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Weekend-Monday Jan 13-15, 2007 Vol
1910 - Meters coming
"The purpose of Guantanamo is to destroy people,
and I have been destroyed."
-- Inmate Jumah al-Dossari, in a letter published in the LA Times,
Actually, the purpose of Gitmo is so Bush can point to these invisible
(to us) goat-herders
and claim the law-breaking is keeping is "safe" from them. Lately I
read (but didn't publish)
a story about some of the innocents who've been released from Gitmo
with an "Our bad."
Bush had these innocent goat-herders kidnapped, rendered to Cuba, then
tortured by our
mercenaries using our tax dollars. As time went by, they choose
to release some of them
while hundreds or thousands more continued to be tortured daily.
Did you see the premier of 24 Sunday?
In Jack Bauer's world, the bad guys are actually attacking America.
In the TV world, the terrorists are acting like they don't take orders
from the US president.
In the TV world, they are blowing up malls and theaters and churches
in America each day.
But in Bush's fake war, the enemy has chosen NOT to blow
up Radio City Music Hall
or a grade school in Palo Alto or a Nieman Marcus in Dallas or a mall
in Minneapolis.
The TV terrorists are more real than Bush's fake terrorists.
No, in Bush's fake war, the terrorists would rather blow up 30 Iraqis
looking for work
when that same suicide bomber could make worldwide headlines with paralyzing
that cause real terror right here in America - but they've decided
to - I wonder why?
If Americans were being attacked with three suicide bombers a day, like
they do on TV,
we'd barracade ourselves in our homes and demand that the Little Dictator
but that isn't happening because, I believe, Bush has made a deal with
the terrorists.
If you're a suicidal handjob and are willing to kill yourself for the
cause, why kill 30 of your
fellow countrymen (who are Muslims) when you could kill 30 pig-eating
Americans and
actually strike back against the enemy that invaded your country?
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The Logic
of a Wider Mideast War
by Robert Parry
...the logic of a wider war seems compelling
- and would fit with both recent evidence and
motives of key protagonists.
Take, for instance, George W. Bush's announcement
that he is deploying Patriot anti-missile missiles
to the region, reportedly to protect key U.S.
military installations in Kuwait and Qatar. That wouldn't
make much sense if Bush wasn't anticipating some
reason for Iran to fire missiles at American bases.
The logic would be that the Patriots are meant
to guard against a retaliatory strike from Iran,
presumably after an attack by the United States
or Israel on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Bush's decision to order two aircraft carrier
strike groups into waters off Iran sends a similar message.
It is a warning to Tehran that any military retaliation
after an air strike could lead to an American
escalation with even heavier aerial bombardments
of Iran.
Bush reminds me of a nine year old at a buffet in a Vegas casinoe*
He loads his plate full of food, sits down, takes a few bites, then
runs for another plate
so he can load it up with more food. After taking a few bites of the
second plateful,
he heads back to the buffet with another new plate.
Why does the nine year old do this?
Because he was brought up by unloving, inattentive parents and because
a spoiled
little bastard who never heard the word, "No."
The big difference, tho... the nine year old doesn't have to spend $2B
a week on food
and he doesn't get three soldiers killed every day he continues his
snotty little stunts.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet.
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"I feel good about the new war with Iran. If
a pre-emptive war in Iraq doesn't work,
why not try a pre-emptive war on Iran in Iraq?
We're trying to stanch a self-inflicted wound:
our failed occupation gave Iran the opening
in Iraq we're now trying to shut down."
-- Maureen Dowd, being sarcastic because
she hates everybody, Link
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Dobson says
no to McCain
Crazy, McCain is still too sane for the fundie nuts
A prominent Christian leader whose radio and
magazine outreaches are solidly in support of
biblically-based marriages - and keeps in touch
with millions of constituents daily - says he
cannot consider McCain (R-Torture Whore) a viable
candidate for president.
"Speaking as a private individual, I would not
vote for John McCain under any circumstances,"
said James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Hanfjob
as well as the Focus Handjob Action
cultural action organization set up specifically
to provide a platform for rallying constituents.
Dobson, who always is careful to note that he's
not speaking for the non-profit ministry,
which cannot advocate for or against candidates
legally, also doesn't hesitate to state his
personal opinions on social or political issues
and agendas.
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A Time to
Break Silence
by Martin Luther King (D-Murdered by the right)
I am as deeply concerned about our troops there
as anything else. For it occurs to me that what we are
submitting them to in Vietnam is not simply the
brutalizing process that goes on in any war where armies face
each other and seek to destroy. We are adding
cynicism to the process of death, for they must know after a
short period there that none of the things we
claim to be fighting for are really involved. Before long they must
know that their government has sent them into
a struggle among Vietnamese, and the more sophisticated
surely realize that we are on the side of the
wealthy and the secure while we create hell for the poor.
Somehow this madness must cease. We must stop
now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering
poor of Vietnam. I speak for those whose land
is being laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose
culture is being subverted. I speak for the poor
of America who are paying the double price of smashed hopes
at home and death and corruption in Vietnam.
I speak as a citizen of the world, for the world as it stands aghast
at the path we have taken. I speak as an American
to the leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this
war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be
I get pissed every time a Republican uses King's words to deny the black
man and further divide us.
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Hagel slaps
Kissyface on Meet the Whore
From the BartBlog
Subject: War
Bart, you asked,
> Why doesn't the right care enough to speak
I'd tell you why, but Country Joe said it best:
So come on, generals, don't be slow.
This is war a go-go.
There's plenty good money to be made
supplyin' our boys with the tools of the trade.
And we know peace can only be won
when we blow 'em all to Kingdom Come.
To sum up: war is hella profitable for certain
In this case, those who profit are on the right.
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"If you were playing basketball with Dubya
and you were playing to 11 and he was down,
you went to 15. Even if it was
clear who was winning, Dubya wanted to go further to see
what would happen. That worked well
in Tallahassee in 2000, but not so well in Tikrit."
-- Doug Hannah, the Little Dictator's best friend
when he was 15 years old Link
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Subject: marijuana rebuttal
Is driving stoned the same as driving drunk?
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Monkey plays
by Pat Buchanan
Bush has to know the card he played is not going
to save the pot into which he has plunged his legacy,
the credibility of his country and America's
standing as a superpower.
Which leads me to believe Bush has yet another
card to play, an ace up his sleeve.
What might that be?
Midway through his speech, almost as an aside,
Bush made a pointed accusation at
and issued a direct threat to - Tehran.
Which suggests to this writer that, while the
"surge" is modest, Bush has in mind a different kind of escalation
- widening the war by attacking the source of
instability in the region: Tehran.
What Bush signaled in the clear Wednesday is that
air strikes on Iranian "networks" are being planned.
That would produce an Iranian response. That
response would trigger US strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities,
for which Israel and the neocons are howling.
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Subject: Bush runs war like Katrina
Bush is conducting his war just like he conducted
the Katrina Hurricane relief efforts.
He just doesn't care about the loss of life of
average Americans. Babies died of thirst 3 days
after the storm hit New Orleans. The elderly
drowned in their nursing homes waiting for the
cavalry to arrive. Bush didn't send in the cavalry
until the 5th day.
Meanwhile Condolleezza Rice shopped for shoes
in Manhattan.
Bush is the worst president ever. He should resign
or be impeached.
Jim in Rochester, Michigan
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I saw a great toon of Bush & Cheney
washing blood off their hands, saying,
"Three thousand
washes away as easily as two thousand,"
but I can't publish it because the artist, a guy named "Sack"
thinks he's being harmed whenever someone sees his work.
Have you ever heard of anything so stupid?
Odds are you've never heard of "Sack," who's a good artist,
but he gets really pissed if anyone sees his work.

Is it cold where you are?
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Clock moves forward
Bush is ready to blow up the whole world
The keepers of the "Doomsday Clock" plan to move
its hands forward next Wednesday
to reflect what they call worsening nuclear and
climate threats to the world.
The symbolic clock, maintained by the Bulletin
of Atomic Scientists, currently is set at
seven minutes to midnight, with midnight marking
global catastrophe.
The group did not say in which direction the hands
would move. But in a news release
previewing an event next Wednesday, they said
the change was based on "worsening
nuclear, climate threats" to the world.
You younger folks might not even know about the Doomsday Clock,
because under sane presidents it moved away from midnight.
With this crazy bastard intent on causing World War III,
(where his God can come riding in on a chariot of clouds - whatever)
they've had to move the hands closer to universal destruction.
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Subject: Life in China
I got an e-mail from a reader in China, so I asked
him what life was like there.
One specific question I asked was, "How do
you get to work?"
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Random thought...
Big ice storm in Tulsa over the weekend, so they
cancelled church.
Wouldn't God protect His children coming to see
I think it's an insult to God that they cancelled
Even the Cowboy Gatherin' Church (swear
to Koresh) cancelled.
After all, He died on the cross for us, they say,
and after all that, his children
can't be bothered with a little ice and snow
to see their Heavenly Father?
Or is organized religion telling us that is nature more powerful than
Truth is, when a big storm hits, The Cloud Believers say,
"God would understand."
Also, the ice storm killed our power on Sunday, which pushed back recording
BCR a day.
When the lights went out, we had the gas-powered fake fireplace going,
so we had heat
in the damn-quiet house which saved us the expense of a hotel.
Thank you, God.
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Bush's Skeleton
So many lies, they barely fit on the Internets.
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to trade links?
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Open threads - anybody got anything they want to say?
Add your comments
to today's page
David Beckham
comes to America
by Tommy Mack
Most of you know nothing about world soccer,
but you've heard of David Beckham.
He's not even the best player in the world (that
would be Ronaldinho from Brazil who
plays for Barcelona), but you've heard of David
Beckham. In fact, 75% of Americans
could probably only name two soccer players in
history: Pele and Beckham.
If you personally know a few more, consider yourself
For everyone else, it's exactly why he's coming
over here.
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"The consequences of failure are more important
than a political career.
It could hurt me in a primary and it
could hurt me in a general election.
This could hurt me in history."
-- John McCain, proving he knows it's suicide to tell the voters to fuck
off, Link
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Is it cold
where you are?
Bush's Imperial
Why is Bush poised to try Jose Padilla as a dangerous
terrorist, long after it has become clear that he was
just the wrong Muslim in the wrong airport on
the wrong day? Why is Washington still holding hundreds of
detainees at Gitmo, long after years of interrogation
and abuse have established that few, if any, of them are
the deadly terrorists they have been held out
to be?...
I once believed that the common thread here is
presidential blindness -- an extreme executive-branch myopia
that leads the chief executive to believe that
these futile measures are integral to combating terrorism; a self-
delusion that precludes Bush and his advisers
from recognizing that Padilla is a chump and Gitmo is just a
holding pen for a jumble of innocent or half-guilty
wretches...it has finally become clear that the goal of these
efforts isn't to win the war against terrorism;
indeed, nothing about Padilla, Gitmo or signing statements moves
the country an inch closer to eradicating terrorism.
The object is expanding executive power, for its own sake.
After stealing power from the Judiciary and the Congress, who thinks
the BFEE
will turn that power over to some commie Democrat who's in bed with
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Random thought...
The weekend seemed empty because football isn't
fun unless the Coyboys are losing.
Now I wished they'd won last week - so I could've
watched them lose yesterday.
I may have to adjust the plan to be merely annoyed
watching New England.
Have you even seen a more boring team in your
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Bush enjoys
second video
This time it's Saddam's brother
The official video of the Bush-ordered hanging
of Saddam's co-defendants premiered in limited release.
The video shows Barzan Ibrahim, Saddam's half
brother and former intelligence chief, and Awad Hamed
al-Bandar, head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court,
being hanged side by side. They wore red prison jumpsuits.
As they reached the gallows, black hoods were
put on their heads and five masked men surrounded them.
After the trap doors opened, al-Bandar could be
seen dangling from the rope.
Ibrahim's body was lying on the floor, chest
down, his severed head resting several yards away.
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Subject: Malloy caller Sarge
From Ms.
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know
I visit your site.
I would appreciate it if you would put the Mississippi
Mission that is being conducted by
Nova M Radio, Head On Radio, and my site Unreported
News Network link on your page.
It is explained on my site http://unreportednews.net
and a list of items that are most needed
in this disgraceful hurrcane recovery. Any questions
feel free to ask.
Thanks for your good work,
Glad to help.
Any friend of Mike's...
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!

Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush's oil gouge, which is going to $100
makes $350,000,000
will steal every day.
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $350,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
More death, while the Little Dictator stalls for time.
Who will be the 2008 nominee now that Rudy is pro-quagmire
and McCain has been rejected by the religio-wacko right?
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $100M - every day
Bush has killed more than Americans than Osama.
Subject: delusional
When the dam's about to break,
you don't call out for a bucket of spackle.
You evacuate the town.
Belchertown, MA
Charlie, you could be right, ...but ...is Iraq the dam?
If so, that might make the spackle the Little Dictator's surge
or it could be the troops in that surge, or even the Iraqis.
But and even *I* know who needs to be evacuated.
These neo-cons need to be redeployed somewhere behind bars.
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Subject: Hello from Hanoi
Here is a little proof of the BFEE stealing of
the oil, well sort of.
Basra preparing
to install meters
A South Oil Company official said they are
getting ready to install meters at Basra oil terminal,
135 km southwest of Basra city, to measure
the amount of exported.
He said installing these meters was delayed
for three years because there was no company to
undertake the project due to the security
situation. U.S. company Parsons accepted the project.
Media director Sallam al-Maksousi said, "Installing
these meters would put an end for the
groundless accusations against South Oil Company
of involvement in oil smuggling,"
ha ha
Did he really say that?
After four years of stealing oil, they're installing meters now,
so no nobody can say they've been stealing oil for four years?
It comes from the Voice of Iraq news service.
It seems the gig is up on BFEE and their henchmen.
Steve in Hanoi Vietnam
In the meters are being installed, that means peace is about to break
Great news for America, great news for the troops, bad news for Democrats.
Watch the last soldier return in October of next year, with Der Little
and his whore media screaming about "how great
victory is," under Bush.
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Epic Battle, War or Peace
by Brent Budowsky
First, there is an unfolding Democratic strategy
to halt the escalation of the war in Iraq as proposed
by President Bush's speech in open defiance of
the voters' will as expressed in the 2006 election.
Second, there is a raging battle behid the scenes
pitting advocates of a preemptive attack against Iran,
led by the same civilian neoconservatives who
advocated the Iraq War, against critics who view such
an attack as catastrophically dangerous. These
opponents of a new preemptive war include many in
the military and intelligence worlds in the United
States and Israel.
Third, there is a grand constitutional battle
that will soon be front-page news, pitting those who claim
that the President possesses unilateral power
to initiate preemptive war against those who argue that it
is illegal and unconstitutional for the President
to wage new wars without prior congressional approval.
While these battles superficially resemble the
DC kabuki play that preceded the Iraq War in 2002-03,
there are two big differences that work to Bush's
great disadvantage and may result in a different outcome.
Note: consortiumnews.com is the most important site on
the internet.
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Subject: Mitch the bitch McConnell
HI Bart:
I went over and took a look at Mitch the Bitch
McConnell's Official Web site
to see if he ever served in a war or at least
the military. Sure enough he is a Chicken Hawk!
He has been for every damn war this nation has
fought, but just could not see himself dressed
in the color Olive Green. I guess down
south it's hard to find the military induction station?
Well, at least for Republicans.
Hell, at least Bush can say he went AWOL from
the Texas Air National Guard.
Don't let those Republican Bastards get you down,
Gary S
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Erinn Bartlett
wed in '06
more of Erin Bartlett at BC
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