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Tuesday Jan 23, 2007 Vol
1915 - Viscosity
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"Everyone knows the vice president doesn't
know what he's talking about.
I can't be more blunt than that. He
is yet to be right one single time on Iraq."
-- Sen. Joseph Biden, talking
like he has a pair, Link
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Bush drops
to 28% approval
And Republicans are starting to wise up
Bush's overall approval rating has fallen to
just 28 percent, a new low,
while 64 percent disapprove of the way he's handling
his job.
Two-thirds of Americans remain opposed to Bush's
surge plan.
And 72 percent believe he should seek congressional
approval for the troop increase.
I wonder - on what date will Bush hit 20
percent approval rating?l
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"The party that I first voted for on top of
a tank in Mekong Delta 1968 is not the party I see today.
I want every member of the Senate
to have to take a position on this. We have kids dying every day."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel, the sane Republican,
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GOP opposition
to Iraq plan grows
Congressional Republicans pushed back Monday
against Bush's war madness, some voicing
opposition while others urged holding Bush and
Maliki more accountable for the war effort.
Republicans have struggled to respond since Bush
outlined his new strategy.
Most Republicans have been unwilling to abandon
a president of their own party.
The developments occurred on the eve of the Little
Dictator's State of the Union lies.
Sen. John Warner of Virginia, former chairman
of the Armed Services Committee, joined Susan Collins
and Norm Coleman (R-Bastard) of Minnesota in
producing the legislation expressing disagreement with
Bush's madness. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Who?) joined
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Why I hate
by Cindy Sheehan
I met with Senator Clinton in DC in September
of 2005. We poured our hearts and souls out to her.
We cried as we told her of our sons and our fear
for the people of Iraq and the escalating body count
of our brave young people. She sat there stone-faced
and walked out and told Sarah Ferguson of the
Village Voice, "My bottom line is that I don't
want their sons to die in vain.... I don't believe it's smart
to set a date for withdrawal.... I don't think
it's the right time to withdraw." She may as well have
slapped us in the face using Bloody George's
line and using our son's sacrifice to justify her war-mongering.
On January 18th, Senator Clinton introduced a
meaningless bill to put a cap on the number of soldiers
that can be in Iraq, set at January 1st levels.
It is as weak and meaningless as a nonbinding resolution
- and a politically safe move, since almost three
fourths of the country oppose the war and oppose
Bloody George. By the time she introduced her
Senate bill last Thursday, over 1000 of our young people
had come home in body bags and tens of thousands
of innocent Iraqis had died, while she was waiting
for the best political time to be semi-against
the war. How many of our troops are lying in Walter Reed
with devastating injuries that could have been
prevented if a Senate leader like Clinton had taken a moral
stance instead of political one?
I'm pretty sure the answer to her question is
How would a freshman senator stop Bush's massive
war machine?
And why was it important for Hillary to cry with
Cindy? (The stone-faced comment)
Why isn't she focusing on Bush, McCain, the
Republicans or the 6-term Democratic senators?
Could it be that there's more publicity in attacking her own people?
Or am I not permitted to ask that question?
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Bush is
afraid of comedians
by Elayne Boosler
Whatever you think of this White House, you can
now add "weenies" to the list...This is the biggest bunch
of cowards to come down the pike since that guy
dressed as a woman and got into one of the lifeboats as
the Titanic was sinking. You sure can tell none
of these White House big shots ever served in the military;
afraid of a comedian?..When Bill Clinton was
elected president, I was the first comedian chosen to entertain
at the White House Press Correspondents' Dinner.
It was May, 1993, one hundred days into his first term,
and there was enough kindling in those three
months to burn down Washington...(After Koresh's suicide)
So here's my point. With the most combustible
confluence of events ever to befall a new president, not once,
ever, did anyone say to me, "Go easy. Don't burn".
No one told me what to say or not say.
The WHPCD has turned into a whorefest - that's why Colbert seemed like
such fresh air.
Finally, someone in the room was more interested in the truth than
getting an "exclusive"
interview with a liar who never answers the questions he's asked.
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Subject: Colbert - O'Reilly --
you missed the best parts
It was SCHWEEEET to see Colbert take some nice
shots at Papa Bear.
No knockout blows, but apparently under the rules
of engagement, knockout blows were off limits, but....
At the end of the O'Reilly show segment, Colbert
thanks Billo for "not asking about that thing that
we agreed in advance not to talk about."
(rough quote) It was (at least for me) an obvious reference
to an agreement not to talk about Andrea Mackris.
Then during the Colbert show, when Billo makes
a reference to Jon Stewart, Colbert calls Stewart
a "sexual predator...I had to leave that show...you
have no idea what it was like..." It was another,
perhaps subtle, but brilliant reference to O'Reilly's
Mackris issues, a stab at the heart of the evil beast.
Go back and look again. It's good.
NJ Loves Bart
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The whole
world hates us
to the insane Murder Monkey
Global opinion of U.S. foreign policy has sharply
deteriorated in the past two years, according to a
BBC poll released Monday. Nearly three-quarters
of those polled in 25 countries disapprove of U.S.
policies toward Iraq, and more than two-thirds
said the U.S. military presence in the Middle East does
more harm than good. Nearly half of those polled
in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and the
Middle East said the United States is now playing
a mainly negative role in the world.
A shorter way to measure that is - bin Laden,
after all he's done,
has a higher approval rating in the world than
America's Giggling Murderer.
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Subject: You war-mongering son
of a hoop-twirler
Hi Bart,
The subject line is just to get your attention.
I know you didn't ever think the war in Iraq was
a "good idea", but you did go along with those
who said: "Well the intelligence said Saddam
had WMDs ready to launch against us. Who was I to say they didn't?"
Actually, Bush said Saddam had WMDs ready to launch
against us, not the intelligence.
But he determines which intelligence the Senate
gets to see.
But in fact, credible people, on-site, doing inspections
-- Hans Blix among them -- said there were no WMDs.
And Saddam was opening up to even more rigourous
inspections... Nonetheless, you guys let a gang of
bare-faced liars -- people you knew to be liars
-- sell you fake intelligence.
I was willing to bet my life and the lives of
everyone I know on SH having no WMDs to launch.
Skeptical Johnny Rojo
Johnny, I'm glad you're not my Dad.
I'd hate to think you'd gamble my life every time you thought
you saw a woodchuck.
Let me ask you this question:
If I have a gun hidden in my home that
you can't find,
does that mean there's no gun?
Iraq is almost the size of Texas.
How could Blix or Ritter or anyone guarantee there was nothing hidden
under the sand?
In my opinion, when you blame the senate, you're saying Bush didn't
lie to them.
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Young Marines
- they want kids
Serious looks were chiseled into their young
faces as they followed the commands of their boot-camp instructor.
"About face, left face, right face," the instructor
boomed at them.
These raw "recruits" are Young Marines, a national
program for youths ages 8 through high school.
The Young Marines program has been around since
1958, and today boasts more than 10,000 kids.
The mission of the Young Marines program is to
promote mental, moral and physical development of its members.
The program focuses on character-building and
leadership, and promotes a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
It also promotes a "You'll be a Marine, soon"
How many more wars is Bush planning?
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Open threads - anybody got anything they want to say?
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to today's page
Lying Like
It's 2003
by Frank Rich
The most important lies to watch for now are
the new ones being reiterated daily by the top brass,
from Bush and Cheney on down. You know fiasco
awaits America when everyone in the White House
is reading in unison from the same fictional
script, as they did back in the day when "mushroom clouds"
and "uranium from Africa" were the daily drumbeat.
The latest lies are custom-made to prop up the
new "way forward" that is anything but. Among the
emerging examples is a rewriting of the history
of Iraq's sectarian violence. The fictional version was
initially laid out by Bush in his Jan. 10 prime-time
speech and has since been repeated on television by
both Cheney and the national security adviser,
Stephen Hadley, last Sunday and by Bush again on PBS's
"NewsHour" on Tuesday. It goes like this: sectarian
violence didn't start spiraling out of control until the
summer of 2006, after Sunni terrorists bombed
the Golden Mosque and forced the Shiites to take revenge."
Wishful thinking...
Now that the democrats have power,
maybe they'll break their years of silence and call the lies for what
they are?
God, I hate lying to myself.
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"I know how Washington Republicans think,
how they operate, and how to beat them."
-- Clinton 44, with help from Clinton 42,
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Iraqis will never accept it
sellout to oil corporations
Iraq remains under occupation, and the gulf between
those who profess to rule and those who
are ruled is filled with blood. The government
is beholden to the occupation forces that are
responsible for a humanitarian catastrophe and
a political impasse.
[Bush's oil snatch] law has been discussed behind
closed doors for much of the past year.
Secret drafts have been viewed and commented
on by the U.S. government, but have not been released
to the Iraqi public - and not even to all members
of parliament. If the law is pushed through in these
circumstances, the political process will be
further discredited even further. Talk of a moderate cross
-sectarian front appears designed to ease the
passage of the law and the sellout to oil corporations.
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Subject: Rich Little, Republican
Hi Bart
Rich Little is a Repug so he will have no problem
patronizing Bush.
A couple of times I heard him slam the Big Dog,
once on Hollywood
squares and the crowd booed him and he got all
Toledo Joe
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A Challenge to the Media
Bill Kristol with Everyday American
Mary MacElveen
I would suggest that folks like Kristol be quiet
and listen to what the American people are saying.
I would suggest that Kristol be quiet since on
Saturday we lost 25 soldiers. Does he even know what
it is like to be in their boots? As many
who are opposed to this escalation have voiced their concerns to
the Bush administration, they include Congressman
Jack Murtha who did serve. They include Senator
Chuck Hagel who also served. Those
like Senator Ted Kennedy who also served have questioned
this troop increase while those like Kristol
decided not to serve in any branch of the military.
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Subject: McCain - get your facts
Dear black bart,
I am no McCain fan, far from it, but get
your facts right before you attack this guy.
His so -called 'black baby' was an adopted girl
from India or parakistan.
Rove & Co. made up ugly rumors & mud
slinging to bring him down when he ran vs.
der monkey for party nomination. Unlike der monkey,
he earned my respect as a veteran & person.
Back stabbing his fellow POW's you say?
He was captured & tortured.
Easy for you to poke fun. Do you know what that
is like? Don't criticize until you were in his shoes.
POW's have often done things they later regret
under duress. Unlike der monkey, he is a strong man
emotionally, he went through a lot, much more
than you ever had to endure.
Going crazy? Again, more false carl rove attacks
that are false
& got fools to believe to support bush for
the nomination.
GI Joe - a fan of your site but every so
often I have to set you straight.
Joe, I know those attacks were false and below-the-belt.
I was doing an impression of the new handlers McCain just hired,
the ones Team Bush paid to slur him in 2000 in So Carolina.
But how can you respect a man who is now pro-torture, pro-surge,
pro-religious insanity, claiming Adam & Eve rode dinosaurs to temple
and The Great Flood carved out the Grand Canyon?
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $300,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $300,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 4
more since the last issue
while the Little Dictator stonewalls the inevitable.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $100M - every day
4 soldiers
die per day,
Exxon makes $100
per day
Bush can live with that.
Bush has killed more than Americans than Osama.
NM Caths
against cockfighting
Archbishop Michael Sheehan, Bishop Ricardo Ramirez
and Bishop Donald Pelotte
announced Thursday that they support an end to
cockfighting in New Mexico.
"The bishops recognize that cockfighting is abusive
of God's good creation and is
not a cultural treasure," said Allen Sanchez,
executive director of the New Mexico
Conference of Catholic Bishops. "Cockfighting
promotes violence."
Now if we could get them to denounce raping children...
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Subject: Colbert vs. Orally (O'Reilly)
Bart: I am sorry you didn't get the joke.
It was one of the greatest I have ever witnessed.
Not all jokes are slap-your-knee funny.
While everyone was waiting for the same fireworks
Colbert produced at
the Washington Correspondence dinner, as you
claim, we instead got treated
to the greatest joke of all, Colbert staying
in character.
Terry S
I get that, but I was hoping he'd stay in character and be funny.
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ship it Feb 20th
Rotten night
for TV
On 24, Jack beat up his brother,
tied him to a chair, then put a
plastic bag over his heard to torture some information out of him.
Are we jumping the shark on Dick Cheney's favorite TV show?
Jack should wear a colorful costume with a cape and a giant "T" on
his chest.
Then the long-awaited return of a show that used to be fun - Heroes.
But where did the show go?
The mind-reader is having trouble reading minds.
The evil twin lady is stuck in prison.
The cheerleader forgot much of her past, as did her best friend.
Borrow-your-powers boy was unconcho most of the show.
I fear we have another shark-jumper.
Like Lost, like Jericho, like a lot of
the new round of shows,
they have a decent idea in their hands but no idea where to go next.
Then came another disaster, Studio 60.
Is this show ever going to take off?
It reminds me of the not-so-good West Wings,
where you just wait and hope the next episode will be better.
Veronica Mars is back after a 6-week hiatus and let's
hope she
doesn't get roofied for the - count 'em - fourth time.
Tonight, Veronica is looking for a missing Monkey.
Somebody tell her to check the major networks at 9PM Eastern tonight.
Rescue Me, The Shield, come back quick!
TV needs you in their darkest hour.
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