* Humor * Palms * Chinaco * Pokerfest * Sept 16 * Tequilafest * Ghost Bar
* Hotties * Bartcop Radio
Wed-Monday Sept 13-18, 2006 Vol
1837 - Saints with Brains
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"If the Americans were occupied by another
they would do the same as we are, or
even more."
Mustafa Yaqoubi, deputy of Moqtada al-Sadr,
You can't argue with that.
We have the luxury of being the bully - never the bullied.
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Who Benefits
from 9/11 Angst?
by Ivan Eland
The president and his party - sagging in the
polls - point out that they were in power on 9/11.
They want to exploit the public exhibition of
collective grief because the only issue on which
they poll better than Democrats is fighting terrorism.
This polling result, however, has always been
a mystery. The president bungled a chance to get
bin Laden in Tora Bora, Afghanistan, by relying
on local militias instead of our special forces.
Five years later, Osama and al-Zawahiri still
have not been apprehended. After 9/11, the number of
terrorist attacks and suicide terrorist attacks
worldwide has skyrocketed. And the war in Iraq
spurred more attacks by acting as a motivator
and incubator for radical jihadi terrorism.
Bush likes to have it both ways. He crows about
their anti-terrorism efforts by bragging that we
have not had another attack since 9/11, while
keeping the fear of another attack alive to win elections.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most
important site on the internet
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Used with permission
"I am not so sure that the views about the
Iraq war and terrorism are chiseled in stone.
People may not have fully understood
the approach the president took and his thinking."
-- Tony Snow, making no sense at all,
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Iraq death
toll higher than 9-11
Monkey has killed more than the 19 handjobs
While Bush spent the day exploiting the memory
of those we lost five years ago, the nation overlooked
a grim milestone: More Americans have now died
in Iraq than died on 9/11. Iraq didn't attack us on 9-11,
and our misguided policy there has now taken
more American lives than Al Qaeda.
Here are the numbers: 3,015 Americans have died
in Iraq as of September 9.
2,666 of these were military deaths and 349 were
The Republicans are fond of playing cheap number
games with Iraqi casualty figures, and one of the
ways they do it is by listing the deaths of military
personnel only. They're hoping that a lazy press and
an indifferent public will overlook the civilian
losses, and to a large extent they've been right so far.
I think somebody predicted this would happen.
Wasn't too hard to see coming, tho...
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in the Black Hills copied
link to order T-shirts.
A New Low
Political dirty tricks have long been a staple
of American elections. But now there's a relatively
new black art in the mix -- a form of attack
politics funded to the tune of millions and featuring
a wide network of surrogates eager to get into
the fight. It's dirty tricks on steroids, and it's called
swiftboating...Swiftboating takes dirty tricks
to a new level. Keep your eyes open, because any
election year is swiftboating season. Since the
Republicans have so much to lose this year,
we better get set for a very big October surprise
coming from a GOP front group near you.
If I was running the DNC, I'd say, "Bring 'em on."
We have the truth on our side and they can just suck it.
Randi Rhodes said the GOP is spending $50M on private eyes to dig up
dirt on Dems.
Knowing the Dems, they'll cower and wimper instead of fighting back
- but why?
Thery are the party of crimes and kinky sex.
If the Dems would just list the facts they'd look like saints
with brains.
But they'd rather wet themselves in fear - why?
"Mr Rove is so scary..."
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Subject: boycott Disney
The best response to Disney/ABC for the despicable
right wing lies told in The Path to 9/11
is a prolonged boycott of everything associated
with Disney and all programming shown on ABC.
That's the only thing that will send a message
to Disney/ABC and all other Fascist corporate entities
that would dare use the airwaves to spread right
wing propaganda lies.
Complaining and bitching won't hurt them but a
boycott by all Democrats who value the truth will
show them that we will fight back by hurting
their bottom line which will hurt the stock holders.
Imagine what would happen if about 50% of their
customers/viewers participated in the boycott.
Wild Bill
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"One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect
Iraq to the war on terror."
--Dubya, telling the
truth to Perky on CBS, Link
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Subject: the path to Waco
Hey Bart,
While we are blaming 9/11 on Clinton . . .
Why don't don't they do a new docudrama on Waco
to swiftboat Clinton and Reno
for assaulting a "church," oh wait, The Discovery
Channel is doing just that.
Because it's better to have Bush and the Republicans.
Oh Koresh!
Orchard Park, New York
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The path
from 9-11
Link not there
We're five years out now. We were talking to
each other about what 9-11 has meant to us,
and I feel that the world I had expected to live
in is gone now. We may eventually be able to
build something better than the world as it is
at this moment, but it will never be the same again.
I am more than ever afraid for what it will be
like for those who were born after 9-11-2001,
who will not remember that this country was at
one time a different place.
I hadn't thought of that before, but it's true.
People born after 2001 may never know what it's like to have a Constitution.
They may never have a truly private conversation on the phone.
They may never know the America we once knew - before Bush fucked it
all up.
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Subject: 9-11
Your 9-11 comments are spot on.
How many times are you Yanks going to re-live
You all seem to wallow in it. Every year it becomes
a bigger event.
Let's face it you won WW1 & 2 thousands of
times in the movies,
along with Vietnam, Korea, Iraq - you just can't
get enough of war, hate and misery.
The average American person can't exist unless
they have a massive guilt trip loaded upon them
by your media and you all love it. Someone has
to pay, someone has to be blamed, life in the USA
seems to be a case of I win, you lose,
I'm right, you're wrong, even your so called light entertainment
is all about WINNING and seeing the other contestants
being insulted, and humiliated.
No one can bear not to be the best and have everything,
even if it kills you.
Chill out USA so the rest of us can live a happy
peaceful life.
Chris from Australia
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Random Thought...
If I had more time, I'd put something clever here.
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the Dennys - that where El Pigbo got his
"Suggestions that we withdraw U.S. forces from
Iraq validate the strategy of the terrorists."
--Dick Cheney, Link
So, to prevent validating their strategy, we're staying in the middle
of Iraq's civil war forever?
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Subject: rape victims
That's it, Bart, I'm throwing in the towel.
Women who want to have their rapist's baby? This
is so sad.
Some of your email must truly alarm you...or does
John F
I am uncomfortably numb.
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not kept
Paul Krugman
Five years ago, the nation rallies around a president
who promised vengeance against those
responsible for 9/11. Yet Osama bin Laden is
still alive and at large. His trail, The WaHoPo
reports, has gone "stone cold. " Osama and his
deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, are evidently
secure enough in their hideaway that they can
taunt us with professional-quality videos.
They certainly don't lack for places to stay.
Pakistan's government has signed a truce with
Islamic militants in North Waziristan, the province
where bin Laden is presumed to be hiding.
Although the Pakistanis say that this doesn't
mean that bin Laden is immune from arrest,
their claims aren't very credible.
Was it always Bush's plan to give bin Laden amnesty?
The BFEE is always good to their partners, right?
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Subject: Tell It to Somebody
Who Cares
It was almost painful watching Bush, during his
9/11 speech, trying to get and/or maintain
a facial expression that looked like he cared.
It looked like it was painful for *him*!
The photo you put up here on your site is a perfect
illustration of that.
They can't last forever!!!
Victory is just around the corner (I really believe
That's why they call me...
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Clarke blasts Disney whores
As someone who was directly involved in almost
every event depicted in the fictionalized docudrama,
"The Path to 9-11," I believe it is an egregious
distortion that does a deep disservice both to history
and to those in both the Clinton and Bush administrations
who are depicted.
Sadly, ABC's Entertainment Division hired a production
company and screen writer who were
apparently unqualified to deal with this historically
important subject matter. That error appears to
have been compounded by the failure of some of
the docudrama's consultants to insure that the
account was accurate. Some of the most outrageous
scenes were removed after a recent senior
level review. What remains, however, is not the
true story as told by the 9-11 Commission.
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A special shout out to Pauline in Hayward, CA.
She's snail mail subscriber who sends something each month in a funny
Thanks, Pauline the Pillar!
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Subject: t-shirt idea
Hey Bart,
I have an idea for a new t-shirt.
You could have Bush's face printed on the front,
just below that you could print "I'm NOT with
Bill Maher made the comment on his show Friday
and I thought it'd make a great t-shirt. What
do you think?
Keep up the great work!
Barb, I like it, but we'd need 20 orders to offset the new printing
T-shirts aren't very prifitable and they take lots of time.
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t-shirts Here
nothing wrong with being gay
In fact, it might make you closer friends with Der Monkey.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
"It was important a Democrat to stand up and
call on him publicly to accept more
responsibility for what he had done.
I did what I believed was right for our country."
-- Joe Lieberman, on standing
up to president harming America - like Clinton, Link
The democrat gets a hummer, Kissyface goes wild with outrage.
But when the other party's idiot kills 2700 soldiers,
Kissyface feels it's his place to bend over and support him.
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Subject: your birthday?
Mr. Bart,
Is 9/12 your birthday? Happy BD.
Sorry about that Virgo thing (it explains a lot
[me and many
of my best friends are Virgo's, too, so we know
the complex]).
Today is also Leonard Peltier's - who is 62 years
old today, and also
'celebrating' the anniversary of his 31st year
behind bars - 1/2 of his life
as a political prisoner. Our local museum
had a showing of 'Incident at Oglala'
which is a pretty intense visual of the history
of this damnable story.
Anyway, Happy Birfday,
T Quigly
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Pryor needs your help
Please go to: www.pryorsplanet.com
to make a donation
or use PayPal: pplanet@richardpryor.com
9/11 Kean
Commission - Fraud
On the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks,
three hours before the Kean-Hamilton luncheon
address at the National Press Club, the former
Air Force officer and director of the 'Star Wars'
program who just won Florida's 15th District
Democratic primary with 54 percent of the vote on an
explicit platform to expose the fraud of the
Kean Commission Report, and top 9/11 researchers,
authors and activists will present hard proof
that the official narrative of the Kean-Hamilton Whitewash
Commission and Bush- Cheney Administration is
a fraud of world historic proportions.
Proposed legislation for a new and genuinely independent
expert investigation, the first reality-based
9/11 feature film, and the International Grand
Jury on the Crimes of 9/11 will be announced.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
TWO more Bush victims since last issue.
By Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween,
Bush will have killed
more Americans than his old partner Osama.
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Party at
the Palms, Sept 16
No shorts in the Palms Clubs.
Dress is "Business casual."
Nice jeans are OK, no sandals or shorts
Remember - you need a number
to get in.
When we run out of numbers, we're full.
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in Russia smile when they read my T-Shirt :-)
must change name: judge
Brooke Burke - host of Supernova
Some other band already has that name.
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