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Tuesday Oct 10, 2006 Vol
1852 - Torture légale
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"The fact that Cheney's willing to go after
Democrats as harshly as
the Democrats are going after
the White House gets the party faithful going,"
GOP strategist Glen Bolger,
Cheney is less popular than Bush, but he stays on offense.
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A Way Out
of Iraq?
by Ivan Eland
Bush has so badly lied himself into a corner
that he now needs the bipartisan "Iraq Study Group"
- headed by James Baker -to tell the American
public that things are rapidly going south in Iraq.
According to the New York Times, one commission
member anonymously acknowledged,
"There's a real sense that the clock is ticking,
that Bush is desperate for a change, but no one
in the White House can bring themselves to say
so with this election coming."
But media reports of the situation on the ground
in Iraq should tell the American people that Bush
is lying to them about the prospects for success
there. It is unclear whether even this commission is
capable of telling the truth about Iraq. White
House officials and fellow commission members told the
Times that Baker is unlikely to generate findings
that do not have the prior, tacit approval of Bush.
Consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the internet
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"Bush being Bush, he also delivered a head-scratching
punchline, saying: "The United States
remains committed to diplomacy..."
-- which is a little like Denny Hastert saying the GOP
"remains committed to the safety and well-being
of Washington pages."
- Arianna Huffington, taking time away from her Clinton jihad to attack
the enemy, Link
Poor Arianna, I hope she's OK.
It's not like her to attack a Republican.
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Subject: Eagle spank Cowboys
Bart, I am a Eagles fan, I watched the game and
I think that blue state bruising
the Eagles gave the Cowboys was a metaphor for
the November elections.
A lot of beer seems to turn me into an optimistic
DFG in blue PA
DFG, the difference is the Eagles wanted to win.
If we could only get the scared bunny Democrats to act like men...
"But Bart, Mr. Rove wouldn't
like it if we did our jobs!"
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Used with permission
"Three years ago, Bush said: 'We will not tolerate
nuclear weapons in North Korea.'
But how does one unaccept a nuclear
Lynne Duke, WaHoPo Link
WaHoPo, why did you lie to put this madman in power?
Why do you continur to lie and cover up his crimes?
Screw you, WaHoPo.
You earn your name with every lie you tell.
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Sex Scandals
Why America and journalism needs standards
The Problem:
Mark Foley, lusting after underage boys. He is outed publicly
just weeks
before a national election that the NeoCons are
hoping to steal.
Attack! Muddy the water as needed. Begin disinformation campaign.
Personnel to be
activated: Matt Drudge, John Fund, Tony Perkins, Laura Ingraham,
Ann Coulter take point. They will activate the
third tier political operatives positioned
around the country. Many of these have no idea
that their powerful friends are lying to them.
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Subject: Insider trading
I heard an interesting observation by someone
taking part in "The World Can't Wait" protests.
Someone monitoring all international phone calls
would also be able to track the flow of
all financial business, thus giving him insider
knowledge that can be used to leverage billions.
Sounds like our boy.
No wonder they don't want a judge looking over
their shoulder.
Bruce Yurgil
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Visit dontstopatgreenlights.com
Sneed examines everything from the current quagmire in Iraq,
LBJ & MLK's fight for the poor, to Southerners and Minority Americans
against their self Interest. He shows how poor are left out of the decisions
they pay for. He explains how they can prevent this from happening
and move from
poor and taken advantage of. Tim tells story after story on
how the poor
change and their "option" days are over. Framed with real people,
book makes an important contribution to contemporary debates.
Carrier Sails for Iran
Bush's War Hardon Means Iran Attack Likely
The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Eisenhower
is headed for the Persian Gulf region
as I had predicted in a piece in The Nation magazine
a few weeks back.
The Eisenhower strike force, according to my sources,
is scheduled to arrive October 21,
less than three weeks before the midterm elections
that Bush can't afford to lose.
This build-up of naval power around the coast
of Iran, according to some military sources,
is in preparation for an air attack on Iran that
would target not just Iran's nuclear enrichment
facilities, but its entire military command and
control system.
Will the dumber-than-dumb American voters rally behind Der Fuhrer
as he starts a third war he can't win?
Iran has 400,000 military age males who are ready to invade Iran if
we attack.
We're losing Iraq now - how much worse will 400,000 warriors make it?
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Subject: pink tutu photo
Hey, Bart, why don't you include Hillary in your
infamous ballerina photo?
These four are at least as vocal against Bush
as Hillary is. And she supports the Iraq war.
Where is your consistency and intelligence?
Tom M
Tom, you want me to explain it again?
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Bush's 'Axis
of Evil' Haunts his Monkey Ass
He kicked three beehives that were dormant
Nearly five years after Der Fuhrer introduced
the concept of an "axis of evil" comprising Iraq,
Iran and North Korea, the administration has
reached a crisis point with each nation: North Korea
has claimed it conducted its first nuclear test,
Iran refuses to halt its uranium-enrichment program,
and Iraq appears to be tipping into a civil war
3 1/2 years after the U.S.-led invasion.
Each problem appears to feed on the others, making
the stakes higher and requiring Bush to make
difficult calculations. The deteriorating situation
in Iraq has destroyed U.S. diplomatic credibility and
limited Bush's military options, making rogue
countries increasingly confident that they can act without
serious consequences. Iran, meanwhile, will be
watching closely the diplomatic fallout from North Korea's
apparent test as a clue to how far it might go
with its own nuclear program.
It keep getting worse.
If not for Katrina, would this idiot country still think Bush was God?
If not for Foley, would this madman still have high approval ratings?
I get mail from people in other countries:
"Bart, why are Americans so fucking stupid?"
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WPE testimonial
from Bob Kincaid
Audio (54 seconds,
Wayne from the Bob Kincaid Radio Show on the Head
On Radio Network
Hear Bob's radio show LIVE at
Hear Bob's radio show archives at
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Subject: Catholics
Catholics will excommunicate you for divorcing
a husband who beats you and the kids but they
will not excommunicate sex offending priests.
If I were a Catholic, I'd have serious issues taking
communion knowing I am partaking with child molesters.
I'm not a Catholic, in fact I am someone they
would have burnt at the stake for three reasons:
I am a Protestant (Jansenite heresy), I am Dutch
(first country to liberate from Rome/the Spanish Inquisition),
and I'm a woman with brains and a mouth on her
so they would have burnt me for being a witch.
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t-shirts Here
DC Whorehouse
Feds target DC escort service
With the capital already mired in its latest
sex scandal, federal agents last week raided the home
of a woman they allege has, for the past 13 years,
operated a Washington, D.C. escort service
that dispatched college-educated prostitutes
to the homes and hotel rooms of well-heeled clients.
A two-year probe by IRS and Claven agents has
targeted the Pamela Martin & Associates
escort service and its owner, Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
Those agents could be looking for Al Qaeda, but instead, they're busting
college girls
because they think God doesn't want anyone to press the pleasure buttons
He gave them.
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Subject: Disgusting
Bart, yesterday's Monkey mailer said,
>"I served in Iraq and your divisive
brand of vitriol is exactly what divides this country.
> I always knew that liberals were against
the military...How many soldiers do you want to kill?
> You probably enjoy the daily deaths of soldiers
and marines, huh?"
When did this soldier find time to memorize Karl
Rove's playbook?
I do not understand people who angrily assert
their God-given right to die for a lying monkey.
Anyway, I love your windbag site, don't change
a thing.
Ann in Philly
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Visit brainbuttons.com
Foley Consuming
Hurry, Nov 7, get here soon
"The Foley scandal is sucking all the air out
of the room," Shaw said in an interview.
"It's a tough time; there's just total saturation
right now."
Back in Washington, Republican strategists acknowledge
privately that the Foley mess
and allegations that House leaders were too passive
in responding to them will remain
an all-consuming distraction for GOP campaigns
for the next week.
Woo Hoo!
Got gas?
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Subject: Debbie Stabenow
Bart, urge your Michigan readers to vote for Stabenow!
I wrote her an email & expressed my displeasure
with her vote on the torture bill,
but other than that what option do I have?
Her opponent is 100% worse on almost all issues.
So Michiganders....write her a letter, complain
about her vote, but then go out & vote for her!!
We'll all be sorry if she loses.
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A Cowboy
named 'Macaca'
Last night, this crazy handjob who grew up
in L.A., held a Western-themed fundraiser called a "hoedown."
Those who gave $50 were dubbed "Ranch Hands."
Those who gave more than $1,000 earned titles such
as "Buckaroo," "Cow Boss" or "Ranch Boss." Those
who gave $10,000 or more to the Republican cause
earned the title "El Ranchero Grande."
In Allen's worldview, there is no greater compliment.
Many contributors wore the requisite cowboy hats.
A 10-foot-tall pair of cowboy boots greeted guests.
A four-man old-time band played as the crowd
munched on barbecue chicken and baked beans.
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Twelve things
Ann Coulter has said
5. "Then there are the 22 million Americans on
food stamps.
And there are the 39
million greedy geezers collecting Social Security.
The greatest generation
rewarded itself with a pretty big meal."
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Sam wearing her WPE shirt, firing a .45
Sidebar: My mail often starts off with "Sam," or "Marc."
Sam is Sam, Marc Perkel is Marc Perkel
and my name is Bart
Subject: GOP sex crimes
The last few days of "this many Republicans have
stuck their weenies HERE"
and "well, this many Democrats have stuck their
weenies HERE" makes me think
that a solution to the problem would be to elect
more people who don't own weenies.
So, let more chicks in Congress, let a chick be
and for fuck's sake, let chicks be priests.
Chicago, IL
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Damn, wish I could be in LA tonight...
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Subject: Foley the Perv
Hi Bart,
The problem is not that Foley is gay, or that
he communicated with 16-year-old males,
but that he was unethical in doing so.
Making unwanted romantic overtures to a fellow
employee or government associate is unethical.
What I find offensive is this harping on his being
a "pervert."
He is gay. He came on to a 16-year-old
male, which is legal in DC.
Is there any evidence that the attempted to seduce
anyone under the age of 16?
If not, then he is simply a gay man and not a
"perv." If not, then he is not a "pedophile."
If he did attempt to seduce anyone under the age
of consent then he has broken the law
and if guilty should be punished. Yes,
it's hard to imagine that a young man would be
interested in someone twice or three times his
age, but it happens. And it isn't wrong
as long as it is legal, and not coercive.
The difference in age is nothing he needs to be
ashamed of, as long as the relationship is legal
and ethical.
First of all, don't think for a second that I play fair with these Nazi
They screamed "child molester" when Monica was 22.
I'm not doing my job if I don't return 22
with 16.
Second, with respect, you have this all wrong.
"Age difference" isn't the point.
Foley had a job, a career, a car, an apartment, a credit card, could
buy liquor, etc.
His victim had $40 to his name and a used Schwinn.
It's the predator against the unsuspecting newbie.
How could you miss that point?
These aren't two people in the night, trying to find each other.
This is a serial molester going thru the House Page Yearbook with one
Foley is the bastard who loiters at the liquor store, hoping young boys
will drop by and ask him
to buy their liquor. And Republican Foley's answer was, "Shit,
I'll buy if I can party with you dudes."
That's not about age difference and it's not about being gay.
*I* see that and you don't, because I watch a lot of TV :)
Third, screw the legal definition.
If you get pulled over for DWI, the law isn't what makes you a danger.
In state "X," the legal limit is .12.
In state "Y," the legal limit is .08 (maybe even .06)
Your drunk ass doesn't know what state you're in.
Bottom line?
Local laws don't define morality.
I'm no lawyer, but apparently the legal age in Reynosa is Zero.
Does that make sex with small children OK?
Foley is preying on children so he can be their Lewis & Clark
on sexuality.
Silver Lining
It's possible that you didn't think of that because your life has been
Dude, mine too!
But I know bad shit happens to good people.
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Baker: Change
Course, Idiot!
James A. Baker III, a longtime Republican thug
and strategist, is preparing recommendations that
the spoiled child of his friend Poppy Bush reconsider
his "stay-the-course" strategy in bloody Iraq.
Baker said, "We are taking a look at other alternatives."
With his remarks Sunday on"This Week" with Judas
Maximus, Baker joined a growing list of
prominent Republicans critical of Bush's endless
quagmire in the weeks before the coming elections.
Baker was on Jon Stewart last night.
I hate the way Jon has to play nice with the
Fascist bastards, but what choice does he have?
The pussy Democrats can't
even spell power, so if Jon wants influential guests...
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100a
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We only lost 1
since yesterday.
"Bush's war costs $2 billion a week."
-- so by all means, stay the course?
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.
Subject: Korea has oil
Bart, North Korea does have oil, but it's not
enough to steal.
They do have OTHER reasons not to invade:
* a million-man standing army that is well-armed
and well-equipped
* nearly impassable terrain, with the only land
access route into North Korea being about the width of Tulsa
* and the national capital of one of our best
allies standing within artillery range of the North Korean border.
If you want a REAL quagmire, and not one like
the one in Iraq, just invade North Korea.
Jim, I'm sure Bush's North Korean quagmire will
come after his Iran quagmire.
What will it take for the GOP to leash their
angry rotweiller?
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Is God Green?
Marc Ash Interviews Bill Moyers
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TV Stuff
Dave has Alec Baldwin - will he
run for the senate?
Denny Crain (R-Crazy) falls for a little person on Boston Legal
Veronica Mars - The campus newspaper
hires Veronica to do an undercover expose
on the Zeta Theta sorority during rush week to
investigate Parker's rape.
The rapist shaves the heads of his victims afterwards. She'll catch
him next Tuesday,
and nobody serves revenge colder than Veronica Mars.
Did you see last week?
When she busted the "Welcome Wagon" gang, she and a friend set up chairs
at the bust site
so they could watch and raise a toast when the cops slapped the cuffs
on 'em.
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Subject: Debbie does Torture
I've had it with Stabenow and told her I'd never
vote for her again.
No more.
When she ran for Governor she so damaged a good
Democrat (Wolpe) we got 12 years of John Emgler.
She played politics with Engler, he called her
bluff and we got Prop B (?) a bad tax bill.
She's got a flag burning bill.
She voted for the bankruptcy bill.
She stood with Ted Stevens on the budget.
She stood against John Conyers on voting issues.
The list goes on.
And now TORTURE!
I will not hold my nose and vote for torture.
I will not win by becoming them. It is to high
a price.
Never again.
Tony M
Tony, I get that, but you're wrong.
We either want to win or we don't.
We either want control or we don't.
Voting against Stabenow is a vote for Bush..
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Paris &
Nicole Truce?
The feud between Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie
appears to be over.
Cameras were there as Paris and Nicole broke bread
at Dan Tana's in Hollywood last night.
The pair arrived together in Paris' Range Rover
and caused a frenzy at the front door not seen
since Gorbachev and Reagan met in Geneva in 1985.
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