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Tuesday Sept 26, 2006 Vol
1843 - Hated Amerikkka
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"I got closer to killing him than anybody has
gotten since.
And if I were still president, we'd
have more than 20,000 troops there trying to kill him."
Clinton, talking about Osama, Link
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Bush's 'Dirty
War' Amnesty Law
by Robert Parry
Bush is following the lead of "dirty war" nations,
such as Argentina and Chile, in enacting what
amounts to an amnesty law protecting U.S. government
operatives, apparently up to and including
President George W. Bush, who have committed
or are responsible for human rights crimes.
While the focus of the current congressional debate
has been on Bush's demands to redefine torture
and to reinterpret the Geneva Conventions, the
compromise legislation also would block prosecutions
for violations already committed
during the five-year-old "war on terror."
The compromise legislation bars criminal
or civil legal action over past violations of Common Article 3
of the Geneva Conventions, according to press
reports. Common Article 3 outlaws "violence to life
and person," such as death and mutilation
as well as cruel treatment and "outrages upon personal dignity."
The legislation now before Congress also would
prohibit detainees from citing the Geneva Conventions
as a legal basis for challenging their imprisonment
or for seeking civil damages for their mistreatment.
[Washington Post, Sept. 22, 2006]
Once again - typical thug-Bush tactics.
The bastards rape, they torture, they mutilate, they murder.
Then they pass a law saying, "Everything we
did was legal and you can't touch us."
One thing's for sure - the Democrats are too scared to say anything.
Bart, what's wrong with rape, torture, mutilation and murder?"
I am so sick of these gutless "Democrats."
They are frzeon with fear - afraid of their own shadow.
We could pick names out of the damn phone book and do better.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most
important site on the internet
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Subject: Chris Wallace beatdown
If it was a legitimate news question, then why
was it so clear that Wallace had not read
Clarke's book that definitively answered these
questions? If it was a definitive news question,
why hasn't he asked Bush those same questions.
It is exactly what it appeared to be: setting
up an interview under false pretenses about the
global warming project, switching subjects (bait
and switch) and then asking questions
designed to make the interviewer look bad. That's
a hit job. If it looks like a hit job,
walks like a hit job and quacks like a hit job,
it's a hit job.
Poor Chris Wallace was unprepared. He thought
he was sandbagging an Average Joe.
Nope, he was yanking the chain of a Big Dog.
Big Dog has a perfect memory and analytic tools
far beyond most people. What would have taken
me a week to prepare for, Clinton was able
to do by the seat of his pants (just keep 'em
zipped Bill!) Names, dates and places were available
to his wonderful brain. Wallace was left with
his mouth hanging open. It was apparent that he had
not read the 9/11 commission report, had not
read Clarke's book and had lied to get the interview.
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Used with permission
"I don't get invited to parties. Nobody wants
-- Bill O'Reilly,
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Subject: Bill Clinton
I like him, always have. I didn't vote for him
either time but after watching him be
sidetracked by scandle I'd reallly like to see
what he would have done in the time since WTC.
I'm sure whatever it was I would feel better than
I do now.
Too bad there is not an Independent "Bill Clinton"
out there that has no one to answer too.
Too bad it's always about the right or left and
not about the People.
Everybody vote third party, anything less and
You are the problem in America.
PS: People only have bumper sticker attention
so don't deny
me mine when I see yours in three colors. :)
J, you say it's "not about the people?"
Can you name a president who worked harder or
accomplished more for "the people" than Clinton?
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US generals demand Rumsfeld resign
Two retired army generals and a retired Marine
colonel demanded that Rumsfeld resign,
accusing him of incompetence, arrogance and determination
to wage war in Iraq on the cheap.
"Donald Rumsfeld is not a competent wartime leader,"
said retired major general John Batiste,
a former commander of the First Infantry Division
in Iraq, speaking to Congress on Monday.
"He knows everything, except how to win."
Rumsfeld's "dismal strategic decisions resulted
in the unnecessary American deaths," said Batiste.
Retired Marine colonel Thomas Hammes blasted the
BFEE. "The critical issue is leadership,"
he said. Rumsfeld "has not acknowledged the numerous
serious mistakes made to date," therefore,
"I do not believe it is possible for him to provide
the leadership necessary to succeed in Iraq."
ce the count.
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Subject: Who shot the Pope?
The theory that the KGB or Bulgarians were responsible
for the
assassination attempt on the pope was US cold
war propaganda.
what consortiumnews.com, the most important site on the internet,
has to say:
Iowa City
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Emily Perez
is dead...
You will probably not see this story on FOX (she's
not blonde enough), or The Today Show
(she's not shallow enough), or BET (she's not
freaky enough) ... but her story is important.
Lt. Perez joined the Medical Service Corps because
she wanted to help people. In high school,
Perez pushed her church to begin an HIV/AIDS
ministry after some friends became infected.
She was honored by the Red Cross for her work
as an AIDS educator.
Because of her desire to help, shortly before
shipping out to Iraq, she flew cross country to be a
bone marrow donor for a stranger who was a match.
Donating bone marrow is bot a picnic.
This angel of light died in Iraq, on Sept. 12th.
It's called a meat-grinder for a reason - it chews up people.
We can stay in the meat-grinder another day, another week, another
year, another decade.
But why would we want to?
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Subject: conspiratorial?
Just read "Blinded by the Right" and you realize
just how hard they worked
to get then President Clinton. How can Wallace
consider hinself a newsman?
Chris Wallace isn't a newsman - he's a no-class
bringing shame to the Wallace family.
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Keith Urban
Bart, this big shot western singer Keith Urban
asked all Canadians to stand up at the Minot Fair.
After everyone stood up he asked all the Canadians
to leave the stands before he would sing
because they were not helping out fighting with
USA troops.
Pass this around and see how his record sales
do in Canada.
Anybody know if this is true?
He's Mr. Nicole Kidman, and if he did that, I
think we'd know.
But he's probably a Republican so maybe the press
is covering for him.
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Subject: was McCain really
a POW?
When I went to school they taught us that George
Washington chopped down a cherry tree
saying "I can not tell a lie". We also were told
that Lincoln walked 10 miles to pay back a penny.
Both stories are just political fables.
Now we are told that John McCain was a tortured
I wonder about McCain's history as a POW in light
of him caving into Bush allowing him to
keep torturing prisoners in secret torture camps.
I think McCain's story is also a fable.
McCain is the son of an admiral and it is known
that he got special treatment when he was
supposedly held in North Vietnam as a POW. I
think that maybe McCain either wasn't really
tortured like the real troops were because if
he were he wouldn't have caved in to let Bush
do the same sort of thing that the Commies did
to him.
Any senator who supports legalized torture is
committing treason to the Constitution.
Torture is an evil practice and America should
not embrace it.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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George Michael
vs Der Monkey & his Poodle
During the number, an enormous balloon depicting
a cartoon-ish George Bush, the target of his
controversial 2002 single Shoot the Dog.
The Bush Puppet rose out of centre stage, drawing
whoops and yells from the crowd. But the real
surprise came when Michael leaned down to
unzip Der Monkey's trousers, and out popped a
British bulldog draped with the UK flag.
ha - Pay per View!
The dog was stuck to Der Monkey's inflated crotch,
wagging its tail.
ha ha - Make him stop!
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Subject: fear mongering
You often make mention of the desperate situation
we are in and
the need to get a Democrat elected to start repairing
the damage.
How are statements like that not fear-mongering
just as you accuse the GOP of doing?
With expectations of a great explanation,
Bush is lying to steal additional hundreds of millions of dollars.
When bad news hits Bush, he jerks the terror level up a notch or two
and the
whore networks go along for the ride and pretend the non-specific threats
are real.
I'm telling the truth because the country is going to
Under Bush, we've become this:
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Full-blown racist?
Virginia Scimbag George Allen on Monday denied
allegations by a college football teammate and
another former acquaintance that the senator
used "nigger" to refer to blacks during and after his time
at the University of Virginia in the early 1970s.
Kendall Shelton, 53, a radiologist said Macaca
nicknamed him "Wizard" because of the similarity
of his name to that of Robert Shelton, a former
imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. He also said
in 1974 he, Allen and a third friend were hunting
deer. After the deer was killed, Shelton said,
Allen cut off the doe's head, asked for
directions to the home of the nearest black person
and put the head into the black person's mailbox.
I think Senator Macaca needs to step down and let a less-racist Republican
run in his place.
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Subject: Clinton smacks FOX News
Hi Bart,
Absent from your commentary is that shortly after
taking office,
Bush ordered FBI agents to "Back Off Bin Laden":
I received a phone call from a high-placed
member of a US intelligence agency.
He tells me that while there's always been
constraints on investigating Saudis,
under George Bush it's gotten much worse.
After the elections, the agencies
were told to "back off" investigating the
Bin Ladens and Saudi royals, and that
angered agents. I'm told that since 9-11 the
policy has been reversed. The FBI
told us they could not comment on our findings.
A spokesman said: "There are lots
of things that only the intelligence community
knows and that no-one else ought to know."
- Greg Palast
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Subject: Clinton and your hammer
Bart, Bill Clinton has now given the Dems the
damn hammer they been looking for.
You have said for so many years the Dems DO NOT
use the damn hammer and that is so true.
Now they have been handed something they can
and should use. Hell Bart, the Dems do not need to
hit the nail on the head every time they swing,
but as you so often suggested, just swing the sonofabitch.
If they do not use any of the material Clinton
gave them about Bush not doing a damn thing for 8 months
in 2001, and showing them to be the damn hypocrites
they are then "f**k it, I'm out of here".
Dude, where can we go?
If you find a place, I'll go with you.
I'm fed up with the bean-eating Nancy-boys we're
stuck with.
The Democrats are surrender monkeys
- no wonder we can't win an election.
So Bart, maybe, just maybe there will be a lot
of hammers being swung this week before the congress
goes out and maybe with enough swings something
will tear apart and do not stop..
Mississippi Liberal
All Clinton did was list the facts.
That's all the weenies have to do to win,
...but they're too scared to list the goddamn facts.
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Nobody does
it better
Clinton shows he's still the master
If I were Karl Rove or the RNC, I would pray
former Bill Clinton stays off TV.
You just don't want too many voters thinking
that by voting for Democrats this
November, they just might be voting for him.
If you haven't seen Clinton's reaming of Chris
Wallace (R-Whore) on Fox News,
you really owe it to yourself. It was pure
Clinton. Agree with him or not, he's just
incredibly entertaining, downright riveting to
watch ...when he's shearing Nazi sheep.
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Subject: air base
Dear Bart,
I was talking to another retired military wife
the other day.
She and I both agreed that we do not like going
to our bases anymore.
They have rebuilt the entrances to the base like
they are expecting a terrorist attack any minute.
There are NO men anywhere on base, all I
ever see are the old white haired folks at the commissary.
It is as if they have cleaned out the whole
place. It reminds me of a ghost town, a dead place.
Air Force Brat
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Bush wins
shampoo battle
Passengers on commercial airplanes can carry
on small amounts of liquids and gels today
- the first major victory Bush has managed in
his fake "War on terror."
Bush declared victory over Coke and Pepsi, too.
Top U.S. aviation security officials, caving to
pressure from airline and passenger groups,
folded yesterday after, they claim, they carefully
studied the threat posed by liquid bombs.
The restrictions disrupted travel for many passengers.
Travelers complained about long lines
and one thing American's hate to do is wait.
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comments on Clinton
Bill Clinton did what almost none of us have
done in five years.
He has spoken the truth about 9/11, and the current
presidential administration.
"At least I tried," he said of his own efforts
to capture or kill Osama bin Laden.
"That's the difference in me and some, including
all of the right-wingers who are
attacking me now. They had eight months to try;
they did not try. I tried."
Thus in his supposed emeritus years has Mr. Clinton
taken forceful and triumphant action
for honesty, and for us; action as vital and
as courageous as any of his presidency; action
as startling and as liberating, as any, by any
one, in these last five long years.
The Bush Administration did not try to get Osama
bin Laden before 9/11.
The Bush Administration ignored all the evidence
gathered by its predecessors.
The Bush Administration did not understand the
Daily Briefing entitled
"Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S."
The Bush Administration did not try.
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Subject: Bart, you gotta see
I had never heard of Garbage till you got my curiosity
Now they're one of my favs.
How about linking
this to your site?
It's hot!
Mark C
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Subject: BCR 97
BC radio gets better and better.
I will be sending my yearly subscription soon
(so don't piss me off.. LOL).
I loved the Tommy/Bart exchange as well, although
it seems you finished up just in time...
a few more swigs and you guys would be singing
old Elton John songs.
Fun to hear your descent into Chinaco heaven!
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t-shirts Here
"After providing Bush cover for his disastrous
handling of Katrina,
after trying to get himself adopted
by George Bush, Sr.,
after giving Laura Bush the keynote
slot at his Global Initiative Conference,
after going along with Rupert Murdoch's
fundraiser for Hillary -
after all that, he got exactly nothing.
All of Bill Clinton's tireless "bipartisanship"
has been of no benefit to him, of no
benefit to the country, and has only benefited
George Bush and the right-wing. I'm
glad the Chris Wallace interview is flying all over
the internet, but I really hope that
one person who will watch it over and over again
is Bill Clinton. And that on the fifth
or sixth viewing it might occur to him that the more
cover he gives Bush and his cronies,
the more they're able to increase and entrench
their power. Power they use to destroy
everything that Clinton purports to stand for."
Huffington, arrogant and wrong, Link
Arianna, how arrogant can you get, asserting that
know better how to play the game
than the man who's won 11 elections - how many
have YOU
won, Arianna?
How do you say, "chutzpa" in Greek?
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
"The notion that conservatives opposed Clinton
as Commander-in-Chief
in the pre-war on terror or in other
military ventures is simply unfair
...generally even the most partisan
Republicans supported Clinton."
-- Jonah Goldberg, born of bad seed, lying again,
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Subject: October Surprise
You are correct in your assesment. that the BFEE
cannot allow a transfer of power,
under any circumstances, in 2008. The balance
of those questioning policy would shift
dramatically, overnight, and could threaten the
establishments stranglehold on the country.
I predict the October Suprise will not be a 911
style attack. The whole world already knows
about 911, and it would probably lead to an allied
invasion to remove our "madman".
If I were the BFEE, I would want to galvanize
the world in support of the genocide of Islam
(klling the people who sit on the oil).
I predict that the Pope will be assassinated by
Al CIAda terrristt, and soon.
This would be the perfect catalyst, and would
international support for a world coaltion against
I hope they aren't as smart as me.
Your pal,
When that attack hits, Bush will suspend the '08
elections "for our safety."
Honest websites (but no whore media) will question
Bush's involvement, then the GOP
will in unison stand up and say,
"How dare you attack Bush during this war!"
But, by then, She will be speaking out daily, hitting these bastards
and then they will all attend her funeral after Her plane crashes and
the networks
and cable Nazis will make fun of the people who predicted it in advance.
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Hot night
in New Orleans
U2, Green Day and a 20-point victory
Just 90 seconds into a game that was a horrific
year in the making,
the New Orleans Saints grabbed a ball in the
end zone -- and the party was on.
The Saints are home again.
This one couldn't have been scripted any better
for a team that spent all of last season
on the road, and it couldn't have come at a better
time for a city that is still struggling
to overcome the devastation of a president who
doesn't care about Black people.
It meant a lot to them when the Saints didn't
leave in their time of need," Reggie Bush said.
"When New Orleans needed something to look to
be proud of, they looked to the Saints."
I have an opinion.
I think if the Saints had left for another city,
the town may have folded.
It would have been saying, "We can't live here,"
and the town might've been lost.
A year after, Bush has done nothing
to get New Orleans back on its feet.
When they played, When September Ends, an anti-war song, I was
hoping Bono would say,
"Stop this fucking war - and go ahead and
fine me for telling the truth."
Also, a note about the forever-the-whore ABC network.
All during the first half, they told people to
"Stick around for more U2 at halftime."
At halftime, they played a 20-second clip of "Beautiful
Day," we'd already seen.
ABC, you're such a cheap and shameless whore.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100a
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
Another THREE since yesterday
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.
isn't Birmingham
"Nobody can go back and reinvent the past," Condoleezza
Rice told Katie Couric on "60 Minutes."
But this nugget of truth came amid a flood of
retrospective reinvention in which Rice equated the war
in Iraq with the civil rights struggle of the
1960s -- and left me wondering whether I was hearing
polished sophistry or a case of total denial.
That quote from the secretary of state came in response
to a question about whether the administration
would handle Iraq the same way if it had known then
what it knows now -- that there were no weapons
of mass destruction, among other inconvenient facts.
Rice has acknowledged that mistakes were made
in the conduct of the war, but she made clear Sunday
that even now she would support the decision
to invade."
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Subject: Big Dog
Bart, I was rooting hard for Big Dog when he decided
to tear the Fox and Chris Wallace a new ass!
I was literally jumping up and down. Then I realized
he's one of only a couple Dems out there fighting.
Why don't they all rally around him?
Dems are such losers, they avoid a winner at all
Let's hope they grow some big ones soon like
Bill has.
Keep Hammerin' Bart!
John in Syracuse
Clinton showed them how easy it was to win in 1992 and 1996, but the
minute he left,
they forgot everything he showed them and they went right back to losing
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Subject: Hayden Panettiere
Dude -she's like 15 years old!
Brent in HK
Brent, actually, she's 17 plus, but you have a point.
No lusting for Hayden Panettiere until next August!
Note: That was then, this is now.
Click Here for hundreds of high-quality, good taste,
pictures of the beautiful Hayden Panetierre
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dominates Latin Grammy
Shakira collected six Latin Grammy nominations,
including record and album of the year,
vying with newcomers and established stars of
the Spanish language music world.
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