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BCR Show 110
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Tuesday March 20, 2007 Vol
1946 - Bufferville
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"U.S. attorneys are political appointees. They're
prosecutors appointed by the president,
who serve at his pleasure. So presumably
the president can dismiss them. What did the
administration do wrong in this case?"
-- The Wall St. Journal's Paul Gigot, (R-Liar and Whore) defending the
crooked Bush Link
Paul Gigot, liar and whore, needs to be slapped.
Click Here to listen
to my explanation from BCR 110 that proves
that Bush (and anyone who defends him on this) is a dirty crook.
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Iraq &
Washington's Systemic Failure
by Robert Parry
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney may deserve the
most blame for the Iraq War, but a core reality shouldn't
be missed: the four-year-old conflict resulted
from a systemic failure in Washington - from the White House,
to congressional Republicans and Democrats, to
an insular national news media, to Inside-the-Beltway think tanks.
It was a perfect storm that had been building
for more than a quarter century, a collision of mutually reinforcing
elements: aggressive Republicans, triangulating
Democrats, careerist journalists, bullying cable-TV and talk-radio
pundits, hard-hitting and well-funded think tanks
on the Right versus ineffectual and marginalized groups on the Left.
"Tough-guy-ism" from Washington's armchair Rambos
had become the capital's controlling ideology, especially
after the 9/11 terror attacks. In part, the Iraq
War could be viewed as a macho parlor game of one-upmanship
gone mad, with very few daring to be called unmanly
or un-American.
The war that has killed some 3,200 U.S. soldiers
and possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis also can be traced
to conflicting self-interests, pitting what makes
sense for Washington insiders against what's best for the broader
American public and especially military families.
Consortiumnews.com is the most important site on the net.
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"Bush celebrated St. Patrick's Day by saluting
Sandra Day O'Connor, Tip O'Neill and
Barack Obama."
-- Conan O'Brien
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Subject: How many more years
of failure can we stand?
On the 4th anniversary of Bush's war we have to
ask ourselves how many more years will it take
before we figure out that the war is lost? Will
it be 5 years or 10 years?
Yes it is true that if we pull out there will
be a civil war but that's going to happen anyway unless
we decide to stay there forever One point that
people are missing is that if the government doesn't
get us out of Iraq we're going to have a civil
war here.
The people are going to rise up and take the government
back from both the Republicans and the Democrats.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
"It may be time for a little visit from the
guys who
wear the white coats for School Bus
Ray Nagin."
-- Rush Limbaugh, using any
excuse to dump on the black man
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Non-Fascist radio when we need it most
Subject: Gonzales replacement
Hey Bart,
Is Lieberman a lawyer?
He'd be my choice for Attorney General.
Tony M.
That might be a good place for Kissyface, especially if the governor
of CT is a Dem and would replace Kissyface with a real Democrat.
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An Awful
Legacy of Bush 41
Poppy Bush played with prosecutors, too
by Joe Conason
The queries and hints from above created intense
pressure on Mr. Banks to act on the Lewis referral despite
his opinion, shared by the F.B.I., that her work
was sloppy and biased. After Mr. Barr ordered him to act on
the referral no later than two weeks before Election
Day, he replied with a roar of conscience.
"I must opine that after such a lapse of time,
the insistence for urgency in this case appears to suggest an
intentional or unintentional attempt to intervene
into the political process of the upcoming presidential election...
"For me personally to participate in an investigation
that I know will or could easily lead to the above scenario
is inappropriate. I believe it amounts to prosecutorial
misconduct and violates the most basic fundamental
rule of Department of Justice policy."
Mr. Banks forfeited his promised judgeship and
returned to private practice with his political career ended.
How about that?
Joe Conason may have found the last honest Republican.
...and it was in 1992.
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then 'You're Fired"
Justice loved Iglesias until he was fired for 'bad work'
One of the U.S. attorneys fired by Bush after
Republican complaints that he neglected to prosecute "voter fraud"
had been heralded for his expertise in that area
by the Justice Department, which twice selected him to train other
federal prosecutors to pursue election crimes.
David C. Iglesias, who was dismissed as U.S. attorney for New
Mexico in December, was one of two chief federal
prosecutors invited to teach at a "voting integrity symposium"
in October 2005. The symposium was sponsored
by Justice's public integrity and civil rights sections and was
attended by more than 100 prosecutors from around
the country, according to an account by Iglesias that a
department spokesman confirmed.
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Subject: hello from Russia
Hello Bart,
We love your Web site in Togliatti, Russia (most
beautiful girls and women in the word) and Moscow, Russia.
Keep hammering that monkey and all of his evil
cohorts in crime!!
Your web site is the most refreshing thing on
the internet and we look forward
to reading it every day, we read it when
you are sleeping probably.
One of us will go to the US in summer and we
will order some of the your Hoodies.
Who is this person you quote sometimes and call
by the name Vulgar Pig Boy?
He sounds like not a nice person.
Thank you so much for your work.
From some of your fans in Russia.
PPatti, the vulgar Pigboy is Rush Limbaugh, the
biggest radio liar in the US.
He lies so much he's almost funny, but the Republicans
take him seriously.
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The Ethics
of Whoredom
When your spouse covers a candidate...
Matthew Cooper, the former Time magazine correspondent
who was a witness in the recent trial of "Scooter" Libby,
says he hasn't figured out exactly how to cope
with the fact that his wife, Mandy Grunwald, is a chief ad strategist in
Hillary's campaign. Now Washington editor for
Portfolio magazine, Cooper said he expects to write about Clinton
and "to acknowledge my wife works for Hillary
at least on Hillary-centric stories."
This is funny - whores trying to act like they want to disclose their
ties to a candidate.
A reporter often gets hired because he has friends and contacts
in high places.
A better way to measure their whoredom is to follow the money.
When Russert tells you Bush's tax cuts for the super-rich is "a great
he should have to disclose his salary and how much he'll make from
Bush's tax plans.
Since Russert is a multi-millionaire, his tax breaks from Bush have
been hueueuege
But does he ever mention how much he, personally, has gained by pushing
Bush's crooked tax cuts?
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Subject: badly injured sent back
to Iraq
Hey Bart,
It's only logical that they send them back, you
don't throw away a half used roll of paper towels do you??
It's a win win situation. The already injured
guy can get all the way killed saving the life of a non injured guy.
Then it gets better, the now dead guy is off the
hospital care lists and thereby has saved money for treatment.
That money can be better used for paying Haliburton
for it's splendid work and giving more tax breaks
to the uber wealthy so they can grow the economy.
How can you argue with that?
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"I would characterize it is so far, so good."
-- Def Sec Robert Gates, on the Bush-McCain "surge"
Yep, we've only seen 59
soldiers killed this month, (up to the 20th)
which means about 950
have had their arms, legs and balls blown off.
Sounds like Bush's war plans are working great!
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Subject: BCR Show 110 feedback
The bushies keep saying we see all that violence
from Iraq, and we don't see the good things.
All I see is a stock clip of soldiers shooting
from behind a wall or a clip of a mangled truck bomb.
The blog address above has real pictures of real
A disgusting taste of the REAL war.
The corpses lie in the streets for days, sometimes,
it is said.
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"Halliburton announced that it is moving to
Dubai. A Halliburton spokesman said
Dubai was chosen because of its convenient
location just outside the long arm of the law."
-- Amy Poehler
If the Democrats had half a sac, they'd make the GOP pay for that
in 2008.
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Subject: did you get hacked?
Today's page is FULL of really obvious spelling
mistakes, and I just wondered if a
subtle Repub operative had hacked you and messed
stuff up. Example:
> "As thew GOP and the American media conitnue
to tell us everything is working as planned, people
> instintively know they're being lied to
and can't wait to vote against thr bastards in next year's elections."
No, we didn't get hacked, we just don't have enough time.
The page gets built at 90 MPH and I try to catch whatever mistakes
I can.
The more hours that go into a page, the better it is but then I look
at the clock
and I know I have to hit "Send" pretty soon - so I'm doing the best
I can.
I think everyone should put up 4-5 pages a week plus a radio
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Death of
a Marine
By the time he came home, Jeffrey Lucey was a
mess. He had gruesome stories to tell. They could not
all be verified, but there was no doubt that
this once-healthy young man had been shattered by his experiences.
He had nightmares.
He drank furiously.
He withdrew from his friends.
He wrecked his parents' car.
He began to hallucinate.
In a moment of deep despair on the Christmas Eve
after his return from Iraq, Jeffrey hurled his dogtags
at his sister Debra and cried out, "Don't you
know your brother's a murderer?"
Jeffrey exhibited all the signs of deep depression
and post-traumatic stress disorder.
"Then I could see, through the corner of my eye,
Jeff," said Mr. Lucey. "And he was, I thought, standing there.
Then I noticed the hose around his neck."
According to the Pentagon we have tens of thousands of
soldiers returning in this condition.
We're going to have to deal with them for decades to come.
In the year 2030, if you see a man sleeping in a dumpster,
he could very well be another Bush victim.
"At least 30 percent of Iraq or Afghanistan
veterans are diagnosed with PTSD,
up from 16 percent to 18 percent in
-- Charlie Kennedy, PTSD program director and lead
psychologist at the Stratton VA Medical Center Link
30 percent, at least 170,000 troops = 57,000 men with serious
mental problems
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Bush's other
scandal defenses
Karl Rove was perhaps the first player who had
the bright idea of screening the federal prosecutors for
partisan loyalty, and purging those who failed
that test. In a message to White House aide David Leitch,
dated Jan. 9, 2005, Kyle Sampson (the guy who
just resigned as Gonzales' chief of staff) pondered a query
from Rove and concluded that perhaps 15 to 20
percent of the proescutors could not be considered "loyal Bushies."
He predicted that such a daring plan would probably
tick people off in Washington, but wrote that
"if Karl thinks there would be a political will
to do it, then so do I."
If Karl Rove started the ball rolling, you know it's political and you
know it's crooked.
That's why Rove must always be protected.
Throw Libby to the wolves if you must.
Throw Harriet Miers to the wolves if you must.
Throw Gonzales to the wolves if you must,
but Karl Rove must be protected at all costs because he's Bush's
crooked brain.
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Subject: the fuse it lit
BC, regarding your lit fuse metaphor about Iraq:
When the fuse is lit, you have three courses
of action.
You can
throw it away.
You can
drop it and run like hell.
Or you
can try to defuse it.
Unfortunately, our boy George is following a
fourth course:
Stand there holding it like a dumbass and tell
everyone else to just be patient.

to trade links?
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Comment seen on the Bartblog:
I am afraid that pulling 140,000 troops at once
will create such a vacuum,
that the whole region will explode the Donald
is correct.
a phased pull out though, should begin immediately,
so whatever security forces Iraq has,
can start doing their job without thinkg 'the
americans will do it'
we can't be there forever, we can't have a base
we all know how well that turned out, with saudia
but 4 years, my god USSR fought of the Nazis from
their soil, and chased them
back to Germany and we are the superpower of
the world, and can't finish this?
The Bartblog, so far, has been uncensored.
If the weirdos can throttle back on their sexual refernces we can keep
the blog uncensored.
Add your comments
to today's page
Subject: McCain ads
OK Bart, I understand ads on your site aren't
posted by you, but come on...
WHY would you have a McCain 4 president
banner on your site?
I am sure right wing rags don't have Hillary
ads smack dab on their page do they?
I'd destroy it before I posted it or eat the money...
Is nothing sacred? would you advertise
for gay bashing?
Well, if it's out of your control, would you?
You're right - it's out of my control.
Google Ads provide a little bit of revenue each
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Subject: missed some things
I guess I came to the site late in the game, but
what do you have against Tighe Woods?
Nothing, really, I just get tired of the Tiger-worship.
But I would join the Tiger Woods
fan club and become a soccer fan
if I could just get rid of f-ing never-ending basketball.
In March, they take off the shows we watch for
non-stop, wall-to-wall squeaking noises.
Then they replay our shows at the convenient
hour of 2 AM
Also, I am probably going to support Obama, what
do you not like about him?
Not an attack, just want to know what the inside
joke is.
Larron in Dallas,Txrt,
There's nothing wrong with Obama except that America
is a horribly racist country.
We'd have one more member in the senate if not
for Corker running racist ads that
Democrat Ford, the black man, has been hanging
around white women so the racist slugs
in Tennessee rewarded Corker's below-the-belt
racist ads and gave him the senate seat.
Just think of what Karl Rove will do to Obama
if he gets the nomination.
(That is an opinion and a prediction.
If you disgaree, it doesn't mean I enjoy
sex with men, OK?)
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Subject: Kristen Bell photo
Hey Bartcop,
Have been visiting your website for quite awhile
now, and I love everything about it.
Keep doing that thing you do, and remember it's
getting closer to no dumbass in the white house every day.
I notice you often have a photo of Kristen Bell
on your site that is accompanied by praise for her.
She is deserving of it, KB is the
I work on Veronica and see her all the time.
From working with different actresses over the
years I can tell you
she is not only great at her craft, she is a
genuinely nice person.
Veronica Mars is one of the best shows on TV.
It's got one of the most loyal fan bases of any show.
It's sad what passes for entertainment these days.
Maybe if you had some scenes where a dog bits a guy's crotch the kids
would watch.
Don't you hate what Farrel, Stiller and Sadler are doing to movies?
Movies have become one giant fart and poop joke.
What was the last big comedy that wasn't all poop and fart jokes?
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Reasons Pot should be Legal
10. Prohibition doesn't work
9. Arrests disproportionately affect minorities
8. Legal pot would shield teens from dealers
with harder drugs.
7. Legal pot would reduce money to pot-dealing
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Subject: you dodged the question
From yesterday:
Further, Hillary is noncommittal/ refuses to
take a stand on gays in the military.
Faggots are good enough to die in this clusterfuck
as long as they keep their
mouths shut about being queer. Does this sound
like leadership to you?
A. I don't know that the charge is valid. Anybody
have a link for that?
B. If the charge is valid, what's to be gained
by answering the question?
Her husband answered that
question and the Democrats rose up to savage him.
It was his first defeat as
president and it came with a Demo knife in the back.
Certain people get very,
very angry when she avoids a trap.
C. Leadership is avoiding traps.
D. ANY answer she gives will just piss off half
the voters.
Is that why some people
demand an answer?
To get her in as much hot water as possible as
early as possible?
E. Has her closest rival answered the question
yet? Please provide link
F. She'll do what she'll do when she's president.
Why telegraph her plans
so the opposition can rally their gay hate against her?
G. When you take a stand, you get pummled by your
Look at the crap I take
for backing the Demo front-runner.
I could've avoided taking
a stand and kept a shitload of subscribers.
H. The need to hurry yesterday was greater than the need to hurry today.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!

Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 2
more soldiers since last issue
while the Little Dictator fills the meatgrinder.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
2 more
are dead, but that's OK because
Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
the toon contest
Click Here
to see how things started
Click Here
to see the winners and their entries
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The Terrorists-Follow-Us-Home
by Ivan Eland
The average American, especially after the luck
that the hijackers benefited from on 9/11, should not be blamed
for overestimating the danger of terrorism. The
U.S. security agencies, to get more funds and authority for their
bureaucracies, have constantly used color-coded
warnings and other techniques of fear mongering to keep the
anxiety generated by 9/11 alive in the public
The U.S. media, getting high ratings from sensational
reporting on terrorism, has been a willing accomplice
to the administration effort.
The "Islamo-fascist" scare has worked. The already
massive U.S. defense budget has increased by 50%
and the budget of the recently created Department
of Homeland Security (DHS) has doubled.
The lifetime probability that international terrorists
will kill any one American is a miniscule one in 80,000,
about the same as the same person being killed
by a comet.
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Alba to marry four times
At least in the four movies she's in
the Jessica Alba flood at BC
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