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Weekend-Monday, Dec 9-12, 2006 Vol
1889 - Porcupine tragedy
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"There was not one bit of argument. He didn't
come back at us on anything."
-- Baker member Lawrence Eagleburger, on Dubya's demeanor when he met with
the ISG, Link
Well of course he didn't "come back
with anything." He doesn't have a brain.
He's got to ask people on his staff what
you said and then ask them what he thinks about it.
He can't engage in adult conversation about
anything that counts - you don't know that?
If you ask him a baseball question, he
have a prepared answer,
but this Monkey can't think and how can
you be oblivious to that after all these years?
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Gary Webb's
Death: American Tragedy
by Robert Parry
Two years ago, journalist Gary Webb - his career
and his life in ruins - killed himself.
Though a terrible personal tragedy, Webb's suicide
also marked the last page of a dark chapter
in American journalism, the end result of his
punishment at the hands of colleagues for helping
expose the Reagan administration's contra-cocaine
scandal. The major U.S. news media revealed
itself more as an accomplice to government crimes
than a watchdog for the people -- a precursor
to the failure to challenge George W. Bush's
false case for invading Iraq.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet
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Used with permission
"You wanted frankness - I thought we would
succeed quicker than we did.
And I am disappointed by the pace of
-- Der snot-nosed punk, to a British reporter who asked for candor,Link
"Quicker than we did?"
"Did" is a term for the past.
Bush thinks we have succeeded and that
success is in our past?
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Subject: What lesson can we draw
from Mary Cheney's pregnancy?
If turkey basters are outlawed,
only outlaws will have turkey basters.
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GOP senator:
War crimes?
Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith, a Republican who voted
for Bush's bloody quagmire,
now says the current U.S. war effort is "absurd"
and "may even be criminal."
Thursday night, Smith called for changes in U.S.
policy that could include rapid pullouts of troops.
He said he never would have voted for the conflict
if he had known the intelligence that Bush
gave the American people was inaccurate.
"I can't support a policy that has our soldiers
patrolling the same streets in the same way, being
blown up by the same bombs day after day," Smith
said. "That is absurd. It may even be criminal.
I cannot support that anymore. ... So either
we clear and hold and build, or let's go home."
It's about time the GOP realized that Bush is
Alligning with Bush will kill your career, so
they might as well tell the truth.
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Panel: Hastert
is a Pervert
Can he hold on to his lesser job?
Republicans failed for a decade to protect male
pages from sexual come-ons by Mark Foley (R-Guilty)
- once described as a "ticking time bomb" - but
they broke no rules and should not be punished,
concluded the partisan, Republican-controlled
House ethics committee in an outrageous cover-up.
The committee harshly criticized The Sweaty Wrestler
(R-Boy Toucher), saying the evidence proved
he lied about when he first heard of the problem.
It rejected Hastert's contention that he couldn't recall
separate warnings from two House Republican leaders.
Since he is a Republican, the Republicans
decided bioy-touching was OK as long as all involved
were Republicans.
Hastert said he was pleased the committee found
"there was no violation of any House rules,"
and that it was great to live in a country where
boy-touching was legal.
These Fascists decided to give themselves a pass on boy-touching.
The voters punsihed them some, but they need to be punished again.
And again.
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Subject: Why she hates Hillary
Sometimes the simplest of answers is the truth.
Simply put, Arianna cannot stand Hillary because
she's not Hillary.
Arianna wanted so very much to be in politics...and
has failed.
So the green eyed monster has arisen and is blinding
Sometimes jealousy knows no bounds.
But why do her readers go along with that illogical horse hockey?
Does she have that 99% robot-ish dedication that's evident at dailykos?
I couldn't get 2/3 of my readers to agree that the sun is hot.
How do Arianna and Kos command that super-blind dogmatic allegiance?
Are their readers checking their minds and opinions at the door when
they enter?
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Baker: Stay
Half the Course
by Greg Palast
They're kidding, right?
Baker's Two Big Ideas are:
1. Stay half the course. Keeping 140,000 troops
in Iraq is a disaster getting more disastrous.
The Baker Boys' idea: cut the disaster in half
- leave 70,000 troops there.
But here's where dumb gets dumber: the Bakerites
want to "embed" US forces in Iraqi Army units.
Question one, Mr. Baker: What Iraqi Army? This
so-called "army" is a rough confederation of Shia
death squads. We can tell our troops to get "embedded"
with them, but they won't get much sleep.
2. "Engage" Iran. This is a good one.
How can we get engaged when Bush hasn't even
asked them out for a date?
What will induce the shy mullahs of Iran to accept
our engagement proposal?
Answer: The Bomb.
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Boys will
be boys
by Gene Lyons
Looking back, it's amazing to contemplate the
sheer unreality of the political discussion leading up to
America's first "pre-emptive" war. The Post's
Walter Pincus, whose excellent reporting casting doubt
upon Iraq's imaginary WMDs got buried on Page
A 23 back then, recently wrote an interesting piece
looking at what some of the 126 House Democrats
who voted against Bush's war were saying at the time.
None of these misgivings, Pincus noted, was reported
in The Washington Post. The White House ignored them.
Meanwhile, Chris Matthews lionized Bush as
"our young warrior king." Newsweek's Howard Fineman
discerned in him "a model of unblinking,
eyes-on-the-prize decisiveness."
They're not talking that way now.
The White House and their talk radio Nazis always
whine about the press being against them,
but the truth is no recent president has gotten
the six-year honeymoon that this bastard has enjoyed.
That's why we went to war - because the press idolized Der Fuhrer.
Everything he said, they assured us, was intelligent, on-target
and true.
In most other professions, Matthews and Fineman would be laughed out
of their jobs.
But everyone knows the whore press's job is to lie about the greatness
of Bush and
the Republicans while lying about the Democrats and their motives.
I haven't said it in a while - fuck the press.
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Subject: Dixie Chicks
When country radio demagogued that whole controversy
I went out and bought every single Dixie Chicks
CD I could.
And I DO like their music..a lot.
When Taking the Long Way came out, I bought
it and bought several more as gifts.
And, no, I can't say I've ever taken the huge
risk they took.
AK in Boise
I'm sure their management advised them to apologize, and their decision
not to must have
been pretty damn scary when the Clear Channel bastards organized their
little witch hunt.
And then the whore media said, "America
boycotted the Dixie Chicks" when it was
those pro-war Clear Channel bastards and their near-monopoly that were
actually guilty.
great for our bottom line. We don't care
how many soldiers lose arms, legs or lives."
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"Has the President so failed in his duties
to the nation that he should leave office?
The answer to that question is yes,
and the time for the President to leave is not after
months of continued national embarrassment
but now. Clinton should resign."
-- USA Today editorial, Sept. 15, 1998,
The whore newspapers that were super-eager to
call for Clinton to step down because he had
a girlfriend remain supportive of the bastard
who killed 3000 soldiers - because they are whores.
Again and again, America's whore press tells us
that getting a blow job
is worse than lying 3,000 soldiers into their
graves for no damn reason..
Where is the logic?
Where is the sanity?
In a sane world, it wouldn't matter if Clinton
was banging three interns at once,
as long as those 3,000 soldiers got to have Christmas
dinner with their families,
But America is so hung up on sex - we must blame
religion for that.
"Today, America is saddled with an unbelievably
corrupt occupant in the White House.
Bush is guilty of a long list of serious crimes,
from torture to lying America into a war.
And what's the U.S. media's reaction to all
Not one major newspaper has called for Bush
to resign."
...and that's why they're known world-wide as "America's whore press."
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Subject: Punchy cartoon
What percent of the county commissioner vote do
you think you'd get in Okieville?
Yet you think you know how to win an election
I'm sure I could do better than the bastards who advise their clients
to surrender before the votes are counted.
Arianna is faaaar too evolved to win an election
in America... they prefer mountains of
useless hulking meat with a tiny, impulsive nerve
center buried in a thick bony skull like Arnold's...
or slick, lip biting DLC whores like Bubba --
that's why she got two perfuckingcent.
You're right - Arianna is a much better politician than Bill
(We really need a sarcasm emoticon)
It has nothing to do with knowing politics.
Oh really?
Winning elections has nothing to do with
knowing politics?
You get dumber every day with this adolescent
Clinton worship...
You're an embarassmentation, boy...don't that
come sneaking through to you some times?
How embarrassed will I be when she takes the oath of office?
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Brit reporter:
"Are you capable of admitting your failures in the past?"
Der Fuhrer:
"You can answer that question, yourself."
-- Hmmm, sounds like
a clear "No" to me, Link
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Subject: What is victory?
I have yet to see a concrete definition of what
"Victory" in Iraq is.
Its like running a race not knowing where the
finish line is.
That's how the Bush boys win races.
If they ever get ahead, they say, "There's
the finish line" and declare victory.
They've never won anything without cheating.
Bushboy throws "victory" around all the time,
but what he needs to do is say
"This is what victory is....." then "This is
how we get there..."
Any idiot can just use buzzwords all day long
without actually defining anything.
Crazy Mike, he sorta covered that is his weasel-like way.
He says "Victory is when Iraq can defend itself
and sustain itself,"
which leads one to ask, "So what does that mean?"
He can't put a real defnition - such as, "When
car bombings get down to 25 per day,"
because that's not going to happen. With his weasel-words, he can proclaim
that Iraq
can not "sustain and defend itself" and slither away like a Neo-Con
cock roach.
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Pope spreads
Christmas cheer
Benny the Rat excommunicates Nebraska
A Vatican official has upheld the 1996 mass excommunication
of perhaps hundreds of people
in Lincoln, NB affiliated with 11 organizations
the diocese considers anti-Catholic.
In 1996, Bruskewitz ruled that membership in Call
To Action and 10 other organizations was
"perilous and incompatible to the Catholic faith."
The groups include Planned Parenthood and
Catholics for a Free Choice, the Hemlock Society
and several Masonic organizations.
No other U.S. bishops have issued similar excommunication
Sheer f-ing lunacy.
If you live in Chicago, you can still go to their fictional Heaven.
If you live in Tulsa, you can still go to their fictional Heaven.
If you live in Hong Kong, you can still go to their fictional Heaven.
But if you have the bad luck to be stuck in Lincoln, Nebraska
where quick-draw Bruskewitz runs the local dog-and-pony
you're going to burn in Hell for all eternity.
No wonder the world thinks Catholics are crazy.
Hey, Benny the Rat, why not just excommunicate all Democrats?
You know you want to - so why don't you?
Do you need that Democrat money so bad that you let "baby killers"
How can anybody who appreciates logic fall for this mess?
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Subject: why we hate Hillary
Because if she's elected, we will have another
national nightmare of peace and prosperity.
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They told
you so
by Paul Krugman
Shortly after Baghdad fell, The Weekly Whore
Standard published a jeering article titled,
"The Cassandra Chronicles: The stupidity of the
antiwar doomsayers." Among those the article mocked
was James Webb, now the senator-elect from Virginia.
The article's title was revealing. People forget the
nature of Cassandra's curse: although nobody
would believe her, all her prophecies came true. And so it was
with those who warned against invading Iraq.
At best, they were ignored. A recent article in The WaHoPo
ruefully conceded that the paper's account of
the war debate in the House - a resolution opposed by a
majority of the Democrats - gave no coverage
at all to those antiwar arguments that now seem prescient.
The American Whore Press has no accountability.
They're always on the wrong side of everything and they never have
to pay for their mistakes.
They lie with every f-ing sentence they publish.
They trivialize real crimes while elevating ant hills into mountains.
...and they're getting worse.
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Zone Monkey
by Jonathan Chait
There is a famous "Twilight Zone" episode about
a little boy who has fantastical powers. Through the misuse
of his powers, the little boy has ruined the
lives of everybody in the town. For instance, teleporting them into
a cornfield, or summoning a snowstorm that destroys
their crops. Because anyone who thinks an unhappy
thought will be banished, the adults around him
can do nothing but cheerfully praise his decisions while they
try to nudge him in a less destructive direction.
This episode kept popping into my head when I was reading
about Bush and the Baker commission.
As president, Bush has enormous power, but he is treated by
everybody around him as if he were a child.
That's so perfect, I'm going to toast Jonathan
Chait with a shot of Chinaco Anejo.
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"If Mary Cheney's lesbian lover was pregnant,
instead of her,
what part of Mary Cheney would have
made the child a 'Cheney?"
-- Kevin McCullough, Link
The Democrats have a chance to force the right into accepting
gay families here,
but of course they'll let it slip away because they are too afraid
to speak - as always.
How did I end up in a party is sacless, scared bunnies?
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Where Were
You When John Lennon Was Killed?
We asked that question on the 20th anniversary.
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
Bush killed another 7
soldiers since yesterday.
made $700M profit last week.
Think The BFEE is ready
for this war to end?
Don't bet a soldier's
life on that.
Bush has killed more
Americans than Osama.
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Subject: Bush Intent on Staying
the Course
Bush obviously does not want to follow the Iraq
Study Guide.
He would much rather stay the course and keep
war profiteers and the Big Oil companies.
We must impeach Bush out of Iraq for there is
no other way.
By leaving Iraq Bush would have to admit that
it was a huge
mistake to invade and occupy this country in
the first place.
Bush never apologizes for anything.
We are still waiting for his apology to the citizens
of New Orleans.
He let babies die of thirst and the elderly drown
in their wheel chairs
while they waited 5 full days for the cavalry
to show up.
Bush is the worst president ever.
Willie in the D
Willie, you'll get no argument from me.
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"Congress has been extraordinarily timid on
the question of conducting war.
Robust oversight has been lacking.
It has not been a strong performance by the Congress."
--Lee Hamilton, (BFEE-Whitewash) of all fucking people,
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Presents Wednesday night Poker
When the GOP Fascist (I repeat myself) thugs tried to outlaw poker,
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You talk about a friendly game.
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So the thugs accidentally backed in to making Poker more
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Thanks, stupid thugs!
Note: Ask me about our online
Charity Poker Tournament.
What if we could play poker and help some bald kids at the same time?
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F-ing madness
In the Baker Report, they studied one day in Iraq, I think it was Sept
1, 2006.
The thug-led American government said there were 93 acts of violence
that day in Iraq.
The Baker Report said they were lying bastards - that there were 1,100
acts of violence that day.
Point One:
Those Bush bastards are lying, murdering thieves.
Point Two:
There were 1,100 acts of violence that day.
Think about that.
Bush brought 1,100 acts of violence every day to Baghdad.
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What a great
The Saints are coming!
They beat the Cowboy Monologs 55-7.
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McPhee's New CD
That is what a star looks like.
Want to see what a star doesn't look like?
America picks their Idol's funny.
Katharine McPhee will sell a ton of CDs..
The Confederate Dough Boy won't.
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It sucks when kids have cancer
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