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BCR Show 106
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Wednesday Feb 14, 2007 Vol
1926 - Bloody Valentine
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"We dishonor the lives of those who have died
if we abandon the mission.
This resolution offers no hope to the
-- Rep. David
Dreier, (R-Gay) Link
Isn't it crazy that the Republicans who "love
the troops"
want to keep them stranded in that bloody quagmire
and the Democrats who "hate the troops" want
them to come home?
If I was stranded in Bush's bloody quagmire, I'd want some more "hate."
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A Greater
by Robert Parry
A big part of the crisis can be traced back to
what is now more than a quarter-century-old competition
among American politicians over who can best
pander to Israeli hardliners.
So you get John Edwards appealing to an Israeli
security conference earlier this year with tough talk about
putting military pressure on Iran - "We need
to keep ALL options on the table." - without offering
a word of criticism about Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert's policies toward the Palestinians.
You get Hillary Clinton eagerly sharing a platform
last summer with Israel's UN ambassador, Dan Gillerman,
a notoriously anti-Arab bigot who joked in 2006
that "while it may be true that not all Muslims are
terrorists, it also happens to be true that
nearly all terrorists are Muslim."
You get Bush - only 10 days after taking office
- giving a green light to an Israeli crackdown on Palestinians.
Bush jettisoned President Bill Clinton's efforts
to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.
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Used with permission
"He's very white...He is colorless. For
whites, I think he's colorless.
You don't notice that he is black.
So he might as well be white..."
-- Glenn Beck, CNN's most
racist GOP bastard (I repeat myself)
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Flees Iraq for Iran
Can Bush's Maliki Puppet survive?
Muqtada fled Iraq for Iran ahead of Bush's 21,500
U.S. troops surge, a masked senior U.S. official said Tuesday.
Al-Sadr left Baghdad weeks ago, and is believed
to be in Tehran where he has family.
The masked official said fractures in Muqtada's
operations may be part of the reason for his departure.
FOX News and Rush Limbaugh have both independently
confirmed this.
Word of al-Sadr's departure coincides with an
announcement that Iraq will finally, after four years of
tortures, murders, beheadings, car-bombings and
on and on and on, close its borders with Iran and Syria
for 72 hours as part of the Bush drive to pretend
they want order in the land of un-metered oil wells.
"The question is to what extent Muqtada will participate
in the political process," the masked official said,
referring to al-Sadr's on-again, off-again relationship
with Bush's fragile puppet government in Baghdad.
Bush says Al-Sadr's militia is the main threat
to Iraq's unity and high on the list of Bush's 'Murder Inc," cronies
For months, Bush has pressed Maliki to move against
Muqtada, but he has so far done little to comply,
largely because everyone but Bush knows Maliki's
government will fall without Muqtada's support.
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"Sen. Graham I consider you as cowardly as
Rumsfeld, as Sanchez, and Miller and all of them."
--Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, responding to criticism from Sen. Lindsey
Graham (R-Bastard)
Abu Ghraib and the superiors she says scapegoated her,
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Kansas rejects
Crap for Science
Who believes we lived long enough to see that?
The Kansas Board of Education on Tuesday threw
out science standards deemed hostile to evolution,
undoing the work of Christian conservatives in
the ongoing battle over what to teach students about life.
The board in this Okie-like state voted 6-4 to
replace the crappola they've been teaching
with science and logic and to eliminate criticisms
of evolutionary theory.
<Bart faints, cuts his head on the coffee
"I'm glad we've taken this step. If we are going
to have a well-educated populace, this is important,"
said board member Sue Gamble.
Similar efforts to open the eyes of the ignorant
have occurred in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kentucky and Georgia.
But Kansas has been in the forefront of religious
insanity since 1999, when the board voted to sharply reduce
the emphasis of evolution in science instruction.
A public backlash ultimately led to a reversal of that revision.
Is Bush so discredited now that the nation can actually move forward
And all it took was the drowning of a city and the loss of 3100 soldiers
in Bush's bloody quagmire?
It would've been so much cheaper had the nation read bartcop.com
We knew he was a lying monster before he stole the White House.
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Please visit dissentisterror.com
Subject: our Democrats
Bart, I am truly disgusted that the damn Senate
'let' the minority do what it did.
The Dems NEVER fight as they need to.
How can we make them?
What will it take?
More dead GI's? More billions stolen?
A million Iraqi's dead?
What will MAKE them ACT and stop talking?
Makes me crazy.
Keep hammering for all of us.
E, I'm as frustrated as you are.
The Democrats are scared and sacless and they
have a severe Bartcop deficiency.
They need some sac slapped into them.
I volunteer.
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Subject: Quote of the Day suggestion
"Money trumps peace, sometimes."
Just heard it on the Monkey's "press conference"
(He's telling the truth! He was talking
about europe's/russia's/china's reluctance to
impose sanctions on Iran due to those countries'
economic interests there,
but he accidentally gave the reason for his Iraq
He just called himself the "pundit in chief"
What the F is wrong with this monkey?
(they read it in Mexico City, Mexico)r,
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"Obama's own past is not free of bad behaviour,
however. In 1995 he wrote a memoir,
Dreams from My Father, that including
the confession that, as a teenager, he had smoked
marijuana and taken cocaine. "I
had learned not to care," he wrote.
"Pot had helped,
and booze; maybe a little blow when you could
afford it."
-- Gary Younge Link
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Subject: Random thought - Chicago
This is a response to your post:
> If the Sears Tower was leveled on 9-11,
> and thousands of Chicagoans were killed,
> how would the anti-war senator from Illinois
have voted?
I would guess that it would make no difference
The Iraqis didn't attack us on 9/11.
The Iraqis didn't supply assistance to the people
who carried out the attack.
There were no links between Saddam's government
and Al Qaeda.
The Senator from Illinois realized this and voted
To imply that he would do otherwise is to ignore
his record.
MIGS in Burbank
MIGS, trust me, I know Iraq wasn't involved in
But the 9-11 attacks were very real and New York
voters weren't in the mood
for Richard Gere when he said, "Let's
talk to these people and see why they're angry."
My point is, it's easy to be a "peace senator,"
when it wasn't your city that was attacked.
Also, Obama wasn't in the senate when we went
to war, so he didn't "vote accordingly."
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$36, 3
for $100
for details
shot glass photo by mariomorgado
We have a few shot glasses left.
a pair - cheap for a collectors item.
to Bush's Will
by Brent Bodowsky
Dear Senator Hagel and Senator Warner:
For four years of failure and bloodshed in the
Iraq War, you have issued warnings, concerns,
sage advice and major suggestions for change.
For four years, the man who calls himself the
Decider has given you nothing but contempt
for your views, confident that in the end, you
would vote with your party.
For four years, you have proven him brilliantly
right in his judgment of you,
as he was deadly wrong in his conduct of war.
For four years, you advised no and voted yes.
And this from the party that criticized John Kerry
for flip flopping?
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'Valentine's Day with Dick and Lynne Cheney
Subject: Jack Cafferty
Hi Bart,
It's good to see Jack rant against this administration
and its whore enablers, including Wolf.
Jack's been slowly coming to his senses for a
couple years now.
I can't believe they haven't retired him yet.
Jack Cafferty is a Clinton-hater who eventually came to the conclusion
that getting a blow job isn't as bad as lying 3100 soldiers into their
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Tortured until he lost his mind, lawyers claim
Lawyers for Jose Padilla claim three years of
torture has left him incompetent to stand trial
The 36-year old New-York-born Padilla faces three
counts that have nothing to do with the phony
"dirty bombs" accusations the BFEE threw at him.
He's been held without charge as an enemy combatant
beginning in June 2002. Defense papers filed
before his Feb. 22 mental competency hearing in federal court
claim he was kept in isolation, injected with
drugs and deprived of light and sleep.
Sane enough for show trial, Bush lawyers claim
Bush doctors claim Jose Padilla is mentally competent
to stand trial on trumped up terrorism charges,
based on military interrogation documents that
will be turned over to his lawyers, court records show.
Their military documents were not made public,
(Because we'd know how he was trotured?) but Bush's
prosecutors said that it "is thorough, detailed
and unequivocal in its conclusion that Padilla is competent."
Padilla's lawyers said the report was based in
part on documents they had not seen, including interrogation
records and medical records from the time Padilla
was held at the military brig by order of President Bush,
who had willy-nilly, henny-penny, declared Padilla
an enemy combatant despite having no proof.
I'd like to see the judge rule that it's illegal
to torture a man for three years.
Like those goat herders kidnapped to Gitmo, Bush
needed warm bodies so he could scream,
"These are the most dangerous darkies on Earth!!"
without ever having to prove anything.
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Subject: If Chicago were attacked...
Hopefully, he would have voted to go to Afghanistan,
where the attackers lived,
but not to Iraq, where Colin Powell and Condi
Rice both told us Saddam was contained
and could not develop a weapon that he could
even deliver to his neighbors.
Come on, Bart!
It's not that hard to have seen through these
Pete, are you sure Obama would've gone
to war with Afghanistan?
I'm not sure he wouldn't, I'm just asking the
Nobody can be elected president in these times
as a "peace" candidate.
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to trade links?
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Flogs Pelosi
Newsweek gave Nancy Pelosi a thumbs-down for
the following:
Sure Hastert had
military jet, but seeking bigger one (to go nonstop)
makes Pelosi
sound like a 757 liberal.
Memo to Newsweek's editors: You've given the Speaker
a thumbs down for something that she didn't do.
Pelosi didn't request a bigger plane at all.
It never happened, people. The story has been thoroughly
How is it possible that hard-working, well-meaning
professionals such as yourselves don't know this?
Maybe the bigger story here is Pelosi's utter helplessness at defending
How many decades does she need in politics before she learns to fight
If they accused me of something I never did, I'd scream so hard the
ground would shake.
We haven't had a good fight in YEARS - if ever - because people know
if they attack me
I'm going to be right in their face, smacking them left and right until
they break down and cry.
I pity the fool who makes a false accusation about me or bartcop.com
If the Democrats had a reputation for fighting back, they wouldn't have
to play defense 24-7.
Pelosi, like every elected Democrat (save one), needs my help desperately.
Democrats are helpless and clueless and scared and wetting themselves
in fear
when they should be stomping around Washington threatening the goddamn
Why are Democrats so totally helpless?
How did I get in a party of sacless crybabies who
offer up their lunch money to every bully they run into?
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"The Dixie Chicks were a little rude in the
acceptance speech.
They forgot to thank all the terrorists
who made their artistic vision a reality."
--Stephen Colbert
He's kidding.
Please don't write and ask if I've gone
to the dark side.
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Helen Thomas
losing her seat?
Just days after the Washington Press Club Foundation
presented its lifetime achievement award to Helen Thomas,
rumors say the scrappy veteran might lose her
seat in the White House briefing room. Thomas has been a fixture
in the room's front row since JFK took office.
But the White House Press Briefing Room's renovations will
touch off a high-stakes game of musical chairs.
Bush will see to it that Helen doesn't have a seat in the new room.
He's a coward who can't answer the only reporter who asks real
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Subject: yesterday's Monkey Mail
He wrote:
> he isnt as smart as clinton but hes not a
pussy hippie like you are.
Then you said:
> You got two-thirds of that right.
So my question is, are you admitting to being
a hippie, or a pussy?
Don't get me wrong. I'm both, and consider
both of them compliments.
A hippie is someone with a level of consciousness
above the average mass consumer automaton.
Definitely a compliment.
A pussy is someone who brings a gun to a knife
Again, definitely a compliment.
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Bartcop Cap for
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 2
more since last issue
while the Little Dictator plays with himself.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
2 more
but Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters.
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
"In gay marriage you're either going to have
to go adopt kids
or have David Crosby come in and fertilize
one of the wombs."
-- Rush the vulgar Pigboy
attacking Cheney's daughter
Note: BCR
106 has a lengthy Pigboy
Damn, that was fun - I couldn't stop laughing...
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Subject: Please Print this about
Hey Bart,
Why aren't more people on the left, yourself
included, talking about
Obama's reply to Bush's whipping boy from "Down-Under".
I'm on your side Bart, but you know you're constantly
about the "pink tu-tu" dems. Let's give credit
where credit is due.
When I heard that he suggested that the Aussie
ass-hole send up 20,000
thousand more of his kids for the meat grinder,
I nearly jumped through the roof.
The entire statement, which I don't have in front
of me, was one of the greatest
"Put up, or shut-up" replies that I've heard
from any politician (especially a democrat) in years!!!!
Keep on Hammerin
John in Va.
John, I praised Obama for that in BCR
106, up today.
His retort was Clintonesque...
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Risk Israel's Survival
by Ray McGovern
The Bush administration presents itself as Israel's
staunchest friend, but some of its reckless policies
are worsening Israel's security situation.
Bush and Cheney are unwittingly playing Dr. Jack Kevorkian
in helping the state of Israel commit suicide.
For this is the inevitable consequence of the
planned air and missile attack on Iran. The pockmarked,
littered landscape in Iraq, Lebanon, and Afghanistan
and the endless applicant queues at al-Qaeda
and other terrorist recruiting stations testify
eloquently to the unintended consequences of myopic
policymakers in Washington and Tel Aviv.
Mesmerized. Sadly, this is the best word to describe
those of us awake to the inexorable march of
folly to war with Iran and the growing danger
to Israel's security, especially over the medium and long term.
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gets cover of Sports Illustrated
the Beyonce picture flood
at BC
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