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Friday, Dec 1, 2006 Vol
1884 - Ma mood
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"Gen. Casey told Bush they'd wait and see how
Iraq looked after October's Ramadan.
Well, Iraq looked worse. Now Bush is waiting
for the Baker Study Group before making
any new departures. In the meantime, Iraq
looks still worse. As Bush waits, Iraq burns.
Bush has been at the mercy of events in Iraq.
Perhaps that's forgivable. What's less
understandable is being controlled by other
people's advice. Bush has been presiding over
the Iraq War for three years, and he really
has no better ideas than might bubble up from
the likes of Sandra Day O'Connor and Vernon
Jordan about how to prosecute the war?"
--Rich Lowry, author.nationalreview.com
I love it when the douchebags go after Bush.
...smells like victory.
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Bob Gates
& Locking You Up Forever
by Robert Parry
As the next Defense Secretary, Robert M. Gates
will be in charge of a new star-chamber legal system
that can lock up indefinitely "unlawful enemy
combatants" and "any person" accused of aiding them.
Yet, despite these extraordinary new powers,
his confirmation is being treated more like a coronation
than a time for tough questions.
Not since 2003 when Colin Powell wowed Official
Washington with his UN speech on Iraq's WMD
has there been such an awed consensus about any
public figure as there has been for Robert Gates,
who is almost universally praised for his intelligence,
experience and down-to-earth style.
But there are serious unresolved questions about
Gates's past that the American people might want
resolved before he is entrusted with the awesome
new powers that the Military Commissions Act
of 2006 puts in the hands of the Defense Secretary.
Why are they green-lighting this bastard?
Democrats act like Bush in interviewing for a new driver for his limo.
Don't they understand what the hell this means?
Subpoena Robert Parry, get your facts together, and THEN vote.
if Mr. Rove doesn't like that idea, Bart?"
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet
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Used with permission
"The conservative era in American politics
came to an end on Nov 7. Bush has managed
to terminate the conservative era. Bush did
this by treating the federal budget as a Christmas
stocking for supporters, accumulating deficits
and growth in federal spending, undermining the
association of conservatism with limited government.
On social, moral, and scientific issues,
Bush tilted so far to the right that he scared
away secular and socially moderate Republicans.
His feckless foreign policy discredited optional
military intervention. Today, the conservative
movement has reached a terminal point..."
Weisberg, Link
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Subject: Carter and Clinton
Bart, ever notice how the last two Democratic
presidents have white hair...?
That's because, for some reason, conservatives decided against
splattering their brains all over the place - thus they got older.
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Like Hitler
and Brezhnev
Bush is in denial
"History's "deniers" are many - and all subject
to the same folly: Faced with overwhelming evidence
of catastrophe, they take refuge in fantasy,
dismissing evidence of collapse as a symptom of some
short-term setback, clinging to the idea that
as long as their generals promise victory - or because they
have themselves so often promised victory - that
fate will be kind. George W Bush - or Lord Blair of
Kut al-Amara for that matter - need not feel
alone. The Middle East has produced these fantasists
by the bucketful over past decades."
How can Bush get better when he his advisors and the TV Fascists, the
talk radio Nazis, the major
newspapers and the weeklies constantly tell him he's the greatest war
president of all times?
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Bush talks
nonsense about Iraq
What else could he possibly say?
When Bush said Maliki was "the right guy for
Iraq," it recalled his infamous "heck of a job"
comment about Brownie. On Iraq, as on Katrina,
Bush has completely slipped the moorings of reality.
Even as he spoke, rival Shiite and Sunni groups
in Baghdad were massing for all-out battle.
Bloodshed in Baghdad has reached its highest
level since Bush's invasion.
Bush showed the clear unreality of his views during
a stop in Latvia earlier in the week. He refused
to acknowledge the civil war that is plain to
see; pronounced, incredibly, that Al-Qaida is the major
threat in Iraq, and pledged, again, that he would
not pull our troops out before the mission is complete.
If the troops still have an actual mission in
Iraq, it should be to hunker down and stay safe
until someone the
Democrats figure out how to get them home.
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"Let's just have the civil wars and let the
crumbs crumble and the cookie crumble
because I'm fed up with this...Fine,
just blow the place up."
-- The vulgar Pigboy
Butt Rush - we already did that.
Bush killed tens of thousdands of Iraqi civilians - remember
"shock and awe?"
BTW, when you say "let the crumbs crumble,"
does that mean you're back on the heoin again?
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Subject: Benny the Rat
Bart, you wrote:
> I'll bet if we debated, I'd end up hearing
a lot of,
> "You get that answer when you get to Heaven."
LOL as in "laugh out loud" or "lots o luck"!
If you debated the Rat, Bart, he'd condemn you
to hell and then lock it up with St. Peter's key!
In all seriousness I continue to be a Catholic
because the progressive arm of the church
(the part Jesus talked about in the Sermon on
the Mount and just about everything else he said)
can do much good. However, the church is so fubarred
now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.
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"The Maliki government is going to have to
deal with that violence..."
-- Der Monkey, blaming
Maliki for Iraq's civil war, Link
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Now that
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Bush and
mental illness
What we've known all along has been proven
Lohse's study found a correlation between the
severity of a person's psychosis and their preferences
for president: The more psychotic the voter,
the more likely they were to vote for Bush.
But before you go thinking all your conservative
friends are psychotic, listen to Lohse's explanation.
"Our study shows that psychotic patients prefer
an authoritative leader," Lohse says. "If your world is
very mixed up, there's something very comforting
about someone telling you, 'This is how it's going to be.'"
The study was an advocacy project of sorts, designed
to register mentally ill voters and encourage them
to go to the polls, Lohse explains. The Bush
trend was revealed later on.
Bush is stuck and he's not enough of a man to say,
"I made a mistake,"
so thousands more will die as long as nobody demands that pulls his
head out.
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Subject: Bush Lie-berry
Cute article by Arianna Huffington, but in it
she describes Shrub's Megaphone-Moment
("I can hear you. The rest of the world hears
you. And the people who knocked these
buildings down will hear all of us soon!") as
"the best unscripted line of his time in office."
Unscripted? I realize English isn't her
native tongue, but don't the Greeks have a word for "shill?"
(noun : a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer
in order to stimulate the participation of others)
Maybe Arianna is distracted with her real passion
- bringing down the Demo front-runner.
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to return stolen $8M
They steal a dollar and give back 8
cents - Nice gig
KBR (R-Halliburton subsidiary) agreed to pay
back $8 million to resolve accusations of overbilling
related to the firm's work for the Army in the
Balkans, the Justice Department said yesterday.
The allegations against KBR stemmed from orders
placed with 10 foreign subcontractors that were
working for KBR on military logistics support
in 1999 and 2000. The accusations, made under the
federal False Claims Act, included double-billing,
inflating prices and providing products that didn't
fit the Army's needs during the construction
of Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo.
"The Department of Justice remains committed to
vigorously covering up these billion dollar thefts,"
Assistant Attorney General Peter D. Keisler said
in a written statement.
KBR, a spin-off of Halliburton, said they were
"pleased" with the resolution. "Any time you can
make $92M by borrowing government money - why,
that's a great deal for our stockholders."
I wonder if the incoming congress will see things the same way?
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Visit wrapped-in-the-flag.com
Subject: Impeachment? NO!!! Way!!!
Hey Bart,
Impeachment? NO WAY!
Why would we want to let that spoiled brat off
the hook?
If he gets impeached, he goes back to Crawford,
gets drunk,
and watches cartoons in his bathrobe for the
rest of his nasty little life.
But if the Dems actually have the spine to mount
serious investigations,
then the little bastard has to spend two years
twisting in the wind while
his legacy is sliced & diced and fed to the
dogs of justice.
No one ever deserved it more.
Well...maybe Cheney. But he'll get his too.
All best,
Ferdinand Magellan
Dude, I'm a big fan.
Can I get you an orange juice?
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Subject: Christian Coalition
Hey Bart,
I either totally read that article differently
or I'm missing something but I think Joel Hunter
broke with them because he wanted to focus more
on feeding the poor and the environment
because those things are what Jesus would care
about, NOT gay marriage, abortion and politics.
It seems to me like THEY wanted to perpetuate
the hate
and he wanted them to get back to what the church
should be focusing on.
Donna, where it's 73 in Tallahassee
Donna, you're correct.
You must've read that story slower than I did.
But that means, it's not just one crazy bastard - it's the whole organization
of crazy bastards.
The ONLY things they stand for are denying women their civil rights
and tormenting the gays.
Isn't that what the KKK is all about?
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"Any time you hear the United States government
talking about wiretap,
a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing
has changed, by the way.
When we're talking about chasing down
terrorists, we're talking
about getting a court order before we
do so"
-- George W. Bush, has he
ever not lied? April 20, 2004
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
"Democrats will have to wait either until Iraq
able to govern itself, or until Bush
leaves office."
-- Richard Wolffe and Holly Bailey, msnbc.com
If it was up to the military families, would they rather their kids
come home safe
would they rather save the legacy of the bumbling thief who sent
them there on a lie?
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
Bush killed another 3
soldiers yesterday.
Since then,
made another $100M in profit.
Think The BFEE is ready
for this war to end?
Don't bet a soldier's
life on that.
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.

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Woo Hoo!
We're snowed in at Casa de Bart!
We got about an inch of ice followed by a foot of snow.
I've been in Oklahoma over 30 years, and I've seen a foot of snow before
(in the 80s) but I've never seen "Blizzard
Warning" on the TV before.
I also heard that Seattle had the most rain in their history for November.
Think climate change is real?
That means cable service is spotty.
I'm going to post what I can.
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LA Caths
pay off 45 victims
Is that your money they're using?
The nation's largest Roman Catholic archdiocese
said Friday it has agreed to pay $60 million
to settle 45 lawsuits alleging sex abuse by priests.
The deal is the most significant step to date
toward resolving extensive litigation against
the archdiocese that has dragged on for years.
"I pray that the settlement of the initial group
of cases will help the victims involved to move
forward with their lives and to build a
brighter future for themselves and their families,"
Cardinal Roger Mahony lied with a straight
Hey Roger, if you want to help those kids
stop raping them!
Keep your goddamn zipper up and you can keep
the next $60,000,000,
Jesus, the Caths act like solving this puzzle
is soooooooooo difficult.
Truth is, they want to continue raping and paying
- it's what priests do.
Do some some men become priests so they can have
this massive criminal organization
cover for them while they rape those little boys?
Remember, they tell these kids, "God
wants you to do this, and if you tell anybody,
you and your family will burn in eternity
forever - not get your damn pants off."
Clarification: I wasn't molested, I just
don't like religious insanity and I hate bullies.
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ditches her panties
Britney Spears is letting it all hang out --
shocking her fans, causing concern
among friends and making herself the butt of
jokes on late-night TV.
"Girls Gone Wild!" Us Weekly magazine blared in
its cover story this week,
charting a manic two weeks in which Spears was
seen gambling all night in Las Vegas,
spent time nightclubbing and shopping with "celebutante"
Hilton, and was photographed
on several occasions climbing in and out of cars
without panties.
Should we blame the Hilton girl?
No, and I'll show you why.
Paris shows Britney how to close her legs when going
This is what I'd call "car trouble."
The good news? Paris is still half-sober.
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It sucks when kids have cancer
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