.
Sounds reasonable to me...
Thanks, George.
WPE talk
Print out this wpe-card.pdf then
cut them up.
Or print out this one,
by a SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
If you bought
a WPE shirt, it might save you a
lot of trouble to download that PDF
or the SMSgt card and print out 2-3 pages and cut them into little pieces.
Saves time, and sane Americans who stop you on the street will thank you for
Subject: my WPE shirt
Hi Bart,
Well, here I am in Washington D.C.
Went out to a movie, Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, wearing
my WPE shirt.
I have never had so many people speak to me on the street!
(or the Metro)
Needless to say, the comments were all positive.
I tried to sell as many shirts as possible.
Movie was good too.
Dude, what's it like living in a city with intelligent people?
Here's my picture, Bart!
Get WPE t-shirts HereWe
take credit cards
Of course, PayPal still works too.
No problem here
by Gene Lyons
Many journalists pretend that receiving abuse from
persons on both ends of the political
spectrum proves their even-handedness. No, it doesn't.
This column makes no pretense
of neutrality, only accuracy. Even so, it's
hard to ignore the irony of being denounced
as an agent of the International Zionist Conspiracy
one week and an unrepentant
anti-Semite the next. Lord knows, the current
Middle Eastern catastrophe in the making
isn't about me. Even so, I'm persuaded that
these things need to be talked about. Recently,
I wrote that right-wing slurs against "liberals," as
promulgated by Ann Coulter and others,
"are basically identical to the crimes of the
Jews as Hitler saw them." My point wasn't that
anybody's planning a pogrom, but that the Coulter
/ Limbaugh / Hannity message is a kind of
homogenized Fascism Lite.
Dehumanizing others
is no virtue
Bush administration officials have admitted in whispers
that no evidence has been found of a link
between al-Qaida and Iraq. It is also immoral because
it assumes that revenge is appropriate.
The second argument reveals twisted immorality. Because
Saddam was a mass murderer,
we're not responsible for our failure to protect Iraqis
when we have taken charge of their country.
He was worse than we are, he killed through commission,
we kill (for the most part) through omission.
Our only sins were to make war on the basis of false
arguments with little understanding of the people
whose social system we destroyed and to establish an
occupation of arrogant incompetence.
Thus the ineffable Paul Wolfowitz, the intellectual architect
of the Iraq war, could say,
"I think that there are ethnic differences in Iraq, but
they are exaggerated."
The Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites will be too busy celebrating
our liberation to kill one another.
It is unlikely that Wolfowitz assumes any responsibility
for what went wrong.
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2003 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is going to $100 a
makes $200,000,000 Bush
will steal every day.
You heard it here first.
Oil is going to $100 a barrel, then to $200
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
Bush's "Bring 'em on" death
taunt is up to...
2588....2592 American
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
Who's the champ?
In the past five years, who has killed more innocent civilians?
George Bush or all of al Qaeda, worldwide, combined?
Old gambler's trick:
In any bet, bet on the Texan to be the killer.
Official Bartcop Chinaco shotglasses
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That's not gold paint, that's a real gold halo on top, a real
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We photographed them with milk because Chinaco Anejo is
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Plus, we want to encourage children to start doing shots early :)
Specially-designed shotglasses will work on non-tequila spirits, too.
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No livestock or stamps, please.
Bush Is A Bed
Childhood nanny tells all
A new tell-all book by Bush's childhood nanny claims
that the president wet his bed throughout
his entire adolescence and beyond. In fact, evidence
has been produced that shows Bush's
bed wetting continued unabated throughout his college
years. At Yale, his problem was so severe
that his fraternity brothers gave him the nickname "Pee
Wee Wee" which they jokingly
used to mock him about his small stature and propensity
for soiling sheets.
Bush's nanny, Cynthia Johnson, said, "He was an awful
bed wetter. I don't think a morning went by
that he didn't wake up in his own urine. It just drove
his mother Barbara crazy. Why, I remember
her hanging his soaking wet sheets out of his window to
try to shame it out of him."
Geez, no wonder he grew up exploding frogs.
No wonder he's into torture and murder now.
"Nanna! You
Subject: her Poodle
After all these months of arguing, it all became clear
when you wrote:
> Exact-a-mundo, and bet that she, unlike Bush, has
an exit strategy already in place.
How else can you be so damn sure of what she's got
going on?
You should leave comedy to the professionals.
Why Bart...you're Hillary's poodle.
Who would have guessed?
Mary Anne
Isn't it obvious? Even to the slow-of-wit?
She voted for the war to innoculate herself from the "peacenik" label.
That's why she avoids Cindy Sheehan - until she can invite her to the Oval
Her vote changed nothing and it served her (and our) political necessities.
She doesn't like this war - she's not making $200B a day like the BFEE is.
She was always going to distance herself from the war - at the right
It's called politics.
She's a master being advised by the master.
Coulter's book
lies listed
Slut has to lie, the truth won't do
On Page 175, Coulter attacked "liberals" who would "foist" sex
education topics
such as "anal sex, oral sex, fisting, dental dams, and
'birthing games'" on kindergarteners.
In fact, the woman Coulter quoted was Dr. Beverlie Conant
then-director of health education at Dartmouth
They have kindergartners at Dartmouth?
Of course not - it was just another lie from Frau Coulter.
Subject: Kissyface
Just got back from voting. That sombitch is gone
Big, let's hope you're right.
If Diebold gives him the win, we're on to Iran.
Call the
all new, toll-free
your opinion on BartCop Radio
callers Welcome (snicker)
Brits probe Cheney's
cash cow
Halliburton is being investigated by Britain's Serious
Fraud Office over the company's role
in a plot to pay bribes to win billions of dollars worth
of contracts at a Nigerian oil plant.
The allegations came to the fore three years ago, when
a former executive at the plant
told a French judge that it had run a slush fund to win
contracts since the mid-1990s.
According to the Financial Times, more than 12 billion
dollars has been invested into the plant,
which cools natural gas into liquefied form so that it
can be shipped.
They've stolen so many hundreds of billions, it would be ironic if they got
on some penny-ante $12B deal, like Al capone getting busted for shoplifting
Subject: Kissyface marries Bush in
Hey Bart, your WPE signs are famous...
Why you must hate
by Douglas Herman
Which would be the lesser of two evils?
Condi or Hillary?
Madam Death or Ms. Walking War Crime?
ha ha
America's first lady president is "Ms Walking War Crime?"
Could somebody list the war crimes she has committed?
To speak this crazy, you gotta be nut about Israel.
Hillary Clinton,
Ms. Walking War Crime,
is the Stepford wife of candidates.
She is the Imelda of the East Coast,
the Iron Maiden of Manhattan,
the Dragon Lady of the Dems,
altogether devoid of conscience
and far scarier than Condaleeza Rice.
Looks like name-calling is the new evidence.
Attacking the Democratic front-runner with such vile bile
tells me this writer desperately wants the Bush era to continue.
Wait, there's more:
Not only that but Hillary positively beams, appearing
as rosy as a fresh apple pie,
while Condi scowls and looks mean and scary. Which bitch
would YOU prefer?
That does it - I'm joining the Kos crusade to stop her.
It's America's last hope, right?
Stopping the lady who appears "rosy?"
Can you believe she commits those kinds of atrocities unscathed?
Party at the Palms,
Sept 16
Updates - Info
Some details about the plan:
What is
Let's hope today is the last day we have to put up with Joe Lieberman.
Madonna rocks
the Vatican
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