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Tues-Wed, Nov 28-29, 2006 Vol
1882 - Weak-ass Clowns
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"Is it just me or has Bush checked out of the
crisis we know as 'Iraq'?
Since the election he seems to have
disappeared from the conversation entirely.
Like he's just checked out...Like it's
not his problem any more."
-- Josh Marshall, talkingpointsmemo.com
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Why Trust
Robert Gates on Iraq
by Robert Parry
Two decades ago, then-CIA deputy director for
intelligence Robert M. Gates made wildly erroneous
predictions about what would happen in Central
America if the United States didn't bomb Nicaragua
and overthrow its leftist government. Gates staked
out a position considered too extreme even by the
Reagan administration. But now, Official Washington
is treating Gates as the returning Wise Man who
will help guide the nation out of the Iraq debacle
when he replaces Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary.
The House and Senate need to call Parry to testify.
...unless Reid and Pelosi would rather confirm him blindly? Without
the facts?
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet
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Used with permission
"On the Sunday talk shows, the pundits talk
about what the
'U.S' ought to do with Iraq without
ever mentioning Bush's name.
-- -Alicia Rasley, Link
That has pissed me off for years.
The cable bastards and the talk radio Nazis, especially, will rail for
hours against
"the federal government" like it's
a building that makes bad decisions so they don't
have to say anything bad about their great hero, Bush.
Der Fuhrer rags on "the Washington insiders"
as tho he's still in the private sector.
Bush is the federal government.
When "the government" does something stupid, that's Bush.
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Subject: Impeachment
For Chrissake Bart, even Clinton, at the '04 convention
here in Boston,
admitted it was a mistake for him not to have
I'm sure you are mistaken about that.
He might've said he could've handled the ROTC thing better, but saying
"I should have served," means Vietnam
was a good and noble war.
I think your anti-Clinton bias caused a blip in your usually reliable
He even admitted that other men were braver than
I vividly remember that part of his speech.
Well sure, he's too smart to claim he was braver than those who fought.
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NBC to start
telling the truth?
Why would a whore announce that?
NBC News on Monday began referring to the Iraq
conflict as a civil war,
adopting a phrase that Bush and his fawning media
have avoided.
Matt Lauer (R-Whore) said on the "Today" show
that NBC News has decided that since Bush
lost the election and a lot of power, they would
now slant their news to suck up to him less.
They decided a change in terminology is warranted,
since the Republicans lost so bad recently.
Theis news outlet, MSNBC, is using the phrase
"Iraq: The Civil War" on the screen.
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Attack sparks
fire at Iraq oil facility
A mortar attack ignited a huge fire Monday night
at an oil facility in northern Iraq, shutting the flow
of crude oil to a major refinery, Two mortar
rounds hit the pipeline facility near Kirkuk, according to
an official at the North Oil Co., speaking on
condition of anonymity.
The fire was burning out of control and could
take hours or longer to extinguish, and the flow of oil
from all of Kirkuk's rich fields has been shut
down to the massive refinery to the southwest.
Bush can't even control the oil fields he stole?
Where do they hide to launch such attacks?
How do you shut down a $350M per day operation?
is sinking
As Prime Minister Maliki prepared to meet Bush
this week in Jordan, Britain said it expects to
withdraw thousands of its 7,000 military personnel
from Iraq by the end of next year, and Poland
and Italy announced the impending withdrawal
of their remaining troops.
Bush's "coalition of the bribed" is bugging out,
making America the last country to die for a
lost cause.
Iran's friend
pays a visit
Iraqi President Talabani arrived for an official
visit in Iran, where he is expected to seek its help
in preventing Iraq's sectarian violence from
sliding into an all-out civil war. His departure was
delayed by a three-day curfew, which the government
lifted Monday.
Reminder: Shiias in Iran are our enemy.
Shiias in Iraq are our friendly puppets and Shiias
in Lebanon are the enemy of our friends in Israel.
One problem:
American weapons and materials keep going to
the wrong guys.
Or did you think all that C4 was made in Tikrit?
Jet crashes,
pilot dead
A U.S. Air Force jet with one pilot aboard crashed
north of Baghdad. Al-Jazeera reported that
the pilot was killed. After the F-16CG jet went
down, a witness said other U.S. warplanes rushed
to the crash site and circled helplessly above
it. The U.S. military, which released a statement, did not
have any information on the suspected cause or
the fate of the pilot.
Al-Jazeera showed wreckage in a field and what
appeared to be portions of a parachute nearby.
The video included scenes of the dead pilot but
that they were too graphic to air.
That pilot might've spent Thanksgiving with his
but Bush had made up his mind that he was going
to have that oil.
Bush Diplomacy
at work
Separately, police and witnesses said U.S. soldiers
shot and killed 11 civilians and wounded five on
Sunday night in a Baghdad suburb. The U.S. military
said it had "no record" of any operation in the area.
"We were sitting inside our house when the fun-loving
Americans showed up and started firing at homes.
They killed many people and burned some houses,"
said one of the witnesses.
...and surveys say the majority of Iraqi people
want us to leave?
I guess they just hate our freedom.
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Visit kerouac.com

"There will come a time, when a future President
baffled by the insanity in the Middle East,
will ask Dubya for advice. Then the
fawning media will look back to his past 'toughness' and
'determination' when under fire. That
seems unhinged now, but watch for it to happen."
--Victor Davis Hanson, Link
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Subject: Impeachment
Of impeachment, Joe Biden said "that's looking
backwards" and Al Franken said
"I think impeachment is a bad idea. We had it
before and people didn't like it".
Can you believe that shit?
People's reaction had nothing to do with the fact
that Clinton didn't commit an impeachable offense?
Biden, Franken and Pelosi (if she doesn't wise
up) are in for a BIG surprise.
John F
I'm not sure we need impeachment.
When they starting yapping under oath, evidence of real crimes will
come out.
If that happens, if the Democrats just light up the facts, he'll probably
step down.
If the rest of the country sees him the way we have since 1999, the
GOP will remove him
so they don't have to go thru years of drip, drip, drip about multiple
deadly felonies.
Besides, no matter what evidence comes out, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi
and the other
big criminals in this gang ARE NOT going to prison. If
that even looked like a possibility,
the NRA would pass out free rifles to Republicans to keep that Murder
Monkey out of jail.
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thugs with automatic weapons
down" people playing poker.
Meanwhile, rapists, murderers and armed robbers
are wondering how they got away with their crimes so easy.

"There are two ways to build a legacy as president.
You can do a great job in office
or you can hire some people to rewrite
history after the fact in the hopes that you'll
come off better later. Bush seems
to have chosen the latter path. He hopes to raise
$500 million to build a presidential
library. Bush's institute will hire lying Nazi whores
and 'give them money to write papers
and books favorable to Bush,' one insider said.
We thought Fox News was already doing
that job for free."
-- Tim Grieve, Link
History will be full of tales of the "genius Bush" who saved us from
"Clinton's mess."
If you think that's crazy, just pick up a newspaper or turn on your
TV or radio.
You can hear tales of the "genius Bush" who saved us from "Clinton's
mess" right now.
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Election Defense Alliance, a national election
integrity organization, issued an urgent call today
for an investigation into the 2006 election results
and a moratorium on deployment of all electronic
voting equipment after analysis of national exit
polling data indicated a major
undercount of
Democratic votes and an overcount of Republican
votes in congressional races across the country.
These findings are an alarming indictment of
the American election system in which 80% of voters
used electronic voting equipment.
The Edison Poll had a sample base of more than
10,000 voters, and showed Democratic House
candidates winning over Republicans by an 11.5
percent margin. The reported
vote count showed
Democrats winning by a 7.6 margin, 3.9 percent
less than the Exit Poll and far
outside the poll's
+/-1-percent margin of error. This discrepancy
entailed at least 3,000,000 votes.
So our victory should have been bigger but we got hacked?
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Subject: Time to tell W, "No"
As the lame-duck Congress considers the latest
off-budget, supplemental spending request for
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Democrats
should demand that W and his Republican't
Rubberstamps put up or shut up.
Either Iraq and Afghanistan are important enough
to pay for - right now - or they're not.
We shouldn't borrow one more dime from China
to pay for W and his Chickenhawks' manhood transplant.
Either raise the taxes, cut the WEALTHfare, or
some combination of the two for America's best-off
(the top 1% of earners starts at about $350k/year),
or bring our fighting men and women home.
If their mission is as important as W says it
is when an election approaches,
it's important enough for W to get it paid for!
Eddy the Pillar
Good point.
Bush says "We're fighting for civilization
itself," but it's not worth paying for?
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Ignore the
2008 Presidential Polls
That's code for "Don't believe that She can win"
It's Giuliani Time
McCain the Sellout 26%
Sleazy Rice
Two Wives Romney 7%
Newt the Adulterer 6%
Obama 23%
Edwards 10%
OK, those are the facts they want you to ignore
Here's why they say, "Don't believe your eyes."
primary voters don't really start to pay attention until much closer to
the election.
For a lot of people, their minds are made up. They're voting Democrat
in '08, whoever that is.
at 23% strikes me as far more significant than any other data point in
the poll.
Wait, I thought we were supposed to ignore this stuff - or should
we just ignore the facts
when they make Her look like a winner? Stating your reasons
might've helped that point.
out for the total obscure person who will inevitably emerge as an important
I remember that happening in 1991, when Poppy was at 90% riding his
Iraq war.
Most of the Democratic field went to sleep, creating the first Clinton
story short, don't read too much into these polls.
Long story short, she don't like Hillary and through the right combination
looking at these facts and ignoring those facts, you
can think that way, too.
Or, we could stop spinning and let the numbers
speak for themselves.
Stop telling me 10 is more likely to win than 39.
Stop telling me the dark horse candidate has a better chance than the
front runner.
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Howard Kurtz: The conventional wisdom
is that American troops resent the media's coverage
of this war as too negative. What did you find, when you were in
John Roberts: By and large, I didn't hear any
complaints about the coverage.
on Reliable Sources with Howie the Whore,
ha ha
It's funny when Howie gets caught lying for Der Monkey.
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Dowd, Queen Bitch
Modo is such a grand bitch queen that she can
fillet everybody. Her lessers don't have
her power and so they only sharpen their puerile
wit on those whom they have dubbed
the "losers" --- the Democrats.
It would have been smart for bloggers to have
disarmed Dowd when we had the chance,
by refusing to allow her any accolades when
she went after the Bush administration.
But Democrats were so beaten down and marginalized
during the early years of the Bush
juggernaut that we were only too happy to applaud
Modo's QueenBee bitchiness when it
was directed at them. (At times, it was all we
had in the mainstream media.)
Maybe those Digby folks need to be made aware of bartcop.com
I've been saying for years that the Dragon lady is no friend to Democrats.
She lied like crazy when the Clinton had power. She hates everybody.
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"It's easier to deny that this is a civil war,
when you live in the most heavily fortified place
in the country within the Green Zone,
which is true of both the prime minister, the national
security adviser for Iraq and, of course,
the top U.S. military commanders. However, for the
people living on the streets, for Iraqis
in their homes, this is civil war."
-- Michael Ware, the
bravest bastard in Baghdad, Link
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Visit wrapped-in-the-flag.com
Subject: Bartcop P.R. material
Hi Bartcop,
I was just thinking of a great way to taunt a
friend, who does not yet "get" the Internet.
For 5-6 years now, I've namedropped "Bartcop"
in our casual conversations about 9-11,
pink tutu Democrats, the whore media, Iraq, the
BFEE, etc., and he always reacts viscerally
at the name "Bartcop", even tho he digs what
you have to say.
I have that effect on lots of people...
So I wrote him an e-mail with the subject line,
"I wonder what Bartcop has to say about this...?"
and thought, "What a good hook for Bartcop's
Internet-based banner advertisements."
I like it, because I have an opinion on most things
and it's not manufactured opinion.
And I'm sure about that because I'm eating dog
food compared to a GOP whore.
Anyway, maybe a wee bit too pompous for the Bartcop,
but feel free to exploit as your leisure.
Hey, nothing's too pompous when you follow it
with a :)
Keep on hammering. Sources say at least
twenty-three percent of
2006 voters read Bartcop at least once in the
past 72 hours before the election.
Well, that goes without saying...
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Judge strikes
down Bush on terror groups
A federal judge struck down Bush's authority
to designate groups as terrorists,
saying his post-9-11 executive order was unconstitutionally
The Humanitarian Law Project had challenged Bush's
order, which blocked all the assets
of any groups or individual he designated "global
"This law gave the president unfettered authority
to create blacklists," said David Cole.
"It was reminiscent of the McCarthy era."
Hmmm, sounds like Germany 1939 to me...
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Pope on
suicide trip to Turkey
Why is he inflaming the religio-crazies?
Pope Benny the Rat said Tuesday that Turkey is
a bridge between religions and he appealed
for solidarity between cultures in his first
remarks after arriving in the predominantly Muslim nation.
Like the faded rock star who says, "You people
in Tulsa really know how to party,"
Benny told the Turks, "I really wanted to come
to Turkey because Turkey has
become a bridge between the religions."
"It is a democratic, Islamic country and a bridge,"
the pope said.
"I wanted to come to Turkey since becoming pope
because I love this culture."
I think this trip is a mistake.
NOTHING can calm these religio-wackos down.
Not logic, not common sense, not the truth, not
an apology - nothing.
Sidebar: Questions for The Pope:
Benny plans to visit Ephesus, last home of the
Virgin Mary.
Why did
Mary have to be a virgin?
Catholics teach that sex between
a man and his wife is a wonderful, spiritual blessing
where man and woman and God
can join together in sacred yada, yada, yada...
so why
was Joseph denied that blessing by God?
If Mary died a virgin, that means
Joseph never received that 'sacred blessing?"
Did Mary consent to sex out
of wedlock with the ghostly stranger?
Or was she taken against her will?
It would seem the Catholic Church
hates sex. Why was it so important for
Mary and Jesus to never have sex of any kind with anyone?
The Virgin Mary holds the highest
position "a girl" can hold in this Catholic all-boy's club.
And Joseph was relegated to mere "Baby daddy" status while
never having sex.
It's all so silly, yet people live their lives
dedicated to this nonsense - amazing.
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Subject: The Who,
concert review
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"When Putin was first elected president the
world was all atwitter:
'Oh, he's so urbane! He's so sophisticated!'
I said, 'He's a former KGB agent. He's trouble.'
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I
knew what I was talking about."
-- Rush, the vulgar
heroin junkie
Butt Rush, your hero Der Monkey looked into his eyes and into his soul.
Your hero Der Monkey said he was a good and decent man.
Does that mean Bush is as stupid as we've been saying for seven years?
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Saw it on gahzette.blogspot.com
Coalition pres.-elect leaves
He wants to hate more than they'll allow
AThe president-elect of the Christian Coalition
of America has declined the job, saying they
wouldn't let him expand its agenda beyond opposing
abortion and gay marriage.
The Rev. Joel Hunter, who was scheduled to take
over the hate group in January,
said he had hoped to widen the hate rhetoricd
to Bush-levels.
"These are issues that Jesus would want us to
care about," lied Hunter, a Florida pastor.
Hunter announced his decision not to take the
job during a board meeting Nov. 21.
The group said Hunter left because of "differences
in philosophy and vision."
Hunter denied that he was asked to leave.
"They pretty much said, 'These issues are fine,
but they're not our issues, that's not our base,'" Hunter said.
I think Jesus would concern himself with Darfur,
not gay marriage.
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Visit dissentisterror.com
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
Bush killed another 3
soldiers since Monday.
Since Monday,
made $200M in profit.
Think The BFEE is ready
for this war to end?
Don't bet a soldier's
life on that.
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.
Gates &
the Iran Arms Sales
by Robert Parry
While in charge of the CIA's analytical division
in the mid-1980s, Robert M. Gates made wildly
erroneous predictions about the dangers posed
by leftist-ruled Nicaragua and espoused policy
prescriptions considered too extreme even by
the Reagan administration, in one case advocating
the U.S. bombing of Nicaragua.
Gates - now Bush's nominee to replace Rumsfeld
- expressed his alarmist views about Nicaragua
and the need to bomb the country's military targets
in a 1984 memoto then-CIA Director William Casey.
The memo has new relevance today because Gates's
private advice to Casey suggests that Gates was
either more of an extremist ideologue than many
in DC believe or he was pandering to Casey's personal zealotry.
Either possibility raises questions about Gates's
fitness to run the Pentagon at a time when many observers
believe it needs strong doses of realism and
independence to stand up to both a strong-willed President
and influential neoconservative theorists who
promoted the invasion of Iraq.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet
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Subject: Commander in Chief Clinton
You always hear about how soft Democrats are on
defense. I was in the Army all through the 90's.
We went to Haiti and turned around enroute because
Cedras gave up.
(a democracy Clinton preserved Bush pissed away)
We didn't have to fight. We went to war with Serbia
and lost NOT ONE man.
Clinton gets blamed for Somalia but that was
poppy Bush's mess.
I was there and not sent by Clinton. (anyone
remember Poppy "home by Christmas") Bosnia?
Anyone hear anything about Bosnia anymore?
For God's sake, Clinton got the Jews and the
Arabs to shake hands.
I remember the BFEE scuttling the 2000 Camp David peace talks, telling
both sides
they could get a better deal if they waited to see if Der Fuhrer could
steal the White House.
The GOP War Machine can't make $300M a day during peace time.
a small time gambler, Bart
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Subject: Michael Richards
Isn't anybody talking about the black guy that
called Richards a "cracker-ass mother-effer"
BEFORE Richards ever uttered the N-word?
The tape was so garbled they had to run sub-titles, plus that web site
had to blur their name over what was left of the video.
You're right, tho - somebody called somebody "cracker"
and it wouldn't have made much sense for Richards to say it.
Another point:
I doubt if Richards would have gone into that tirade if he was a plumber
or a waiter.
I assume there's some kind of autopilot that kicks in when you're a
stand-up in trouble.
Richards seemed to have called up the wrong file at the wrong time.
Hell, he's 56 - if he was racist, wouldn't we have heard something
by now?
In a BCR right before Mel Gibson got caught, David Spade did a joke
that Mel was
moving out of his mansion because Britney and Federline lived next
door, and that
Federline was "a little too Jew-y"
for Mel to tolerate, proving that Mel's past was
out in the open before his DWI arrest - so his tirade seemed more real
to me.
Another point:
What he said was plenty offensive, but then again, doing stand-up,
aren't you pretty much allowed to say almost anything?
Another point:
If the N-word is THE ONLY thing a white comic can't say in anger onstage.
Is there anything a black comic can't say?
If the answer is "No," if there's no corresponding ultra-taboo word
for blacks, that means
they're not capable of making this kind of career-killing, can't-take-it-back
which puts Richards and every white comic, in an unfair position.
(I'm talking in shorthand, so don't misread
this and have a cow.)
Too bad we lost Richard Pryor.
I'd love to hear his opinion on this.
a small time gambler, Bart
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After the
"Civil War" War
For nearly six years, a supine press has given
the Bush Administration veto-power over nomenclature.
As a result, we've had Clear Skies policies that
made clean air dirtier, and No Child Left Behind policies
that have left children behind, and missions
accomplished that weren't accomplished, and strategies for
victory that weren't strategies, and "terrorists"
conducting faction-on-faction violence with centuries of
history behind them. Now, with any luck, the
neo-Stalinist era of American political discourse is ending.
Imagine what this newfound "civil war" courage
could accomplish if it were applied to journalism itself.
Did someone say "fair and balanced?"
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Spears is a "mess"
She's been hanging around "a bad element"
Britney Spears is being snubbed by publicists
because she is such a "mess".
I don't believe that - not for a second.
What, Hollywood agents are too moral to
make millions of dollars off a "mess?"
Britney has lost weight and smartened up her look
since she filed for divorce, but has been
spotted smoking, drinking and partying hard with
socialite Paris Hilton.
ha ha
Now I believe it.
Paris Hilton is more evil than OJ,
more evil than Saddam,
more evil than Hitler and the Devil combined.
Please, if you have some time today, please hate
Paris Hilton, would you?
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It sucks when kids have cancer
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BCR Show
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There's some language in this one.
Click to Listen
to 66 minutes of Part 1 of Show
Click to download
Part 1 of Show 99
Click to Listen
to 63 minutes of Part 2 of Show
Click to download
Part 2 of Show 99
Music in
Show #99 is
Fire by Sean Lennon
Click Here for the
BCR Archives

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