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Monday-Weekend Feb 12, 2007 Vol
1924 - Coffin poker
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"The proponents of the resolution to limit
troop strength must now believe that sitting here
8,000 miles away, this body is more
equipped than our military leaders to say what our
force structure should be in Iraq.
That is unacceptable; it is totally unacceptable."
-- Kit Bond (R-MO), who must wonder why Bush overruled his generals in
Iraq Link
"I met with every divisional commander, General
Casey, General Dempsey... We all talked together.
And I asked, in your professional opinion,
if we were to bring in more American troops now, does it add
considerably to our ability to achieve
success in Iraq? And they all said 'no.' "
--U.S. Central Command Commander General John Abizaid
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Will the
Dems Finally Play Hardball?
by Robert Parry
The GOP's use of parliamentary procedures to
prevent a floor debate was another sharp elbow in the ribs
of the new Democratic congressional majority,
which has been trying since November to behave in a bipartisan
way on foreign policy, graciously approving Bush's
new war council with nary a tough question.
However, perhaps the humiliation over the Iraq
War resolution will finally show the Democrats that it'-s time to
play the political game the way the Republicans
do - to win. It also may be time to start seeking meaningful
accountability from senior figures in this administration,
not just from low-level has-beens like Paul Bremer.
Do Democrats have the sac to play hardball?
Are will they be content to roll over on every
Bush command?
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Used with permission
"In GOP circles, She is seen as so strong,
and the political climate for Republicans so hostile,
that many influential voices -- including
current and former lawmakers, and veterans of Bush's
campaigns -- have grown despairing.
Even some well-connected outside advisers to Bush...
are advising Republicans that it will be next
to impossible to win the White House if Bush's
popularity remains so low, and public disgust
with the war so high."
-- Political Wire,
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In Stolen Oil - Daily
No meters is like a store with no cashier
Atop Iraq's al Basrah Oil Terminal, heavily
armed anti-terrorism forces American
soldiers stand guard
while the theft of the century may beis
occurring right under their noses. Tankers berthed at the platform
take on the oil that is the lifeblood of Iraq's
war-torn economy.
Hundreds of
Millions of dollars' worth of oil is stolen daily in Iraq because of the
absence of oil meters,
a basic tool for preventing corruption, according
to the CIA, the State Department reports, and the
Iraq Study Group Report.
A six-month investigation by KTVT found the annual
weekly thefts run into the billions
of dollars and
help fuel insurgents, sectarian militias and
corrupt officials - as well as deprive the Iraqis of money to
run their struggling government.
This is bullshit.
This report is trying to tell you people other
than the BFEE are stealing that oil.
If we had 130,000 soldiers in Baghdad, I guarantee
it would be a peaceful city.
But our soldiers aren't there - they're too busy
guarding Bush's precious pipeline.
"I would say probably between 200,000 and 500,000
barrels a day is probably missing in Iraq," says
Mikel Morris, who worked for the State Department's
Iraq Reconstruction Management Organization
in Baghdad. Depending on fluctuations in the
price of oil, the thefts could be worth $20 million to $30 million per
Do the f-ing math. (We do it every day.)
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Halliburton could have doubled their production.
The Bush Family Evil Empire could be stealing
million barrels a day.
Since there are no meters, we have to guess at
the amount.
But why has the American whore press ignore this
facts for 4 years?
THIS is why Bush invaded,
and everybody knows it, but nobody will talk about it.
Why is it up to the Tequila Treehouse Kid to state the obvious?
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love my third wife - a lot. All that
death do us part' stuff is bullshit.
plan to win the GOP nomination
running on family values."
"No one -- no one -- can ever say this President
isn't committed to one thing, paramount in all
of his responsibilities, and that is
to protect the people of the United States. He is doing what
he thinks is best to protect our children
and freedom for our way of life."
-- Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), calling Bush out for his 9-11 failures,
No - wait - she's a Republican, so she thinks Bush did a "heckuva
job" protecting us on 9-11.
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The Worst
President Ever
A question that seems to be on everybody's mind
these days turns out to be:
Is George Bush the worst President in American
But how do you judge? Is he the most morally
It's also too early to tell, but if first signs
mean anything, he has got a lot to answer for. We know he is responsible
for the death of a lot of people who never hurt
him or us. We wonder if he has so disturbed the entire Middle East
quadrant of the globe that years and years may
pass while the people there and the people here suffer for what he
has done. Will we get habeas corpus back? Will
the thumb screw become standard operating procedure, or will it
be returned to the Middle Ages whence George
Bush found it?
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Visit jointhesolution.com
Subject: you're an idot
Hey Shothead,
I was doing a vanity search of my name on the
Google, and one of the hits was a pevious
letter I had writen to you.
Its petty sad that you had to molify my letter
to inclkude mispellings. I went back and looked at it and everyting
was spelled correktly. Typical liberal
through. When you guys cant win an argument or refeate a point logically,
you retort to simply making the massengil look
bad. Your all totally pathatic.
Heil Rush, Heil Hannity, Heil Bush
.....and you will ultimately fail just like Air
America did.
What a joke!
Steve Popiel, the Pocket Fisherman
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needs independence from America
Opponents of the war in Iraq get daily vindication
that the invasion was a terrible mistake. Supporters of the removal
of Saddam feel betrayed by the appalling mess
Bush has made of the aftermath. Blair is an increasingly lonely voice
when he pleads that Britain and America must
remain each other's indispensable allies. 'We shouldn't give that up in
any set of circumstances,' he declared last week.
'The relationship with America is what opens lots of doors everywhere.'
He did not make his case more persuasive when
he selected climate change as an example of what he had got out of his
closeness to George W Bush. When he leaves Number
10, his successors will have to fashion a new foreign policy for
Britain which recasts its relationship with America
and reorients its approach to the rest of the world.
Bush is poison.
Anyone who stands with Bush will be judged harshly
by history - and the voters.
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"In the triangle situation, the jealous person
of the threesome is the worse off, are they not?"
-- Larry King, on astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak,
It's nice to know that, at age 106, Larry King
is still sharp.
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Subject: Don Abraham Tequila
Yo Bart
I've been waiting a few years for this!!!!
My sis and bro-in-law brought me back some Don
Abraham Tequila Anejo.
I'm still trying to find out what the difference
between a shooting tequila and a sipping tequila is.
It seems to me the Anejo is a bit more strident
than shooting tequila. There's a burn on the tongue.
When I swallow however, there is a smoothness
that the others don't compare to.
Sorry old son, but I'm a bit of a novice here.
Gord in Wilson Creek, BC
Gord, Cuervo Gold is "shooting tequila,"
because the object is to get sick as a dog.
One sips fine tequila because it's to be savored
and dwelled upon.
I've never heard of Don Abraham,
but if it's Anejo, it's probably pretty good.
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$36, 3
for $100
for details
shot glass photo by mariomorgado
We have 10 shot glasses left.
a pair - cheap for a collectors item.
Fourth Anniversary
of Powell's Lies
by Robert Parry
On Feb. 5, 2003, Bush tapped the most credible
person in his administration to go before the United Nations
and make the case for preemptive war against
Iraq. Despite personal doubts about the quality of the evidence,
Powell did what he was told, helping to set in
motion a war that has killed more than 3,000 U.S. soldiers and
possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. The
disastrous conflict -- and the lies used to justify it -- have left in
tatters the image of the United States and the
credibility of Colin Powell. But should Powell's willingness to be
used have surprised anyone?
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Subject: Rev. Ted cured of being
Reverend Ted Haggard emerged for three weeks of
treatment and announced that he's been cured
of being homosexual. What a miraculous event!
Now he should go into treatment to be cured of being a liar,
but if he gets cured of that his homosexual problem
might come back.
The big question is if his New Life Church is
going to believe him and that depends on if they want to believe
That does seem to be what faith is about, that
if you want to believe something hard enough, then that makes it
Will they have enough faith to maintain the illusion
or will reality reach out and tap them on the shoulder?
Sincerity is most important when it comes to
religion and faith.
Once you learn how to fake that - you have it
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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Bush wants
wider war ASAP
Bush is moving closer to war with Iran by accusing
the "highest levels" of the Iranian government of supplying
sophisticated roadside bombs that have killed
170 US troops and wounded 620. The allegations against Iran
are similar in tone and credibility to those
Bush made four years ago about Iraq. Senior US defence officials
in Baghdad, speaking on condition of anonymity,
said they believed the bombs were manufactured in Iran and
smuggled across the border to Shia militants
in Iraq. The weapons, identified as "explosively formed penetrators"
(EFPs) are said to be capable of destroying an
Abrams tank. The officials speaking in Baghdad used aggressive
rhetoric suggesting that Washington wants to
ratchet up its confrontation with Tehran. It has not ruled out using
armed force and has sent a second carrier task
force to the Gulf.
Are you a male between the ages of 18 and 48?
Do you have a loved one in that age group?
You better give them a hug and a map to Canada.
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Subject: Fascist Republicans
Bart, don't those Republicans know there's another
election coming up?
James, the GOP will pay a heavy price in 2008.
Until then, the soldiers will have to pay an
even heavier price for Bush's oil greed and stupidity.
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JTPmichigan was the only reader to answer the Pop Quiz correctly.
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"I encourage those who want to create chaos
and a victory for the terrorists to hang on and hope for
an Obama victory. If I were running al-Qaida
in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be
praying as many times as possible for a victory,
not only for Obama but also for the Democrats."
-- Australian PM John Howard, Bush's boy Down Under Link
"If Prime Minister Howard truly believes what
he says, perhaps his country should find its way
to contribute more than just 1,400 troops
so some American troops can come home.
It's easy to talk tough when it's not
your country or your troops making the sacrifices."
--Barack Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs,
Well done, Obama.
That reply was Clintonesque.
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Dixie Chicks
clean up at Grammys
The Dixie Chicks completed a defiant comeback
on Sunday night, capturing five Grammy awards
after being shunned by country music's Bush fans
for telling the truth about the Murder Monkey.
The Texas trio won all the biggest categories,
including record and song of the year for "Not Ready to
Make Nice." They also won best country album.
The Dixie Chicks won every award they were nominated for,
sweet vindication after the superstars' lives
were threatened and sales plummeted when Maines criticized Bush.
Almost overnight, one of the most successful
groups in music was boycotted by Nashville's racists.
The standing ovations they received illustrated
how much the political climate has changed.
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Subject: Bush is confused again
When Bushit talks about Iraq and Iran he shows
the same confusion my special education students display
when they can't remember if we are talking about
Japan or China. To him both countries are the same,
with the same religions, same history, and same
problems. No wonder why our military can't figure out
what to do to win when the President doesn't
know what he is ordering when acting as Commander In Chief.
"Do we invade Iraq or Iran? Is he pissed
at Iraq or Iran?"
The guy is a special ed student, and a poor one
at that.
At least most of my seventh graders are willing
to learn something,
even though it may be difficult for them to understand
Jeremy P
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 21
more since last issue
while the Little Dictator plays with himself.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
21 more
but Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters.
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
"Ted Haggard, the minister who was caught
with a gay prostitute, has just finished a three-week
sex addiction program. He says he is
now 'completely heterosexual.' Haggard says he will prove
he is completely heterosexual by having
sex only with men who are completely heterosexual"
-- Conan
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"People ask, 'How did they turn Rev Ted Haggard,
a clearly gay man into a heterosexual?'
It's very simple. You know when you
were a kid and your father caught you smoking?
Then he decided to make you smoke a
Ted's been a busy boy."
--Jon Stewart
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Raping the
Treasury a Family Affair
Bush's Uncle Bucky made millions from his quagmires
Bush's uncle, William H.T. Bush, was among directors
of a defense contractor who reaped $6 million from what
federal regulators say was an illegal scheme
by two executives to manipulate the timing of stock option grants.
The uncle, known as "Bucky," is the youngest brother
of George Herbert Herbert Bush. "Bucky" was an outside,
nonexecutive director of Engineered Support Systems
Inc., a defense contractor whose profits were bolstered
because of the Iraq war. ESSI employees
and directors received about $20 million in unauthorized compensation
as a result of backdating stock options, according
to the SEC.
Remember when they went after Roger Clinton for trying to make money
off his brother?
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Subject: more ruined lives
As I sit listening to BCR
105 (great show, man) I
thought of a suggestion:
In the same place where you keep the BFEE running
count about how many billions they steal,
and how many thousands of soldiers have died...
we don't hear a lot about is the tens of thousands
that have come home with permanent disabilities...
There's gotta be a running count on that out there
somewhere that you could annex.
for sad stories
There are so many tragic stories as a result of
this stupid fucking war...
in the US and in Iraq, and in many many other
Ricardo in Mexico City
Bush, McCain, Kissyface and the GOP think we need more
dead and maimed soldiers.
They will stay on that disasterous path until the voters correct them
in 2008.
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Iraq War Vets
by Andrew Weaver and Ray McGovern
The California Nurses Association reported that
in the first quarter of 2006, Veterans Affairs "treated 20,638
Iraq veterans for post-traumatic stress disorder,
and they have a
backlog of 400,000 cases."
A returning soldier has to wait an average of
165 days for a VA decision on initial disability benefits,
and an appeal can take up to three years.
This is unacceptable and reprehensible.
An assessment of more than 220,000 military personnel
returning from Iraq published in the April Journal of
the American Medical Association found that nearly
one in five has significant mental health problems.
Repeated tours of duty increase the risk of post-traumatic
stress disorder by 50 percent.
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No news is good news.
"Nothing needs to be done at this time."
Trip report in BCR
Johansson in 'Black Dahlia'
more of Scarlett Johansson at BC
We saw this movie over the weekend.
I was more confused than Bush on the war.
Did anybody follow those twists and turns?
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