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Wed-Thurs Aug 30-31, 2006 Vol
1829 - False media
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Joyce Labruzzo:
Mr. President, are you going to turn your back on me?
The boy they call Mr. President: No,
ma'am. Not again.
Der Monkey at Betsy's Pancake House in New Orleans, Link
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Bush, Katrina
& Trent Lott's House
by Robert Parry
Katrina "was massive in its destruction," Bush
told reporters. "It spared nobody.
Trent Lott had a fantastic house overlooking
the bay. I know because I sat in it with he..."
Katrina ripped off the pretense of Bush's folksy
style, showing that he remains the son of privilege
who feels for those like himself and feigns sympathy
for others. After Katrina hit, White House
officials even had trouble getting a vacationing
Bush to focus on the magnitude of the disaster.
As tens of thousands of Americans in New Orleans
pleaded for rescue and as hundreds of bodies
rotted in the heat, Bush belatedly agreed to
cut short his five-week Texas vacation but still insisted on
fulfilling speaking engagements in San Diego
and Phoenix - where he posed clowning with a gift guitar
- before heading back to Washington.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most
important site on the internet
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Used with permission
24 Bodies
dumped in Baghdad
They showed signs of Gonzales
At least two dozen bodies, many bearing signs
of Gonzales, were dumped in Bush's Paradise Tuesday,
and the government almost doubled the death toll
from clashes this week saying 73 people had died.
Attorney General Alberto Torture met with Iraq's
deputy PM and said was to promote "the rule of law."
The Prime Minister's office announced that 50
gunmen loyal to al-Sadr had been killed in clashes with
the Iraqi army, which lost 23 troops.
"Iraqis are excited and enjoying their freedom"
-- Sen. James Inhofe (R-Insane), Link
sure are!
Meester Booosh."
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Subject: re Brittany Murphy and
tv crap...
aww come on...
I work in the film industry.
I have done a few shows with Brittany Murphy
and she is totally cool and super hot...
I'm not sure what your point is...
Sometimes I say exactly what I mean.
That was the best picture I've ever seen of her.
as far as Survivor goes... fuck that garbage.
its fake.
I'm confused about the meaning of "fake."
You mean fake like having 150 bug bites above
the waist?
You mean fake like losing 30 pounds in 39 days?
You mean fake like the million dollars doesn't
HRC... same as survivor... I want to win
too, but its not gonna be with her.
I don't care what someone elses poll says.
I know about the people around me...
HRC will never be elected president.
Otherwise, keep swinging!!!
you are still the best site out there and together,
we are gonna take back our country from these
SF, thanks, but if our front-runner can't win,
who can?
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Have you ever heard the expression,
"Too stupid to button his own shirt?"

"The Lebanese are returning to their devastated
They say they had no idea of the scope
of destruction because
every time they turned on CNN, they
were talking about JonBenet."
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Subject: speak up now?
Bart, Seems like Hilarity could speak up now and
save 40,000 lives
But, chooses to wait til the time is right, that
way the Gods Own Party
(Hez'Bollah) couldn't possibly attack her,,
Small enough price to pay
Yeah sure lol
IrishDave, if she speaks up before the proper time (she's the only one
who could)
and becomes the focus of the "anti-America victory" movement and loses,
what will she or we or the 40,000 dead soldiers have gained?
I'm guessing/betting she and Bill know more about the right time
for a strategic strike than Ol' Okie Bart and Irish Dave and his lol.
I don't think I'm exxaggerating when I say Earth's future is at stake.
Do you think she and Bill aren't taking this seriously?
Do you think it's just a joke to them?
Should she speak up now? ...to please IrishDave?
Or should they attack at the proper time and win?
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arrested in Vegas
Warren Steed Jeffs, head of the nation's largest
polygamist sect and one of the FBI's
10 Most Wanted fugitives, was captured in Nevada
after a routine traffic stop, cops say.
Jeffs, who had a $100,000 reward hanging over
his head, is wanted in Utah and Arizona
on suspicion of arranging marriages between underage
girls and older men.
The Nevada HP arrested this guy which makes me wonder...
When was the last time the FBI caught anybody?
Can you tell me the last time the FBI arrested a bad guy we've heard
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Subject: Dude at work with a
son in Iraq
Or maybe you could remind him how the families
of those who died in Vietnam feel a third of century later,
with still-Communist Vietnam coming into the
World Trade Organization, and multinational corporations
taking advantage of their cheap labor, while
selling the communists Coca-Cola.
Yeah, that's what those 50,000 Americans died
I don't think that 100-year rule means anything. Consider the WWII vet
who was tortured in
a Japanese POW camp but now owns a Toyota distributorship in Van Nuys.
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"In 'Diary of a Lost Girl,' Kola Boof writes,
'Osama did not know the difference
between vicious and tender.'
I'm going to get an angry letter from Ned Lamont
for saying this, but I think bin Laden
may not be a nice person."
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20 things
we know 5 years later
1. The Facts of 9/11. We know that Bush didn't
want the public to learn much about 9-11.
Bush&Co. had to be dragged kicking and screaming
into agreeing to the 9/11 Commission.
Bush would not testify under oath and would deign
to appear only with Cheney by his side.
5. The Downing Street Revelations. We learned
that Bush & Blair agreed to make war on Iraq
in the Spring of 2002. The intelligence, they
decided, would be "fixed around the policy" to go to war..
11. Perilously Close to Dictatorship. We know
that Bush prefers to rule as an oligarch, so he had
Alberto Torture devise a legal philosophy that
permits Bush to ignore laws, disappear U.S. citizens,
authorize torture, spy on citizens - whenever
Bush says he's acting as "commander-in-chief" during "wartime.".
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"The Russians deal with terrorists in a different
way: they just kill them.
They don't put them on trial. They
don't indict them. They just gas them to death."
--Rush, wishing Amerikkka was more like Russia
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Subject: JonBenet
Sorry Bart, no conspiracy here.
This dirt bag was not thrilled about being a Thai
bitch in a Thai jail.
So how do you get out? Confess to a high profile
you have perved on, but not committed, and get
extradited to the US.
You get an all expense paid business class trip
to the U.S and by
definition get out of the Thai jail. You did
not do it and are
fully prepared to take your "misdemeanor" child
porn rap in California
(misdemeanor" child porn is the ultimate oxymoron).
take your slap on the wrist and in the good old
USA sell your sick
perverted Jon Benet fettish to a waiting film
maker and laugh
all the way to the bank and this doesn't even
include book deals and
talk show circuit.
I'm afraid W and Rove aren't to blame for this
Carr played the Boulder DA like a cheap fiddle.
Could be, but Homeland Security (that means Rove) was
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Rove's Image
A new poll finds that Americans have a negative
opinion of Karl Rove.
Nearly 4 in 10 Americans say Rove has too much
influence over Der Monkey.
a rat-bastard, but I scare the
Democrats so they keep me around."
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"If you can invade a country halfway across
the world in a matter of days,
you can come to the aid of New Orleans
in a shorter order of time."
-- Elvis Costello, on Katrina,
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Subject: America's Pet Goat
Bush will always be defined by his frozen, deer
in the headlights look,
when informed of our country being under attack
as he read "My Pet Goat."
There you saw the man he is, and isn't.
He was immobilized and unable to respond.
There was no one to tell him what to do and how
to act.
Therefore, he didn't do anything.
Charles A
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FEMA's Prison
How true is all this?
There over 600 prison camps in the United States,
all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners.
They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time
guards, but they are all empty. These camps are
to be operated by FEMA should Martial Law need
to be implemented in the United States.
The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning
that if a mass of illegal aliens crossed the border,
they would be quickly rounded up and detained
in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many
military bases to be closed down and to be turned
into prisons.
these 600 prison camps exist, they could also hold "dangerous people" such
as Democrats.
Some Americans like sticking to the Constitution "too much" and that
threatens this gang of thugs.
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t-shirts Here
Subject: genetics
Bart, you asked:
> Is the percentage of gays equal in all sub-cultures?
I think you've got your heart in the right place,
but the science isn't that simple - such an oversimplification
may backfire if the results aren't across-the-board
as you're expecting. Me? I wouldn't expect things to be
that simple. First, genetics are tricky -
assuming homosexuality has a genetic component, there's no reason
to assume such a gene must be consistently expressed
across all ethnic groups. That's like saying
"They say heart disease is genetically
influenced - so to prove this, do Eskimos have the same level of
heart disease as Jews?". Probably not, but that
doesn't mean there isn't a genetic cause, or even influence.
I don't think genetics is "tricky."
I think medical science is like math.
I get that blacks get sickle-cell and whites don't
(or not as often) but that tells me that the gay gene
might be 10 % in Group A, 9 % in Group
B and 13 % in Group C, but always roughly 10%.
Further, unless we're talking about sampling all
culturally homogenized subjects - Jews, Eskimos, Japanese,
and so on, living in the same neighborhood,
going to the same schools, and having the same culture, then you
can't rule out a cultural influence, since homosexuality
is inherently self-defined. So a secular WASP may be
more inclined to accept their homosexuality than
perhaps a devout Muslim.
All I'm saying is that you're setting up a very
shakey standard on this issue.
There may well be a big genetic component to
homosexuality, but the test you've proposed
has too many holes in it to be useful - if anything
it'll backfire as it makes it too easy to "prove"
that it's all cultural under this test.
Your fan and honest critic,
Roger in LA
I guess the biggest problem is getting people to tell the truth.
Like you hinted, there may be "zero gay Muslims" because they would
presumably lose their 72 virgins in Heaven if they preferred a Muslim
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Relief - for Profit
He'll do anything to make a profit
Under Bush, whole sectors of the government,
and particularly Homeland Security, have been turned into
glorified temp agencies, with essential functions
contracted out to private companies. The idea is that
entrepreneurs, driven by the profit motive, are
always more efficient than government.
We saw the results in New Orleans: Bush was weak
and incompetent in part because the FEMA experts
had fled to the private sector and its technology
and infrastructure had become positively retro. In a crisis,
government looks frighteningly inept ( "doing
a heckuva job") while the private sector can seem modern
and competent, at least by comparison.
In truth, when it comes to reconstruction, contractors
are hardly wizards. "Where has all the money gone?"
ask desperate people from the Persian Gulf to
the Gulf Coast. One place a great deal of it has gone is into
major capital expenditures for the private corporations.
Friends and contributors of Bush, with secret,
no-bid contracts with a clause that says they get paid
even if they don't deliver - that is out-and-out
stealing money.
This state within a state has been built almost
exclusively with money from public contracts,
yet it is all privately owned. Taxpayers have
absolutely no control over it.
...and nobody will speak up.
We can't get anything from the
whore press,
and the gelding Democrats are
scared to speak.
Bart, you see the Constitution as half shredded...
while we see the Constitution as half intact..."
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Subject: why are you fighting
with Kos?
Today I did a survey today from Florida State.
One of the "Do you agree" questions
A blogger who publishes false information should be shunned from
the blogosphere.
I answered yes.
Then I thought about what whore CNN broadcast
A prediction of mine came true.
The bigger a site is, the more responsible they should be.
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Tons of 9-11 videos
Random Thought...
It's been a full year and still they won't say what went
wrong with Katrina.
Last September, they said, "We'll investigate
and see what went wrong,"
but all we got was a soothing,
"There were breakdowns at every level," which says nothing.
Bush sat there and stared at his TV for five days.
Why can't we get a simple explanation of why?
At the time, all we got was, "Stop playing
the blame game,"
and we never got anything close to an answer.
Why wasn't Bush screaming, "I want to see trucks
there TODAY!" at his aides?
But no, he played golf and ate cake with McCain and pretended he was
a country singer.
"Lookie me, Pickles - I'm playing the gee-tar. Yee-Haw!"
and then he lifted his leg and farted.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000every
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history
and it continues every day while soldiers die.
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
SIX more since yesterday.
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
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Year Zero
a column from Sept 2004
McCain said, "Iraq is a huge pot of honey that's
attracting a lot of flies." The flies McCain was referring to
were the Halliburtons and Bechtels, as well as
the venture capitalists who flocked to Iraq in the path cleared
by Bradley Fighting Vehicles and laser-guided
bombs. The honey that drew them was not just no-bid contracts
and Iraq's oil wealth but the opportunities offered
by a country that had just been cracked wide open
The honey theory of Iraqi reconstruction stems
from the most cherished belief of the war's ideological architects:
that greed is good. Not good just for them and
their friends but good for humanity, and certainly good for Iraqis.
Greed creates profit, which creates growth, which
creates jobs and products and services and everything else
anyone could possibly need or want. The role
of good government, then, is to create the optimal conditions for
corporations to pursue their bottomless greed,
so that they in turn can meet the needs of the society.
But there is no capitalism if there's a clause
in your no-bid contract that says you don't have to perform.
If Halliburton was getting paid for every neighborhood
with full-time electricity, there would be
But they get paid secret, huge amounts of black-budget
money no matter what.
So why should they provide electricity?
Why buy the cow when the milk is free?
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Subject: homosexuality
There are a number of interesting scientific studies
out there on the biology of homosexuality.
One recent article within the last year, for
example, reports that a second or third male offspring
stands a higher chance of being gay than a first
male offspring. This relates to how the mother's
body reacts to the "foreign" male hormones during
pregnancy. For that reason, this study wasn't
able to focus on female homosexuality, but essentially,
this further proves that homosexuality is
biological - not a "choice" or thing that can
be changed.
We covered that in a recent Bartcop radio segment.
Science is real and that study
proved that being gay isn't a choice.
Studies based on cultural factors are much harder
to fund in the academic community (either for a
scientist or a sociologist). Why, for example,
would a gay Iranian risk a stoning to help prove a study?
But you're right - there are many many studies
that prove homosexuality is biological, but you won't
find those in the press - you have to resort
to academic journals (Journal of the American Medical
Association, for example). Don't be surprised
by this, however. I learned in "An Inconvenient Truth"
that 0% of academic journal articles cast any
doubt as to whether global warming is real.
In the mainstream press, about 50% of articles
cast this type of doubt.
Advice to you and your readers that took me years
to learn: if you have the opportunity, read peer
reviewed academic journals (not just the natural,
but also social sciences) because you'll find a
wealth of undisputed information that no one
in the press has the stones to report.
M - New York
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CNN Poll
Who would win a debate on world issues between
Bush and Iranian President Ahmahanjob?
38% 13315 votes
Ahmahanjob 62% 21810
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Random Thought...
Bruno Kirby, dead
at 57
Bruno Kirby, the young, vicious Clemenza in Godfather II.
One of the most chilling moments from II.
The cop never knew he was inches from death.
Yesterday they had a fart button on Bruno Kirby's obit page.
The sons of bitches...
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T-shirt contest winner
Subject: The press and Big Oil
Dear Editors:
As I was driving to get gas for the bargain price
of $2.54/gal today, a thought struck me.
If the oil companies can afford to make a profit
at this price, how much did they make
at $3.04/gal this entire summer?
It is an absolute travesty that you networks have
allowed the Worst President Ever to gouge
the American people in such blatant fashion.
They make record profits every quarter, and you are silent.
They are pumping oil from unmetered wells in
Iraq, and you are silent.
Remember journalism?
That's where you hold someone accountable by
asking tough questions and helping to enlight the citizenry.
When Halliburton received no-bid contracts for
Iraq, you were silent.
When Halliburton gouged the taxpayer millions
for work they didn't do, silence.
When the buck for Valerie Plame's leaker stopped
at the Worst President Ever's desk, you let him go.
Let's not even go into the Iraq war, or I'll
overload my ISP's buffer.
Keep up the fine work reporting on drunks falling
off of cruise ships!
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NTSB: Tower
missed deadly mistake
Dude fucked up and the second in charge wasn't there
The lone air traffic controller on duty the morning
Comair Flight 5191 crashed
cleared the jet for takeoff, then turned his
back to do some "administrative duties"
as the aircraft veered down the wrong runway,
a federal investigator said Tuesday.
Separately, the FAA acknowledged violating its
own policies
when it assigned only one controller to the Lexington
Blame Bush's budget cutbacks, so he could give
and bigger tax cuts to the super rich.
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Subject: A modem, a smart mouth
...a growing sense of self importance and jealousy
in the blogsphere, thousands of pictures of Shirley
(I had no idea a human being had been photographed
that much) and the truthiness, small "T" since
I decided to go on Jihad for Hillary.
Dude, I'll plead guilty to the modem, the smart
mouth and the Shirley pictures.
I'm still working on the growing sense of self
Well, maybe we can do without the truthiness,
it is after all, "our front runner" we are defending here.
We don't have to defend our front-runner.
But it would be nice if lefties stopped the misinformation.
You know BC, that editorial by National Security
Whistleblowers Coalition strikes me as consistant
with what I know of her public record.
...yet you fail to state what bothers you about
her public record.
Seems to me, the worst thing you can say about
Her public record
is that she has voted in such a way as to positioned
herself to get elected to higher office.
...and winning is a crime we Democrats can't forgive,
But as I said, we breathlessly await the truthiness
from you.
So, dish it out (you haven't yet).
Neil in Vermont
I intentionally lied one time.
I have no motive to lie because I can stand comfortably
on the facts.
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TV Stuff
Rescue Me scared the hell out of me last night.
Best I can remember, I've been scared four times watching TV.
The Wizard of Oz when I was a kid,
Fail-Safe when I watched it alone really high in 1976,
Veronica Mars second season finale which will repeat in a week
or 2
and last night's Rescue Me.
We were back in September, 2001, Tommy is FDNY and the alarm bell rang.
I so did not want to ride downtown with them...
Obviously, Tommy will survive the beach house fire.
The rapist slut who started the fire?
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Party at
the Palms, Sept 16
new updates
On Mexican Independence day, we're going to enjoy the finest tequila
I've never even heard of better tequila than we're going to
be sipping.
I've tasted this, thanks to Don Ho.
It's like f-ing drops of "happy" on your tongue.
The Tequila Class at The Palms is going to be long-remembered.
Remember - you need a number
to get in.
When we run out of numbers, we're full.
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Gwen Stefani
boycotting MTV Awards
She feels "set up and fed up"
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