Thurs-Friday July 25-26, 2007 Vol 2017 - Riding the Gravy Train
It pays to advertise on bartcop.com Still at 2006 prices!
Quotes "Of all the rights Americans have,
Too bad the Bush bastards don't agree.
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of a Cornered George Bush
The commander of CENTO forces, Admiral William
Fallon is quoted as having said we "will not go to war
There is an orderly remedy written into the Constitution
aimed at preventing a president from usurping
It's time for senior Republican senators to have a talk with our nine
year old president - an intervention.
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Quotes "Cheney always stands on the Republican side.
So I walked over and thought maybe he was being shy.
"Leahy came over and put his arm around me.
And he didn't kiss me but it was close to it.
Did the Democrats learn anything from this incident? BTW, what are the results of Cheney's "Go
fuck yourself" diplomacy?
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Subject: Hey from Korea Hey, Bart, I'm still checking you out every day or so when ya get a new page up ~ and still loving every hammer swing you do~
I don't know why some folks get carried away
And I actually agree about 99.9% and often 100%
:) I know, I gotta work on the .1% ; )
Wanted to drop a weblink fyi to ya, though you
may already know about this dude; his stuff is from back in the 30's;
http://lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm It's a bit of a read, about 20 minutes or so?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler they got some cool biographical stuff here~ As many people say, keep hammerin' Michael and Kathy Blackwood
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Quotes "What you have right now is partisanship on
Capitol Hill that quite often boils down to insults,
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Quotes "What if I were to say to you: 'Those are Michael
Vick's dogs, and that was
Can you believe in our lifetime it was legal for
a man to beat his wife?
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Today's issue was so big,
Our old friends at impeachbushcards.com
Quotes "The pro-aborts do not want you to know any
details about abortions.
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Looking for... John Francis Abbick Anybody know how to reach him?
Update Some people wrote with possible leads, but now I can't find your e-mail.
How many years have I said I need a staff?
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Subject: BCR 121 Hey Bart, Just got to listen to BCR121. Fantastic!!!
Michael Moore should get the medal of freedom
(though not from the giggling frog blaster)
Your website and radio show keep me sane (probably others (dozens!!!) too). Since 1996, regards.
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The day McCain 2008 died
Quotes "Mary Landrieu has offered an amendment saying
that the primary goal of US
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the Krackpot
As for Mr. Kristol, he is no longer in a position
to accuse anyone else of extremism, if he ever was.
Liberals can only hope that crackpots like Mr.
Kristol maintain their influence over the Republicans
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Subject: 130 degrees and no air-conditioning Bart, check this out: http://www.latimes.com/la-na-iraqpower27jul27,0,705711.story?coll=la-home-center As the Bush administration struggles to convince
lawmakers that its Iraq war strategy is working,
Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, said
Baghdad residents could count on only "an hour or two a day"
Under Saddam, they had electricity 24 hours a day.
When will people realize that, for Bush and the BFEE and BIG OIL,
Of course, there is some collateral damage,
but with military families offering Bush son after son,
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FBI Director: Gonzales is a Liar Excerpt:
Jackson asked again: "We use 'TSP,' we use 'warrantless
wiretapping,' so would I be comfortable in saying
On Tuesday, Gonzales repeatedly and emphatically
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Subject: Democrats hold the key to the next election? Wrong!
But everybody hates Bush now.
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Launches New $500,000 Reward For
Quotes "I never heard of this person -- Jean Edward
Smith. There's a female first name and a male middle name.
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Subject: Catholics took about sex abuse insurance? Bart, I didn't know that there was insurance availible
for dumb ass decisions.
And if there's sexual abuse insurance, do they
have insurance availible for other instances?
Just doesn't make sense.
How do they make money betting that the priests
sued for sex abuse?
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Random thought... Will Bush's whore media celebrate the Dow breaking
14,000 each time it happens?
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Was Tillman
"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor told investigators. The doctors said that the bullet holes were so close together that it appeared he was killed from a mere 10 yards away. Also:
How much more evidence of murder is needed?
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Subject: Romney & sex education It is inconceivable to me--a parent of a 6-year-old--that
anyone running for the highest office in the land
It reminds me of the girl who could read the billboard
advertising "The Vagina Monologues" but had to ask
Perhaps if we spent more time and resources giving
our young children accurate information regarding sexual
Republicans are so ashamed of God's work - they
just can't stand sex or talk about sex.
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Quotes "Do you realize Clinton could suffer a 20-point
free-fall in the polls and still be at 59 percent?
Hey Rush, do you realize that Bush could climb 20 points and still be at less than 50 %? ha ha
But you know who's not laughing?
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Murtha pushing plan to withdraw Excerpt:
Murtha's proposal will come as early as next week
and possibly again in September, when Petraeus
The House has passed similar proposals in the
past, including one that Bush vetoed. But Murtha predicts
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Moore gets subpoena
He took three 9-11 emergency rescue workers to
Gitmo "because I heard the al-Qaida terrorists are receiving
For a decade, I've been begging to be out under oath by some asshole
so I could film it and broadcast it.
This is a bluff.
Are they trying to charge him with attempting to get the dying 9-11
workers health care?
Do you remember the fun we had
during impeachment?
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Subject: Macaca Mitt Why doesn't he just say, "I didn't pay attention
to the sign, and I want to apologize to Senator Obama."?
Hey, I'm not complaining that he's sabotaging
his own campaign,
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Her Entertainment
John Conyers
Is No Martin Luther King
Conyers was dripping with pretence as he met with
Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood and me Monday
Throwing salt in our wounds, he had us arrested.
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The Bruce Yurgil Toon-Off Round 34 ![]() Click
to vote for your favorite Bruce Yurgil toon
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Bartcop Flashback
pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
Bush is stealing $220,000,000every day. No wonder they were so eager to start a war, It's the biggest theft in Earth's history. Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days Some people celebrate Bush's bloody oil war...
Some don't.
They got 14 more since last issue. Anybody else tired of this war?
How much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
Bush can live with that,
a day,
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
The boogeyman is coming CNN says Bush mentioned, "Al Qaeda"95 times in his speech Wednesday. He's doing everything he can to scare people, but the boy cried "Wolf!"
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Subject: banned from DU Bart, I was banned from Democratic Underground
in 2004 because I was anti-Lieberman.
I'm surprised that the Democratic Party let's
them use the party's name.
If they hate Hillary, why do they love Kissyface?
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Today's issue is so big,
It includes a double shot of Monkey Mail, too.
Eldrick slices into woman Excerpt:
He gave her an autograph?
"We were standing 30 yards short of the green
and I said to Jennifer: 'Get your crash helmet on, Tiger's coming,'"
Eldrick is coming to Tulsa in ten days or sao,
and remember I met a guy who knows Tiger, so I'm thinking
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Five Ways Bush Stole Our Liberties Excerpt:
1. The Ashcroft raids
Those aren't the five I was expecting.
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Subject: Democratic Underground Bart, Sorry to keep harping on this, but I just had
to show you a typical thread on DU concerning Hillary.
Anyone but Hillary Clinton: Who's on board? John K
You know how the Republicans have this thing about,
Democrats are infected with that type of nuttiness, in that,
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Subject: C-Spam Bart, this morning, Cspan host Susan was caught with her repub panty's down around her ankles. A Demo woman called in and ask her why she Susan"was
letting Repubs talk on every second call."
If you ever watched her, she will cut off any
Dem or Indy who makes to much sense about the BFEE
Writing or calling them would be a waste of time.
Please inform your readers.
PS. Ever see the movie One Flew over the
Cookoo's Nest?
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