Senator John Ashcroft (R-Taliban) is a real piece of work.
So far, not one Demo senator had said publicly that he intends
to vote AGAINST this monstrosity for Attorney General.
I'm white, male, straight, middle-aged, healthy, employed and
I don't have that much to fear from this monster they call Ashcroft.
if you're not white
if you're not male,
if you're not straight,
if you're very young
if you're retired,
if you're not in good health,
if you're not able to work or
if you have faith in the existence of a Supreme Being,
you need the Democrats right now more than you've ever
needed them.
Once Ashcroft is confirmed, his religious insanity will
control all federal law enforcement.
Jesse Helms is the only senator who has said, "No" to progress
more often than Ashcroft.
Don't you understand what you're about to lose?
We both know the Whore Court will back up ANY religiously insane
ruling Ashcroft makes.
This court is bought-and-paid for and it's impossible for them
to be stopped.
If they could be stopped or overruled, the upcoming president
would be the one we voted for.
Ashcroft has close ties with Religious Right leaders, and has
received 100 percent
approval ratings from the Coathanger Coalition and Phyllis Schlafly's
Eagle Forum.
Conversely, the National Organization for Women, the National
Abortion Rights Action League,
the Human Rights Campaign and the League of Conservation Voters
rate Ashcroft 0 percent.
Ashcroft is about to become the principal enforcer of our nation's
civil rights laws
and he holds a diploma from Bob Jones University.
If you're Catholic, you might want to
take a picture of your church and hide that picture where nobody
else can find it.
Do you think "Mr Zero Percent" is going to allow Catholics any
"wiggle room?"
The time for the Democrats to stand up and grow some cojones
is now.
We can't wait another generation, another decade, another term
or another year.
The damage is going to be done right away.
Swear to Koresh, the time to fight is right now, but we're in
trouble because the only people
who can block this monstrosity from taking over are the too-scared-to-fight
I hope you're not too attached to your religion, because your
is going to become Ashcroft's religion - and he worships Bob
I'll be OK.
I'm white, so his hatred of minorities won't affect me.
I'm male, so his "women should subjugate" views won't affect
I'm straight, so his "The Bible says I must hate you" horseshit
doesn't affect me.
I'm middle-aged, so his "let the elderly eat cake" views won't
affect me.
I'm healthy, so his "treat AIDS with leeches" mentality can't
affect me.
I'm gainfully employed, but then again, his boss hasn't pushed
the first Domino yet.
and I'm agnostic, so Ashcroft has no chance of taking
my God from me.
So I'm doing pretty good. I don't have that much to fear
from the Ashcroft monster
until he decides that free speech on the Internet is "a clear
and present danger,"
and the Whore Court backs him up.
Oh, ...if only there was an opposition party to the Republicans...