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Weekend-Monday Aug 19-21, 2006 Vol
1822 - Guilty sicko

"I just want to be hot. I just want to be buff.
I want to be fit.
Do you think I'll lose a couple of
pounds in boot camp?"
-- idiot teen
girl, joining the Marines to lose weight Link
Great idea, Honey. Sign right up.
If you leave your legs in Iraq, you'll come back weighing 77
An American
Turning Point
by Peter Dyer
Robert Parry:
The new trend among Washington pundits is --
finally -- to admit that the Iraq War hasn't
turned out exactly like they had expected. But
they are still blaming tactical errors: not enough
U.S. troops, not enough realism in the hasty
decision to disband the Iraqi army, not enough
targeting of Shiite militias, not enough saber-rattling
against Iran and Syria.
Bush has so thoroughly lost credibility with nearly
everyone on the planet and is so widely despised
that he himself has become a clear and present
danger to U.S. national security. Bush has become
Osama's perfect foil, yet Bush is incapable of
admitting mistakes and changing course.
Thus, no serious discussion can be held about
solving Bush's disastrous foreign policy as long as Bush
and his team remain in office. In this guest
essay, Peter Dyer suggests the first difficult step that the
United States must take is to change national
leadership and to demonstrate to the world that the
American people are determined to reclaim their
proud history as the chief defender of international law:
Peter Dyer:
If and when President Bush is impeached and
removed from office, the next step should be
to arrest him and the other architects of
the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the
most important site on the internet

with Rights
by Helen Thomas
Why does Bush insist on tinkering with the long-established
laws on military conduct and treaties?
They are drafting amendments to the 1996 War
Crimes Act to immunize political appointees,
CIA officials and former military personnel from
criminal prosecution for humiliating or degrading
treatment of prisoners of war.
Bush's proposed amendments would reduce the number
of acts against detainees that are subject
to criminal prosecution. Bush seems most concerned
about Common Article 3 that bars "outrages
upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating
and degrading treatment."
I know the answer to that:
Bush, in his feeble mind, is still exploding
frogs in a creek in west Texas.
Like other serial killers, Bush started with animals and now has graduated
to human beings.
Subject: Snakes on a Plane!
Snakes on a Plane is HILARIOUS!
I have never had so much fun at a movie!!!
It was sold out, and full of SOAP geeks!
It was like being at a midnight show of Rocky Horror.
I've never laughed so hard in the first 15 minutes
of a movie. I was CRYING, I was laughing so hard.
It's like a parody of a B movie (but played
completely straight which is why it's so f-ing hilarious)
with an A-List actor (Samuel
L. Jackson) in a film with the GREATEST TITLE
I don't know if it would have been as great an
experience had it not been for the audience.
It was the most interactive/ participatory movie
event I've been to in YEARS.
People SCREAMING/ hissing at the screen!
Every time there were snakes, or SLJ opened
his mouth, people cheered!
When he said, "I am tired of all these
muthafuckingsnakes on this muthafuckingplane,"
everyone jumped to their feet and CHEERED!
The film KNOWS it's camp, and plays on that BIG
Going for classic camera angles, music, etc....
this film has the biggest collection of one-liners EVER.
bartcop.com movie critic
If only the Democrats would speak up...
Rules of
The rules posted on the wall of the Marine base
in Barwana
concisely summed up the American predicament
in Iraq:
Be polite,
be professional,
have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
If we're there to kill everyone we meet.
wouldn't it be cheaper (in lives) to just come home?

Quotes about
a Coward
"Bush goes in the back way the same way as
the banana republic dictators."
--Charles Lane, comparing Bush to Nicaragua's Somoza, who was so loathed
had to sneak in all public places through back entrances,
"I think he's very consistent with his cowardice.
He never sees us, so he thinks everyone
supports him."
--Todd Baxter, on Bush hiding from the public,
Subject: your Mideast solution
Don't know if you have heard, but there is a fine
comedian out there named Tim Bedore
(not sure of spelling) that is touting "his"
solution to the mideast conflict.
It sounds exactly like your except he uses, instead
of Oklahoma, all of Nevada
except Vegas and Reno, as "they have done very
well with deserts in the past".
Jim, as time goes by, I expect everyone to agree with me.
My solution solves every problem but religious insanity.
That Olathe corn from western Colorado continues to totally rock.
It's late August and I'm still Sonny on the Causeway!

Arms dealers
'making a killing'
The estimated costs for the development of major
weapons systems for the US military
have doubled since Bush's 9-11 surprise, with
a trillion-dollar price tag for new planes, ships,
and missiles that would have little direct role
in the fight against insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The soaring cost estimates have led to concerns
that congressional supporters of multibillion-dollar
weapons programs, the Pentagon , and the defense
industry are using 9-11 and Bush's phony
"war on terrorism" to fulfill a wish-list of
defense expenditures, needed or not.
Gee, I'm shocked.
You mean someone thought Bush would lie us into a major world war and
make a profit?
Looks like more people need to be reading bartcop.com
Hempfest Seattle
Randi Rhodes wasn't on Friday because she MC'd the event.
I always find out about these things after the fact.
Next time, could somebody remember to tell me a couple of months
in advance?
Subject: Arianna
Bart, why does Arianna have such a vendetta against
the Clintons?
Good question.
If she has a heart, she has to know She
would be better for America and the world
than another four years of Der Monkey promoting
rape, murder, invasions, and pillaging.
My guess is money.
Right now, you can make tons of
money by slamming the Clintons
no matter how much it helps the Fascist Republicans
with their plans.
It's as if Arianna really still belongs to and
supports the crazy right-wing.
Jealousy is such a dangerous thing; anyhow, doesn't
she have enought
to write about Bush-Chency-Lieberman team of
I keep asking the same question about Molly, Sirota,
Doud, Kos and the rest.
Maybe if Bush did something outrageous,
they'd write about him instead of Her.
Also, why do you think Scarborough is starting
to slam Bush the idiot?
I believe that's the wrong question - the right
question is, "Why is Scarborough
the only one with the brains to admit
that backing Bush is a losing gamble?"
Because I'm old enough to remember, I keep comparing
this to Vietnam.
In the 70s, seems like every week another politician
would open his eyes, change his mind and say,
"I no longer believe in this unwinnable war
- it's time we brought the boys home,"
but even tho that's what the majority of people
want, most elected officials, and Democrats,
have failed to do the right thing - even when
it's going to make them look good.
And Hagel's come close, but the first prominent
Republican who says,
"Bush policies have failed and we need to
change direction to save our country,"
will be the front-runner for 2008, with the people
if not with the RNC.
You're so good at smacking down the monkeys, so
keep up the good work.
Withheld in Missouri
Bartholomew wins Cartoon Contest
Richard Bartholomew's "Exit Strategy" won
the top prize in the 26th Annual Homer Davenport
Cartoon Contest in Silverton, Oregon. Last year,
Bartholomew won both the "People's Choice Award"
with "Identity Theft," and 3rd place with "Social
Security," which was also selected for "Best Editorial
Cartoons of the Year: 2006 Edition."
See more of Richard's
"There are no hereditary kings in America
and no powers not created by
the Constitution."
-- Judge Anne Diggs Taylor, slapping Der Monkey for his
power grab because the Democrats wouldn't Link
With 2/3 of the country against the war, with
Der Monkey's approval at 34%,
Democrats are STILL afraid to stand up to the
retarded schoolyard bully.
while O'Reillying

Subject: JoeNoMo
Has anyone else had the thought that if Joe (R-Sumbitch)
had fought half this hard six years ago,
he'd be halfway through his second term as Al
Gore's VP and the undisputed frontrunner for 2008?
Eddy the Pillar
...and we'd be riding in electric cars, the WTC would still be standing,
there'd be no World War III and the Cubs woulda won a World Series
by now.
How a Fascist
reads the NY Whore Times
(Run your cursor over a headline)

Four years
for penis-pump Okie judge
A former judge convicted of exposing himself
while presiding over jury trials by using
a sexual device under his robe was sentenced
Friday to four years in prison.
Donald Thompson had spent almost 23 years on
the bench.
His former court reporter said she saw Thompson
use the device almost daily during a 2003 murder trial.
A whooshing sound could be heard on the court
reporter's audiotape of the trial.
Subject: Lisa's WPE shirt
I really liked the modified WPE worn by Lisa in
the last issue.
You might want to consider such a shirt for sale.
I suggest you use yellow for the face of the
cowardly, AWOL Worst President Ever.
The net's best advertising deal
Reach over twenty people per penny.
on bartcop.com
Fear Finally
Strikes Out
The results are in for the White House's latest
effort to exploit terrorism for political gain: the era of
Americans' fearing fear itself is over. In each
poll released since the foiling of the trans-Atlantic terror
plot - Bush's approval rating remains stuck in
the 30s, just as it has been with little letup in the year
since Bush Katrina disaster. While the new Middle
East promised by Condi Rice remains a delusion,
the death rattle of the domestic political order
we've lived with since 9/11 can be found everywhere:
in Americans' unhysterical reaction to the terror
plot, in politicians' and pundits' hysterical overreaction
to Lieberman's defeat, even in the ho-hum box-office
reaction to Oliver Stone's World Trade Center.
"Try Rove
for Treason!"
Cindy disrupts Bush's Goebbels
Austin, Texas - Chanting "Try Rove for treason,"
Cindy Sheehan and more than 50 other
war protesters disrupted a reception before Karl
Rove spoke at a fundraiser Saturday.
One woman was arrested during a scuffle with police
after Sheehan and friends rushed
toward the closed doors and kept chanting loudly
after the guests went into the dinner.
Rove was speaking to the Associated Fascists
of Texas. He was not in there at the time.
"I want him arrested. He planned the [fake]
war that killed my son," Sheehan told officers
guarding the door. Sheehan's oldest son Casey
was killed in Iraq in 2004. ush
Subject: Rush on Jimmy Carter
Bart -
Dead on, bro. This idiot worships Der Monkey,
and says stuff like this and NOBODY
in his audience can get through to point out
facts about how wrong he is.
His boys won't let calls like that through, so
why try?
He's a coward who can't take a challenge from
And yet, he gets a solid three hours here in Des
Moines, and is followed up by a guy for ANOTHER
three hours who sounds like he's wearing a white
sheet. And a three hour morning guy who sounds a
little more reasonable, put puts the sheet on
when it suits him (so to speak).
All this, and Faux News at the top of each hour,
and it's called "Des Moines' News Station"!!!
If it weren't for the best corn-on-the-cob in
the whole damn country, I'd leave.
Keep swingin' that damn hammer - I can hear the
Mike in Des Moines
Dude, it's the same way in Tulsa.
We get Nazi hate from 6-9AM, then more Nazi hate from 9AM-noon, then
the vulgar Pigboy spew
Nazi hate from 1-4, then Hannity the Fascist from 4-7, then some other
Nazi from 7 to10 - non-stop.
Before we had the FF miles, we would sometimes drive to Vegas.
Tulsa was all Nazi hate.
Oklahoma City was all Nazi hate.
Western Oklahoma was all Nazi hate.
Amarillo was all Nazi hate.
Albuquerque was all Nazi hate.
Gallup was all Nazi hate.
Flagstaff was all Nazi hate.
Same for going to Colorado.
Wichita was all Nazi hate.
Western Kansas was all Nazi hate.
Denver was all Nazi hate.
Boulder was all Nazi hate.
Nazi hate, from sea to shining sea.
I wish I could get on the air somewhere following Rush.
I could replay his first hour, every day, and list the lies and then
tell the truth.
I think it'd be damn entertaining - for a few weeks, at least.

Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
TIME poll
She Has Highest Favorable Rating of All Democratic Frontrunners
Looks like Molly, MoDo, Kos, Arianna etc need
to step up the attack.
Subject: what I think happened
(By someone who says she knew Patsy Ramsey)
The Shatner roast on Comedy Central was a riot.
Catch the replay all week.
The next
pro-war Democrat to fall?
by another liar who really, really hates the Clintons
Joe Lieberman's sorry hide has been nailed to
the wall, and there is rejoicing in the land
(except from the political hacks who make up
the permanent occupation force of Washington).
And while I am pleased to see a discredited, humiliated
Lieberman forced to cast his lot in
with his friends in the Republican Party, I won't
be completely convinced that the revolution
is here until Hillary Clinton's hide is nailed
to the wall beside Joe's.
Will we ever see an intelligently written column about Her?
If she's that bad, why can't they tell the truth when "exposing"
Is she so perfect that name-calling is their only workable tactic?
This guy is entitled to his own opinion, but he's another in a long
line of fools who claims
to have been inside Her head and truly knows Her innermost thoughts
and motivations.
The real test as to whether there is a shift
in the Democratic Party is how Clinton fares
in the New York primary on Sept. 12. Will she
too be punished by voters for trying to
have it both ways on Iraq, or will
she get a free ride to a second term in the Senate?
First, she's going to win re-election big-time, which pops this
idiot's argument.
According to him, that means the nation is pro-war, which it no longer
Like an idiot, he's gambling his position on certain defeat.
His second sentence, if he came to this argument with clean hands, could've
"Is she popular enough in New York to overcome
her go-to-war vote?"
but there's not enough hate in that sentence, so he added that "free
ride" shit
to make it sound like she just robbed somebody. Like most haters,
he pretends
Her position on Iraq is identical to Kissyface ie "This
war is going great!"
He knows that's not true, but you can make more money if you
lie about Her.
They say to win, you have to please your party in the primary, then
run towards the center
for the general election. The wants-to-lose Democrats insist
that she pin herself to that
left wall so it can be used against her in November. She's smarter
than that.
They've chained her, they've hooded her, they've tied her feet to a
They're lowering her into the water-torture tank, and America wonders
- can she escape?
ha ha
If only people were willing to put their money where their hatred is.
Subject: Bush to Steal Millions
from Pensions
You want to know how Bush is going to steal millions?
There are a couple of clues…
The article states that defined benefit plans
(pensions) are horribly underfunded…and that is true.
It is what happened to Bethlehem Steel, because
they gave bonuses and perks to upper management
without funding the pension plan, and then when
business slumped and their retiree roles grew, they
were unable to meet obligations, causing them
to go into bankruptcy (US Steel funded their pensions
and that is why they are still alive and well).
It is good news that the administration is at least making
noise about getting those obligations funded…but
I doubt it will be much more than lip service.
The key to the theft in the bill is found in the
following - "The law lets employers automatically enroll
workers in 401(k) plans. In addition, there is
a mechanism to increase gradually the amount saved,
and employers are encouraged to match some of
the dollars that workers stash away". You see,
this is one of the Enron issues…and that is in
a 401(k), all investments are under the name of the
company, not the individual participants.
401(k) plans have a 'Third Party Administrator' who
keeps track of which portion belongs to the employee
and which portion belongs to the company
and how much of the company's contributions are
vested. However, from the outside it appears
as though the entire retirement account belongs
to the company and as such can be used as
collateral in loans or corporate bonds.
Without seeing all the provisions in the law,
it would be difficult to speculate whether or not the
employer could withhold some of the employees
wages as part of their 'mandatory enrollment',
but even without that provision, it would allow
the corporations to contribute funds, deduct said
funds from taxable income, and then use those
funds to payback loans if they go to into default.
In other words, they could basically shelter
those funds from corporate income taxes, take out
loans to fund options and bonuses for upper management,
then default on the loans and use
those tax free funds to pay back the debentures.
Keep up the good fight!
As always, I didn't have time to get into but
I know two things:
If Bush
says he's going to "reform" something, that means they're going to steal
Bush gave companies SEVEN YEARS
to comply
That means they're going to rape it silly for seven years.
Then, when all the money is gone, they'll say,
"We have a problem,
and we don't have a magic wand that can make
the money magically reappear,
so let's not get into the blame game. Let's
look forward."
...and the Democrats will say, "It's not our
place to question the president."
"Bart, you always suspect the worst of our president!"
"It is far better to grasp the universe as
it really is than to
persist in delusion, no matter how satisfying
and reassuring."
- Carl Sagan
Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels
a day,
(and that was before the 2003 Halliburton Upgrade)
Iraq oil
output up to 2.5M barrels per day
times today's oil price which is going
a barrel
makes $250,000,000
Bush will steal every day.
You heard it here first.
Oil is going to $100 a barrel, then to $200
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
Official Bartcop Chinaco Anejo shotglasses
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Gay question
I saw an old movie with Lance Bass kissing the
fabulous Emmannuelle Chriqui.
He looked like he was into it, but he was gay
at the time so I wondered...
Do gay guys cringe at the thought of kissing a
girl the way a straight guy
might balk at playing a Brokeback Mountain role?
I know it's a dumb question, but who else would
I ask?
of Fear Mongering
by Jon Stewart
denounce Der Monkey
For 10 minutes, the caption across the bottom
of the television screen read, "IS BUSH AN 'IDIOT'?"
But the host was no liberal media elitist. It
was right-wing handjob Joe Scarborough. And his answer to
the captioned question was hardly "no." While
other presidents have been called stupid, Scarborough said:
'I think George Bush is in a league by himself.
I don't think he has the intellectual depth as these other people.'"
So we ask again - why is Scarborough the only
guy on TV smart enough to realize that Bush is in big trouble
and it's OK now to tell the truth about him?
The first people to wake the hell up will come out winners.

4. When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror.
Never stay in the bath more than five or six minutes -- long enough to
Subject: Imus
I'm so old I can remember when Imus used to be
funny. Now he's disgusting.
Every time I flip through the channel and see
his ugly leathered face looking like
a cow chewing its cud with that ridiculous cowboy
hat on, it reminds me of the old joke:
Question: What do cowboy hats and hemorrhoids
have in common?
Answer: You only find them on assholes.
Imus adds legitimacy to that joke!

Party at
the Palms, Sept 16
Tickets are still available - first come, first tequila!
update - Info
Remember - you need a number
to get in.
When we run out of numbers, we're full.

Brooke Burke
Former Baywatch star David Charvet and TV's Brooke Burke
are getting married and expecting a child together
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