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"A Boston Globe review of Obama's campaign finance records shows that he
  collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from lobbyists and PACs as a
  state legislator in Illinois, a US senator, and a presidential aspirant."
      --  Scott Helman,  "PACs and lobbyists aided Obama's rise",    Link

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No Straight men left in the GOP?
 Pres. of Hitler Youth Resigns over Gay Sex

The chairman od the Young Republican National Federation, Glenn Murphy is under
investigation for criminal deviate conduct, which was blowing a guy who was asleep.
This is not his first run-in with the law for this kind of offense.

Read the investigative report and a prior arrest for sexual battery

Don't let the kids read it - it's heady stuff
Aren't there any straight men left in the GOP?

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"In four Democratic debates, not a single Democratic candidate said the
  word 'Islamic terrorism.' Now, that is taking political correctness to extremes."
    -- Rudy Giuliani (R-Cross-dresser),  Link

 Hey Rudy, you know what else they didn't say?
 They didn't say, "Till death do we part" three times, to three spouses.

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Subject: Republicans don't think about tomorrow.

Fundy wing-nuts don't believe there's gonna' be a tomorrow.
Why plan for a future on Earth when the rapture is so imminent and you're not
gonna' be here to pay for the consequences of your poor stewardship?

Remember Reagan's Secretary of the Interior James G Watt?

His reason for opposing environmentalists and for trying to sell off
all of the nation's federal lands, national forests and such?

"God gave us these things to use. After the last tree is felled, Christ will come back."

So the sooner they fuck it all up, the sooner Bush and his ilk expect to get to heaven.
And screw the rest of us ...
 John S

Just another reason why religion is a bad thing...

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Subject: Roid Ranger Barry

Dear Bart:
I'll start by saying that I'm not stupid enough to belong to either of these "two" political parties;
it seems, though, that you're a dyed-in-the-wool "liberal" or "progressive."

You might reconsider that - you very well may be stupid enough.

I'm not sure why I'm wasting my time writing to somebody that thinks that the Hillaroid is a "strong woman,"
and apparently thinks that this warmongering harridan should be President (just who in the fuck "needs" a
President, or a Congress, for that matter?).

So, you're writing to say you believe in no government?
That would make you a Republican.

However . . .

As to your boy Barry, any idiot can see that his head is about five hat sizes bigger than when he first
broke into the majors. I don't know what "science" you are banking on, but no amount of weight-lifting,
or any other form of natural exercise, can make your head grow. There is, however, something that can
bulk you up like that. What do you think that might be? I'm not going to supply the answer; figure it out.

Hmm, ...could it be pig-headedness and extreme arrogance?

As far as "my boy Barry," I'm in the "Innocent until proven guilty" crowd.
Looks like you're in the Nancy Grace, "Lacking proof? - Convict anyway" crowd.

By the way, I don't give a damn about any professional sport. Those things are for people that need
to get a life, and whether or not Lance Armstrong is innocent or guilty means nothing to me.

So, you wrote to say the topic you chose to write about doesn't matter?

I hope things get better for you...

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Mike Malloy - weeknights on Nova M Radio

Malloy - Podcasting


"Romney won in Iowa because he spent millions of dollars and months
  of effort on an event that was skipped by two of his major rivals."
     -- Mike Glover,

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Subject: your computer

Dear Bartholomew,

How are you doing?
Now let's get this straight.  What is wrong with your computer?

Mostly, I live in the 1880s where nobody knows how to work on a computer.
When it breaks, they stare at it like the monkeys at the obelisk in 2001: A Space Oddysey

Only two issues in one week ...
I kinda feel like a junky probably feels on a long slow drawn out cold turkey.

Well, we were blogging and produced two radio shows.

How much would you need to get the kind of equipment to:

1.  Make life easier for you to put out 4 to 5 good solid issues a week?
2.  Be really reliable stuff that can handle the volume and intensity of your work?
3.  Make you feel that you have the best and most cost effective equipment available,
      so that you don't have this godding feeling of ... if I only had this, or only had that ...

Hard to say - everything needs to go right for a page-per-day to happen,
and how often does everything go right?

Why not take a few minutes per day out of your busy schedule for a few days
and figure out how much it would cost you to get up to steam.

Then put out a donation request to all of your loyal readers right at the top your site
with a kind of fund-raising thermometer explaining why you need $$,  kind of like Buzzflash
or Truthout does when they need $$ to get by.

I got a grand total of $10 in the PayPal today - I can't last long on that.
That thermometer sounds like a good idea - but most Democrats are dead broke.
If I was a Republican, some rich bastard would send me $250,000 and I could hire some help.

Why should some turdface like Limbaugh live in oceans of money
and real Patriots like yourself have to count pennies?

For the same reason JFK, MLK and RFK were murdered while Republicans
tend to die of old age after a full life of being super-rich - life isn't fair.

Keep it up no matter what happens,

I'll do my best...

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"A couple of recent polls showed increased support for
  the decision to go to war and belief that the surge is working.
     -- Michael Barone, (Liar and Whore) who failed to link these "pro-war" polls,  Link

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Remembering Bush's Turd Blossom

We could spend days reminiscing about the role Karl Rove has played in our politics over the
last decade or so -- the whisper campaigns against Ann Richards in Texas and McCain in Carolina,
the fight over Florida in 2000, the demonization of John Kerry in 2004, the "thumpin" Rove and his
boss and their party took in 2006 -- and we'll be looking forward to what Rove himself has to say
about all of it when he sits down to write his book after leaving the White House this month...

Rove and his own legacy: "I'm a myth," Rove says. 'There's the 'Mark of Rove.'
I read about some of the things I'm supposed to have done, and I have to try not to laugh.'"

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Jon Stewart on
Neil Cavuto licking Bush

Audio - Video

Emergency contraception for military women


Section 1074g(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

`(9)(A) Emergency contraception shall be included on the basic core formulary of the uniform formulary,
notwithstanding any provision of law or regulation requiring that only drugs ordered or prescribed by a
physician (or other authorized provider) may be included in the uniform formulary.

They need emergency contraceptives because they keep getting raped.

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Crazy FOX Whore

Audio - Video


"Our new strategy is delivering good results."
     -- Der Monkey, giddy with "victory" because
         only 40 soldiers died this week instead of 50,

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Subject: Bush and dogs

What's the difference between Darby the Irish Setter and George Bush?
Darby needs a tick dip; George Bush is a dip. Oh, wait:

Bush treated for Lyme disease


Bush was treated for Lyme disease a year ago after developing a circular rash
characteristic of the ailment, the White House announced yesterday.

Spread through the bite of infected ticks, the disease, if unchecked, can lead to arthritis,
numbness, paralysis, fatigue and memory problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

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Why I hate Hillary
 by Arianna Huffington

Team Hillary also tried to turn dudgeon into dollars when the WaHoPo had the nerve to write
about the minor-but-notable amount of cleavage Hillary had shown during a speech on the Senate floor.

It took the Clinton camp a week to realize that there might be gold in them thar hills, but once they did,
the faux fury was palpable: "Would you believe that the Whore Post wrote a 746-word article on
Hillary's cleavage?" fumed Clinton advisor Ann Lewis. "That is grossly inappropriate... Click to contribute."

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